Re: Bye bye, you Illegal-Alien-loving old traitorous senator bastards



On Oct 20, 10:03 am, Bjorn <>
> This is from the VDARE frontpage, but I enjoyed it so much, I wanted
> to paste it to api...
> The Bad, The Worse, And The Worst - Going, Going, And Gone!
> By Joe Guzzardi
> Some bad cats who oppose true immigration reform are - at last! -
> retiring from the U.S. Senate.
> Other incumbents, many dragged down by their pro-illegal alien
> stances, face a steep uphill climb in their 2008 re-election efforts.
> U.S. Senators are, taken as a whole, old verging on ancient. Several
> of them are ill or have recently recovered from serious medical
> conditions.
> Even if they were young and healthy, they have served their country
> poorly and consistently opposed their constituents' will.
> Can you think of better news than the nation ridding itself of these
> pompous elitists?
> As the old saying goes, "Don't let the door hit you on your way out!"
> Officially gone are:
> Republicans
> - Nebraska's Chuck Hagel whose Senate record on immigration is worse
> than John McCain's. Compare their grades here and here.
> With Florida's Sen. Mel Martinez, Hagel co-sponsored S. 2611 that
> would have amnestied 10 million aliens and allowed another 5 million
> family members to join their newly legalized relatives.
> Nebraska residents who have lost thousands of meat packing jobs to
> illegal immigrants are increasingly opposed to pro-immigration
> legislators.
> Even a beloved local football hero, former University of Nebraska
> football coach Tom Osborne, lost his bid for the governor's seat
> because he favored in-state tuition rates for illegal aliens.
> - New Mexico's Pete Domenici, 76 on election day 2008, who cried
> buckets of crocodile tears in support of "comprehensive immigration
> reform" about an incident (unrelated to the current invasion) his
> grandmother endured sixty-years ago.
> In addition to battling a degenerative brain disease, Domenici is
> looking over his shoulder at a brewing scandal regarding the role he
> may have played in the firing of Albuquerque's U.S. Attorney David C.
> Iglesias.
> - Virginia's John Warner is throwing in the towel. Warner has been
> more bad than good on his immigration votes, favoring chain migration,
> amnesty and opposing border enforcement.
> Warner, in his retirement speech, noted that he would "be near 88 at
> the end of another six-year term."
> Toughing it out, often against long odds, are:
> Republicans:
> - Florida's Mel Martinez who recently resigned from his post as
> Chairman of the Republican National Committee to forge an all-out
> effort aimed at reversing his sinking poll numbers - currently at 37
> percent down from 50 percent eight months ago.
> Irate Floridians, reflecting the state's attitude toward the
> shamelessly pro-amnesty Martinez, have mounted a recall effort against
> him. Imagine how bad the Cuban-born Martinez must be if he's lost
> Florida's backing despite the state's largely Republican Cubans.
> - South Carolina's Lindsey Graham, hovering around a 30 percent
> approval rating, is paying the price for his outrageous anti-American
> comments and his blind backing of "comprehensive immigration reform."
> According to South Carolina political analysts, Graham will be lucky
> to avoid a vigorous primary challenge.
> Whoever Graham's opponent may be, he'll have plenty of fodder
> including some of these remarks the sitting Senator made: to La Raza,
> "No group owns being an American," "We're going to tell the bigots to
> shut up," and, referring to Kennedy's work on amnesty "I don't do this
> much but I want to thank Ted Kennedy."
> - Idaho's Larry Craig - will he retire or will he subject himself to
> the humiliation of a re-election effort? Either way, Craig is most
> likely gone - and good riddance.
> Only California Senator Dianne Feinstein (sadly, not up for
> re-election until 2012) can match Craig in his unrelenting pursuit of
> an agricultural worker amnesty. Craig's addiction to cheap labor came
> back to haunt him in his recent bathroom scandal. Few Idahoans rallied
> to his defense, some pointing to his pro-amnesty position as a reason
> they would be glad to be rid of him.
> - Alaska's Ted Stevens would be 93 if he won and served out his eighth
> term. Stevens is terrible on immigration especially on crucially
> important interior enforcement.
> Add to Stevens' dismal immigration record, his infamous "bridge to
> nowhere" scandal and the current FBI and IRS investigations into
> possible corruption charges and he looks like a goner.
> The crotchety Stevens was recently caught on video tape scurrying down
> the Senate hallway insisting on his innocence after the feds ransacked
> his house and confiscated potential evidence for its case against him.
> - Maine's Susan Collins serves the nation's only sanctuary state.
> Based on her last minute conversion from "yea" in 2006 to "nay" in
> 2007 on an amnesty cloture vote, Collins may not be trustworthy on
> immigration, a hot topic in her state. Collins, a centrist, faces a
> tough re-election fight in Democratic leaning Maine.
> - Minnesota's Norm Coleman, like Collins, switched his position on
> amnesty this spring by reversing his 2006 "yea" vote on cloture. And,
> as in Maine, immigration is a crucial issue since Minnesota is
> becoming overwhelmed with refugees from Somalia and even Mexico!
> A warning note to any potential candidate: over-enthusiastic support
> of more immigration cost St. Paul Mayor Randy Kelly his job.
> In May, Coleman's approval rating slipped below 50 percent for the
> first time since he took office.
> - New Jersey's Frank Lautenberg , like Stevens a Senate appointee,
> would be 92 if he runs, wins and completes his term. Lautenberg is on
> the bottom of the barrel on immigration.
> His notorious "Lautenberg Amendment" that grants automatic refugee
> status to residents of the former Soviet Union has been thoroughly
> exposed by VDARE.COM's Thomas Allen. Since the inception of the
> "Lautenberg Amendment" nearly 500,000 FSU refugees have entered the
> U.S.
> To boot, Lautenberg has voted in favor of every amnesty and foreign
> worker visa he's ever seen.
> - Michigan's Carl Levin, tied with Teddy Kennedy for last place among
> Senate Democrats, Levin would be 82 if he runs, wins and stays the
> course for what would be his sixth term.
> - South Dakota's Tim Johnson is likely gone from the Senate either
> because of retirement or a probable defeat in his re-election effort.
> In 2002, Johnson won office by only 524 votes.
> Like most other Senate Democrats, Johnson is hideous on immigration
> with a pro-amnesty voting record second to none.
> Encouragingly, in 2004 South Dakotans demonstrated a preference for
> immigration reform by electing, in a big upset, Republican John Thune.
> The former Congressman, a strong anti-immigration ally, won over
> pro-amnesty Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle
> To add to the probability of his exit, Johnson is recovering from a
> brain hemorrhage that has left him paralyzed on his right side.
> With the Congressional approval rating currently standing at about 20
> percent, every incumbent is vulnerable.
> One thing is certain: we're on verge of getting rid of at least a
> handful of bad actors on immigration.
> And it is impossible to imagine how they could be replaced with anyone
> worse.
> ----------------

The Senate is filled with old pus-gutted whores for hispanics.
Does anyone still support the government in Washington, DC?

greg3347 wrote:
>> [..........------- 0V0 ---------........]

> The Senate is filled with old pus-gutted whores for hispanics.
> Does anyone still support the government in Washington, DC?
> greg

Thus Spake: G O D S C R E A T O R


Sa loom...

God's Creator!
( Sorry, I don't forgive ****! )
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