Re: Dates of early undated kook awards (was: "Goddess Kali" (Re: PING: FNVW's!!!... (What da'**** ha


Archie Leach

Peter J Ross <pjr@example.invalid> wrote:

>In alt.usenet.kooks on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 12:41:33 -0800, miguel
><> wrote:
>> On Sun, 13 Jan 2008 15:09:47 +0000, Peter J Ross <pjr@example.invalid>
>> wrote:
>>>Most non-repeatable awards have never had a date recorded on the Web,
>>>though there are a few exceptions.
>>>In principle I'm in favour of adding dates whenever possible, but in
>>>practice it would require rather more time for historical research
>>>than I have available.

>> The main reason you don't add dates is

>... as stated above.
>That's enough noise from you, kook.
>As it happens, I have reliable dates for all awards up to April 1999
>that aren't already dated, except one Bobo winner (Heaven's Gate), and
>the first few Foam Duck winners. The early history of the Foam Duck is
>so problematic that I don't want to make the problem worse by posting
>yet another inaccurate list.
>Here are the lists for anybody who's interested.

K3WL!!!! Is this going to turn into a "Where Are They Now" /
nostalgia thread??????

>Bobo Award
>Oct Mike Enlow

Welcome to Mike Enlow's
Masters of Marketing Inner Circle

The only source on the net where you can get the collective wisdom of
30+ millionaire entrepreneurs!

>Nov John McGrath
>Dec Earl Gordon Curley
>Jan National Organization of Internet Commerce
>??? Heaven's Gate
>May Frank Virga / Jeff Slaton
>Oct Laurence Canter & Martha Siegal / Sanford Wallace
>Dec Bill Clinton
>Feb Woodside Literary Agency
>John Martin Grubor Memorial Award
>Dec Tim Brown / Bradley L Jesness

W00t!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!! Skidmark!!!!!!!!!1!!!

The Last Word is currently at:

No word on if the periodical stacks at the NKU library, or for that
matter any library in NoKy or SW Ohio is currently archiving The Last
Word. One can always hope.

>Feb Edmond Heinz Wollmann
>Busted Urinal Award
>Jan Tim Brown

Pooing really is cool, though, especially when pooing into a urinal.
That's the coolest poo of all.

>Feb Edmond Heinz Wollmann

So is it still risking litigation to post this:

Edmond H. Wollmann P.M.A.F.A.