Re: Deco is a Foaming Ko0K


John \C\

"Art Deco" <> wrote in message
> John \"C\ <> wrote:
> >"Art Deco" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> Bob Officer <bobofficers@> wrote:
> >>
> >> >On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 20:10:38 +0800, in alt.astronomy, "Tom Potter"
> >> ><> wrote:
> >> >
> >> >>A small group of people control the expressions
> >> >>of opinions on the Internet,
> >> >>and effectively shape public opinion.
> >> >
> >> >Funny...
> >> >
> >> >>They do this by inhibiting folks from
> >> >>expressing opinions on the Internet,
> >> >>that the Control Gang does not want the public to be exposed to.
> >> >
> >> >Gang?
> >> >
> >> >>If someone expresses an opinion that the Control Gang
> >> >>does not approve of, at first they dismiss the opinion offhand,
> >> >>and insult the person who expressed the opinion.
> >> >
> >> >You have to be kidding, loon.
> >> >
> >> >>If a person persists in expressing an opinion that the Control Gang
> >> >>wants to suppress, several members of the Control Gang,
> >> >>or even one member of the Control Gang using several
> >> >>aliases, attack the person in order to make it appear
> >> >>that public opinion is against him.
> >> >
> >> >What are you saying?
> >> >
> >> >ArtDeco, Phineas Puddleduck can you explain this?
> >>
> >> Uncle Fester's "AUK Hate Machine", with different lettering. Plus if
> >> more than one person dares to poke fun at a given kook, rather than
> >> offering a rational, logical of the position being proposed, said kook
> >> instead responds by claiming all those poking him/her/it are either
> >> sockpuppets of one person, or minions of an uber evul overlord.

> >
> >Interesting "Conspiracy Theory" Ko0K Deco!
> >
> >HJ

> So go ahead and nominate me for more awards, Clockbrain. Or perhaps
> you'd like to try your hand at a rational defense of the Flowing Space
> Theology.

You already have all these Awards to keep you company, Ko0k Deco

: )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(
Winners! Civility Awards, August 2006

Dumbest man in the Universe: The winner is: Art Deco!

Biggest chicken: The winner is: Art Deco!

Least accurate information: The winner is: Art Deco!

Most mentally retarded Alpine Nazi goat humper: Co-Winner is: Art Deco!

Dictionary pic beside "penis": The winner is: Art Deco!

Greatest Idiots On The Net: The winner is: "AUK coffeeboys"!
