Re: Earth LESS THAN 10 000 years is CONFIRMED.



On Feb 15, 10:22�pm, Frankie Lee <> wrote:
> Saturn's moon Titan has hundreds of times more liquid hydrocarbons
> than all the known oil and natural gas reserves on Earth, according to
> a team of Johns Hopkins University scientists, adding to evidence that
> oil is not biological in origin.
> Oil isn't from dead Dinosaurs.With the new evidence surface,will al
> Evolutionist and Big Bang people bow out graciously,or would they
> rather lied their way through again?

Crude oil is the term for "unprocessed" oil, the stuff that comes out
of the ground. It is also known as petroleum. Crude oil is a fossil
fuel, meaning that it was ALLEGEDLY made naturally from decaying
plants and animals living in ancient seas millions of years ago --
most places you can find crude oil were once sea beds. Crude oils vary
in color, from clear to tar-black, and in viscosity, from water to
almost solid. .

Hydrocarbons are molecules that contain hydrogen and carbon .,,,and
both elements are common in comets and asteroids, Interstellar space
is not actually empty, but is filled with astronomical debris.
Supernovae in particular, but also stellar winds, comets and
asteroids, all disperse material into the interstellar medium (ISM) as
a result of explosions, collisions or the normal ejection of material.
In the case of ejecta from a star, the nature of the material depends
on the nucleosynthesis taking place in that star and on the nature of
the ejection (supernovae or stellar winds). Nevertheless, in most
stellar ejecta, there is an abundance of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen,
as well as nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus - in the form of carbon
monoxide, oxides, carbon grains and even organic molecules such as
cyanopolyacetylenes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).

This debris floats through space, perhaps combining with the hydrogen
and helium left over from the big bang to form dense molecular clouds,
or sometimes just remaining as solitary molecules, thereby becoming
part of what is known as the diffuse ISM.

Isn't is possible that crude oil is from comets and asteroids that hit
the earth---rather than from decaying plants and animals living in
ancient seas millions of years ago?

Prospecting for Oil? Look in asteroid impact craters around the

Today, Mexico may be sitting on some of the world's largest oil
deposits on earth in the Chicxulub fields.

To better understand see: Prospecting For Oil?
Look In An Asteroid Crater ...Chicxulub impact: The origin of
reservoir and seal facies in the southeastern Mexico oil
fields .....Australian Spaceguard Survey - News Archive 10 Apr 03
Nature: Core from asteroid crater fuels debate.. (see also Prospecting
for Oil? Look in asteroid impact craters)
The Wolf Creek impact structure in Australia is one of the better
known and studied impact structures on Earth....Looking for Oil......

Chicxulub Scientific drilling Program

Geologists Elated

Oil Companies Will Lead

Gas and Oil Connections

For more on the subject Search Chicxulub

The signs of Peak Oil are all around us. And now they are showing up
close to home.

Halliburton CEO and GOP Vice President Dick Cheney, is heavily
invested in Mexican oil. Oil & Politics Do Mix

Cheney's Pirates: `Stand and Deliver,
Or We'll Sink You

Bush-Cheney Energy Strategy: Procuring the Rest of the World's Oil

Bush's Energy Pirates Are in Global Grab
Intelligence Review
by John Hoefle
This and other massive pressures on Pemex, created after Mexico
nationalized the oil industry in 1938, are part of a laundry list of
challenges facing a ...

... nationalized petroleum sector is causing an enormous scandal in
Mexico. ... Mexico's willingness to put oil on the negotiating table
illustrates both ...

Annex Mexico ? Si ?

Instead of worrying about Mexicans invading America, maybe what we
need is for the United States to annex Mexico.

Since we obviously cannot safeguard our border with Mexico, why not
just annex Mexico?

Let's declare Mexico a protectorate of the United States and set
governing it in a benevolent, but self-interested way. In time, we
could incorporate it as several new States.

And just think about that oil [ as Bush and Cheney already have.[

Oy Vey!
Let us prey
--- Raymond

> I saw a criminal denying the facts presented to him and his lawyers
> gave plenty of excuses,and made the Jurors head spin.