Re: Forgeries


Bill Palmer

On Thu, 26 Jun 2008 19:29:48 -0400 Gary L. Burnore
<> wrote in Message id:

I took the liberty of running your post through a combination garbage
shredder/truth detector.

>Gary the pedophile Burnore.

Bill Palmer wrote:
> On Thu, 26 Jun 2008 19:29:48 -0400 Gary L. Burnore
> <> wrote in Message id:
> <g418kv$m79$>:
> I took the liberty of running your post through a combination garbage
> shredder/truth detector.
>> Gary the pedophile Burnore.

> Heh.

Care to back that up with some proof?


"I imagine Lamie sitting at a stop sign,
waiting for it to change" - Burgess Krell

"You send email. You're abusive. It's appropriate
to this newsgroup. Neener neener. - Marc Bissonnette

"there certainly does seem to be an internet predator here,
but anyone who posts publicly 'attn police officer'
is most likely a very large part of the problem. - Bob
On Fri, 27 Jun 2008 11:53:43 -0500, WindsorFox<SS> sat in thee Comfee
Chaire, and didst finally confess, after taking Muche Tea:
> Bill Palmer wrote:
>> On Thu, 26 Jun 2008 19:29:48 -0400 Gary L. Burnore wrote:
>> I took the liberty of running your post through a combination garbage
>> shredder/truth detector.
>>> Gary the pedophile Burnore.

>> Heh.

> Care to back that up with some proof?

Would a Flame Giant(TM) lie?

Hail Eris! Usenet Ruiner #5; Most Hated Usenetizen of All Time #13
Demon Prince of Absurdity; COOSN-029-06-71069; Official Chung Demon
Top Asshole #3; Lits Slut #16; AUK Psycho & Felon #21
Gutter Chix0r #17; BowTie's Spuriously Accused Pedo Photographer #4
Parrot & Zombie #2; Anonymous Psycho Criminal #18
"Lola Stonewall Riot" is not part of my email addy.
"If I were a Deep One...blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub, blub,
bloody, bloody, blub..."
"For those of you without hope, we have rooms with color TV, cable and
air conditioning"

Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle
Trainer of PorchMonkey4Life

"Hey Theophan, I need your help again. Will you please come assist me
again? aggreen is after me again. He has been after me for a year and
counting now. I want you to destroy his character for me. I can't do
it." -- Olympiada: Not too proud to beg for help when it comes to
character assassination, and Mistress of the Bleeding Obvious.
MID: <>

"I think we have taken care of the net.KKKopping in alt.gothic. Could
all the kookologists trim alt.gothic from their headers and leave us
alone now? It has gone on long enough. I can take care of myself in there
from here on out. Thanks. I know how to fight off trolls now. Thank you
for the education." -- Olympiada thinks she's had an education, and that
means it's time for those nice kookologists to go away and leave her
sandbox alone now, in MID: <45e330a8$0$16404$>

"Who booby-traps a dead end? That's just not right." -- Cordelia

>> Are you the Peter J Ross that I've heard so much about?

> Probably. I'm the one who doesn't resort to forgery after losing an
> argument.

"You're the one with the extensive brain damage... okay I see. You're
gonna be easily to own them." -- PorchMonkey4Life: Not aware of too many
things. MID: <bf7xh.834$hH2.64@trnddc02>

At last! See Joxer The Mity Monkey on camera! Watch him freak out!!

"You're just mad that you got tard stomped again fagg0t. You throw
something incredibly lame out there and I ramming it right back down
your throat. And you wonder how I just did what I did to you. You wonder
how I can make something so lame that you tossed out there so gosh darn
amusing when I fling it back at ya.

"Here's the secret: Unlike you, I am not retarded. You're tardness
gets in your way every single time, fagboi.

"Are you still crying over your keyboard, c0ckslurper? Is your mouth
wide open and drool falling out. Is your chunky body convulsing as you
think about how you were once again made a fool of? Are yellow boogie
snots running out of your unnaturally large nose down your triple chins?

"Look at what I reduced you too, tard.. I thoroughly enjoy owning and
abusing you.. Thanks for being so tarded and so easy to beat." -- The
PorchMonkey4Life has gone on to re-define red as yellow, black as white,
and being run over by a truck as just a scratch. Message-ID:

"And no, I did not have sex with my son. But if I did I certainly
wouldn't tell you. Something so beautiful and precious should be kept
private." -- Kathy L. Mosesian, or possibly not really her, confesses
she may be a liar and committer of incest with her own son, in MID:

The reporter asked Colin Powell (or George Bush), "What proof do you
have that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction?"
He replied, "We kept the receipts." -- Bill Hicks

Looney Maroon nominee for August 2006 Johnny D Wentzky foamed:
"You never asked someone who goes into areas of the internet that are
only for adults who has an underage id somehow or another if they are a
cop posing as an underage person online?
I guess lots of people just don't watch dateline or read stories much.
Why don;t you go to pervertedjustice,com and see what they do. They are
awash in their self-proclaimed glory after they lied to membners of the
They are awash in their self-proclaimed glory after they posed as an
underage person and agreed to do all sorts of sex acts wioth adult
males, and they are adults posing as teenager themselves. They make
themsleves into liars by falsely impersonating underage persons and by
not fuilfilling the words they tell the victims online in their chats.
Why don't you read it where they tell these victims of their deceit
about how they have been with grown men and such? Why don't you read it
where they say, "That would be cool." after someone makes an advance
towards an adult who is posing as a teenager? And, where they agree to
meet the person, etc.
Lost control, didn't you?
Is that why you feel as if you need to lie so much now? I see where lots
of these false impersonation games are not sticking. They feel as if
they can lie and then order the victims to get counseling in the
gayblade, governmental, pro-choice tax leech counseling centers. They
are doing nothing more than usury and fraud in many cases." -- Wentzky
almost comes out of the closet as a pedo/ephebophile in MID:

To Whom It May Concern: Michael J. Cranston attorney kook is a dog****er
"WindsorFox<SS>" <> wrote:
>Bill Palmer wrote:
>> Gary L. Burnore <> wrote:
>> I took the liberty of running your post through a combination garbage
>> shredder/truth detector.
>>> Gary the pedophile Burnore.

>> Heh.

> Care to back that up with some proof?

If isn't good enough for you then you need to contact
Santa Court court that prosecuted Burnore for child molestation and
request the relevant documents. If you don't want to request the
relevant documents then perhaps you could shut up?


"I wonder if aft realises they're taking killfile advice from Usenet's
No.1 newsgroup invader?" Fifth-rate Suzieflame pays homage in
Timmay! wrote:
> "WindsorFox<SS>" <> wrote:
>> Bill Palmer wrote:
>>> Gary L. Burnore <> wrote:
>>> I took the liberty of running your post through a combination garbage
>>> shredder/truth detector.
>>>> Gary the pedophile Burnore.
>>> Heh.

>> Care to back that up with some proof?

> If isn't good enough for you then you need to contact
> Santa Court court that prosecuted Burnore for child molestation and
> request the relevant documents. If you don't want to request the
> relevant documents then perhaps you could shut up?

No perhaps you could STFU because I know the truth from following
the thread when Gary addressed it. You obviously did not and the crap
that you are spewing, like Lamie; is incorrect.


"I imagine Lamie sitting at a stop sign,
waiting for it to change" - Burgess Krell

"You send email. You're abusive. It's appropriate
to this newsgroup. Neener neener. - Marc Bissonnette

"there certainly does seem to be an internet predator here,
but anyone who posts publicly 'attn police officer'
is most likely a very large part of the problem. - Bob
On Sat, 28 Jun 2008 18:07:09 -0500, "WindsorFox<SS>"
<> wrote:

>Timmay! wrote:
>> "WindsorFox<SS>" <> wrote:
>>> Bill Palmer wrote:
>>>> Gary L. Burnore <> wrote:
>>>> I took the liberty of running your post through a combination garbage
>>>> shredder/truth detector.
>>>>> Gary the pedophile Burnore.
>>>> Heh.
>>> Care to back that up with some proof?

>> If isn't good enough for you then you need to contact
>> Santa Court court that prosecuted Burnore for child molestation and
>> request the relevant documents. If you don't want to request the
>> relevant documents then perhaps you could shut up?

> No perhaps you could STFU because I know the truth from following
>the thread when Gary addressed it. You obviously did not and the crap
>that you are spewing, like Lamie; is incorrect.

Tim is using as proof the check forgers website. HAVE to trust documents put up on the interwebs by a check

K. A. Cannon
kcannon at insurgent dot org
(change the orgy to org to reply)

Hammer of Thor, April 2005
Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle X 2
#9 People ruining UseNet lits.
#6 Top Assholes on the Net lits.
#5 Most hated Usenetizens of all time
#15 AUK psychos and felons lits
#5 Cog in the AUK Hate Machine
On Sat, 28 Jun 2008 18:07:09 -0500, "WindsorFox<SS>"
<> wrote:

>Timmay! wrote:
>> "WindsorFox<SS>" <> wrote:
>>> Bill Palmer wrote:
>>>> Gary L. Burnore <> wrote:
>>>> I took the liberty of running your post through a combination garbage
>>>> shredder/truth detector.
>>>>> Gary the pedophile Burnore.
>>>> Heh.
>>> Care to back that up with some proof?

>> If isn't good enough for you then you need to contact
>> Santa Court court that prosecuted Burnore for child molestation and
>> request the relevant documents. If you don't want to request the
>> relevant documents then perhaps you could shut up?

> No perhaps you could STFU because I know the truth from following
>the thread when Gary addressed it. You obviously did not and the crap
>that you are spewing, like Lamie; is incorrect.

The funny part is is "archiving" fan site, owned
my knowned check forger Terranson who was fired from his job at a
major ISP.
gburnore at DataBasix dot Com
How you look depends on where you go.
Gary L. Burnore |
"WindsorFox<SS>" <> wrote:
>Timmay! wrote:
>> "WindsorFox<SS>" <> wrote:
>>> Bill Palmer wrote:
>>>> Gary L. Burnore <> wrote:
>>>>> Gary the pedophile Burnore.
>>>> Heh.
>>> Care to back that up with some proof?

>> If isn't good enough for you then you need to contact
>> Santa Court court that prosecuted Burnore for child molestation and
>> request the relevant documents. If you don't want to request the
>> relevant documents then perhaps you could shut up?

> No perhaps you could STFU because I know the truth from following
>the thread when Gary addressed it.

Gary says that post is a forgery along with all the posts from his
news server that followed up the thread.

>You obviously did not and the crap that you are spewing, like Lamie;
>is incorrect.

Gary's wife told the story best:

"Oh, and another (Very Important) thing: Tell her that first she must
imagine that Mom had caught her doing the Big Nasty with her boyfriend
just a few weeks previously and forbid her to ever see him again."


"I wonder if aft realises they're taking killfile advice from Usenet's
No.1 newsgroup invader?" Fifth-rate Suzieflame pays homage in
K. A. Cannon <kcannon@insurgent.orgy> wrote:
>"WindsorFox<SS>" <> wrote:
>>Timmay! wrote:

>>> If isn't good enough for you then you need to contact
>>> Santa Court court that prosecuted Burnore for child molestation and
>>> request the relevant documents. If you don't want to request the
>>> relevant documents then perhaps you could shut up?

>> No perhaps you could STFU because I know the truth from following
>>the thread when Gary addressed it. You obviously did not and the crap
>>that you are spewing, like Lamie; is incorrect.

>Tim is using as proof the check forgers website.

I prefer Belinda's own words on the subject:

"Oh, and another (Very Important) thing: Tell her that first she must
imagine that Mom had caught her doing the Big Nasty with her boyfriend
just a few weeks previously and forbid her to ever see him again."


"I wonder if aft realises they're taking killfile advice from Usenet's
No.1 newsgroup invader?" Fifth-rate Suzieflame pays homage in
Gary L. Burnore <> wrote:

>Terranson who was fired from his job at a major ISP.

A man of principle, it seems. Where were your principles when you were
abusing your step daughter?


"I wonder if aft realises they're taking killfile advice from Usenet's
No.1 newsgroup invader?" Fifth-rate Suzieflame pays homage in
On Wed, 02 Jul 2008 21:40:43 +0100, Timmay! fixed me with a beady eye, and
foamed wildly:
> "WindsorFox<SS>" wrote:
>>Timmay! wrote:
>>> "WindsorFox<SS>" wrote:
>>>> Bill Palmer wrote:
>>>>> Gary L. Burnore wrote:
>>>>>> Gary the pedophile Burnore.
>>>>> Heh.
>>>> Care to back that up with some proof?
>>> If isn't good enough for you then you need to contact Santa
>>> Court court that prosecuted Burnore for child molestation and request
>>> the relevant documents. If you don't want to request the relevant
>>> documents then perhaps you could shut up?

>> No perhaps you could STFU because I know the truth from following
>>the thread when Gary addressed it.

> Gary says that post is a forgery along with all the posts from his news
> server that followed up the thread.
>>You obviously did not and the crap that you are spewing, like Lamie; is

> Gary's wife told the story best:
> "Oh, and another (Very Important) thing: Tell her that first she must
> imagine that Mom had caught her doing the Big Nasty with her boyfriend
> just a few weeks previously and forbid her to ever see him again."
> <7omin1$5id$>

What a "surprise". The message doesn't apparently exist, according to
Google. Guess that claim isn't provable...$5id$

Hail Eris! Cthulhu fhtagn! mhm 29x21; Top Asshole #3; Lits Slut #16
Chas. E. Pemberton; Most Hated Usenetizen of All Time #13
Gutter Chix0r #17; BowTie's Spuriously Accused Pedo Photographer #4
COOSN-029-06-71069; Usenet Ruiner #5; Official Chung Demon
AUK Psycho & Felon #21; Parrot & Zombie #2
Anonymous Psycho Criminal #18
"Life size models of Cthulhu, on sale now!"

"Roe V Wade has zero bearing on my existence other than it affects it
-- Johnny Wentzky never had much truck with "logic". Message-ID:

"You are the GOD-DAMNED, IGNORANT LIAR here.
Now, that is not me taking the Lord's name in vain."
-- John Wentzky: Living proof of the Death of Irony, in Message-ID:

"For the most part, morality is universal." -- John "Easily" Shocked

"The whining has just begun." -- John Wentzky, in Message-ID:

"Gay men deserve to die." -- John Wentzky, in Message-ID:

"Laws count, the US Constitution count more, and we need to have judges
on the bench who are going to Carry Out those laws, not Make Law or
Interpret Law." -- John "Easily" Shocked contradicts his own words on
the overriding importance of society's reluctance to accept
homosexuality, in Message-ID: <brIDe.67062$Qo.12613@fed1read01>

"I heard that you are still trespassing in the USA. If it's black, it
refuses to work and it accuses whites of racism. What a joke.
Look at a map and see where Africa is, bitchboy. What is this GOD DAMNED
Too afraid to tell the truth?
being found all over the Carolinas, after his reply to Panama Floyd, in
Message-ID: <qiA3k.2556$>
The Black Goat With A Thousand Young wrote:
>Timmay! fixed me with a beady eye, and foamed wildly:

>> Gary's wife told the story best:
>> "Oh, and another (Very Important) thing: Tell her that first she must
>> imagine that Mom had caught her doing the Big Nasty with her boyfriend
>> just a few weeks previously and forbid her to ever see him again."
>> <7omin1$5id$>

>What a "surprise". The message doesn't apparently exist,

Look harder:

From: (Belinda)
Newsgroups: alt.flame
Subject: Re: Odious too broke to shell out for the truth - his mascara
runs as someone does the same to him
Date: Mon, 05 Jul 1999 22:39:25 GMT
Organization: This line left intentionally blank.
Lines: 60
Message-ID: <7lrc8f$orf$>
References: <>
<> <>
<> <>
<> <>
<7llrpj$> <>
<> <7lofsh$>
<> <7lp52l$>
<> <7lr5ht$>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Summary: If you post it, don't email it too. If you email it, don't
send it from a munged address.
Keywords: Meow
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 1.5/32.452
X-No-Archive: yes
Xref: alt.flame:276147

- Hide quoted text -


Here's a little test. Ask any reasonable female of your acquaintance
what would have been on her mind, if when she was a few months shy of
turning 18, she climbed under the covers and snuggled up to Mom's
sleeping boyfriend when Mom wasn't in the house.

Oh, and another (Very Important) thing: Tell her that first she must
imagine that Mom had caught her doing the Big Nasty with her boyfriend
just a few weeks previously and forbid her to ever see him again.

I'm so sick of hearing about this mythical poor innocent "child" that
I could puke.




"I wonder if aft realises they're taking killfile advice from Usenet's
No.1 newsgroup invader?" Fifth-rate Suzieflame pays homage in
Hail Eris! On Sat, 05 Jul 2008 12:39:08 +0100, Eris Kallisti Discordia was
laughing at the antics of Timmay!, when they suddenly burst out in tears:
> The Black Goat With A Thousand Young wrote:
>>Timmay! fixed me with a beady eye, and foamed wildly:

> [...]
>>> Gary's wife told the story best:
>>> "Oh, and another (Very Important) thing: Tell her that first she must
>>> imagine that Mom had caught her doing the Big Nasty with her boyfriend
>>> just a few weeks previously and forbid her to ever see him again."
>>> <7omin1$5id$>

>>What a "surprise". The message doesn't apparently exist,

> Look harder:

Huh. Seems I do recall it now (I read one of the threads about it, back
in late '99 or early 2000). Anyway, that's seriously stretching the
definition of "pedophile" to the point of utter benighted uselessness --
my first girlfriend was 16 when we were together, and I was 18, frex. Mind
you, Canada has much saner AOC laws than the US, or had, at least. A
seventeen-year-old girl having sex with a guy in his thirties would not
have resulted in him being arrested, here (and still wouldn't, since our
new AOC is 16), and the mere possibility that it may have done in
California is a sign of American paranoia about sex and pedophiles. IOW,
who gives a ****? She was 17, and she climbed into /his/ bed (assuming
any truth to the story at all).

PorscheMonkey4Life COOSN-029-06-71069; Lits Slut #16
Butcher Knife Natalia; Gutter Chix0r #17; AUK Psycho & Felon #21
BowTie's Spuriously Accused Pedo Photographer #4; Parrot & Zombie #2
Usenet Ruiner #5; Top Asshole #3; Official Chung Demon
Most Hated Usenetizen of All Time #13; Anonymous Psycho Criminal #18
No holy posting of any kind, to email.
"It can't rain all the time"

"Anyone who considers protocol unimportant has never dealt with a cat."
Robert Heinlein

"A vote for Obama is a vote for this simpleton." -- Frank the Gray Ghost
is being unnecessarily hard on himself, IMO. Message-ID:

"How can you possibly have an international agreement that's effective
unless countries like China and India are not full participants?" --
George W. Bush, Camp David, April 19, 2008

"this brain stem cannot leave well enough alone." -- Lady Veteran has
been demonstrating this truth for many years. Her honesty is refreshing.
Message-ID: <>

GOT ANY FURY!" -- Gibbered by Johnny in Message-ID:

"Not supporting me is equivalent to forfeiting your own rights." --
John D. Wentzky: Warrior For Your Freedumb! Message-ID:

"I know how you special busboys are.
You're crazy." -- John "special busboy" Wentzky, in Message-ID:
Join my RuneScape clan!
Full name of clan: Cabal of the Holy International Discordian Internet
And Usenet Terrorist Pretzel

Xander: "I still don't get why we had to come here to get info about a
killer snot monster."
Giles: "Because it's a killer snot monster from outer space. (pause) I
did not say that." -- "Listening to Fear" (87/509), Buffy the Vampire
"Actually, I quit. Nobody takes my frock." -- Captain Jack, "The Doctor
Dances" (27.10), Doctor Who

Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle
Trainer of PorchMonkey4Life
The MonkeyLJ: -- nuked!

8. OK, so who's this "Dev McKinHole", then?

I dunno, some guy named Devon McKinnon of Dawson Creek, allegedly, and
according to the Monkey, a pedophile. However, I wouldn't take that too
seriously. The Monkey keeps changing his mind about who I am, so there's
no reason to think he won't change it about Mr. McKinnon, too.

"I am mentally stable, fool...I am going to be a bishop's wife." -- Sure
you are, Olympiada. MID: <45e21b75$0$16373$>

"yes you are definitely retarded. See a neurologist immediate. And if
you don't have monet, blow a neurologist immediately." -- Farky the
Monkey-man to peachy ashie passion. No, no trace of irony in his post.
MID: <4h6xh.802$hH2.233@trnddc02>

"I was told there would be cookies."
Cross-Poasters For Goddess!
Remember: Straight people can't help it!
A petition to make the Five-Fingered Hand of Eris
the official symbol for the planet Eris:

"If you don't have pedicures AT LEAST every two weeks, don't talk to me.
If you don't floss every night and morning and brush at least twice a
day, don't talk to me. If you don't spend money on you hair and get
great cuts and color, don't talk to me. If you are heavy, don't talk to
me. If you don't shower every morning and take a nice bubble bath every
night, don't talk to me. If you don't have a loved one in your arms,
don't talk to me. If you don't keep an immaculate house, don't talk to
me. If you don't work, don't talk to me." -- Clearly, Martha Vandella
never wants to talk to me, which is for the best, really.
MID: <>

"You're fighting a Furry Giant

"He delivers a long speech about how you shouldn't judge him just because
he's an animal deep down inside and you're all intolerant and dressing up
like an animal in easy-access furry pants doesn't make you a pervert...
you fall asleep halfway through." -- The Kingdom of Loathing

To Whom It May Concern: Michael J. Cranston attorney kook is a stalker.
Synthetic Networked Android Responsible for Killing and wrote:

>> Look harder:

>Huh. Seems I do recall it now (I read one of the threads about it, back
>in late '99 or early 2000). Anyway, that's seriously stretching the
>definition of "pedophile" to the point of utter benighted uselessness --
>my first girlfriend was 16 when we were together, and I was 18, frex. Mind
>you, Canada has much saner AOC laws than the US, or had, at least. A
>seventeen-year-old girl having sex with a guy in his thirties would not
>have resulted in him being arrested, here (and still wouldn't, since our
>new AOC is 16), and the mere possibility that it may have done in
>California is a sign of American paranoia about sex and pedophiles. IOW,
>who gives a ****? She was 17, and she climbed into /his/ bed (assuming
>any truth to the story at all).

This is you 'not giving a ****', right?


"I wonder if aft realises they're taking killfile advice from Usenet's
No.1 newsgroup invader?" Fifth-rate Suzieflame pays homage in
Hail Eris! On Sun, 06 Jul 2008 22:55:01 +0100, Eris Kallisti Discordia was
laughing at the antics of Timmay!, when they suddenly burst out in tears:
> Synthetic Networked Android Responsible for Killing and wrote:
>>> Look harder:

>>Huh. Seems I do recall it now (I read one of the threads about it, back
>>in late '99 or early 2000). Anyway, that's seriously stretching the
>>definition of "pedophile" to the point of utter benighted uselessness --
>>my first girlfriend was 16 when we were together, and I was 18, frex.
>>Mind you, Canada has much saner AOC laws than the US, or had, at least. A
>>seventeen-year-old girl having sex with a guy in his thirties would not
>>have resulted in him being arrested, here (and still wouldn't, since our
>>new AOC is 16), and the mere possibility that it may have done in
>>California is a sign of American paranoia about sex and pedophiles. IOW,
>>who gives a ****? She was 17, and she climbed into /his/ bed (assuming
>>any truth to the story at all).

> This is you 'not giving a ****', right?

That's me ridiculing the pants off the idea that Gary is a pedo, on the
basis that he may have had sex with a 17-year-old.

PorscheMonkey4Life COOSN-029-06-71069; Lits Slut #16
Butcher Knife Natalia; Gutter Chix0r #17; AUK Psycho & Felon #21
BowTie's Spuriously Accused Pedo Photographer #4; Parrot & Zombie #2
Usenet Ruiner #5; Top Asshole #3; Official Chung Demon
Most Hated Usenetizen of All Time #13; Anonymous Psycho Criminal #18
No holy posting of any kind, to email.
"It can't rain all the time"

"Anyone who considers protocol unimportant has never dealt with a cat."
Robert Heinlein

"A vote for Obama is a vote for this simpleton." -- Frank the Gray Ghost
is being unnecessarily hard on himself, IMO. Message-ID:

"How can you possibly have an international agreement that's effective
unless countries like China and India are not full participants?" --
George W. Bush, Camp David, April 19, 2008

"this brain stem cannot leave well enough alone." -- Lady Veteran has
been demonstrating this truth for many years. Her honesty is refreshing.
Message-ID: <>

GOT ANY FURY!" -- Gibbered by Johnny in Message-ID:

"Not supporting me is equivalent to forfeiting your own rights." --
John D. Wentzky: Warrior For Your Freedumb! Message-ID:

"I know how you special busboys are.
You're crazy." -- John "special busboy" Wentzky, in Message-ID:
Join my RuneScape clan!
Full name of clan: Cabal of the Holy International Discordian Internet
And Usenet Terrorist Pretzel

Xander: "I still don't get why we had to come here to get info about a
killer snot monster."
Giles: "Because it's a killer snot monster from outer space. (pause) I
did not say that." -- "Listening to Fear" (87/509), Buffy the Vampire
"Actually, I quit. Nobody takes my frock." -- Captain Jack, "The Doctor
Dances" (27.10), Doctor Who

Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle
Trainer of PorchMonkey4Life
The MonkeyLJ: -- nuked!

8. OK, so who's this "Dev McKinHole", then?

I dunno, some guy named Devon McKinnon of Dawson Creek, allegedly, and
according to the Monkey, a pedophile. However, I wouldn't take that too
seriously. The Monkey keeps changing his mind about who I am, so there's
no reason to think he won't change it about Mr. McKinnon, too.

"I am mentally stable, fool...I am going to be a bishop's wife." -- Sure
you are, Olympiada. MID: <45e21b75$0$16373$>

"yes you are definitely retarded. See a neurologist immediate. And if
you don't have monet, blow a neurologist immediately." -- Farky the
Monkey-man to peachy ashie passion. No, no trace of irony in his post.
MID: <4h6xh.802$hH2.233@trnddc02>

"I was told there would be cookies."
Cross-Poasters For Goddess!
Remember: Straight people can't help it!
A petition to make the Five-Fingered Hand of Eris
the official symbol for the planet Eris:

"If you don't have pedicures AT LEAST every two weeks, don't talk to me.
If you don't floss every night and morning and brush at least twice a
day, don't talk to me. If you don't spend money on you hair and get
great cuts and color, don't talk to me. If you are heavy, don't talk to
me. If you don't shower every morning and take a nice bubble bath every
night, don't talk to me. If you don't have a loved one in your arms,
don't talk to me. If you don't keep an immaculate house, don't talk to
me. If you don't work, don't talk to me." -- Clearly, Martha Vandella
never wants to talk to me, which is for the best, really.
MID: <>

"You're fighting a Furry Giant

"He delivers a long speech about how you shouldn't judge him just because
he's an animal deep down inside and you're all intolerant and dressing up
like an animal in easy-access furry pants doesn't make you a pervert...
you fall asleep halfway through." -- The Kingdom of Loathing

To Whom It May Concern: Michael J. Cranston attorney kook is a stalker.
Synthetic Networked Android Responsible for Killing and wrote:

>>>Huh. Seems I do recall it now (I read one of the threads about it, back
>>>in late '99 or early 2000). Anyway, that's seriously stretching the
>>>definition of "pedophile" to the point of utter benighted uselessness --
>>>my first girlfriend was 16 when we were together, and I was 18, frex.
>>>Mind you, Canada has much saner AOC laws than the US, or had, at least. A
>>>seventeen-year-old girl having sex with a guy in his thirties would not
>>>have resulted in him being arrested, here (and still wouldn't, since our
>>>new AOC is 16), and the mere possibility that it may have done in
>>>California is a sign of American paranoia about sex and pedophiles. IOW,
>>>who gives a ****? She was 17, and she climbed into /his/ bed (assuming
>>>any truth to the story at all).

>> This is you 'not giving a ****', right?

>That's me ridiculing the pants off the idea that Gary is a pedo,

Do you think you did a good job?

>on the basis that he may have had sex with a 17-year-old.

May? Are you unsure? Do you think he's been lying and Belinda let the
truth inadvertantly slip?


"I wonder if aft realises they're taking killfile advice from Usenet's
No.1 newsgroup invader?" Fifth-rate Suzieflame pays homage in
On the long hot summer day of Mon, 07 Jul 2008 20:51:25 +0100, Timmay!
> Synthetic Networked Android Responsible for Killing and wrote:
>>>>Huh. Seems I do recall it now (I read one of the threads about it, back
>>>>in late '99 or early 2000). Anyway, that's seriously stretching the
>>>>definition of "pedophile" to the point of utter benighted uselessness
>>>>-- my first girlfriend was 16 when we were together, and I was 18,
>>>>frex. Mind you, Canada has much saner AOC laws than the US, or had, at
>>>>least. A seventeen-year-old girl having sex with a guy in his thirties
>>>>would not have resulted in him being arrested, here (and still
>>>>wouldn't, since our new AOC is 16), and the mere possibility that it
>>>>may have done in California is a sign of American paranoia about sex
>>>>and pedophiles. IOW, who gives a ****? She was 17, and she climbed
>>>>into /his/ bed (assuming any truth to the story at all).
>>> This is you 'not giving a ****', right?

>>That's me ridiculing the pants off the idea that Gary is a pedo,

> Do you think you did a good job?

Not good enough to get it through your extremely dense skull, no. Good
enough for most people, but you're speshul .

>>on the basis that he may have had sex with a 17-year-old.

> May? Are you unsure? Do you think he's been lying and Belinda let the
> truth inadvertantly slip?

....Dude. Who the **** cares? She was 17 -- if she had sex with him, she
clearly wasn't underage.

Hail Eris! mhm 29x21; Usenet Ruiner #5; Official Chung Demon
The original "Henry Schmidt"; Top Asshole #3; Lits Slut #16
COOSN-029-06-71069; Most Hated Usenetizen of All Time #13
Gutter Chix0r #17; BowTie's Spuriously Accused Pedo Photographer #4
AUK Psycho & Felon #21; Parrot & Zombie #2
Anonymous Psycho Criminal #18
"Do not taunt the Happy Fun Ball. If Happy Fun Ball starts to smoke, run
away and take cover."

Barbara Woodhouse Memorial Dog Whistle
Trainer of PorchMonkey4Life

Brad Jesness Memorial Kook Appraisal Test (KAT or KAT Index) v. 5.1 by
Cipher and the a.u.k crew

So, you think you've got a contender, eh? Hard to separate the Kooks
from the mere pains in the ass though. Hopefully this will help you.

Instructions :
In this section give your Prospective Kook ONE point for every YES
answer. Give your Prospective Kook additional points for multiple

Grading scale follows questions.

Have they ever :

1. Been the first to go ad-hominem in a newsgroup debate.

2. Accused someone of breaking a non-existent Federal Law.

3. Called a properly formatted cancel of a BI>20 article a forged

4. Ranted about Free Speech when a moderator rejected their article.
Two points if it's spelled "FREE SPEACH".

5. Tried to censor others, yet scream when others suggest that they
killfile them or create a moderated newsgroup.

6. Complained to someone's ISP when they got spanked in a flame war.

7. Been complained about to their ISP deservedly.

8. Flamed someone from an anonymous account.

9. Made a spelling flame. ( )

10. Used RANT-CAPS & manic punctuation.

11. Claimed to be qualified to make a legal determination or medical
diagnosis with no justification - bonus points if the kook is obviously
projecting her/his own condition/behavior. ( )

12. Claimed an academic or professional degree they obviously do not

13. Claimed that because of a degree or research topic, another poster
cannot know anything about any other subject.

In this section give your Prospective Kook TWO points for every YES
answer. Give your Prospective Kook additional points for multiple

1. Called someone a pedophile or drug pusher without proof.

2. Bonus if they called anyone a "Republican Nazi Pedophile"

3. Ranted about Free Speech when an anti-spammer canceled their

4. Posted to a newsgroup via sock-puppet.

5. Thought about becoming a Freedom Knight.

6. Voted via sock-puppet in a Big Eight vote.

7. Defended a well known kook.

8. Been Nominated for a Kook award.

9. Invented Usenet 'rules' & 'laws', particularly coming up with
creative definitions for what constitutes spam & spamming.

10. Implied that she/he has powerful allies who will deal with his/her
enemies, due to having affiliations with Microsoft, the CIA or some
other powerful organization - no matter how flimsy the association.

11. Claimed an academic or professional degree after having stated they
are a high school dropout or otherwise indicated their actual level of
achievement, or claim multiple PhD's, MD's, etc.

12. 'Removed' an academic or professional degree or title from another
more clueful poster. (Includes scare quotes such as 'Esq.', or 'Dr.')

13. Claimed one of the well known regulars of AUK is using a remailer to
impersonate them, when all kook sign points to them.

In this section give your Prospective Kook THREE points for every YES
answer. Give your Prospective Kook additional points for multiple

1. Threatened to kill or cause bodily harm to another via mail or post.

2. Told someone they have caused the kook to harm himself.

3. Stalked/harassed an opponent off-line.

4. Mail-bombed anyone.

5. Spammed a newsgroup.

6. Posted a forged or altered newsgroup article.

7. Lost an account due to abuse.

8. Won a kook award.

9. Threatened a groundless lawsuit via mail or post. LA Law bonus:
Additional point if a TV lawyer is used.)

(Grubor bonus: If they claim John Grubor/Law Systems Institoot as

10. Threatened to have their "agents" come after someone.

11. Had a FAQ posted about their kookiness.

12. Pretended to be a sysadmin or ISP owner.

13. CC'ed emailed complaints to irrelevant or non-existent organizations
email addresses, such as the DOJ, AG, CIA, FBI etc.

14. Been TOSsed and then claimed to have canceled it, her/it/himself?

( ) PalmJob Exception Rule. Cannot be applied to a mere troll's points.

( ) Brad Jesness Factor. Not applicable to BJ, it is expected.

Scale/Rank :
1 - 10 points : Kook Wannabe. Needs to read Grubor's posting history on
dejanews. Your Prospective Kook has much to learn. They may have just
screwed up once or twice.

11 - 25 points : Journeyman Kook. Needs to Continue to mimic the real
kooks. Your Prospective Kook could be a contender.

26 - 36 points : Kook First Class. Still a lesser light, but Your
Prospective Kook HAS arrived! People killfile him/her.

36 - 50 points : Kook cum Laude. Someone is considering writing a FAQ
about your Prospective Kook. Has been nominated for at least one a.u.k

51 + points : Kook Magna cum Laude. Your Prospective Kook has a FAQ.
Your Prospective Kook will eventually win all the big awards. Your
Prospective Kook can leap tall newbies with a single bound.
Timmay!, ye bum-faced paraquito, die a beggar, ye advocated:

> I always take my mother along on first dates.
Porsche Monkey For Life wrote:

>>>>>Huh. Seems I do recall it now (I read one of the threads about it, back
>>>>>in late '99 or early 2000). Anyway, that's seriously stretching the
>>>>>definition of "pedophile" to the point of utter benighted uselessness
>>>>>-- my first girlfriend was 16 when we were together, and I was 18,
>>>>>frex. Mind you, Canada has much saner AOC laws than the US, or had, at
>>>>>least. A seventeen-year-old girl having sex with a guy in his thirties
>>>>>would not have resulted in him being arrested, here (and still
>>>>>wouldn't, since our new AOC is 16), and the mere possibility that it
>>>>>may have done in California is a sign of American paranoia about sex
>>>>>and pedophiles. IOW, who gives a ****? She was 17, and she climbed
>>>>>into /his/ bed (assuming any truth to the story at all).
>>>> This is you 'not giving a ****', right?
>>>That's me ridiculing the pants off the idea that Gary is a pedo,

>> Do you think you did a good job?

>Not good enough to get it through your extremely dense skull, no. Good
>enough for most people, but you're speshul .

Most people are thinking 'Burnore has another stupid slave to try and
defend his already guttered reputation'.

>>>on the basis that he may have had sex with a 17-year-old.

>> May? Are you unsure? Do you think he's been lying and Belinda let the
>> truth inadvertantly slip?

>...Dude. Who the **** cares? She was 17 -- if she had sex with him, she
>clearly wasn't underage.

In California she was and that's where it mattered.


"I wonder if aft realises they're taking killfile advice from Usenet's
No.1 newsgroup invader?" Fifth-rate Suzieflame pays homage in
Timmay!, ye no-necked weak one, goodness is poison to your stomach, ye

> I live in a world of my own, and visiting hours are over.