Re: Fred Thompson's Immigration Plan a pretty good one



To have this plan work, it not only requires a republican president, but also a
majority in both houses of government....AAC

On Sat, 27 Oct 2007 20:19:46 GMT, Bjorn <> wrote:

>Many of us would like to see an immigration moratorium altogether, the
>only purpose most immigrants fill is to maintain an employer's market
>and push down earnings for the rest of us. Apart from that though...
>Thompson is looking pretty good with this:
>Border Security and Immigration Reform Plan
>In the post-9/11 world, immigration is much more of a national
>security issue. A government that cannot secure its borders and
>determine who may enter and who may not, fails in a fundamental
>responsibility. As we take steps to secure our borders and enforce our
>laws, we must also ensure that our immigration laws and policies
>advance our national interests in a variety of areas, and that the
>immigration process itself is as fair, efficient, and effective as
>Securing the Border and Enforcing the Law
>A fundamental responsibility of the federal government is to secure
>the nation's borders and enforce the law. The following policies and
>initiatives will put the nation on a path to success:
> 1. No Amnesty. Do not provide legal status to illegal aliens.
>Amnesty undermines U.S. law and policy, rewards bad behavior, and is
>unfair to the millions of immigrants who follow the law and are
>awaiting legal entry into the United States. In some cases, those
>law-abiding and aspiring immigrants have been waiting for several
> 2. Attrition through Enforcement. Reduce the number of illegal
>aliens through increased enforcement against unauthorized alien
>workers and their employers. Without illegal employment opportunities
>available, fewer illegal aliens will attempt to enter the country, and
>many of those illegally in the country now likely will return home.
>Self-deportation can also be maximized by stepping up the enforcement
>levels of other existing immigration laws. This course of action
>offers a reasonable alternative to the false choices currently
>proposed to deal with the 12 million or more aliens already in the
>U.S. illegally: either arrest and deport them all, or give them all
>amnesty. Attrition through enforcement is a more reasonable and
>achievable solution, but this approach requires additional resources
>for enforcement and border security:
> 1. Doubling ICE agents handling interior enforcement,
>increasing the Border Patrol to at least 25,000 agents, and increasing
>detention space to incarcerate illegal aliens we arrest rather than
>letting them go with a promise to show up later for legal proceedings
>against them.
> 2. Adding resources for the Department of Justice to
>prosecute alien smugglers, people involved in trafficking in false
>identification documents, and previously deported felons.
> 3. Maximizing efforts to prosecute and convict members of
>criminal alien gangs, such as MS-13 and affiliated gangs. These gangs
>have brought unusual levels of violence to more than 30 U.S. states
>and have also become very active in drug-smuggling, gun-smuggling, and
> 4. Implementing fully and making greater use of the expedited
>removal process already allowed under federal law.
> 5. Enabling the Social Security Administration to share
>relevant information with immigration and law enforcement personnel in
>a manner that will support effective interior enforcement efforts.
> 3. Enforce Existing Federal Laws. Enforce the laws Congress has
>already enacted to prevent illegal aliens from unlawfully benefiting
>from their presence in the country:
> 1. End Sanctuary Cities by cutting off discretionary federal
>grant funds as appropriate to any community that, by law, ordinance,
>executive order, or other formal policy directs its public officials
>not to comply with the provisions of 8 USC 1373 and 8 USC 1644, which
>prohibit any state or local government from restricting in any way
>communications with the Department of Homeland Security regarding the
>immigration status, lawful or unlawful, of an alien in the United
> 2. Deny discretionary Federal education grants as appropriate
>to public universities that violate federal law by offering in-state
>tuition rates to illegal aliens without also offering identical
>benefits to United States citizens, regardless of whether or not they
>live in the state, as required by 8 USC 1623.
> 3. Deny discretionary Federal grants as appropriate to states
>and local governments that violate federal law by offering public
>benefits to illegal aliens, as prohibited by 8 USC 1621(a).
> 4. Reduce the Jobs Incentive. Ensure employee verification by
>requiring that all U.S. employers use the Department of Homeland
>Security's electronic database (the E-Verify system) to confirm that a
>prospective employee is authorized to work in the U.S. Now that the
>technology is proven, provide sufficient resources to make the system
>as thorough, fast, accurate, and easy-to-use as possible.
> 5. Bolster Border Security. Finish building the 854-mile wall along
>the border by 2010 as required by 8 USC 1103. Extend the wall beyond
>that as appropriate and deploy new technologies and additional
>resources to enhance detection and rapid apprehension along our
>borders by 2012.
> 6. Increased Prosecution. Deploy the additional assets outlined
>above to prosecute alien smugglers ("coyotes"), alien gang members,
>previously deported felons, and aliens who have repeatedly violated
>our immigration laws much more vigorously.
> 7. Rigorous Entry/Exit Tracking. Complete the implementation of a
>system to track visa entrants and exits, as has been required by
>federal law for more than ten years, and connect it to the FBI's
>National Crime Information Center (NCIC), in order to curb visa
>overstays and permit more effective enforcement.
>Improving the Legal Immigration Process
>The United States is a nation of immigrants. We must continue to
>welcome immigrants and foreign workers who come to our country
>legally, giving priority to those who can advance the nation's
>interests and common good. Immigrants and foreign workers who play by
>the rules need to be rewarded with faster and less burdensome service,
>not delays that last years. Advancing the following initiatives will
>require close cooperation between all levels of government, the
>business community, and concerned citizens:
> 1. Maximize Program Efficiency. Reduce the backlogs and streamline
>the process for immigrants and employers who seek to follow the law.
>Also, simplify and expedite the application processes for temporary
>visas. This can be accomplished by hiring more personnel at
>Citizenship and Immigration Services and the FBI. Caps for any
>category of temporary work visa would be increased as appropriate, if
>it could be demonstrated that there are no Americans capable and
>willing to do the jobs.
> 2. Enhanced Reporting. Improve reporting to the government by
>businesses that rely on temporary workers so that the government can
>track whether the visa holder remains employed.
> 3. Modernize Immigration Law/Policy. Change the nature of our legal
>immigration system to welcome immigrants who can be economic
>contributors to our country, are willing to learn the English
>language, and want to assimilate.
> 1. Reduce the scope of chain migration by giving family
>preference in the allocation of lawful permanent resident status only
>to spouses and minor children of U.S. citizens, and no one else (no
>siblings, no parents, no adult children, etc.).
> 2. Eliminate the diversity visa lottery.
> 4. English As Official Language. Make English the official language
>of the United States to promote assimilation and legal immigrants'
>success, and require English proficiency in order for any foreign
>person to be granted lawful permanent resident status.
> 5. Freedom from Political Oppression. Preserve U.S. laws and
>policies to ensure that the United States remains a beacon and a haven
>for persons fleeing political oppression, while assuring appropriate
>admission standards are maintained.
> 6. Service to Country. Place those foreign persons who are lawfully
>present in the country and who serve honorably in the Armed Forces of
>the United States on a faster, surer track to U.S. citizenship.
On Oct 27, 6:08 pm, AnAmericanCitizen <> wrote:
> To have this plan work, it not only requires a republican president, but also a
> majority in both houses of government....AAC
> On Sat, 27 Oct 2007 20:19:46 GMT, Bjorn <> wrote:
> >Many of us would like to see an immigration moratorium altogether, the
> >only purpose most immigrants fill is to maintain an employer's market
> >and push down earnings for the rest of us. Apart from that though...

> >Thompson is looking pretty good with this:

> >

> >Border Security and Immigration Reform Plan

> >In the post-9/11 world, immigration is much more of a national
> >security issue. A government that cannot secure its borders and
> >determine who may enter and who may not, fails in a fundamental
> >responsibility. As we take steps to secure our borders and enforce our
> >laws, we must also ensure that our immigration laws and policies
> >advance our national interests in a variety of areas, and that the
> >immigration process itself is as fair, efficient, and effective as
> >possible.

> >Securing the Border and Enforcing the Law

> >A fundamental responsibility of the federal government is to secure
> >the nation's borders and enforce the law. The following policies and
> >initiatives will put the nation on a path to success:

> > 1. No Amnesty. Do not provide legal status to illegal aliens.
> >Amnesty undermines U.S. law and policy, rewards bad behavior, and is
> >unfair to the millions of immigrants who follow the law and are
> >awaiting legal entry into the United States. In some cases, those
> >law-abiding and aspiring immigrants have been waiting for several
> >years.

> > 2. Attrition through Enforcement. Reduce the number of illegal
> >aliens through increased enforcement against unauthorized alien
> >workers and their employers. Without illegal employment opportunities
> >available, fewer illegal aliens will attempt to enter the country, and
> >many of those illegally in the country now likely will return home.
> >Self-deportation can also be maximized by stepping up the enforcement
> >levels of other existing immigration laws. This course of action
> >offers a reasonable alternative to the false choices currently
> >proposed to deal with the 12 million or more aliens already in the
> >U.S. illegally: either arrest and deport them all, or give them all
> >amnesty. Attrition through enforcement is a more reasonable and
> >achievable solution, but this approach requires additional resources
> >for enforcement and border security:

> > 1. Doubling ICE agents handling interior enforcement,
> >increasing the Border Patrol to at least 25,000 agents, and increasing
> >detention space to incarcerate illegal aliens we arrest rather than
> >letting them go with a promise to show up later for legal proceedings
> >against them.

> > 2. Adding resources for the Department of Justice to
> >prosecute alien smugglers, people involved in trafficking in false
> >identification documents, and previously deported felons.

> > 3. Maximizing efforts to prosecute and convict members of
> >criminal alien gangs, such as MS-13 and affiliated gangs. These gangs
> >have brought unusual levels of violence to more than 30 U.S. states
> >and have also become very active in drug-smuggling, gun-smuggling, and
> >alien-smuggling.

> > 4. Implementing fully and making greater use of the expedited
> >removal process already allowed under federal law.

> > 5. Enabling the Social Security Administration to share
> >relevant information with immigration and law enforcement personnel in
> >a manner that will support effective interior enforcement efforts.

> > 3. Enforce Existing Federal Laws. Enforce the laws Congress has
> >already enacted to prevent illegal aliens from unlawfully benefiting
> >from their presence in the country:

> > 1. End Sanctuary Cities by cutting off discretionary federal
> >grant funds as appropriate to any community that, by law, ordinance,
> >executive order, or other formal policy directs its public officials
> >not to comply with the provisions of 8 USC 1373 and 8 USC 1644, which
> >prohibit any state or local government from restricting in any way
> >communications with the Department of Homeland Security regarding the
> >immigration status, lawful or unlawful, of an alien in the United
> >States.

> > 2. Deny discretionary Federal education grants as appropriate
> >to public universities that violate federal law by offering in-state
> >tuition rates to illegal aliens without also offering identical
> >benefits to United States citizens, regardless of whether or not they
> >live in the state, as required by 8 USC 1623.

> > 3. Deny discretionary Federal grants as appropriate to states
> >and local governments that violate federal law by offering public
> >benefits to illegal aliens, as prohibited by 8 USC 1621(a).

> > 4. Reduce the Jobs Incentive. Ensure employee verification by
> >requiring that all U.S. employers use the Department of Homeland
> >Security's electronic database (the E-Verify system) to confirm that a
> >prospective employee is authorized to work in the U.S. Now that the
> >technology is proven, provide sufficient resources to make the system
> >as thorough, fast, accurate, and easy-to-use as possible.

> > 5. Bolster Border Security. Finish building the 854-mile wall along
> >the border by 2010 as required by 8 USC 1103. Extend the wall beyond
> >that as appropriate and deploy new technologies and additional
> >resources to enhance detection and rapid apprehension along our
> >borders by 2012.

> > 6. Increased Prosecution. Deploy the additional assets outlined
> >above to prosecute alien smugglers ("coyotes"), alien gang members,
> >previously deported felons, and aliens who have repeatedly violated
> >our immigration laws much more vigorously.

> > 7. Rigorous Entry/Exit Tracking. Complete the implementation of a
> >system to track visa entrants and exits, as has been required by
> >federal law for more than ten years, and connect it to the FBI's
> >National Crime Information Center (NCIC), in order to curb visa
> >overstays and permit more effective enforcement.

> >Improving the Legal Immigration Process

> >The United States is a nation of immigrants. We must continue to
> >welcome immigrants and foreign workers who come to our country
> >legally, giving priority to those who can advance the nation's
> >interests and common good. Immigrants and foreign workers who play by
> >the rules need to be rewarded with faster and less burdensome service,
> >not delays that last years. Advancing the following initiatives will
> >require close cooperation between all levels of government, the
> >business community, and concerned citizens:

> > 1. Maximize Program Efficiency. Reduce the backlogs and streamline
> >the process for immigrants and employers who seek to follow the law.
> >Also, simplify and expedite the application processes for temporary
> >visas. This can be accomplished by hiring more personnel at
> >Citizenship and Immigration Services and the FBI. Caps for any
> >category of temporary work visa would be increased as appropriate, if
> >it could be demonstrated that there are no Americans capable and
> >willing to do the jobs.

> > 2. Enhanced Reporting. Improve reporting to the government by
> >businesses that rely on temporary workers so that the government can
> >track whether the visa holder remains employed.

> > 3. Modernize Immigration Law/Policy. Change the nature of our legal
> >immigration system to welcome immigrants who can be economic
> >contributors to our country, are willing to learn the English
> >language, and want to assimilate.

> > 1. Reduce the scope of chain migration by giving family
> >preference in the allocation of lawful permanent resident status only
> >to spouses and minor children of U.S. citizens, and no one else (no
> >siblings, no parents, no adult children, etc.).

> > 2. Eliminate the diversity visa lottery.

> > 4. English As Official Language. Make English the official language
> >of the United States to promote assimilation and legal immigrants'
> >success, and require English proficiency in order for any foreign
> >person to be granted lawful permanent resident status.

> > 5. Freedom from Political Oppression. Preserve U.S. laws and
> >policies to ensure that the United States remains a beacon and a haven
> >for persons fleeing political oppression, while assuring appropriate
> >admission standards are maintained.

> > 6. Service to Country. Place those foreign persons who are lawfully
> >present in the country and who serve honorably in the Armed Forces of
> >the United States on a faster, surer track to U.S. citizenship.

> >---------------- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

Fred doesn't have an immigration plan, or any other plan for that
"Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names" <> wrote in message
> On Oct 27, 6:08 pm, AnAmericanCitizen <> wrote:
>> To have this plan work, it not only requires a republican president, but
>> also a
>> majority in both houses of government....AAC

> Fred doesn't have an immigration plan, or any other plan for that
> matter.

The Democrats have a plan. Legalize all illegals now and let more
immigrants in.
"Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names" <> wrote in message
> On Oct 27, 6:08 pm, AnAmericanCitizen <> wrote:
>> To have this plan work, it not only requires a republican president, but
>> also a
>> majority in both houses of government....AAC

> Fred doesn't have an immigration plan, or any other plan for that
> matter.

The Democrats have a plan. Legalize all illegals now and let more
immigrants in.
"Lickin' Ass and Takin' Names" <> wrote in message
> On Oct 27, 6:08 pm, AnAmericanCitizen <> wrote:
>> To have this plan work, it not only requires a republican president, but
>> also a
>> majority in both houses of government....AAC

> Fred doesn't have an immigration plan, or any other plan for that
> matter.

Are you afraid your boyfriend will be deported?
"Lickin' Ass and Takin' Names" <> wrote in message
> On Oct 27, 6:08 pm, AnAmericanCitizen <> wrote:
>> To have this plan work, it not only requires a republican president, but
>> also a
>> majority in both houses of government....AAC

> Fred doesn't have an immigration plan, or any other plan for that
> matter.

Are you afraid your boyfriend will be deported?
"AnAmericanCitizen" <> wrote in message
> To have this plan work, it not only requires a republican president, but
> also a
> majority in both houses of government....AAC

I could live with Fred's plan!
"AnAmericanCitizen" <> wrote in message
> To have this plan work, it not only requires a republican president, but
> also a
> majority in both houses of government....AAC

I could live with Fred's plan!