Re: Giuliani's "enforcement plan" would take 3 Years to implement



On Aug 17, 4:02 pm, "Freedom Fighter" <> wrote:
> "Ted" <> wrote in message
> > On Aug 17, 11:42 am, wrote:
> >>

> < snip >
> > Rudy G. is just another pandering piece of political dung.
> > ted

> Far worse than that, I'm afraid -
> AMERICA'S MARTINET: The DANGEROUS Candidacy of Rudy Giuliani
> The mass media sometimes calls him "America's mayor." Critics label him a
> dangerous fascist. Whether he's the alleged hero who "took charge" on
> September 11, 2001, or the frightening face of a new American Reich, it
> appears Rudolph Giuliani will carry George W. Bush's torch into the 2008
> presidential election.
> When Giuliani emerged from the toxic dust of the World Trade Center the
> national media caught a quick case of amnesia, preferring the iconic image
> of a "hero" over reality. They quickly forgot Giuliani's dismal tenure in
> mayoral office, his life-costing failures to address the threat of
> terrorism, and his sorry performance on the morning of September 11, 2001.
> Before picking up the "hero" moniker, Giuliani was commonly referred to in
> the city he governed as a despotic fascist and a mean-spirited thug. These
> accusations didn't just come from civil libertarians either. Former New
> York Mayor Ed Koch likened Giuliani to former Chilean dictator Augusto
> Pinochet. According to Koch, Giuliani "uses the levers of power to punish
> any critic." Koch went on to explain, "He doesn't have that right - that's
> why the First Amendment is so important." Yes, and by the end of 2002 the
> courts had found Giuliani in violation of that constitutional pillar of
> American freedom twenty-seven times!
> More than 35 successful lawsuits were brought against Giuliani and his
> administration for blocking free speech. In his book Speaking Freely, First
> Amendment lawyer Floyd Abrams said Giuliani had an "insistence on doing the
> one thing that the First Amendment most clearly forbids:
> using the power of government to restrict or punish speech critical of
> government itself."
> Giuliani's disdain for freedom of speech is best exemplified by the case of
> Robert Lederman, an artist that drew caricatures of Giuliani as a dictator
> and depicted his policies as transforming New York into a police state.
> Lederman was ARRESTED FORTY-ONE TIMES during Giuliani's reign, not by street
> cops but police brass under Giuliani's orders, for displaying his art at
> political demonstrations and on the streets of New York. All were false
> arrests, as Lederman was never convicted of a crime.
> In a similar fashion and again in brazen violation of the First Amendment,
> Giuliani ordered paid advertisements for New York Magazine removed from
> public buses because the ads touted the magazine as "possibly the only good
> thing in New York Rudy hasn't taken credit for." Giuliani's response to
> criticism thus often proves it was highly justified.
> According to the New York Times, the Daily News, and the New York Post, now
> New York State Governor Eliot Spitzer went on record in October 1998,
> saying, "the current Mayor thinks he's a dictator, and does not have
> sufficient respect not only for other branches of government, but also for
> the citizenry and its opportunities to speak out and be heard."
> Spitzer's statements, like Lederman's false arrests, stemmed from Giuliani's
> totalitarian "zero tolerance" policies, which he claimed would improve the
> "quality of life" in New York by punishing trivial violations such as
> jaywalking, drinking in public, marijuana possession, and panhandling, and
> even non-violations such as Lederman's persistent expressions of free
> speech. Under this policy, New Yorkers were handcuffed and dragged off to
> jail for peacefully drinking beer on their front stoops - the New York City
> equivalent of hanging out on the porch. Marijuana possession arrests
> increased by well over 4,000 percent. Arrests were even made for such
> things as riding a bike without a bell on it and sitting on milk crates on
> the sidewalk.
> Giuliani's courtship of rogue police officers and seduction of the NYPD to
> become his personal Gestapo began in September 1992, when he addressed an
> angry rally of cops protesting then-mayor Dinkins's proposal for a civilian
> board to review police misconduct.
> It was a rowdy, often threatening, crowd. Hundreds of white off-duty cops
> drank heavily (a violation for which, under Giuliani, many citizens would
> later be arrested), and a few waved signs like "Dump the Washroom
> Attendant," a racist reference to mayor Dinkins. Twice, Giuliani called the
> Dinkins proposal "bullshit." The crowd cheered, and Giuliani was jubilant.
> "Rudy was out there inciting white cops to riot," Mr. Dinkins stated.
> As mayor, Giuliani's racial and ethnic biases and favoritisms were blatant.
> For over a century the public use of firecrackers by the Asian-American
> community for their New Years celebration, a religious and cultural
> tradition, had been allowed. In 1997 though Giuliani lined Chinatown
> streets with hundreds of police to suppress this, and even refused to allow
> a permit for a professionally supervised display. The Christian equivalent
> of this would be banning Christmas trees and decorations because they
> occasionally start fires. Giuliani never relented on this. On the Jewish
> festival of Purim however, when fireworks are used in the streets of Jewish
> neighborhoods, the police continued to look the other way! They also
> ignored bonfires set in Jewish neighborhood streets to destroy leavened
> bread before Passover. Can you imagine the police response to this in any
> poor, Black, Hispanic, or Asian-American community? Giuliani's lasting
> legacy is that in New York fireworks are OK on Purim, but celebrate the 4th
> of July with them and you can get busted. So much for "Independence" Day.
> Eventually almost 70,000 citizens sued the city for such police abuses as
> strip-searching suspected jaywalkers. In 1999 James Savage, president of
> the New York City police union, referred to Giuliani's zero tolerance policy
> as "a blueprint for a police state and tyranny." Under the guise of fighting
> crime, Giuliani had thus transformed the NYPD into his own private Gestapo,
> going as far as assigning two NYPD detectives, at taxpayer expense, as
> round-the-clock bodyguards for his MISTRESS. This after his closing down
> all the strip clubs on "moral grounds!"
> Giuliani shored up control of the police department by appointing crony
> Howard Safir as commissioner. Safir then made the department's Street
> Crimes Unit into what New York journalist Nat Hentoff described as a "rogue
> operation" that made "Dirty Harry look like Mahatma Gandhi." Fashion-wise,
> the unit had a resemblance to Guatemala's notorious military death squads,
> wearing "We Own the Night" t-shirts, and shirts citing Ernest Hemingway's
> "There is no hunting like the hunting of man" quote - quite a variation from
> standard issue uniforms!
> This is the police unit that became notorious for shooting innocent African
> immigrant Amadou Diallo FORTY TIMES as he reached for his wallet after being
> ordered to show identification. When New Yorkers took to the streets to
> protest the unjustified killing, Giuliani told the press that people were
> protesting due to "their own personal inadequacies."
> Hatian immigrant Abner Louima, arrested in 1997 on a minor charge, was
> brutally beaten on the trip to Brooklyn's 70th precinct. There officers
> took him into a bathroom where convicted rogue cop Justin Volpe sadistically
> shoved a plunger handle up Louima's rectum, then forced the same object into
> his mouth, breaking his teeth. Louima was hospitalized with serious
> injuries, and stated that during his torture one of these sadists said to
> him "This is Giuliani time!"
> When Safir left, Giuliani appointed Bernard Kerik to take his place. This
> is the man Giuliani also recommended to head up Homeland Security. Kerik
> later pleaded guilty to accepting gifts and loans from businesses with
> alleged organized crime ties while he served as police commissioner.
> Some credit Giuliani's Draconian excesses with the drop in crime during his
> tenure, but he just happened to be in the right place at the right time to
> take credit for this. During this period crime dropped similarly
> nationwide, mostly the result of changing demographics and better policing
> methods.
> Eventually the Giuliani-sanctioned anything-goes extremism infected other
> units in the police department. When plainclothes cops asked a black man on
> the street to sell them marijuana, the man, Patrick Dorismond, took offense
> to being called a drug dealer and got into a scuffle with the unidentified
> officers, who then SHOT HIM DEAD. Giuliani issued a knee-jerk defense of
> the killer cops, telling the press that Dorismond was "no altar boy."
> pointed out that in fact he WAS an altar boy! Desperate to
> justify the killing, Giuliani ordered the ILLEGAL release of Dorismond's
> sealed juvenile record - for disorderly conduct! It seems that under
> Giuliani, this justifies the death penalty. Giuliani's contribution to
> Dorismond's funeral was a squadron of police in full riot gear, inciting
> violence that would not have occurred without their unnecessary and
> disrespectful presence.
> Former schools Chancellor Rudy Crew, a one-time pal of Giuliani, stated:
> "There's something very deeply pathological about Rudy's humanity - He was
> barren, completely emotionally barren, on the issue of race." Giuliani's
> vile racism has even been acknowledged by his successor, Mayor Bloomberg:
> "You forget that every single decision [in the Giuliani administration],
> everybody, every story, everything was always couched in terms of race" -
> quoted in the November 4, 2003 Daily News from Vanity Fair magazine.
> By the time his ship came in on September 11, 2001, Giuliani's approval
> rating, according to a Quinnipiac University poll, ...
> read more
On Aug 17, 4:55 pm, greg3347 <> wrote:
> On Aug 17, 4:02 pm, "Freedom Fighter" <> wrote:

Powerful article, well documented.

Giuliani is a spooky guy. (Should he be elected) sounds like Dick
Cheney redux.

Branson Hunter
On Fri, 17 Aug 2007 17:46:25 -0700, Branson Hunter
<> wrote something wonderfully witty:

>On Aug 17, 4:55 pm, greg3347 <> wrote:
>> On Aug 17, 4:02 pm, "Freedom Fighter" <> wrote:

>Powerful article, well documented.
>Giuliani is a spooky guy. (Should he be elected) sounds like Dick
>Cheney redux.
>Branson Hunter

No chance of that. Hillary's accession to the master seat of power is
all but ordained. She is the holy anointed one and not even a Black
man is going to stand a chance against her quest for power & control.

If ya think Bush & Rove were scary, just wait until you met Mr & Mrs

"Some try to tell me, thoughts they cannot defend,
Just what you want to be, you will be in the end." -- Moody Blues
"The Wolf With the Red Roses" <> wrote...
> On Fri, 17 Aug 2007 17:46:25 -0700, Branson Hunter
> <> wrote something wonderfully witty:
>>On Aug 17, 4:55 pm, greg3347 <> wrote:
>>> On Aug 17, 4:02 pm, "Freedom Fighter" <> wrote:

>>Powerful article, well documented.
>>Giuliani is a spooky guy. (Should he be elected) sounds like Dick
>>Cheney redux.
>>Branson Hunter

> No chance of that. Hillary's accession to the master seat of power is
> all but ordained. She is the holy anointed one and not even a Black
> man is going to stand a chance against her quest for power & control.
> If ya think Bush & Rove were scary, just wait until you met Mr & Mrs
> President.
> --
> "Some try to tell me, thoughts they cannot defend,
> Just what you want to be, you will be in the end." -- Moody Blues

Ain't nothin' scarier than Bush-Cheney-Rove. Unholy trinity.

"So if you meet me
Have some courtesy
Have some sympathy, and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse
Or I'll lay your soul to waste" - Rolling Stones
On Aug 18, 9:19 pm, The Wolf With the Red Roses <after-dark-> wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Aug 2007 17:46:25 -0700, Branson Hunter
> <> wrote something wonderfully witty:
> >On Aug 17, 4:55 pm, greg3347 <> wrote:
> >> On Aug 17, 4:02 pm, "Freedom Fighter" <> wrote:

> >Powerful article, well documented.

> >Giuliani is a spooky guy. (Should he be elected) sounds like Dick
> >Cheney redux.

> No chance of that. Hillary's accession to the master seat of power is
> all but ordained.

It's still all up for grabs. It's too early to think she has bagged

> She is the holy anointed one

This is not how electorial politics works. Actually she has far too
many negatives that can (and will) be exploted.

>and not even a Black man is going to stand
> a chance against her quest for power & control.

This can be said about any of the candidates. And what does being a
black man have to do with it?

> If ya think Bush & Rove were scary, just wait until you met Mr & Mrs
> President.

For example....

Branson Hunter
On Sun, 19 Aug 2007 00:25:06 -0400, "paleryder"
<> wrote something wonderfully witty:

>"The Wolf With the Red Roses" <> wrote...
>> On Fri, 17 Aug 2007 17:46:25 -0700, Branson Hunter
>> <> wrote something wonderfully witty:
>>>On Aug 17, 4:55 pm, greg3347 <> wrote:
>>>> On Aug 17, 4:02 pm, "Freedom Fighter" <> wrote:
>>>Powerful article, well documented.
>>>Giuliani is a spooky guy. (Should he be elected) sounds like Dick
>>>Cheney redux.
>>>Branson Hunter

>> No chance of that. Hillary's accession to the master seat of power is
>> all but ordained. She is the holy anointed one and not even a Black
>> man is going to stand a chance against her quest for power & control.
>> If ya think Bush & Rove were scary, just wait until you met Mr & Mrs
>> President.
>> --
>> "Some try to tell me, thoughts they cannot defend,
>> Just what you want to be, you will be in the end." -- Moody Blues

>Ain't nothin' scarier than Bush-Cheney-Rove. Unholy trinity.

Sure there is, you just ain't met it yet.

"Some try to tell me, thoughts they cannot defend,
Just what you want to be, you will be in the end." -- Moody Blues