Re: Group Proposal


dave hillstrom

On Mon, 21 Apr 2008 22:55:10 -0400, ah <> wrote:

>dave hillstrom wrote:
>> On Sun, 20 Apr 2008 07:28:51 -0400, ah <> wrote:
>>>dave hillstrom wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 18 Apr 2008 01:47:03 -0400, ah <> wrote:
>>>>>dave hillstrom wrote:
>>>>>> On Sun, 13 Apr 2008 20:32:29 -0400, ah <> wrote:
>>>>>>>dave hillstrom wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Sat, 12 Apr 2008 06:30:36 -0400, ah <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>dave hillstrom wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 12 Apr 2008 02:44:09 -0500, "Adam H. Kerman" <>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>dave hillstrom <DaVe@MeOw.OrG> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>On Wed, 09 Apr 2008 15:30:22 -0500, "Adam H. Kerman" <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Mike Easter <MikeE@ster.invalid> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Matt Nawrocki wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can I start a group called alt.blogs.mjnblog? I would like a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> discussion group for my blog members. Thank you!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>You don't need a created newsgroup for your blog -- that is, your blog
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>doesn't need its own 'special' newsgroup.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Your blog also doesn't need its own googlegroup, but you could also make
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>one of those
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>A Google Group is a user-owned group created using the Google Groups
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>If you want to use an nntp newsgroup, you can use one that is already
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>created that no one is using instead of creating another one that no one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>will use. Here, try alt.weblogs -- there's no one in there.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Huh. Who woulda thunk that one would have failed? But the proponent told
>>>>>>>>>>>>>us it was an emergency.
>>>>>>>>>>>>i kindly request that the group be
>>>>>>>>>>>>newgrouped and propagated throughout the known universe.
>>>>>>>>>>>What tv show would you like to be the star of?
>>>>>>>>>> one of those "lets blow it up" pseudo science shows that have become
>>>>>>>>>> so popular of late, please.
>>>>>>>>>Would you co-star with Martha Stewart?
>>>>>>>> for the first episode, yes.
>>>>>> just giving the audience what it wants, you know, eh.
>>>>>Pay no attention to the donut behind the curtain.
>>>> is it maple glazed?
>>>Not without advanced warning.

>> timmy hortons should be closer.

>What do you use as your "go-to" bait?

im a master baiter, so i use whatevers at hand.

dave hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj

<This space for rent.>