Re: Guess who built China's satellite-killing missile ???



On Sat, 20 Jan 2007 19:36:38 GMT, (Doug Bashford)

> Guess who built China's satellite-killing missile ???
> Triggering "an arms race in space"
> ===========
>Concern grows over China's satellite-killing missile test
>By Chris Buckley Fri Jan 19, 3:39 PM ET
> "BEIJING (Reuters) - Beijing insisted Friday it was
>opposed to an arms race in space after Japan and Britain
>joined a chorus of concern over a satellite-killing missile
>test by China -- the first known experiment of its type in
>more than 20 years...."
>===========end quote
> Guess who built China's satellite-killing missile ???
>Well Duh. Guess who would profit from
>"an arms race in space."
> Follow the money.
> in 2004, "A number of well-known U.S. defense and
>aerospace firms were convicted of transferring data and
>technology to China in violation of U.S. export control
> - 3k -
> INTRO: The Lockheed Martin Corporation -- the world's
>largest defense equipment contractor -- has agreed to
>pay a 13-million-dollar fine to the U-S government.
>The fine settles a case involving the sale of
>satellite technology to China. V-O-A's Paula Wolfson
>has details.
> TEXT: The State Department says Lockheed Martin
>illegally helped China acquire technology with
>military applications.
> China's Ballistic Missile Update - 2004
>In 2003, Hughes Electronics Corporation and Boeing Satellite
>Systems, ... In June 2000, Lockheed Martin was also fined
>for supplying China kick motor ...
> China's Ballistic Missile Update - 2004
>The Risk Report
>Volume 11 Number 1 (November-December 2004)
> China continues to modernize its ballistic
>missile arsenal. Although limited in number and capability
>when compared to their American counterparts, China's
>ballistic missiles are being improved in a number of key
>ways, making them a growing threat to the United States. The
>newly-developed DF-31 is capable of targeting....
> A number of well-known U.S. defense and aerospace
>firms were convicted of transferring data and technology to
>China in violation of U.S. export control laws.
> In 2003, Hughes Electronics Corporation and Boeing
>Satellite Systems, for example, were forced to pay $32
>million in penalties for 123 such violations during the
>1990s, while Loral Space and Communications Corporation and
>Lockheed Martin Corporation received fines of $20 million
>and $13 million, respectively.
> In June 2000, Lockheed Martin was also fined for
>supplying China kick motor technology in 1994 that could
>help position satellites in orbit.
> China's efforts to deploy MIRVed warheads on
>several of its missile systems may also have been assisted
>by information received from U.S. firms in the 1990s.
>Hughes, for example, helped China improve the fairing of its
>Long March 2E rocket. This technology could potentially be
>used with MIRVed warheads, as well as with........
> =====Threat outlook
> China's ballistic missile arsenal presents a limited,
>but increasing, threat to the United States. China's
>missiles can target both cities on the American mainland and
>U.S. military bases in Asia. China's ICBM arsenal
> - Playboy Magazine -
> Lockheed Martin - Defense Contractors
>\lockheed or
>by Richard Cummings
> How defense contractors are thriving
> "an arms race in space"
>Pretty cool huh!? And that's how Republicans raise
>taxes. Bunker up! Dems too. Who wants to be called
>soft on defense? (Besides the hand-slappers who
>so-called "punish" the above corporate traitors?
>Most traitors do it for ideological reasons.
>These do it for profit.
>The American people are such guttless suckers.
>PT Barnum loved Americans.
>We actually egg these carnies on.
>See follow up article for more details.

See posts from "Joe S." on "full spectrum dominance". Certain
elements in the Pentagon have for quite some time now wanted to create
a "space force", like the Air Force. They insist that dominance in
space is necessary to keep the US forces number one on the ground.
Whoopedy do! Now Lockheed doesn't have to try to convince the
Pentagon that b-line fighters are worth 50 million more than they
should be charging...