Re: Hangovers and Oxygen


Bertie the Bunyip

Rob Arndt <> wrote in

> On Jan 26, 3:56?pm, Bertie the Bunyip <S...@rt.1> wrote:
>> John Doe <j...@usenetlove.invalid> wrote
>> innews:xoLmj.4055$J41.508@newssvr

>> > Very active regular troll always with at least one target

>> Oh at least.
>> Bertie
>> > Path:
>> >!!!

>> newsc
>> >!!pd7cy1no!!
>> > From: Bertie the Bunyip <Sn rt.1> Newsgroups: rec.aviation.military
>> > Subject: Re: Hangovers and Oxygen
>> > Date: Wed, 26 Dec 2007 10:44:42 +0000 (UTC)
>> > Organization: Your Company
>> > Lines: 61
>> > Message-ID: <Xns9A126D34E6CF7pissupropeeh>
>> > References: <986c3f40-8b43-4787-84ca-eebd52a5bc38
>> >> <I5Vbj.20907$db7.1069 newsfe12.phx>
>> > <v190n3lt45jt47kavrnuhn3aioa2659aac>
>> > <cbaac51c-3910-419d-a469-365d54b023a3>
>> > <7862n35m1qch7vvfqeuku9h6tcr1gffkl0> <H1ccj.20176$yV5.18615
>> > newsfe15.phx> <mdu2n35jikdkn6vf6fpld37n7kstm1c2po>
>> > <885ce1c1-e5b5-423d-ab67-4413651a1e6b>
>> > User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25 Xref:
>> > rec.aviation.military:781759

>> > "Ken S. Tucker" <dynamics> wrote in
>> > news:885ce1c1-e5b5-423d-ab67-4413651a1e6b
>> >

>> >> On Dec 25, 1:50 pm, Ed Rasimus <rasimusSPAML...>
>> >> wrote:
>> >>> On Tue, 25 Dec 2007 11:33:00 -0700, "Leadfoot"

>> >>> <spammerssu...> wrote:
>> >>> >IIRC, the pressurization of most aircraft I flew topped out
>> >>> >> at about an 8,000 ft pressure level in the ****pit.

>> >>> >> The only physiological impact is drying of the skin and
>> >>> >> membranes, since it reduces the relative humidity (that's why
>> >>> >> you get the condensation cloud if you have a rapid
>> >>> >> decompression.)

>> >>> >It's also why the airlines give passengers something to drink
>> >>> >while flying so they don't arrive dehydrated at their
>> >>> >destination.

>> >>> It must be a while since you've been flying on the
>> >>> airlines...they seldom "give" anyone anything, let alone a
>> >>> "drink". Those were the good old days.

>> >>> Remember airline meals with ****tails, real silverware, those
>> >>> trays with compartments for four courses? Then they added the
>> >>> charge for drinks (and they never had change for a ten...), then
>> >>> plastic cutlery (oxymoron of the highest order), then dinners
>> >>> were reduced to sandwiches, then snacks, then little bags of
>> >>> peanuts and now you get absolutely nothing unless you buy it.
>> >>> Have your credit card ready, they still don't make change.

>> >>> But at least you get to walk around barefoot in the terminal
>> >>> holding up your pants with one hand and your boarding pass,
>> >>> picture ID, all the stuff in your pockets, your computer, your
>> >>> cell phone and your carry-on bag in the other. Try to retain your
>> >>> dignity while you deal with the 85 IQ rent-a-cop who is
>> >>> protecting the flight from a terrorist blonde with a tube of
>> >>> smuggled lip-gloss.

>> >>> Anything that doesn't have an ocean crossing involved is now a
>> >>> road-trip for me.

>> >> LOL Ed. I just remind myself we're at war and anything I
>> >> can do to expedite the security process I do,

>> > So, what, you declare your squirrel rifle when you board an
>> > airliner?

>> > ?and think
>> >> of the inconvenience of the fella's overseas.
>> >> Things have changed. Used to be when we crossed the
>> >> US/canada border the customs fella's would greet with an
>> >> attitude like, "hi, how are you folks today", not now, they
>> >> are very strict, and who can blame them.

>> > Well, they prolly remember what happened last time you went across.

>> > Once bitten..

>> > Bertie- Hide quoted text -

>> - Show quoted text -

> Keep posting, you're only helping me :)

I think these words may come back to haut you Robbis.