Re: Has France considered Mass Deportation of all the third worldscum that are now armed with real w



On Nov 27, 11:58 am, gringogirl <> wrote:
> Scores of police hurt in Paris riots By ANGELA CHARLTON, Associated
> Press Writer
> 1 hour, 29 minutes ago
> VILLIERS-LE-BEL, France - Rampaging youths rioted for a second night
> in Paris' suburbs, firing at officers and ramming burning cars into
> buildings. At least 80 officers were injured, a senior police union
> official said Tuesday.
> The overnight violence was more intense than during the three weeks of
> rioting in 2005, said the official, Patrice Ribeiro. He said "genuine
> urban guerrillas with conventional weapons and hunting weapons" were
> among the rioters.
> On Monday night, youths were seen firing buckshot at police and
> reporters. About 30 of 82 injured officers were hit by buckshot,
> Ribeiro told The Associated Press. Rioters also hurled stones and
> Molotov ****tails at police, authorities said.
> Police made six arrests, authorities said.
> Youths, many of them Arab and black children of immigrants, again
> appeared to be lashing out at police and other targets seen to
> represent a French establishment they feel has left them behind.
> "Police officers were targeted with hunting weapons; a certain number
> of them were wounded by lead shot," said Interior Minister Michele
> Alliot-Marie. "This is totally unacceptable," she said, adding there
> were six serious injuries, "people who notably were struck in the face
> and close to the eyes."
> The use of firearms added a dangerous new dimension to the rioting.
> Firearms are widespread in France, and police generally carry guns.
> Such weapons, though, were rarely used in the 2005 riots that spread
> to poor housing projects nationwide.
> The current riots were triggered by the deaths of two teens killed in
> a crash with a police patrol car on Sunday in Villiers-le-Bel, a blue-
> collar town in Paris' northern suburbs.
> Residents claimed that officers left the crash scene without helping
> the teens, whose motorbike collided with the car. Officials cast doubt
> on the claim, but the internal police oversight agency was
> investigating.
> The 2005 riots also started in the suburbs of northern Paris after two
> teens were electrocuted in a power substation while hiding from
> police.
> The two teens killed Sunday were both black. They were identified in
> French media only by their first names, Lakhami, 16, and Mouhsin, 15.
> A recent study by the state auditor's office indicated that money
> poured into poor French suburbs in recent decades had done little to
> solve problems vividly exposed by the 2005 riots, including
> discrimination, unemployment and alienation from mainstream society.
> Despite decades of problems and heavy state investments to improve
> housing and create jobs, the depressed projects that ring Paris are a
> world apart from the glitzy boulevards and tourist attractions of the
> French capital. Police speak of no-go zones where they and fire
> fighters fear to patrol.
> There have long been tensions between France's largely white police
> force and the ethnic minorities trapped in poor neighborhoods with
> high unemployment.
> "The problem of bad relations between the police and minorities is
> underestimated," said criminologist Sebastien Roche.
> Suspicion of the police and government officials runs high among
> residents of the bland housing project where the two teens were
> killed.
> Rioting and arson first erupted in Villiers-le-Bel on Sunday night. It
> grew worse and spread Monday night to at least five other towns north
> of Paris.
> Several hundred youths organized in small groups led the rioting in
> Villiers-le-Bel. Rioters rammed burning cars into buildings, trying to
> set them on fire, authorities said. Arsonists struck the municipal
> library, leaving burned books scattered on the floor. They attacked
> shops and other businesses and torched more than 70 vehicles,
> authorities said.
> "There was a lot of fear," according to Villiers-le-Bel resident
> Farida Si Said.
> Police face "a situation that is far worse than that of 2005," said
> Ribeiro, national secretary of the Synergie police union. "Our
> colleagues will not allow themselves to be fired upon indefinitely
> without responding," he warned on RTL radio.
> President Nicolas Sarkozy, who is visiting China, appealed for calm
> and called a security meeting with his ministers for Wednesday on his
> return to France. The violence and the use of firearms against
> officers presented his government, in office since May, with a stern
> test.
> The rioting youth "want Sarkozy. They want him to come and explain"
> what happened to the two teens, said Linda Beddar, a 40-year-old
> mother of three in Villiers-le-Bel. Beddar woke Tuesday to find the
> library across from her house a burned-out shell after youths set in
> on fire the night before.
> Sarkozy was interior minister in charge of police during the 2005
> riots and his government appears keen to avoid a repeat.
> "We will not let go. We will fight with all the force the nation is
> capable of," Prime Minister Francois Fillon told firefighters in
> Villiers-le-Bel. He promised reinforced security for Tuesday night,
> and several trucks of riot police were on the outskirts of town.
> ___
> Associated Press Writer Angela Doland in Paris contributed to this

Does anyone really expect a jaded wimp Western government to remove
it's illegal aliens?
Why is America still admitting muslims as legal immigrants? Matter of
fact, why are we still
admitting immigrants at all?

greg Numbers USA

The phrase "jaded wimp Western government" also applys to the scumbag
operation in Washington, DC.