Re: Islam is a caustic blend of regurgitated paganism and twisted Bible stories. Muhammad, its lone

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<> wrote:
> Islam is a caustic blend of regurgitated paganism and twisted Bible stories.
> Muhammad, its lone prophet, conceived his religion solely to satiate his
> lust for power, sex, and money. He was a terrorist. And if you think these
> conclusions are shocking, wait until you see the evidence.
> The critics of this work will claim that Prophet of Doom is offensive,
> racist, hatemongering, intolerant, and unnecessarily violent. I agree - but
> I didn't write those parts. They came directly from Islam's scriptures. If
> you don't like what Muhammad and Allah said, don't blame me. I'm just the
> messenger.
> Others will say that I cherry-picked the worst of Islam to render an unfair
> verdict. They will charge that I took the Islamic scriptures out of context
> to smear Muhammad and Allah. But none of that is true. Over the course of
> these pages, I quote from almost every surah in the Qur'an - many are
> presented in their entirety. But more than that, I put each verse in the
> context of Muhammad's life, quoting vociferously from the Sunnah as recorded
> by Bukhari, Muslim, Ishaq, and Tabari - Islam's earliest and more trusted
> sources. I even arrange all of this material chronologically, from creation
> to terror.
> Predicting what he called the "Day of Doom" was Muhammad's most often
> repeated prophecy. While it did not occur as he foretold in 1110 A.D., it
> nonetheless came true. Muslims and infidels alike have been doomed by Islam.
> To discover why, we shall dive into the oldest surviving written evidence.
> These official works include: the Sira, Ta'rikh, Hadith, and Qur'an. Ishaq's
> Sira, or biography, called Sirat Rasul Allah, provides the lone account of
> Muhammad's life and the formation of Islam written within 200 years of the
> prophet's death. While the character, message, and deeds portrayed within
> its pages are the antithesis of Yahshua's and his disciples, the Sira's
> chronological presentation is similar in style to the Christian Gospels. The
> Ta'rikh is the oldest, most trusted and comprehensive history of Islam's
> formation and Muhammad's example, called Sunnah. It was written by Tabari.
> His History of al-Tabari is formatted like the Bible. It begins with Islamic
> creation and ends with the acts of Muhammad's companions. Tabari is a
> compilation of Hadith quotes and Qur'an passages. As such, it provides the
> best skeleton upon which to flesh out the character of Muhammad and the
> nature of fundamental Islam. A Hadith is an oral report from Muhammad or his
> companions. Muslims believe that Hadith were inspired by Allah, making them
> scripture. The most revered Collection was compiled in a topical arrangement
> by Bukhari. Allah's Book, the Qur'an, lacks context and chronology, so to
> understand it, readers are dependent upon the Sira, Ta'rikh, and Hadith.
> All that can be known about Muhammad's deeds, means, motives, god, and
> scripture is enshrined in these books. In their pages you will see them as
> they saw themselves. My only point of departure from Ishaq and Tabari will
> be the comprehensive review of the early Meccan surahs, a period in which
> they had very little to say. Our paths will join again as we approach Islam's
> midlife crisis: the Quraysh Bargain, Satanic Verses, Night's Journey, and
> Pledge of Aqaba - a declaration of war against all mankind. At this point,
> the Sunnah speaks more clearly than the Qur'an.
> So that there will be no confusion, I have set the passages from Islam's
> scripture in bold-faced type . When quoting from the Qur'an and Hadith, I
> have elected to use a blended translation. No language transfers perfectly -
> one word to another. Five of my twelve translations of the Qur'an were
> combined to create the most accurate conveyance of the message possible.
> However, the writing quality is so poor, the proofreaders of this manuscript
> suggested that I help Allah and Muhammad out by cleaning up their grammar,
> punctuation, and verbosity. So for clarity and readability, I have trimmed
> their unruly word patterns and meaningless repetitions, being careful not to
> alter the meaning or message of any passage. Insertions within parenthesis
> (like this) were added by the Arabic translators to fill in missing words or
> to clarify the text. Insertions within brackets [like this] represent my
> observations.
> I have elected to present Islam's original source material in juxtaposition
> to my evaluation of its veracity. This format is similar to that used by the
> first English translators of Mein Kampf as they attempted to warn America
> about the dangers lurking in Hitler's manifesto. They, as I, found it
> necessary to hold the author accountable. A great deal was at stake then, as
> it is today. The last time the world was ignorant of such a hateful and
> violent doctrine, 55 million people died. If we don't shed our ignorance of
> Islam, many more will perish.
> My quest to understand Islam began on the morning of September 11th 2001. I
> wanted to know why Muslim militants were killing us. So I went off to Ground
> Zero for Islamic terror - Israel. The West Bank is home to more suicide
> bombers per capita than anywhere else on earth. I arranged to meet with the
> terrorists themselves. I asked members of al-Qaeda, Islamic Jihad, al-Aqsa
> Martyrs' Brigade, and Hamas why they were killing us. They said, "Islam. We
> are following Muhammad's orders." That adventure is recounted in Tea With
> Terrorists . It covers a wide range of material and serves as a companion
> volume, connecting fundamental Islam to terrorism. Prophet of Doom focuses
> strictly on what the Islamic scriptures have to say.
> So, could it be? Could a prophet and a religion be responsible for today's
> terrorist attacks? I invested 10,000 hours in pursuit of that answer. I wish
> everyone had. But knowing that not all are able, I have distilled what I
> discovered into these pages.
> Now for a word of caution: this journey of discovery is ordered
> chronologically. It is not prioritized by relevance. Explaining the root
> cause of Islamic terror is the biggest priority; yet it is not exposed until
> the last half of the book. I want you to know Muhammad, Allah, and Islam
> before you judge their legacy. So to keep you turning pages, I have
> endeavored to make Islam's early years as entertaining as possible. While
> Prophet of Doom is meticulously researched, documented, and accurate, it's
> written as if you and I were old friends having a lively chat about the most
> important and lethal issue of our day.
> One last thought before you head down this perilous path. I pray that when
> you have reached the journey's end, you will share my heart for the plight
> of Muslims. I want nothing more than to free them from Islam, and in so
> doing, free us from the terror their doctrine inspires.
> Craig Winn
> November 2003
> The documented references in Prophet of Doom were derived from English
> translations of the following ancient Islamic manuscripts. I encourage you
> to purchase and read them. The Sirat Rasul Allah was written by Ibn Ishaq in
> 750 A.D. It was edited and abridged by Ibn Hisham in 830 and translated by
> Alfred Guillaume under the title, The Life of Muhammad in 1955 by Oxford
> Press. The History of al-Tabari was written by Abu Muhammad bin al-Tabari
> between 870 and 920 A.D. His monumental work was translated and published in
> 1987 through 1997 by the State University of New York Press. I quote from
> volumes I, II, VI, VII, VIII, and IX. Al-Bukhari's Hadith, titled: Sahih
> Al-Bukhari and The True Traditions was collected by Imam Bukhari in 850 A.D.
> I have used the collector's original nomenclature because the only printed
> English translation (Publisher-Maktaba Dar-us-Salam, Translator-Muhammad
> Khan) was abridged and erroneously numbered. Finally, I recommend that you
> acquire at least three of the following Qur'an translations: Ahmed Ali,
> Pikthal, Noble by Muhsin Khan, Yusuf Ali, or Shakir. The oldest Qur'an
> fragments date to around 725 A.D. - a century after they were first recited.

And Uncle Schmuck is still admitting muslim immigrants! Mosques in

On Feb 2, 7:54 pm, wrote:
> <> wrote:
> > Islam is a caustic blend of regurgitated paganism and twisted Bible stories.
> > Muhammad, its lone prophet, conceived his religion solely to satiate his
> > lust for power, sex, and money. He was a terrorist. And if you think these
> > conclusions are shocking, wait until you see the evidence.

> > The critics of this work will claim that Prophet of Doom is offensive,
> > racist, hatemongering, intolerant, and unnecessarily violent. I agree - but
> > I didn't write those parts. They came directly from Islam's scriptures. If
> > you don't like what Muhammad and Allah said, don't blame me. I'm just the
> > messenger.

> > Others will say that I cherry-picked the worst of Islam to render an unfair
> > verdict. They will charge that I took the Islamic scriptures out of context
> > to smear Muhammad and Allah. But none of that is true. Over the course of
> > these pages, I quote from almost every surah in the Qur'an - many are
> > presented in their entirety. But more than that, I put each verse in the
> > context of Muhammad's life, quoting vociferously from the Sunnah as recorded
> > by Bukhari, Muslim, Ishaq, and Tabari - Islam's earliest and more trusted
> > sources. I even arrange all of this material chronologically, from creation
> > to terror.

> > Predicting what he called the "Day of Doom" was Muhammad's most often
> > repeated prophecy. While it did not occur as he foretold in 1110 A.D., it
> > nonetheless came true. Muslims and infidels alike have been doomed by Islam.

> > To discover why, we shall dive into the oldest surviving written evidence.
> > These official works include: the Sira, Ta'rikh, Hadith, and Qur'an. Ishaq's
> > Sira, or biography, called Sirat Rasul Allah, provides the lone account of
> > Muhammad's life and the formation of Islam written within 200 years of the
> > prophet's death. While the character, message, and deeds portrayed within
> > its pages are the antithesis of Yahshua's and his disciples, the Sira's
> > chronological presentation is similar in style to the Christian Gospels. The
> > Ta'rikh is the oldest, most trusted and comprehensive history of Islam's
> > formation and Muhammad's example, called Sunnah. It was written by Tabari.
> > His History of al-Tabari is formatted like the Bible. It begins with Islamic
> > creation and ends with the acts of Muhammad's companions. Tabari is a
> > compilation of Hadith quotes and Qur'an passages. As such, it provides the
> > best skeleton upon which to flesh out the character of Muhammad and the
> > nature of fundamental Islam. A Hadith is an oral report from Muhammad or his
> > companions. Muslims believe that Hadith were inspired by Allah, making them
> > scripture. The most revered Collection was compiled in a topical arrangement
> > by Bukhari. Allah's Book, the Qur'an, lacks context and chronology, so to
> > understand it, readers are dependent upon the Sira, Ta'rikh, and Hadith.

> > All that can be known about Muhammad's deeds, means, motives, god, and
> > scripture is enshrined in these books. In their pages you will see them as
> > they saw themselves. My only point of departure from Ishaq and Tabari will
> > be the comprehensive review of the early Meccan surahs, a period in which
> > they had very little to say. Our paths will join again as we approach Islam's
> > midlife crisis: the Quraysh Bargain, Satanic Verses, Night's Journey, and
> > Pledge of Aqaba - a declaration of war against all mankind. At this point,
> > the Sunnah speaks more clearly than the Qur'an.

> > So that there will be no confusion, I have set the passages from Islam's
> > scripture in bold-faced type . When quoting from the Qur'an and Hadith, I
> > have elected to use a blended translation. No language transfers perfectly -
> > one word to another. Five of my twelve translations of the Qur'an were
> > combined to create the most accurate conveyance of the message possible.
> > However, the writing quality is so poor, the proofreaders of this manuscript
> > suggested that I help Allah and Muhammad out by cleaning up their grammar,
> > punctuation, and verbosity. So for clarity and readability, I have trimmed
> > their unruly word patterns and meaningless repetitions, being careful not to
> > alter the meaning or message of any passage. Insertions within parenthesis
> > (like this) were added by the Arabic translators to fill in missing words or
> > to clarify the text. Insertions within brackets [like this] represent my
> > observations.

> > I have elected to present Islam's original source material in juxtaposition
> > to my evaluation of its veracity. This format is similar to that used by the
> > first English translators of Mein Kampf as they attempted to warn America
> > about the dangers lurking in Hitler's manifesto. They, as I, found it
> > necessary to hold the author accountable. A great deal was at stake then, as
> > it is today. The last time the world was ignorant of such a hateful and
> > violent doctrine, 55 million people died. If we don't shed our ignorance of
> > Islam, many more will perish.

> > My quest to understand Islam began on the morning of September 11th 2001. I
> > wanted to know why Muslim militants were killing us. So I went off to Ground
> > Zero for Islamic terror - Israel. The West Bank is home to more suicide
> > bombers per capita than anywhere else on earth. I arranged to meet with the
> > terrorists themselves. I asked members of al-Qaeda, Islamic Jihad, al-Aqsa
> > Martyrs' Brigade, and Hamas why they were killing us. They said, "Islam. We
> > are following Muhammad's orders." That adventure is recounted in Tea With
> > Terrorists . It covers a wide range of material and serves as a companion
> > volume, connecting fundamental Islam to terrorism. Prophet of Doom focuses
> > strictly on what the Islamic scriptures have to say.

> > So, could it be? Could a prophet and a religion be responsible for today's
> > terrorist attacks? I invested 10,000 hours in pursuit of that answer. I wish
> > everyone had. But knowing that not all are able, I have distilled what I
> > discovered into these pages.

> > Now for a word of caution: this journey of discovery is ordered
> > chronologically. It is not prioritized by relevance. Explaining the root
> > cause of Islamic terror is the biggest priority; yet it is not exposed until
> > the last half of the book. I want you to know Muhammad, Allah, and Islam
> > before you judge their legacy. So to keep you turning pages, I have
> > endeavored to make Islam's early years as entertaining as possible. While
> > Prophet of Doom is meticulously researched, documented, and accurate, it's
> > written as if you and I were old friends having a lively chat about the most
> > important and lethal issue of our day.

> > One last thought before you head down this perilous path. I pray that when
> > you have reached the journey's end, you will share my heart for the plight
> > of Muslims. I want nothing more than to free them from Islam, and in so
> > doing, free us from the terror their doctrine inspires.

> > Craig Winn
> > November 2003
> >

> > The documented references in Prophet of Doom were derived from English
> > translations of the following ancient Islamic manuscripts. I encourage you
> > to purchase and read them. The Sirat Rasul Allah was written by Ibn Ishaq in
> > 750 A.D. It was edited and abridged by Ibn Hisham in 830 and translated by
> > Alfred Guillaume under the title, The Life of Muhammad in 1955 by Oxford
> > Press. The History of al-Tabari was written by Abu Muhammad bin al-Tabari
> > between 870 and 920 A.D. His monumental work was translated and published in
> > 1987 through 1997 by the State University of New York Press. I quote from
> > volumes I, II, VI, VII, VIII, and IX. Al-Bukhari's Hadith, titled: Sahih
> > Al-Bukhari and The True Traditions was collected by Imam Bukhari in 850 A.D.
> > I have used the collector's original nomenclature because the only printed
> > English translation (Publisher-Maktaba Dar-us-Salam, Translator-Muhammad
> > Khan) was abridged and erroneously numbered. Finally, I recommend that you
> > acquire at least three of the following Qur'an translations: Ahmed Ali,
> > Pikthal, Noble by Muhsin Khan, Yusuf Ali, or Shakir. The oldest Qur'an
> > fragments date to around 725 A.D. - a century after they were first recited.

> And Uncle Schmuck is still admitting muslim immigrants! Mosques in
> Iowa!
> gregory- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Hmmmm. Let's see: " . . . regurgitated paganism and twisted Bible
stories. . . solely to satiate . . .lust for power, sex, and
money. . . "

That description fits every single one of the "religious right" TV
preachers -- think about it -- Dobson, Falwell, Robertson, Perkins,
Cephalo Dollar, Bennie Hinn, the nutty woman with the purple hair and
her husband, and on and on and on -- twisted Bible stories, paganism,
lust for power, sex, and money -- see it all day on the religious