
[Original groupline restored]

On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 10:00:04 GMT, PorchMonkey4Life
<> wrote:

>D1ckillisioned wipes my protein from his face and sez:
>>On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 07:26:26 GMT, PorchMonkey4Life
>><> wrote:

>>D1ckillisioned takes a break from c0cksucking to babble to following:
>>>>On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 04:05:05 GMT, The Demon Prince of Absurdity
>>>><absurd_number_of_ni...@hell.corn> wrote:
>>>>>DisiLLusioneD wrote:
>>>>>>> On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 10:07:09 +0900, The 2-Belo
>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> DVH and is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [...]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Har har lol@you. Porchy's scared of posting in

>>>>>>>>>>> Hmmm must be a story there
>>>>>>>>>> I'm guessing he can't.
>>>>>>>>>> His ISP doesn't let him swear, post to the flonk or a.f..
>>>>>>>> I'm beginning to think he's got several layers of parental

>>controls >between him
>>>>>>>> and the big, bad Net, is what. Although his mom's got strange
>>>>tastes in
>>>>>>>> newsgroups, unless she's a some sort of white supremacist
>>>>straight-edge or
>>>>>>>> something. "Sure, son, you can post reams of barely intelligible
>>>>crap about the
>>>>>>>> darkies, since they're evil and gay, but IF I EVER HEAR THE F-WORD
>>>>>>>> ME#{`%$+&{`#$+%{&`+ KICK #${%`+&{` KNEETOGROIN ${%`+&{#`54;[6@;".
>>>>>>> Actually, it would appear that Porchie thought he was doing his bit
>>>>>>> for Racial Equality when he stumbled across amw-p. Ironically, he is
>>>>>You b1tches found me in another group and made the poor decision of
>>>>>f cking with me. You're still paying for that dingbat choice of yours.
>>>>If I recall correctly, you came here with aus.general & aus.invest in
>>>>your groupline. Given that only an absolute moron would bother
>>>>Tards like you never recall anything correctly. So let's get that

>>>>Someone from amwp can into one of the groups that I was in and started

>>You'll have to do better than "someone" if you expect to make any kind
>>of point.

>I don't have to do $hit for tards that I f cking own. You b1tches better
>recognize that you are my property to do with what I please. You dumb
>c nts want to be spoonfed cuz you're so f cking lazy (and stoopid).
>>>Then they tried to have limited follow-ups (much like what you
>>>c nts tried very unsuccessfully to do) so that they wouldn't see my
>>>replies. I added the original groups and then you c nt foolishly
>>>inserted yourself into the discussion and you've been paying for it
>>>I see that you have tried to trace back to the beginning of this. I >>see
>>>you even google researched me to the point of responding to a jan 13th
>>>2007 post to aus.films.. You sad little pathetic pus$y.

>>You ****ing imbecile. That post you're referring to was still in my
>>newsreader (x-posted to amw-p) - check the headers you DUMB **** !
>>Though I did try to pinpoint when you appeared in amwp, which I
>>managed to do on google.

>You f cking clod, you're such a f cking idiot that you respond to a
>thread from January. What a lame piece of $hit you are? You are so
>worthy of every bit of abuse that I heap on you.
>>>>>trolling the aus. hiearchy, I am pretty certain no amw-p reg "found"
>>>Tard certainty.. now that's any oxymoron for ya, d1ckillisioned/
>>>you in there. If you have proof to the contrary, pleace post it.
>>>You have not shown sufficient proof so the burden of proof remains
>>>with you.
>>>All you did was point to a carefully selected thread from your google
>>>research of me.
>>>I suggest you continue your research because your tarded as$ have
>>>>Your entrance into amw-p:
>>>>Strangely enough, not one amw-p reg appears in that thread. Oh, &
>>>>Yet one of you c nt foolishly decided to initiate hostilities with me.

>>So you x-post ****ing garbage to our ng & it is us who "initiate
>>hostilities" with you ? You ****ing idiot !

>You f cking c nt. You stepped up and started f cking with me. Now you
>will deal with all of the consequences of your tarded decision. Face it
>as$hole, you f cked up bigtime and this is not going away anytime soon,
>b1tch. So assume the position and try now to scream in pain too much.
>>>Face it, you c nt started it and now you'll have to deal with what
>>>you've wrought.

>>We are dealing with it adequately.

>You're being deal with brilliantly. You've been enslaved and now you're
>at my beck and call, c nt.
>>>>>that just reminded me how incredibly pathetic you really are - you
>>>>even got owned by those muh-dikkk morons !!!!!
>>>>And yet I stand today as your owner . Those tards quickly ran away
>>>>me because they got a hint of what they were in for. If they had
>>>>longer they would have been owned just like so many tards that
>>>>foolishly start $hit with me only to learn what is really in store

>for them.
>>The few posts I saw had them owning you, & I don't need to tell you
>>how ridiculously stupid that makes you look !

>tards like you just can't face the truth. At least those tards had the
>sense to run away when they sensed that enslavement was assured for
>them. You're extra tarded. You never saw your defeat coming. But it
>crashed down on you like a ton of bricks and now you're scrambling
>trying to recover but I keep beating you into submission.
>>>>>>> alot more racist than the inhabitants of said ng.
>>>>>I love the way you backtrack and moonwalk just like Michael jackson

>>>>>I see you have more than pedophilia in common with Jackson).
>>>>Explain exactly how I "backtrack", or STFU.
>>>Re-read your post as$clown, it's blatantly obvious where your
>>>backtracking/moonwalking begins (it doesn't seem to have an end).

>>Just did, though still don't see any backtracking, at least not on my

>You're tarded so you'll probably need to have someone (that's not a
>complete retard like you) re-read the post to you
>>>And I
>>>dare you to try and make me STFU. You'll be STFU before I ever will
>>>c nt. Now what, b1tch? Got anything else? Huh fagboi.

>>Words on a screen, moron. Of course I won't "make" you.

>C nt you can't make me. And if you tried you'd get beat down like the
>little nancyboi that you are, b1tch
>>>>>>> A little (albeit extremely old) history can be found here:
>>>>Christ, if that site was still being updated - think of how many pages
>>>>would be dedicated to you. You'd be sharing the spotlight with the
>>>>likes of Mighty White "Jizz Hoover" 88 & his muh-dikkk buddies !

>>You can't stand it that I bested u so thoroughly. You know that you're
>> owned . each posts of yours shows just how much you've been outwitted.
>>You never had a chance, and I think you realize it now. You're such a
>>f cking loser and there's pretty much nothing that you can do to

>change it.
>>You're ****ing deluded. 2-Belo absolutely floored you with the most
>>minimal effort on his part, yet you still seem to think that you're
>>the one doing the "owning".

>I destroyed you and I am in the process of destroying 2-Belo. But do
>continue c0cksucking him in the hopes of forging an alliance. Your punk
>as$ needs all the help that you can get. I'm absolutely killing you.
>>You couldn't own Hatter either, so you resorted to posting his PI,
>>like a gutless little **** !

>Many recognize me as diaperboi's owner. But you can continue to c0cksuck
>him in the hopes of forging an alliance. Tard alliances will result in
>all tard alliance members getting owned. 1 stoopid or five stoopid is
>still stoopid. You b1tches will continue to get beaten and continue to
>try and slink away.
>>Oh, & you've "owned" amw-p that much, that you taken to reading
>>posts posted only there. Obsess, much ?

>Are you depress now that you realize that your favorite hiding spot has
>been taken away from you b1tch? Your b1tches fear me so much that now I
>got your quivering in your own stomping ground. How c nty of you...
>Did you really think that you could compete with me, b1tch? Show just
>how tarded you are, fagboi.