Re: Jews drew first blood, but tricked the world that Hitler did!


Ralph Kramden

"Ben H. Cramer" <> wrote in

> "LIBERATOR" <> wrote in message
> news:4c1e9b93-b2ce-420a-a4fb-c95b0fb64b43
> ..
>> /jdecwar.html
>> This site is factual and can be verified by public record, amazingly
>> the public records regarding these dates & events are so hush hushed
>> that none of you know about this.
>> Hitler only incarcerated Jews after they first boycotted Germany
>> worldwide - they attacked Germanys economy from within and from
>> without. Hitler didn't lock anyone up that was Jewish, until the
>> Jewish boycott of Germany in 1933.
>> Jews drew first blood - Hitler responded in defense. They had reduced
>> Germans to starvation - 600,000 died from starvation. This was
>> purposeful and all names of the bankers that controlled the world
>> markets specifically in Germany at that time were Jewish. Hitlers
>> radical response was out of defense!
>> He had no intentions of locking up all the Jews or even eradicating
>> them from Germany, UNTIL they declared war on Germany becuase he
>> legally voted them out of power. The Communism method is subversive,
>> all political parties were Communist parties by espionage, and Hitler
>> was the first one ever to beat the Jews at their subversion by legal
>> elections.
>> So in response to removing the Jews from power legally which has
>> never been done before, the Jews outside of Germany that controlled
>> all worldwide financing, responded by declaring war on Germany of
>> which to destroy her markets and economy - which was already in
>> horrid state. So Hitler in response arrested Jews he knew had been
>> international circuitry for worldwide Jewish financiers. That was
>> most of them.

> Here's a little more relating to the worldwide attack against Germany
> by the hebes.
> Scofield was "taken under the wing of Samuel Untermeier
> (Untermeyer)
> (Untermyer)..." Following is excerpted from The Hidden Tyranny, by
> Benjamin H. Freedman.
> Shortly after President Wilson's first inauguration, he received
> a
> visitor in the White House by the name of Mr. Samuel Untermeyer. Mr.
> Untermeyer was a prominent New York city attorney who contributed
> generously to the National Democratic committee that installed
> President Wilson in the White House in Washington in the 1912
> election. Mr. Untermeyer was a very welcome guest and President
> Wilson was very glad to welcome him to the White House. They had met
> before during the campaign.
> Mr. Untermeyer surprised President wilson that he had been
> retained to
> bring a breach of promise action against President Wilson. Mr.
> Untermeyer informed President Wilson that his client was willing to
> accept $40,000 in lieu of commencing the breach of promise action.
> Mr. Untermeyer's client was the former wife of a Professor at
> Princeton University at the same time President Wilson was a professor
> at princeton University.
> Mr. Untermeyer produced a packet of letters from his pocket,
> written by
> President Wilson to his colleague's wife when they were neighbors at
> Princeton University. These letters established the illicit
> relationship which had existed between President Wilson and the wife
> of his colleague neighbor. He had written many endearing letters to
> her, many of which she never destroyed. President Wilson acknowledged
> his authorship of the letters after examining a few of them.
> President Wilson left Princeton University to become the Governor
> of
> New Jersey. In 1912 he was elected to his first term as president of
> the United States. In the interim, President Wilson's former
> sweetheart had divorced her husband and married again. Her second
> husband resident in Washington with a grown son who was in the employ
> of one of the leading banks in Washington.
> Mr. Untermeyer explained to President Wilson that his former
> sweetheart
> was very fond of her husband's son. He explained that this son was in
> financial trouble and suddenly needed $40,000, as he told the story,
> to liquidate a pressing liability to the bank for which he worked. The
> details are not relevant here except that the son needed the $40,000
> badly and quickly. President wilson's former sweetheart thought that
> Wilson was the logical prospect for that $40,000 to help her husband's
> son.
> President Wilson quickly set Mr. Untermeyer's mind at rest by
> informing
> him that he did not have $40,000 available for any purpose. Mr.
> Untermeyer suggested that President Wilson should think the matter
> over and said he would return in a few days to discuss the matter
> further. Mr. Untermeyer used the next few days in Washington looking
> into the credibility of the son's story about his pressing need for
> $40,000 to liquidate a pressing liability. He learned that the son's
> story was not misrepresented in any way to his mother by her son.
> Mr. Untermeyer returned to President Wilson a few days later as
> they
> had agreed. President Wilson did not hesitate to inform Mr.
> Untermeyer that he did not have the $40,000 to pay his blackmailer.
> President Wilson appeared irritated. Mr. Untermeyer considered the
> matter a few moments and then volunteered a solution to President
> Wilson for his problem.
> Mr. Untermeyer volunteered to give President Wilson's former
> sweetheart
> the $40,000 out of his own pocket on one condition: that Wilson
> promise Untermeyer to appoint to the first vacancy on the United
> States Supreme court a nominee to be recommended to Wilson by
> Untermeyer.
> Without further talk, President Wilson accepted Mr. Untermeyer's
> generous offer and Mr. Untermeyer promptly paid the $40,000 in
> currency to president Wilson's former sweetheart. The contemplated
> breach of promise suit was never heard of after that. Mr. Untermeyer
> retained in his possession permanently the packet of letters to insure
> against any similar attempt at some future time. [or could it be the
> letters were held by Untermeyer to further blackmail him should Wilson
> 'step out of line'? jp]
> President Wilson was most grateful to Mr. Untermeyer for
> everything he
> was doing to solve his problem. Mr. Untermeyer was a man of great
> wealth. The law firm in New York of which he was the leading partner,
> Messrs. Guggenheim, Untermeyer and Marshall, is still today one of the
> nation's most prominent and most prosperous law firms. Mr. Untermeyer
> organized the Bethlehem Steel Company for his friend, Mr. Charles M.
> Schwab, who resigned from the United States Steel Company to form his
> company in competition with it.
> As anyone might reasonably suspect, Mr. Untermeyer must have had
> something in mind when he agreed to pay President Wilson's former
> sweetheart $40,000 out of his own pocket. He paid the money out of his
> own pocket in the hope that it might bring to pass a dream close to
> his heart -- a Talmudist ("Jew") on the United States Supreme Court on
> which none had ever served.
> The day soon arrived when President Willson was presented with
> the
> necessity of appointing a new member of the United States Supreme
> Court. Mr. Untermeyer recommended Louis Dembitz Brandeis for the
> vacancy, who was immediately appointed by Wilson. President Wilson
> and Justice Brandeis became unusually intimate friends. Justice
> Brandeis knew the circumstances of his appointment to the Supreme
> Court by President Wilson.
> In 1914 Justice Brandeis was the most prominent and most
> politically
> influential of all Zionists in the United States. As a justice of the
> United States Supreme Court, Brandeis was in a better position than
> ever before to be of service to Talmudists ("Jews") both at home and
> abroad. The first opportunity to perform a great service for his
> Zionist followers soon became available to Brandeis.
> Justice Brandeis volunteered his opinion to president Wilson that
> the
> sinking of the S.S. Sussex by a German submarine in the English
> Channel with the loss of lives of United States citizens justified the
> declaration of war against Germany by the United States. Relying to a
> great extent upon the legal opinion of Justice Brandeis, President
> Wilson addressed both houses of Congress on April 2, 1917. He
> appealed to Congress to declare war against Germany and they did on
> April 7, 1917.
> After the October 1916 agreement was concluded between the
> British War
> Cabinet and the World Zionist Organization, the Talmudists throughout
> the world were hopeful that an international incident would soon occur
> to justify a declaration of war against Germany by the United States.
> The declaration of war against Germany by the United States
> guaranteed
> the Talmudists throughout the world that Palestine was to be turned
> over to them upon the defeat of Germany. The defeat of Germany was
> certain if the United States could be railroaded into the war in
> Europe as Great Britain's ally. [end excerpt]
> From Encyclopedia Americana 1954: Untermeyer, Samuel, American Lawyer,
> born Lynchburg, Virginia June 6, 1858 - died Palm Springs, California,
> March 16, 1940. He took his degree at Columbia University, New York
> to which city the family moved soon after the Civil War and he was
> admitted to the bar in 1879. He rose rapidly in his profession;
> became famous as a corporation attorney and was noted for his
> connection with celebrated cases. He was at times special advisor to
> the government in the interpretation and enforcement of the income tax
> law and was active in securing the enforcement of anti-trust
> legislation. He was a leader of the Jewish people and an advocate of
> government ownership.
> Encyclopedia Britannica, 1964: Untermeyer, Samuel, 1858-1940
> (excerpted) He was counsel in many celebrated cases, covering almost
> every phase of corporation, civil, criminal and international law.
> Untermeyer urged [federal legislative] measures like the compulsory
> regulation of stock exchanges; reform of the criminal laws and
> regulation of trusts and combinations. He took part in preparing the
> Federal Reserve Bank Law, the Creighton Bill, Federal Trade Commission
> Bill and other legislation curbing trusts.
> He was a delegate to the Democratic Conventions and a strong
> supporter
> of President Woodrow Wilson, who appointed him to serve on the
> commission which sat at Buenos Aires in 1916 to frame uniform laws
> (links outside this site; opens in a new browser window) for the Pan
> American countries. Untermeyer acted for Governor Alfred E. Smith in a
> water-power controversy over the Niagara-St. Lawrence River,
> Adirondack Forest Reserve and other hydro-electric power rights,
> resulting in the defeat of the grants of the water power rights of the
> state to private interests. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The following paragraphs are quoted from the book, The World's
> Troublemakers, by Bruce Brown, a Methodist minister from Australia.
> Once again, Untermeyer's power and influence is made clear in his
> ability to manipulate the masses of Jews and leaders of nations... as
> well as the Scofield Reference Bible. Begin transcript at page 53.
> THE CALL FOR WAR -- When Hitler had been soundly established, Samuel
> Untermeyer, a New York Jewish lawyer, called for war on Germany. This
> call was made through radio station WABC on August 7, 1933. He had
> just returned from a world conference of Jews at The Hague. In the
> broadcast, he said he was calling for a "holy war", and described the
> Jews as "the aristocrats of the world".
> This same gentleman was connected with the Foreign Policy Association
> of New York and the worldwide organisation to move Jews out of
> Germany, not only into the United States, but to Palestine and other
> countries. These activities were tied in with the organisation known
> as the "international Boycott on German Goods", of which Samuel
> Untermeyer was the head!
> From that time the "Hate Germany" campaign was intensified and made
> worldwide, with a special Jewish-organised "National Conference of
> Jews and Christians" assisting! These are the hate-spreaders, but
> they never grow tired of praising themselves. That marked the
> beginning of the Jewish exodus from Germany.
> ... The late C.H. Douglas called attention to the fact that the misery
> through which the people of Germany passed at the hands of the Jews
> [international money-lenders] in the pre-Hitler period stimulated a
> revenge complex, and served to reconcile the German population to the
> acceptance of the finance-backed dictator. Norman Bentwich confirms
> this. In the book "The Jews In Our Time", he says:
> "The circumstances of the national humiliation which the Germans
> suffered by the Treaty of Versailles made them prone to find a
> scapegoat."
> He was anxious to help his compatriots [Jews] get away from Germany,
> and for that purpose visited Australia in 1938. He was accompanied by
> Captain Victor Cazalet, M.P., who declared that Christianity would be
> condemned unless it made a serious effort to find a solution of the
> problem!
> competent writer in the United Kingdom, in an article published on
> January 13, 1940, said:
> "During the chaos which supervened on the Versailles Treaty, the
> German middle classes were deprived of their savings and small
> businesses, and came under the control of international Jews who had
> access to the international money market.
> This is the real origin of Anti-Semitism in Germany. The fact that
> the blow fell on inoffensive citizens, [religious Jews - the 'lesser
> brethren'] even on scholars and artists who had nothing to do with the
> world of finance, has blinded well-meaning people to the fact that the
> international money-lenders are responsible for the terrible troubles
> that fell on their own people. They knew perfectly well that there
> would be pogroms.
> The slaughter of a few hundred Jews was no more to them than the
> German casualties are to Hitler. They want world domination, and they
> are prepared that their own should pay for it." [end quoting from
> World's Troublemakers]
> That last paragraph, while off the immediate topic of the Scofield/
> Untermeyer connection, was transcribed to demonstrate the fact that
> the persecution of Jews has been orchestrated by the International
> money-lenders who call themselves "Jews".
> To achieve their political program of World Dominion they have
> utilized divisiveness and hatred between Jew and non-Jew; orchestrated
> pogroms, oppression, suppression, and persecution of the Jew masses.
> We will be posting information to further expand on and explain this
> process.


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