Re: ** Mormons afraid Mitt Romney will expose their Crazy Cult **

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On Jun 19, 1:14?pm, "? UltraMan ?" <> wrote:
> Some Mormons Worry as Faith Comes Under Scrutiny
> Mitt Romney's Presidential Rivals Have Used His Mormon Faith for Negative
> Campaigning
> June 19, 2007 -
> In recent weeks, two of Mitt Romney's Republican rivals have apologized
> after staffers sent out e-mails questioning basic tenets of Mormonism.
> As Romney continues his quest for the presidential nomination, his faith is
> likely to come under increasing scrutiny.
> It's not the first time a candidate's faith has been a factor for voters. It
> happened for Catholics in 1960 when John F. Kennedy ran for president, and
> it happened for Orthodox Jews when Joe Lieberman ran for vice president in
> 2000.
> Mormonism's moment in the spotlight brings a mixture of pride and anxiety
> for members of the church.
> Some Mormons worry about a resurgence of the type of bigotry the church has
> faced since it was founded 177 years ago by Joseph Smith, who was later
> killed by an angry mob.
> Will Mormon Faith Hurt Romney?
> Perhaps the biggest misconception about Mormons is that they're polygamists,
> as portrayed in the HBO series "Big Love."
> In fact, the church gave up polygamy in 1890. It is now only practiced by a
> small group of so-called Mormon fundamentalists.
> Nonetheless, some Mormons were offended when Romney harshly criticized
> polygamy on "60 Minutes."
> "I must admit, I can't imagine anything more awful than polygamy," Romney
> said on the TV show.
> John Dehlin, a Mormon businessman and journalist who runs a Web site called
>, said the remark was offensive.
> "There are many Mormons who, while they don't practice polygamy, are very
> proud of their ancestry. So to hear him so summarily dismiss or disparage
> the practice of polygamy is hurtful," Dehlin said.
> Other Mormon beliefs may provoke uncomfortable questions for Romney. For
> example, Mormons believe God was once a human being. Mormons also believe in
> symbolically baptizing the dead even if they're members of other religions.
> Up until 1978, including a time during which Romney was prominent in the
> church, black people had second-class status. Mormons used to teach that
> blacks had dark skin because of a curse from God.
> "These past statements haunt our people and they will haunt Mitt Romney,"
> Dehlin said.
> Dehlin, who is sometimes critical of the church, points out that Christian
> politicians aren't often asked about Old Testament passages that condone
> slavery.
> "Every religion has skeletons in its historical closet," Dehlin said. "The
> only difference is that Mormonism is less familiar."

What skeleton re: slavery? The Bible is God's word. God has nothing
to hide from mankind.

Everyone is a slave to some degree. Have you tried collecting a
paycheck from your boss without doing any work?

Those who are slaves to Christianity will have freedom in heaven.
Those who free themselves from Christianity will be a slave to sin in
Gehenna. Choose wisely.
In article <>, says...


> Those who are slaves to Christianity will have freedom in heaven.
> Those who free themselves from Christianity will be a slave to sin in
> Gehenna. Choose wisely.

Sure, padre. Just as soon as you demonstrate the existence of a

Any deity.



Fear is the basis of the whole thing -- fear of the mysterious,
fear of defeat, fear of death. Fear is the parent of cruelty, and
therefore it is no wonder if cruelty and religion have gone hand

-- Bertrand Russell
In article <>,
josef.balluch@sympatico.can says...

> In article <>,
> says...

> > Those who are slaves to Christianity will have freedom in heaven.
> > Those who free themselves from Christianity will be a slave to sin in
> > Gehenna. Choose wisely.

> Sure, padre. Just as soon as you demonstrate the existence of a
> deity.
> Any deity.

No response, padre?

< chuckle! >



If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at
least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.

-- Rene Descartes