Re: Much Western Criticism Of Wilders' Anti-Islamic Film

  • Thread starter It's Americans OR Democrats
  • Start date

It's Americans OR Democrats

Tyrone Cannon <> wrote:
> But does this backlash of criticism stem from fear of Muslim retaliation?

Only in the minds of war mongers and cowards. When was the last time you
faced down a Muslim? You gutless, arm chair coward. In Nazi Germany, you
would have been one of the first to sign up with the SS to go after leftists
and Jews. Not surprising that people ignore your posts, you little goose
stepping rightist fascist bigoted fag. Go back to reading your Jonah
Goldberg, goof ball. Lies like his are about your speed.

Controversial Anti-Muslim Film Sparks Worldwide Condemnation

Monday , March 31, 2008

If a Dutch lawmaker wanted to create a firestorm by producing an anti-Islamic
film designed "to shake off the creeping tyranny of Islamicization," it
appears he achieved his goal.

Geert Wilders' 15-minute film, "Fitna," hit the Internet by storm after it
was posted online Friday but yanked from the UK-based site,, a
day later due to security concerns. As of Monday, the film has been put back
up on the site.

"Fitna" ? "Ordeal" in Arabic ? features footage of terror strikes such as
9/11, the Madrid train bombings and the murder of Dutch film director Theo
van Gogh, mixed with verses from the Koran. It was up long enough for other
file-sharing sites to distribute the film to anyone with an Internet
connection. Wilders turned to the Internet to release his film after he
failed to find a television distributor.

Click here to view 'Fitna' from Sweetness & (Warning: Graphic).

The film's release has caused a ripple effect of negative responses.

On Sunday, Australia's Foreign Minister Stephen Smith called it "highly

"It is an obvious attempt to generate discord between faith communities,"
Smith said. "I strongly reject the ideas contained in the film and deplore
its release."

The European Union issued a statement Saturday saying the film serves no
other purpose than to inflame hatred.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon also condemned the film saying there is no
justification for hate speech or the incitement of violence.

In the Middle East, Iran has summoned the Dutch ambassador to Tehran to
discuss the film, Reuters reported. A senior diplomat from Slovenia, which
holds the rotating presidency of the European Union, was also called to the
ministry in Tehran over Wilders' film.

Jordanian lawmakers are taking more severe diplomatic measures and demanded
their government cut ties with the Netherlands. Fifty-three lawmakers in the
110-seat parliament have also called for the government to dismiss the Dutch

Pakistan's foreign ministry on Friday summoned the ambassador of the
Netherlands in Islamabad and lodged a "strong protest", according to AFP. It
has stepped up the security of the Dutch consulate and businesses in Karachi
fearing protests over the the release of the film.

And in Asia, hundreds of Indonesian students took to the streets Sunday,
according to AFP, after a minister called for protests. The students carried
posters demanding that authorities shut down websites carrying Wilders' film.

Some observers, however, supported the release of the film. "If Western
institutions are not willing to take risks, then our lives as free societies
are coming to an end," said Robert Spencer, the director of, a
website critical of radical Islam.

Wilders, who told in December that he believes Western culture is
"better than the retarded Islamic cultures," contends that 99 percent of the
world's intolerance is rooted in the Islamic religion and the Koran.

"People who watch the movie will see that the Koran is very much alive today,
leading to the destruction of everything we in the Western world stand for,
which is respect and tolerance," Wilders, the 41-year-old leader of the
right-wing Party for Freedom.

But many say the film manipulates elements and symbols of Islam and is a
calculated attempt to offend Muslims.

"It's a hatchet job," said Yvonne Haddad, a professor of Muslim-Christian
relations at Georgetown University. "In the Koran there are verses that are
very accomodating, very open, very pluralistic to other religions. . . . It
was not a balanced representation," she said.

Wilders, raised Catholic but long an atheist, said he worked with professors
who are experts on the Koran and Islamic culture, professional filmmakers and
scriptwriters to complete his film.

Despite their condemnation, the European leaders defended the right to
freedom of speech. An EU statement stressed that freedom of speech was "part
of our values and traditions," and called on Muslims to react peacefully.
Some Muslim leaders have also called for restraint.

Not all were reassured by the affirmation of free speech, and were instead
troubled when LiveLeak initially pulled "Fitna" in response to threats. "If
the price [for free speech] is ever too high, then that?s the epitaph for
freedom in the West," said Spencer.
It's Americans OR Democrats <> wrote:
> Only in the minds of war mongers and cowards. When was the last time you
> faced down a Muslim? You gutless, arm chair coward. In Nazi Germany, you
> would have been one of the first to sign up with the SS to go after leftists
> and Jews.

That's a lie. I worship all Jews and openly believe everything Goldberg

There is nothing in the film that is untrue, say some defenders of "Fitna"
and that means we must believe those anonymous experts because people like me
don't have the intellect to think on our own and only accept reactionary
rightist dogma and nothing else!