Re: Muslims pissed about Lost Dog poster named "Mohammed"

  • Thread starter moslem cartoon character mohammad
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moslem cartoon character mohammad

Islam's World Conquest agenda is a 21st century Trojan Horse wrote:
> This is quite possibly the best idea I've seen yet to insult the
> followers of the "religion of war". I suggest more people do this,
> because it sure sounds like fun!
> Lost "Mohammed" Dog Poster Left in Front of Muslim Store.....
> This happened in Lewiston, Maine, the same place where a ham steak
> left on a lunch bag was investigated as a hate crime. Check out the
> phone number on the poster, Tommy Tutone now wanted for
> questioning....
> LEWISTON (NEWS CENTER) -- Members of the Somali community in Lewiston
> say a poster put up in front of a local Somali owned store is an
> insult to their religion
> The poster depicts a vicious "lost" dog named Mohammed. That's the
> name of the Muslim prophet. It says that the dog is not good with
> children and can't be trusted. (I like their sense of humor -ed.)
> Hussein Ahmed, the owner of the store, says the phone number on the
> poster is fake and that the only place it was put up was right near
> his business.
> "This is really a religious statement," said Hussein Ahmed, "that is
> an attack on our religion which we don't feel comfortable with. We see
> this as a very bad insulting situation."
> ------
> Islam's World Conquest Agenda is like a 21st Century Trojan Horse
> ISLAM = Inferior Satan Lures Armies Mid-east
> ------
> Nazi leader speaks about Islam:
> "I have nothing against Islam because it educates
> the men in this division for me and promises them
> heaven if they fight and are killed in action. A
> very practical and attractive religion for soldiers."
> - Heinrich Himmler (head of Nazi SS troops)
> ------
> . . Islam's bleeding head dance, aka Ashura, Tatbeer:
> Muslim's death chants while protesting the Mohammad cartoon:
> (short version)
> CAIR bears:
> Mohammed Dress-up (really fun to dress up the false prophet):
> Cartoons about Islam:
> Websites to watch about the rising tide of Islam:
> Talk radio with a focus on Islam and world politics:
> Movies about Islamic murder and their agenda of global conquest:
> TV news shows focused on middle-east and world politics:
> Glenn Beck - Exposed: The Extremist Agenda:
> History of the Middle East:
> The Violent Oppression of Women:
> Islam's methods of politics, propaganda and lawsuits:
> ------
> Poem about Islam:
> Don't worry Mother your son is safe in hell
> got Stuffed by 72 goats but still feels quite well
> Blew his bomb on that packed busy train
> His intestines are scattered with some bits of his brain
> Your son was a coward, listened to some ****
> Spoken by an old moron doing his brainwash bit
> Promised him better life in some outer space
> Ordered him to kill some kuffars who refused to join the race
> Now dear son body's eaten by mad hyena
> And for you dear sister we bought some hard banana..
> ------
> Islamic terrorist attacks (this list is still growing, as Muslims
> never stop their war against the rest of the world):
> +Bombay (now known as Mumbai), India 3/12/93, 260 dead & 700+
> wounded:
> +America 9/11/01, 3000+ dead:
> +Bali, Indonesia 10/12/02, 202 dead & 100+ wounded:
> +Madrid, Spain 3/11/04, 191 dead and 1800+ injured:
> +Beslan school, Russia 9/2/04 - 9/4/04, 350+ dead & 700+ wounded:
> +London, England 7/7/05, 56 dead & 700 wounded:
> +Bali, Indonesia 10/02/05, 19 dead & 132+ injured:
> +Mumbai, India 7/11/06, 200 dead & 700 wounded:
> +Karachi, Pakistan 10/18/07, 136 dead & 250 wounded:
> ------
> Quotes from Islamic scripture, commanding murder of non-Muslims:
> Qur'an, 8:12 "Remember Allah inspired the angels: I am with you.
> Give firmness to the believers. I will instill terror into the hearts
> of the unbelievers: you smite them above their necks and smite all
> their fingertips off of them."
> Qur'an, 8:37 "In order that Allah may separate the pure from the
> impure, put all the impure ones [all non-Muslims] one on top of
> another in a heap and cast them into hell. They will have been the
> ones to have lost."
> Qur'an, 8:39 "So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief
> [non-Muslims]) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the
> whole world)."
> Qur'an, 9:5 "Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them,
> take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using
> every stratagem of war."
> Qur'an, 47:4 "When you meet the unbelievers in jihad [holy war],
> chop off their heads. And when you have brought them low, bind your
> prisoners rigorously. Then set them free or take ransom from them
> until the war is ended."

HOW TO BECOME A SHITSKIN MOSLEM - this is how: **** goats, **** your
mother (nikomak), molest children, wear a beekeepers outfit all the
time, never shower or bath, beat your wives, learn terrorist activities
at a maddrassa, wipe your ass with stones, sell the donkey you ****ed to
a nearby village, marry a nine year-old , send your child off to an
indoctrination camp, practice thighing with little kids, ............
Practice all those and you too could become a prophet !!

Elif air ab tizak mohammad !!!!moslem cartoon character mohammad was a
child molesting goat ****er and nikomak

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Up your ass mohammad - Elif air ab tizak!!!
Not that your tribe has a hell of a lot to be proud of...people who have
pride don't have to mouth off ad infinitum about how proud they are.

Might I remind you that Islamic societies produce virtually nothing for
the world.

And that the 20% + of the world population has had a big total of 5
Nobel winners since 1905--if you include the terrorist Arafat who caused
a Nobel committee member to resign in protest of this atrocity.

Jews? 0.1% of the world population--and winners of over 23% of all Nobel
prizes. That's not bragging--its called WHAT THEY CONTRIBUTE TO HUMANITY
instead of car bombs........

Arab states can't even get the oil out of their ground without western
technology. Your pseudo-religion is the crutch of your tribe's pride.
But most of the world despises Islam today--nice work....

"We are Muslims, and we are extremely proud of it." wrote:
> Muslims should never come down to anti-Islam trolls level. We are not
> like them, nor do we ever want to be like them. We are Muslims, we are
> extremely proud of it
> Anti-Islam trolls just can't take it anymore! They become so desperate
> In The Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
> All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be
> upon His Messenger
> They want to blow out the Light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah
> perfecting His Light no matter how much the disbeliever hate it.
> (Qur'an 61:8)
> Anti-Islam trolls are busy spewing LIES, HATE, BIGOTRY and PREJUDICE
> against Muslims and Islam.
> Dealing with the dregs of humanity anti-Islam trolls
> Anti-Islam troll those who continuously posting off topic and hate-
> filled, divisive rubbish on board.
> They have something in common, they post inflammatory, inaccurate,
> abusive, obscene, profane and racially offensive material.
> I would like to outline some basics of how to deal with anti-Islam
> trolls?
> Generally speaking, ignore the flame-bait!!
> Do not feed the animals, do not feed the anti-Islam Trolls. Generally
> speaking, all of these filthy messages should be ignored, and left to
> expire from the news feed. Anti-Islam trolls who post articles of this
> nature are out looking for trouble and trying to create it.
> They are morally bankrupt, rude and hostile you don't need to sink to
> their low level of immorality and filth.
> If you do feel the need to write something to them, respond in private
> e-mail to them - despite the facts that they posts via invalid or
> stolen emails- Otherwise, please leave matters to the experienced
> posters. They've had to deal with these situations many times before
> and know what route to take.
> If we don't follow these guidelines, we would all descend into
> anarchy, and the whole point of the group would be lost.
> Having said all that, I believe, Islam had faced 1400 years of attacks
> from extreme religious people of other faiths. It not only survived,
> it actually became the fastest growing religion of the world!
> Warning there anti-Islam forgers and trolls amongst us, proceed with
> caution
> Get The Holy Quran. It is absolutely FREE
> Useful links
> Notice that anti-Islam trolls are busy trying to cheat us !!