Re: NASA/Columbia University Study : Disastrous Global Warming

"kT" <> wrote in message
> I predict that NASA will suddenly 'get it'.
> --
> Get A Free Orbiter Space Flight Simulator :

That is real interesting ABC News a Communist driver organization somehow
finds Scientists at NASA that suddenly Contradict decades of Scientific
Research by NASA and Harvard. Global Warming is caused by the effects of
increased Solar Activity on Earth's environment, and man's pollution has
absolutely an insignificant impact of Climate change, in fact according to
Most NASA and Harvard studies, man's contribution is so insignificant that
is man never existed to contribute, the Climate change would occur anyways.

NASA's own reports show the Solar Activity Increase will not peak until
around 2011 to 2012.

The perfect place for big brother to hide is to be the accuser. You work for
EXXON, twisting a natural change into a lie saying it is manmade, for
driving up Oil costs for them.

Number 1) while standing against a leftwing Communist environmental group
bent on making Nuclear power an environmental issue so that the Communists
could do away with the West's Nuclear weapons, they said the West was
causing Global COOLING by their Industries, during what scientists call the
mini Ice Age, so Margaret Thatcher had scientists invent a lie about Global
Warming so that she could promote Nuclear Energy.

After a Global Warming period that melted much more of the Polar Ice caps
than now, there was a Global Cooling period in the 1940s that the Communists
blamed on the Industrialization of the West. A Photo Journalist took
pictures of the Glaciers that formed during this Global Cooling Period, and
not having any Photos of the previous warming period that melted the
Glaciers much more than now, ABC News has this Photo Journalist showing the
Glaciers from the Global Cooling period, and comparing them with now, but
blames the melting on noxious gases.

This link shows some of the warming period before the cooling period that
was called by scientists, the mini ice age.

2) Knowing that the warming period just before the cooling period was warmer
than now, reveals that the scientist who claim it took thousands or millions
of years to form Glaciers that are melting away real fast because of man,
are liars, as they falsely say that they got tens or hundreds of thousands
of years of CO2 data from drilling the ice caps, that were not even there
4.200 years ago, there was no ice there then, so how could the ice that they
say that they took at the Poles be that old? Take a look at their age data,
no two scientists that claim that they ran a scientific age test,
independently comes up with the same age for a rock, let alone for ice. And
often their guesses of the age of the exact same thing, differ more than 100
million years.

3) Oil companies like British Petroleum invested billions of dollars in
alternate energy, but producing alternate energy cost three times more than
producing energy from Coal or Oil or Nuclear Power, so to get their money
back out of alternate energy, they are using Margaret Thatcher's lie about
Global warming being manmade so they can drive the Cost of Coal and Oil up
to equal the price of alternate energy, so people will buy their unreliable
alternate energy technology and they can get their money back.

4) because the Oil Companies and China want the Abundant Coal and Oil fields
of Africa, they are using Margaret Thatcher's lie about Global warming being
manmade so they can tell Africans that they have to cook on the floor of
their houses with wood, instead of using their own abundant Coal and Oil to
develop steel and energy industries, so that the Oil Companies can steal
Africa's Abundant Coal and Oil like China is doing in Sudan.

You global warming alarmist are nothing but slave driving Communists, Global
warming is being caused by influences on Earth's environment caused by a
Solar Activity increase period that NASA says will not peak until 2011 to
2012. Man cannot control the Solar Activity, so Global Warming alarmists are
using it to rip off as many people as they can and destroy America's economy
so that neither the poor or the Middle class will be able to make it.

In service of God and Country

<Joseph> wrote in message
> "kT" <> wrote in message
> news:ZG47i.189$D64.105@newsfe06.lga...
>> I predict that NASA will suddenly 'get it'.
>> --
>> Get A Free Orbiter Space Flight Simulator :

> That is real interesting ABC News a Communist driver organization somehow
> finds Scientists at NASA that suddenly Contradict decades of Scientific
> Research by NASA and Harvard. Global Warming is caused by the effects of
> increased Solar Activity on Earth's environment, and man's pollution has
> absolutely an insignificant impact of Climate change, in fact according to
> Most NASA and Harvard studies, man's contribution is so insignificant that
> is man never existed to contribute, the Climate change would occur
> anyways.
> NASA's own reports show the Solar Activity Increase will not peak until
> around 2011 to 2012.
> The perfect place for big brother to hide is to be the accuser. You work
> for
> EXXON, twisting a natural change into a lie saying it is manmade, for
> driving up Oil costs for them.
> Number 1) while standing against a leftwing Communist environmental group
> bent on making Nuclear power an environmental issue so that the
> Communists
> could do away with the West's Nuclear weapons, they said the West was
> causing Global COOLING by their Industries, during what scientists call
> the
> mini Ice Age, so Margaret Thatcher had scientists invent a lie about
> Global
> Warming so that she could promote Nuclear Energy.

The scientists call the mini Ice Age was earlier, but a Global cooling
started into the post war economic boom in the 1940s this war the cooling
the Communists blamed on the west.

> After a Global Warming period that melted much more of the Polar Ice caps
> than now, there was a Global Cooling period in the 1940s that the
> Communists
> blamed on the Industrialization of the West. A Photo Journalist took
> pictures of the Glaciers that formed during this Global Cooling Period,
> and
> not having any Photos of the previous warming period that melted the
> Glaciers much more than now, ABC News has this Photo Journalist showing
> the
> Glaciers from the Global Cooling period, and comparing them with now, but
> blames the melting on noxious gases.
> This link shows some of the warming period before the cooling period that
> was called by scientists, the mini ice age.
> 2) Knowing that the warming period just before the cooling period was
> warmer
> than now, reveals that the scientist who claim it took thousands or
> millions
> of years to form Glaciers that are melting away real fast because of man,
> are liars, as they falsely say that they got tens or hundreds of thousands
> of years of CO2 data from drilling the ice caps, that were not even there
> 4.200 years ago, there was no ice there then, so how could the ice that
> they
> say that they took at the Poles be that old? Take a look at their age
> data,
> no two scientists that claim that they ran a scientific age test,
> independently comes up with the same age for a rock, let alone for ice.
> And
> often their guesses of the age of the exact same thing, differ more than
> 100
> million years.
> 3) Oil companies like British Petroleum invested billions of dollars in
> alternate energy, but producing alternate energy cost three times more
> than
> producing energy from Coal or Oil or Nuclear Power, so to get their money
> back out of alternate energy, they are using Margaret Thatcher's lie about
> Global warming being manmade so they can drive the Cost of Coal and Oil up
> to equal the price of alternate energy, so people will buy their
> unreliable
> alternate energy technology and they can get their money back.
> 4) because the Oil Companies and China want the Abundant Coal and Oil
> fields
> of Africa, they are using Margaret Thatcher's lie about Global warming
> being
> manmade so they can tell Africans that they have to cook on the floor of
> their houses with wood, instead of using their own abundant Coal and Oil
> to
> develop steel and energy industries, so that the Oil Companies can steal
> Africa's Abundant Coal and Oil like China is doing in Sudan.
> You global warming alarmist are nothing but slave driving Communists,
> Global
> warming is being caused by influences on Earth's environment caused by a
> Solar Activity increase period that NASA says will not peak until 2011 to
> 2012. Man cannot control the Solar Activity, so Global Warming alarmists
> are
> using it to rip off as many people as they can and destroy America's
> economy
> so that neither the poor or the Middle class will be able to make it.
> In service of God and Country
> Joseph