Tim Bruening
nemo wrote:
> "Tim Bruening" <tsbrueni@pop.dcn.davis.ca.us> wrote in message
> news:425A1F10.1B55D8EE@pop.dcn.davis.ca.us...
> > Dishes: Cad-Dish (an obnoxious dish),
> If yer'd spelled it with a K - somebody who's bereaved would have sent
> Cruise Golem after yer!
> Clod-Dish (another obnoxious
> > dish), Dud-Dish (dish that makes Molotov Cocktails, cherry bombs,
> > pineapple bombs, and other X-plosives fail to explode), Fad-Dish
> > that serves up the latest craze), Mod-Dish (A humble plate),
> > Prud-Dish (Dish that doesn't like stork summoning), Rad-Dish
> > (radioactive vegetable dish), Red-Dish, and other colored dishes.
> >
> That's dishgusting! (Food that's been blown away by the wind.)
Caddy: Golf playing demon.
Cadding: Golf playing bell.
Caddish: Golfer's food.
> "Tim Bruening" <tsbrueni@pop.dcn.davis.ca.us> wrote in message
> news:425A1F10.1B55D8EE@pop.dcn.davis.ca.us...
> > Dishes: Cad-Dish (an obnoxious dish),
> If yer'd spelled it with a K - somebody who's bereaved would have sent
> Cruise Golem after yer!
> Clod-Dish (another obnoxious
> > dish), Dud-Dish (dish that makes Molotov Cocktails, cherry bombs,
> > pineapple bombs, and other X-plosives fail to explode), Fad-Dish
> > that serves up the latest craze), Mod-Dish (A humble plate),
> > Prud-Dish (Dish that doesn't like stork summoning), Rad-Dish
> > (radioactive vegetable dish), Red-Dish, and other colored dishes.
> >
> That's dishgusting! (Food that's been blown away by the wind.)
Caddy: Golf playing demon.
Cadding: Golf playing bell.
Caddish: Golfer's food.