Re: New Zealand to introduce a fart tax!


Tim Bruening

Naked Gonad wrote:

> It's true, their government is thinking of applying a tax on the amount
> of methane the farmers cows and sheep emit.The world's gone mad!
> Gonad

I assumed from the thread title that the fart tax would be on people!
"Tim Bruening" <> wrote in message
> Naked Gonad wrote:
> > It's true, their government is thinking of applying a tax on the amount
> > of methane the farmers cows and sheep emit.The world's gone mad!
> >
> > Gonad

Good. The farmers'll switch to arrable farming and meat'll become so
expensive we'll all have to go Veggie and that'll save the environment even
more methane pollution and the carbon emmissions produced by procaeesing
perfectly good grains etc. into cattle feed.
> I assumed from the thread title that the fart tax would be on people!

Howard it be enforced?