Re: Noble Laureate predicts assassination of Barack Obama



On Feb 10, 11:08�am, Middle Class Warrior
<> wrote:
> I have worried about this myself. It always seems that primarily
> Democrats die in assassination attempts and aircraft accidents. The
> Democratic Party now has a charismatic leader, Barack Obama. The last
> time we had such a leader he and his brother were assassinated. If you
> check the attachment most of the politicians who recently died in
> aircraft accidents were Democratic. Six of the last six who died in
> aircraft accidents were Democrats. Paul Wellstone died right before an
> election in which the GOP narrowly gained control of the Senate.
> See
> Obama will be assassinated if he wins: Nobel winner Lessing � �
> Feb 9 12:58 PM US/Eastern
> � � � � � � � � If Barack Obama becomes the next US president he will surely be
> assassinated, British Nobel literature laureate Doris Lessing predicted
> in a newspaper interview published here Saturday.
> Obama, who is vying to become the first black president in US history,
> "would certainly not last long, a black man in the position of
> president. They would murder him," Lessing, 88, told the Dagens Nyheter
> daily.
> Lessing, who won the 2007 Nobel Literature Prize, said it might be
> better if Obama's Democratic rival Hillary Clinton were to succeed in
> her bid to become the first woman president of the United States.
> "The best thing would be if they (Clinton and Obama) were to run
> together. Hillary is a very sharp lady. It might be calmer if she were
> to win, and not Obama," she said.
> Copyright AFP 2007, AFP stories and photos shall not be published,
> broadcast, rewritten for broadcast or publication or redistributed
> directly or indirectly in any medium

Sen. Barack Obama - Beware of EMP

EMP Devices Used to Bring Down Aircraft
Wellstone a Bush Target
Wellstone Crash Caused By EMP Pulse?

Was Paul Wellstone Murdered? History Suggests It. Crash
Inconsistencies Suggest It. Many, Including Some Members of Congress,
Believe It ...

Paul Wellstone, Fighter
by John Nichols, The Nation, 27 May 2002

What is EMP?

Evaluation of Vehicle Stopping Electromagnetic Prototype Devices:

NIJ is seeking three different types of EM devices to be submitted to
Phase III testing. The first are electrostatic discharge (ESD)
devices, which produce a rapid, high-voltage transfer of charge to a
targeted vehicle upon direct physical contact with the vehicle.The
second type are non-nuclear, ultra-wide band electromagnetic pulse
(EMP) projected energy devices that radiate a solitary pulse of
energyomni-directionally through the atmosphere to a distant target
vehicle. The third type are high-power microwave (HPM) or radio
frequency (RF)projected energy devices that radiate continuous or
repetitive-pulsed energy directionally through the atmosphere to a
distant targeted vehicle.

The British developed a similar electromagnetic missile along with the

"The RFM delivered by 155 mm 'shell rocket' will follow the normal
trajectory of a standard missile but contain only a few grams of
explosive used as it approaches the target. An array of aerials then
spring out and a burst of radio frequency of less than a second's
duration is transmitted, disabling all electronic equipment in a given

Exposing Karl Rove

Who is Next?
Be careful Barack Obama

"Cui prodest scelus, is fecit."
" The one who derives advantage from the crime is the one most
likely to have committed it."
--- Senaca 4 B.C. - 65 A.D.

Six fatalities occurred during election campaigns.
Four deaths were Democrats.

Wellstone's Death All Adds Up - 2+2=5

Four months later,questions remained in Wellstone crash probe.

"The sound really went down; not like they shut it off, not like the
engines quit." John Kaukola-witness to crash

"It's hard for anybody who's flown before to understand that a pilot
would let their airplane get that slow."
---- Jason Rivera, pilot

" They shut it off and the plane went down,"

Was Paul Wellstone Murdered?

Wellstone now joins the ranks of other American politicians who died
in small plane crashes. Another recent victim was Missouri's former
Democratic governor, Mel Carnahan, who lost his life in 2000, three
weeks before Election Day, during his Senatorial race against John
Ashcroft. Carnahan went on to become the first dead man to win a
Senatorial race, humiliating and defeating the unpopular Ashcroft
posthumously. Ashcroft, despite his unpopularity, went on to be
appointed Attorney General by George W. Bush. Investigators determined
that Carnahan's plane went down due to "poor visibility."

Carnahan was the second Missouri politician to die in a small plane
crash. The first was Democratic Representative Jerry Litton, whose
plane crashed the night he won the Democratic nomination for senate in
1976. His Republican opponent ultimately captured the seat from his
successor in November.

While an article in the New York Times on Saturday pointed out the
danger politicians face due to their heavy air travel schedules, the
death of a senator or member of Congress is still relatively rare,
with only one other sitting U.S. Senator, liberal Republican John
Heinz, dying in a plane crash since World War II. Heinz, who entered
office as an outspoken opponent of the Vietnam War, later emerged as a
strong proponent of health care, social services, public
transportation and the environment. He also urged reconciliation with
Cuba. He died when the landing gear on his small plane failed to
function, and a helicopter dispatched to survey the problem crashed
into his plane.

One former senator, John Tower, also died in a small plane crash.
Tower was best known as the chair of the Tower Commission, which
investigated the Reagan/Bush era Iran/Contra scandal.

Another member of a prominent government commission who died in a
small plane crash was former Democratic representative and House
Majority Leader Hale Boggs. Boggs was best known as one of the seven
members of the Warren Commission, which investigated the
of President John F. Kennedy. The commission found that Lee Harvey
Oswald was acting alone when he killed the president. Boggs, it turns
out, had "strong doubts" that Oswald acted alone, but went along with
the commission findings. Later, in 1971 and 1972, he went public with
his doubts. He was presumed dead after the small plane carrying him
and Democratic Representative Nicholas Begich disappeared in 1972.

Texas Democratic Representative Mickey Leland also died in a plane
crash. In his case, the six-term member of Congress and outspoken
advocate of sanctions against the apartheid government of South
Africa, died while traveling in Ethiopia. Another American politician
to die overseas in a plane crash was the Clinton administration's
Commerce Secretary, Ronald Brown, whose plane went down in the

Anyone familiar with my work knows that I'm certainly not a conspiracy
theorist. But to be honest, I know I wasn't alone in my initial
reaction at this week's horrible and tragic news: that being my
surprise that Wellstone had lived this long. Perhaps it's just my
anger and frustration at losing one of the few reputable politicians
in Washington, but I also felt shame. Shame for not writing in my
column, months ago, that I felt that Paul Wellstone's life, more so
than any other politician in Washington, was in danger. I felt that
such speculation was unprofessional and would ultimately undermine my
credibility. In the end, my own self-interest triumphed, and I never
put my concerns into print. Neither did any other mainstream
journalist, though I know of many who shared my concern.

When I heard Wellstone's plane went down, I immediately thought of
Panamanian General Omar Torrijos, who in 1981 thumbed his nose at the
Reagan/Bush administration and threatened to destroy the Panama Canal
in the event of a U.S. invasion. Torrijos died shortly thereafter
the instruments in his plane failed to function upon takeoff.
Panamanians speculated that the U.S. was involved in the death of the
popular dictator, who was replaced by a U.S. intelligence operative,
Manuel Noreiga, who previously worked with George Bush Senior.

There is no indication today that Wellstone's death was the result of
foul play. What we do know, however, is that Wellstone emerged as the
most visible obstacle standing in the way of a draconian political
agenda by an unelected government. And now he is conveniently gone.
For our government to maintain its credibility at this time, we need
an open and accountable independent investigation involving
international participation into the death of Paul Wellstone.
Hopefully we will find out, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that this
was indeed an untimely accident. For the sake of our country, we need
to know this.

Dr. Michael I. Niman teaches journalism and media studies at Buffalo
State College.

Copyright � 2002 Alternet
Reprinted for Fair Use Only

Was Wellstone Murdered? Probably.
History Suggests It
Crash Inconsistencies Suggest It
Many, Including Some Members of Congress, Believe It