Re: NOMINATION: 2-Belo for the Hook Line & Sinker


Henry Schmidt

Synthetic Networked Android Responsible for Killing and Yardwork wrote:
> Hail Eris! On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 04:17:34 +0000, Artemis'Striped
> Pajamas'McGrawww jabbered inanely:
>> On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 08:34:29 +0900, The 2-Belo wrote:
>>> dave hillstrom and alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk is a
>>> baaaaaaaaaaad combination:
>>> [...]
>>>>> You know a disturbingly large amount of information regarding the 2-
>>>>> Belo's bowel movements.
>>>> well, you see, for what seemed like an eternity, but was probably only a
>>>> year in 1999 and 2000, i communicated REGULARLY, ney DAILY, with The
>>>> 2-Belo on ICQ. usually commencing around 8am his time. and he would
>>>> say several times he had to get coffee, then hed come back. and then,
>>>> usually before 8:45am his time, he would ANNOUNCE, in various loud and
>>>> triumphant ways, that it was ~poop time~! he would even, usually, give
>>>> a report as to the magnitude and satisfaction level of the pooping. so,
>>>> it wasnt exactly me doing any prying. i was FORCED to learn about his
>>>> sphincters schedule.
>>> Oh what a bunch of.... erm... poop. As soon as I got back you would be
>>> messaging me like "okay was it a double-flusher? How many coils? You
>>> neophyte, why just yesterday I dropped a log so god damned heinously
>>> massive that sewer mains burst four blocks away!!!1!!!ONE!!1" and we
>>> would both acknowledge that any hideous intestinal sculpture I could
>>> manage would forever pale in comparison to The Great Dave, Inc.
>>> So there. I wish I still had the chat logs. They got snuffed when our
>>> building was cleared out. At least I managed to save the Webcenter.

>> Bravo! Encore! That was absolutely beautiful UPA in its purest form, but
>> enough is enough. The 2-Belo has returned with a ~bang~ and hace stirred
>> up the pot in every which way but loose. I offishally nominate 2-Belo for
>> the Hook Line & Sinker.
>> Any seconds ??

> Hmmm.
> Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker
> The Hook Line & Sinker (HL&S) is a different breed of award, a reward
> for the best, most inspired trolls on Usenet. Talent at wily yet
> ultimately harmless manipulation is worthy of public recognition; it
> gets laws passed all the time. Named in memory of the Usenet troll who
> rose so far as to successfully troll the American media into reporting
> his theory that the Navy shot down TWA Flight 800.
> Not that I don't agree that the Emperor-For-Life is an inspired troll,
> or even one of the best (nay, even /the/ best), but what specific act
> or acts of trolling has he done this month, aside from convincing the
> Monkey that he (The 2-Belo) is a n00b who'd just been pwned by the PM4L
> under another nym? Single-victim trolls aren't really Salinger fodder,
> as was pointed out to me last month...Besides, that was Art For Art's
> Sake, since Porchy's GK'ed.

Does fagg0tity Jeff Boyd appreciate how you blew his c0ck this morning?
You must look like an 11 year old male child in order for him to let you
do that. The 2-Belo has become my ho and since he's in danger of being
owned he's lost the right to his opinion.