Re: NOMINATION: Honest John AKA Clockbrain for Order of the Holey Sockpuppet (was Re: Nomimations so



David White <> wrote in

> Pinku-Sensei wrote:
>> wrote in
>>> On Jul 12, 11:06 pm, "Pinku-Sensei" <>
>>> wrote:

>>>> For his use of two accounts that are fr0ggeries of Art Deco and his
>>>> "Sgt. Preston" account that he's used to latch onto Colonel Jake's
>>>> virtual butt like a tick, I nominate Honest John AKA Clockbrain for
>>>> the Order of the Holey Sockpuppet.
>>>> Seconds?
>>> I second it!

>> You can't second your own nomination, Clockbrain.

> I will second any nomination that states that Dr. Vincent (It used to
> be Richard) "Catherine Burr" Lamb is the biggest egotistical asshole
> on the Internet.

1.) If that's what you believe, then I would trust neither your
judgement or your experience of egotism on the Internet. Click on the
following link for an education in megalomaniacs on the Internet.

2.) But you should know better; Howdy is still on the Internet, even if
he's been LARTed off of RAMD for now, and so is George Hopkins, who
still has his Livejournal account.

3.) When I was gRAMDies MC, I used to give out an EGO award. AUK
doesn't have an equivalent, but you could probably persuade alt.flame to
give out something to me that would suffice, and get alt.astronomy and to go along.

[alt.flame added.]

> Hey Pinky, you have sunk to the level of our other
> insane resident.

Which one? There are four award-winning net-kooks on RAMD, and two or
three others who have been nominated for awards but who haven't won any.
Oh, and there's one who is under Formosa protection (Fmmfmpfmfmmmpfffmp
Pffmffmmfmpp) so he can't win any awards. Still, that's enough that I
am about to declare RAMD a single-A kook farm club.

> RAMD isn't what you want it to be so, you go and try
> and destroy it.

You're confusing reality with Jeff Ream's fantasy, which is a
misinterpretation of what Stuart Rice once wrote, not me. I originally
just wanted to demonstrate what it would take to deal with RAMD's kook
problem. It's working, too, even if you think the cure is worse than
the disease.

> That really takes a lot of maturity, you stupid
> ****ing idiot.

Snort You seriously misunderstand what it really took to do what I
did. How about deliberately violating the norms of "Thou shalt not
speak ill of drumcorps outside of drumcorps" and "drumcorps people can
take care of their own problems; outsiders are not needed"?
Acting Pollmaster of AFA-B
Official Overseer of Kooks & Trolls in rec.arts.marching.drumcorps