• Thread starter jade:a5dnty5MZZr9o:1155:50:Carol M
  • Start date

jade:a5dnty5MZZr9o:1155:50:Carol M

Daedalus wrote:

> On Wed, 15 Nov 2006 20:33:14 +0000 (UTC), Cujo DeSockpuppet
> <> wrote:
>>Daedalus <> wrote in
>>> On 15 Nov 2006 09:55:55 -0800, wrote:
>>>>Daedalus wrote:
>>>>> On 15 Nov 2006 08:30:47 -0800, wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> >Aratzio wrote:
>>>>> >> On Wed, 15 Nov 2006 14:59:04 GMT, The Demon Prince of Absurdity
>>>>> >> <absurd_number_of_nicks@hell.corn> transparently proposed:
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> >On Wed, 15 Nov 2006 05:58:24 -0800, rob.wolfe did the cha-cha,
>>>>> >> >and screamed:
>>>>> >> >> Cardinal Snarky of the Fannish Inquisition wrote:
>>>>> >> >>> On Tue, 14 Nov 2006 08:34:12 -0500, Anon Trollbuster sat in
>>>>> >> >>> thee Comfee Chaire, and didst finally confess, after taking
>>>>> >> >>> Muche Tea:
>>>>> >> >>> >
>>>>> >> >>> > As being a group of real sweethearts for giving it to that
>>>>> >> >>> > nasty netstalker who was after moi.
>>>>> >> >>> >
>>>>> >> >>> > hugsnkissesngiggles
>>>>> >> >>> >
>>>>> >> >>> > Speshul thanks to:
>>>>> >> >>> >
>>>>> >> >>> > Several naughty co-trolls, who gave me support. (I WILL out
>>>>> >> >>> > them at your request, so you can get them back as well.)
>>>>> >> >>> >
>>>>> >> >>> > Mop Jockey, for showing what an obsessive **** he is once
>>>>> >> >>> > again for hunting up the fake contact info. (I can imagine
>>>>> >> >>> > your disappointment when you realized you can't stalk me in
>>>>> >> >>> > RL.)
>>>>> >> >>> >
>>>>> >> >>> > Lady M00town, for showing that she has no integrity and
>>>>> >> >>> > thinks ethnic slurs are funny. (I always marvel at racist
>>>>> >> >>> > black people. Seems so ironic.)
>>>>> >> >>> >
>>>>> >> >>> > Mousy Tom Bishop, for his usual hysterical nonsense.
>>>>> >> >>> > Perhaps he can threaten to sue me for making him whine.
>>>>> >> >>> >
>>>>> >> >>> > Kudos to you all. I've much enjoyed this game. As a parting
>>>>> >> >>> > gift, in honor of Sean Monaghan and the John Winston troll,
>>>>> >> >>> > I direct your attention to the organization in my headers
>>>>> >> >>> > and ask you apply some rot13 for bonus fun.
>>>>> >> >>> >
>>>>> >> >>> > Until AUK is officially destroyed for real. Good night and
>>>>> >> >>> > good luck.
>>>>> >> >>> >
>>>>> >> >>> > Yer frend,
>>>>> >> >>> >
>>>>> >> >>> > Jade
>>>>> >> >>>
>>>>> >> >>> Well, ya got me. In fact, you got a bunch of us (though not
>>>>> >> >>> all, I now realise -- K-Man wasn't fooled for a second, or
>>>>> >> >>> 'Ratz), so as a result of that, I can only nominate you for
>>>>> >> >>> the Pierre Salinger Hook, Line & Sinker.
>>>>> >> >>
>>>>> >> >> wow, you're really going to admit to being more clooless about
>>>>> >> >> jade's desperate need for attention than "tah mop jockey"?
>>>>> >> >
>>>>> >> >No, I'm admitting to being caught flat-footed about her troll of
>>>>> >> >AUK (which I should have realised, as well -- that "iebbbbbbbbz"
>>>>> >> >ought to have been a dead giveaway, and I did wonder about it
>>>>> >> >briefly).
>>>>> >> >
>>>>> >> >> wow.
>>>>> >> >
>>>>> >> >However, your desperate need for attention from Jade (and Cujo,
>>>>> >> >and myself, for that matter) hace been demonstrated once more.
>>>>> >> >I'm being so kind as to give you some. Now say, "Thank you,
>>>>> >> >Snarky."
>>>>> >> >
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Only one person was so desperate to stalk Jade they actually
>>>>> >> verified the information.
>>>>> >
>>>>> >uhm, no... i was verifying a holey sockpuppet, and then suggested
>>>>> >that it might be jade giving false information. check the date and
>>>>> >timestamp on the post where i first hint that it was dumb playing
>>>>> >the part of "dumber". check the time and date on jade's big
>>>>> >ex-poe-zay/forced confession.
>>>>> >
>>>>> >you guys sure are making mountains out of sinkholes. i'd classify
>>>>> >your group reaction to this interrupted pathetic circle-jerk to be
>>>>> >rather grandiose.
>>>>> Drag queen does not have to equal drama queen, Fop Jockey. You
>>>>> should stop exaggerating everything. It's just kind of sad.
>>>>exaggerating, like turning a google search of a number given by a
>>>>suspected really bad sockpuppet that shows it listed on several sites
>>>>as a public fax number, into somehow, me "calling the number"... and
>>>>"hearing a fax tone", according to your fevered imagination?
>>>>anybody with access to google can surely find your real RL info, and
>>>>already know that you are a middle-aged morally conservative lesbian
>>>>from reading your reactionary whining on usenet. why are you so
>>>>concerned about this?
>>>>yeah, jade. you shore know the definition of drama queen. looks to
>>>>me like you're just getting catty with me because i've outed at least
>>>>2 of these lame trolls of yours now, IYHAM.
>>>>> No wonder you think you're some kind of troll.
>>>>oh yeah, i forgot... setting up these totally transparent anono-trolls
>>>>of yours that you seem to un-surprisingly consider to be major
>>>>successes, even when you have to embarassingly out your AUK fanclub as
>>>>dupes and pretend everything went swimmingly when your "target" outs
>>>>your stupid game. quite cute. you were the one who painted a target
>>>>on your back. deal with it.
>>>>tell me, if i'm not a troll, then why are you still here trying to
>>>>spin this pathetic "look at meee!" flopped torll into a victory for
>>> hee! What were you saying about not being a drama queen?
>>> Never mind. Just go buy some domain names for me.

>>Kudos on getting another hissy fit out of the Mop Jockey. It's just like
>>the Bobbi of old.

> He/she REALLY REALLY wants some kind of credit for supposedly pissing
> on my parade, doesn't he/she?

nonsense. i never once likened your obvious holey sock to a parade.

> I'm waiting for more meltdowns before I point out the inevitable fact
> to him/her.

the inevitable fact that you will always sock up anon and try these silly little
tracks that don't really do anything but get you that attention you so crave,
even if it is just someone mentioning that your plan of getting busted by a
so-called kook using a pathetic holey sock that even your expert kookologists
admit to being "fooled" by.

but hey, it's your reputation. you want to fish for retards who haven't already
figured out your modus operandi with these lame tactics, nobody can stop you.

> Was it like this when the Fop Jockey was desperate to date you too,
> Cujo?

oh i see, it's still not "exaggeration" or overly "dramatic" for you and your
heroes to creepily invent romantic innuendo where none exists. i shore look
like teh hippo-crit nows!11!


if you have a complaint about off-topic, chickenshit, skinhead, nazi-wannabes
in your newsgroup, please call our hotline: 281-821-5534

Roberta "Foxymopjockeychickenwrist" Wolfe
"The talk of the sekret AUK
off-newsgroup listserves!"
Official Gender Outlaw of alt.****nozzles!
<insert pied piper song here>
cujo: Just wait for the whine it's been going on about for over
cujo: four years: a s00p3r s3kr1t |\/|41|_`1|\|9 lits where
cujo: everyone talks about teh Jop Mockey all day long.

me: whaddayaknow... here's an archive of one:
me: DOOP!!!!42!

Abraham Lincoln was a bonehead
he shouldla turned around
and punched John Wilkes Booth
in the eye.

But I guess he preferred
to watcha stupid ass play
with some guy dressed up as a tree
in it.

How the hell did he win the civil war
and build a log cabin
with his bare hands
(as the legend says)?

He didn't even have the instinct
to know he was about to get shot from behind:
I hope the next president won't be enshrined
he's got two eyes in the back of his head instead of

two holes... [realer - by Feller Quentin and "the latter"]


Roberta Looks Better in a Skirt than you do:


"That's all fine... but nobody is going to take anything seriously coming from
a twat who brags about how intimidating his Cannibal Corpse shirts are." -
CujoDesockpuppet Thread-Killer #453


"I get a summons to appear for jury duty.
I did this once before in Philly. Their policy was "One trial or one day" and
they wouldn't bother you after that.
I get my ass up on Friday (my day off) at 6am so I could be sure not to get
there late and have to go through this ordeal again. Turns out it's a capital
murder trial and is expected to last several weeks. This is not exactly an
appealing prospect, so at break, I hustle to a liquor store and snag one of
those sample whiskies and gargle it for about 30 seconds or so and use the
little bit on the bottom for aftershave. Got my ass out of there in record
time. " - Cujo shares a crafty scheme to get out of jury duty and present
yourself to the court as an irresponsible drunk all at the same time in


"AUK is a pellet gun" - K A Cannon on AUK's effectiveness

> Hi! I'm the .sig virus that will destroy Usenet. Please add me to your sig.

Posted via a free Usenet account from
Robert Buchanan wrote:

> "Pinku-Sensei" <> wrote in
> news:Xns9880930802A37pinkusenseinetcabalc@
>> Robert Buchanan <> wrote in
>> news:Xns987F22F2BE759rbuchanan@
>>> "Pinku-Sensei" <> wrote in
>>> news:Xns987F129A66C1pinkusenseinetcabalc@

>>>> For biting on Jade's hook and still being on her line long after
>>>> the troll was outed, I nominate Robert "Unixd0rk" Wolfe for the Bob
>>>> Allisat Hook, Line & Sinker.
>>>> Seconds?
>>> If I didn't think a certain somebody else is more worthy this time
>>> around, I might...!

>> Pray tell, who? Right now, the only competition I have listed for
>> Roberta is a group consisting of Hyerdahl, pandora, and catbrier,
>> nominated by K-Man but not seconded.

> I didn't know that his nomination hasn't been seconded! Do you have the
> MID for his nomination post?
>>>> For his ridiculous ranting and unprovoked meltdown, I also nominate
>>>> Robert "Unixd0rk" Wolfe for the Tony Sidaway Drama Queen Award.
>>>> Seconds?
>>> Absolutely! I can't imagine many who are more deserving of this award
>>> than that delusional, crossdressing crybaby of a janitor.

>> He claims to be a programmer now.

> Oh, that's so cute! Roberta has claimed to be many things: a scientist,
> an "agnostic buddhist," intelligent, well hung, ect. He'll claim to be
> anything and everything other than what he is: a crossdressing stalker
> who buffs floors!
> For a sampling of the Mop Jockey's more notable quotes, check this out:

mirrored here, of course:

> Take my word for it: Roberta used to be /way/ more kooky than he is now.

no, booby... you just had a lot less piss and vinegar than you do now, because it took you guys a
while to realize you had been had for a good 3 years, back in the "disclosure project" days,
iykwim. ;]

>>> The best part
>>> is, he may very well be the only candidate who was appropriately
>>> dressed for his award!

>> Thank you! Mike Cranston and Martha Vandella now have a worthy
>> adversary.

> I'm pretty sure that Marta-cheeks is a troll, but Cranston is an
> excellent nomination. What a lunatic.


if you have a complaint about off-topic, chickenshit, skinhead, nazi-wannabes
in your newsgroup, please call our hotline: 281-821-5534

Roberta "Foxymopjockeychickenwrist" Wolfe
"The talk of the sekret AUK
off-newsgroup listserves!"
Official Gender Outlaw of alt.****nozzles!
<insert pied piper song here>
cujo: Just wait for the whine it's been going on about for over
cujo: four years: a s00p3r s3kr1t |\/|41|_`1|\|9 lits where
cujo: everyone talks about teh Jop Mockey all day long.

me: whaddayaknow... here's an archive of one:
me: DOOP!!!!42!

Abraham Lincoln was a bonehead
he shouldla turned around
and punched John Wilkes Booth
in the eye.

But I guess he preferred
to watcha stupid ass play
with some guy dressed up as a tree
in it.

How the hell did he win the civil war
and build a log cabin
with his bare hands
(as the legend says)?

He didn't even have the instinct
to know he was about to get shot from behind:
I hope the next president won't be enshrined
he's got two eyes in the back of his head instead of

two holes... [realer - by Feller Quentin and "the latter"]


Roberta Looks Better in a Skirt than you do:


"That's all fine... but nobody is going to take anything seriously coming from
a twat who brags about how intimidating his Cannibal Corpse shirts are." -
CujoDesockpuppet Thread-Killer #453


"I get a summons to appear for jury duty.
I did this once before in Philly. Their policy was "One trial or one day" and
they wouldn't bother you after that.
I get my ass up on Friday (my day off) at 6am so I could be sure not to get
there late and have to go through this ordeal again. Turns out it's a capital
murder trial and is expected to last several weeks. This is not exactly an
appealing prospect, so at break, I hustle to a liquor store and snag one of
those sample whiskies and gargle it for about 30 seconds or so and use the
little bit on the bottom for aftershave. Got my ass out of there in record
time. " - Cujo shares a crafty scheme to get out of jury duty and present
yourself to the court as an irresponsible drunk all at the same time in


"AUK is a pellet gun" - K A Cannon on AUK's effectiveness

> Hi! I'm the .sig virus that will destroy Usenet. Please add me to your sig.

Posted via a free Usenet account from