Re: Now Florida State GOP Rep. Robert "Bob" Allen Is In A Sex Scandal



"Bruce Olin" <> wrote in message
> Now Florida State GOP Rep. Robert "Bob" Allen Is In A Sex Scandal
> By Joe Gandelman
> July 12, 2007
> This has not been a good week for Republicans if they have wanted to press
> their family values theme.
> Advice: Put it on ice for a while.
> First, New Orlean's GOPer Senator David Vitter gets linked to the
> so-called
> D.C. Madam.
> And now (THIS JUST IN) Florida State Rep. Robert "Bob" Allen is enmeshed
> in
> a sex scandal for soliciting a male police officer.
> We will absolutely resist making the cheap joke that - if these
> allegations
> are true - perhaps Vitter did to an escort what he has now done to his
> constituents and to the Presidential campaign of former New York Mayor
> Rudy
> Giuliani.
> Vitter was a leading figure who often talked about the importance of
> embracing morality and family values. It turns out he was apparently
> embracing more than that:
> "I'm a conservative who opposes radically redefining marriage, the most
> important social institution in human history," Mr. Vitter, a 46-year-old
> Republican, wrote in a letter last year to The Times-Picayune, the New
> Orleans daily.
> That self-created image, a political winner here since 1991, when Mr.
> Vitter
> joined the Louisiana House, took a tumble Monday with the disclosure that
> his phone number was among those on a list of client numbers kept by
> Deborah
> Jeane Palfrey, the so-called D.C. Madam, who is accused of running a
> prostitution ring in Washington.
> Mr. Vitter admitted Monday night to a "very serious sin in my past," and
> talk radio and coffee shops here buzzed all day Tuesday with the
> front-page
> news, even as the senator remained out of sight. But the fallout was far
> bigger than local: his admission is also a blow to the presidential
> campaign
> of Rudolph W. Giuliani, for whom he is Southern campaign chairman.
> Mr. Vitter, an uncompromising foe of abortion, same-sex marriage and the
> immigration compromise that died in the Senate in June, was supposed to be
> Mr. Giuliani's ambassador to a region with large numbers of social
> conservatives suspicious of the candidate's moderate views. His viability
> in
> that role is now in doubt with his acknowledgment that his number was
> already in the phone records of Pamela Martin & Associates before he ran
> for
> the Senate in 2004.
> The woman at the head of the company, Ms. Palfrey, contends that it was a
> legitimate escort service before being shut down last year. Federal
> prosecutors say it was a prostitution ring, and a State Department
> official,
> Randall L. Tobias, resigned in April with the disclosure that he had been
> a
> client.
> Meanwhile, perhaps Allen's constituents will feel that the accusation
> against him means he did his job representing them in a way similar to the
> specific act that he's accused of having offered to do:
> Titusville police say they have arrested Florida State Rep. Robert "Bob"
> Allen, of Merrit Island, on second degree misdemeanor charges for
> solicitation for prostitution.
> Allen, 48, was arrested Wednesday afternoon at Veteran's Memorial Park on
> East Broad St. in Titusville. The park was under surveillance by a detail
> of
> undercover police officers.
> Officers say they noticed Allen acting suspicious as he went in and out of
> the men's restroom 3 times. Minutes later, he solicited an undercover male
> officer inside the restroom, offering to perform oral sex for $20.
> Officers
> realized he was a public figure after the arrest.
> Vitter was working on Giuliani's campaign. Allen was working for Arizona
> Senator John McCain's.
> Do these scandals matter?
> In terms of immediate political viability, politicos have survived sex
> scandals before (for instance, Democrats Barney Frank and, in somewhat
> downsized form, Bill Clinton). So perhaps Vitter and Allen can put these
> events behind them, move on and retain their positions.
> But taken together these are rabbit punches to the Republican Party's
> carefully cultivated image of a party more moral than the Democrats.
> It could further raise the eyebrows of social conservatives. And it
> creates
> the image of a party in disarray that has some folks who loudly talk one
> game of morality but quietly play another.
> Republicans in recent years, far more than the Democrats, have presented
> themselves as representing a more socially "moral" and
> politically-principled kind of philosophy and governance - one that was
> supposed to be values-based. But it's turning out that rhetoric is not
> matching reality.
> If the Democrats don't seem to be able to get their act together, the
> Republicans on several fronts are coming across as having an act.
> Literally.
> For instance, President George Bush, in 2000 talked about "compassionate
> conservatism," the importance of avoiding nation building, smaller
> government, and being a "uniter not a divider." Things have not quite
> worked
> out that way. Except for his promise of more conservative Supreme Court
> judges, Bush's 2000 pronouncements didn't outline the kind of
> administration
> that was to come - one that pressed for huge expansion of the federal
> government, seemingly brushed aside dealing with Congress and recognizing
> its legitimacy, and determined to not just nation-build, but region-build
> the whole Middle East.
> The news reports about the sex scandals are cumulative: bad news out of
> Iraq, defiance of Congress, reports of more "inaccurate" testimony from
> Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, and now sex scandals. None of this is
> good news for Republicans up for re-election in 2008 - a year that now
> seems
> it'll be marked by voters seeking a relief from Bush and Republican
> administration fatigue.
> PS: Democrats shouldn't be smiling. Some Democratic names could soon
> emerge,
> too, because Vitter's alleged escapades came to light due to porn king and
> freedom of speech and freedom of the press activist Larry Flynt.who is
> looking at more names:
> Larry Flynt, the porn-industry magnate who first linked Sen. David Vitter
> (R-La.) to the escort service of the "D.C. Madam," said Wednesday that his
> investigators are tracking more than 20 leads on alleged congressional sex
> scandals.
> .The 20-plus new leads, Flynt said, come from the newspaper ad and not
> Palfrey. The Hustler publisher, arrested and jailed multiple times during
> his decades-long career, vowed to provide clear proof and only out
> lawmakers
> whom he perceives to be hypocrites.
> "You guys always know, [from] the past, I deliver," Flynt said. "And if I
> fail to, the mainstream media will crush me like a bug."
> The Hill's report omits something Flynt (who is a Democrat) said to a
> reporter for KFI radio in L.A.: he is NOT just looking at Republicans.
> Some
> Democrats are on the list as well.
> --
> "The first casualty of war is not truth, but perspective.
> Once that's gone, truth, like compassion, reason,
> and all the other virtues, wanders around like a wounded orphan."
> Ente Grillenhaft

Seems to be a habit among elected Republican officials...especially the
"family values" types:

Republican Sex Scandals

Edison Misla Aldarondo, Republican legislator, was sentenced to 13 years in
prison for molestation of his daughter and her friend for eight-year period
starting when they were 9.

Robert "Bob" Allen, Florida Rep. Arrested in the afternoon at a Veteran's
Memorial Park for solicitation of prostitution from an undercover male
officer inside a restroom. According to the papers Bob "offer[ed] to perform
oral sex for $20".

Dick Armey (R-Texas), former professor, has been accused by The Dallas
Observer of sexually harassing female students.

Bob Barr, Republican Congressman from Georgia. Sponsored the anti-gay
Defense of Marriage Act, saying "The flames of hedonism, the flames of
narcissism, the flames of self-centered morality are licking at the very
foundation of our society, the family unit." Was married three times. Paid
for his second wife's abortion (she also suspected he was cheating on her).
Failed to pay child support to the children of his first two wives and while
married to his third and present wife was photographed licking whipped cream
off of strippers at his inaugural party.

Robert Bauman, Republican congressman and anti-gay activist, was charged
with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar.

John Bolton Bush's appointee ambassador to United Nations, corroborated
allegations that Mr. Bolton's first wife, Christina Bolton, was forced to
engage in group sex have not been refuted by the State Department.

Jim Bunn Congressman of Oregon: With his success due in great part to
support from the Christian Coalition, Bunn won his congressional seat, then
immediately ditched his wife (and mother of his five children), married a
staffer, and put his new wife on the state payroll for the unheard-of salary
of $97,500.

Dan Burton, Republican Congressman who, while married, fathered a child by
another woman.

George W. Bush, Republican president, accused in a criminal complaint and
lawsuit of raping Margie Schoedinger, who was later suicided. Accused by
Tammy Phillips, a former stripper quoted in the National Enquirer in 2000
saying she had an affair with Bush that had ended in 1999. Also noted by
Mrs. Blount whom G.W.BUSH while campaigning for her Husband Red Blount and
while G.W.BUSH was possibly A.W.O.L from the Air National Guard at age 26 he
was all over their 14 year old daughter.

Neil Bush, brother or G. W. Bush, in a March 2003 divorce deposition,
admitted repeatedly having sex with strange women who just showed up at his
room while on an Asian business trip. (Overshadowing the sex scandal; the
business scandal--see link.) Washington Post article.

Ken Calvert, Congressman (R-Ca), champion of the Christian Coalition and its
"family values." Sued as an alimony deadbeat by his ex-wife. Said "We can't
forgive what occurred between the President and Lewinsky." In 1993 he was
caught by police receiving oral sex from a prostitute and attempted to flee
the scene.

Charles Canady, Congressman (R-Florida), Judiciary Committee member. Lied to
his constituents about his adulterous affair with Sharon Becker, which
caused her divorce.

Helen Chenoweth, Congresswoman (R-Id.). In 1995, Chenoweth had denied having
an affair when asked about it by The Spokane Spokesman-Review. In 1998 she
called (in a campaign ad) for Bill Clintons resignation saying "I beleive
that personal conduct and integrity do matter". Days laters she admitted to
a six-year adulterous affair with a married associate. but now she claims a
pardon from a higher authority: "I've asked for God's forgiveness, and I've
received it," she revealed.

Dan Crane, Republican Congressman, married, father of six. Received a 100%
"Morality Rating" from Christian Voice. Had sex with a minor working as a
congressional page. article On July 20, the House voted for
censure Crane, the first time that censure had been imposed for sexual

Mark Foley, Republican Representative, Florida Sixteenth Congressional
District. Resigned after trying to solicit sex from male congressional pages
via an instant messenger program. The conversations included his asking a
sixteen-year-old "stud" whether his penis was erect and requesting that he
take out and measure his penis. The cover-up involved Republican House
Majority Leader
John Boehner, Ohio Eighth Congressional District and Republican House
Speaker Dennis Hastert, Illinois Fourteenth District.

Newt Gingrich, married three times. Gingrich campaign worker Anne Manning
admitted that she gave Newt oral sex while he was still married to his first
wife. Informed one wife he was filing for divorce while she was in the
hospital recovering from cancer treatments. Salon article

Rudy Giuliani, had an adulterous affair. Pocketed $80,000 for speaking at a
charity benefit for tsunami aid which raised only $60,000 for the victims
themselves (Feb 2005).

Henry Hyde, Judge who oversaw Clinton's impeachment proceedings, prominent
opponent of reproductive rights, who had an extramarital affair with a woman
who was married and had three children, during the course of which she and
her husband were divorced.

I. Lewis Libby, former Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff to Vice
President Dick Cheney. In 1996 published a novel containing bizaree sexual
content, including beastiality and pedophillia.

Bob Livingston, former Congressman (R-La.) resigned from the House in the
wake of revelations about his past adultery.

Donald Lukens, Republican Congressman, was found guilty of having sex with a
minor - a girl he was accused of sleeping with since she was 13.

Jeff Miller, (R-Cleveland), Senate Republican Caucus Chairman in Tennessee
and the sponsor of Tennessee's Marriage Protection act, getting divorced (as
of April 2005) because of an affair he was having with an office aid. Miller
described the Tennessee Marriage Protection Act as a means of preserving the
sanctity of marriage. He opposed an amendment, however, which stated that
"Adultery is deemed to be a threat to the institution of marriage and
contrary to public policy in Tennessee."

Sue Myrick, Congresswoman (R-NC), describes herself as a "devout Christian."
Committed adultery with a married man.

Bob Packwood, Senator (R-Ore.), resigned in 1995 under a threat of public
senate hearings related to 10 female ex-staffers accusing him of sexual

John Peterson, Congressman (R-Pa), accused of sexual harassment and creation
of a hostile work environment by six women. Peterson has refused to admit a
crime, saying only "I may have been an excessive hugger."

Joe Scarborough, former Republican Congressman, currently a conservative
talk show host. Resigned his congressional seat abruptly to spend more time
with his family, amidst allegations of an affair. His intern, Lori
Klausutis, was soon after found dead in his office. The medical examiner,
who had his license revoked in Missouri for falsifying information in an
autopsy report, and suspended in florida for six years, ruled the case an
accident, after giving conflicting information about her injuries. He said
he lied about them because "The last thing we wanted was 40 questions about
a head injury."

Ed Schrock, two-term republican congressman, with a 92% approval rating from
the Christian Coalition. Cosponsor of the Federal Marriage Amendment,
consistently opposed gay rights. Married, with wife and kids. Withdrew his
candidacy for a third term after tapes of him soliciting for gay sex were

John Scmitz, right-wing republican congressman, who had had his committee
chairship taken away from him in the California State Senate after issuing a
press release attacking Jews, feminists and gays. Forced out of office in
1982 for having an adulterous affair and fathering two children out of
wedlock with one of his students. He was caught because his baby was
admitted to hospital for having hair tied so tightly around his penis that
it was almost severed. His daughter, Mary Kay LeTourneau, was convicted of
having an adulterous affair with one of her students, and giving birth to
two of his children.

Don Sherwood, Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Eventually admitted to an affar with a woman 30 years younger than him,
after she accused him of physical abuse and attempting to choke her.

Bill Thomas Republican congressman, had an affair with Deborah Steelman, a
health care lobbyist who steered huge campaign gifts to Thomas' war chest.

Strom Thurmond, republican senator and racist, raped and impregnanted a
15-year old African American maid.)

J.C. Watts, Representative (R-Oklahoma), loud champion of "moral values."
Has out-of-wedlock children.