Re: OffT: Person found with bomb in DC.

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On Mar 26, 10:22?am, "David E. Powell" <>
> Man arrested near Capitol faces WMD charge
> Explosives allegedly found in suspect's vehicle were undetected for
> weeks
> ?Video: Security ? ? More video
> updated 1:32 a.m. ET, Wed., March. 26, 2008
> WASHINGTON - Authorities revealed Tuesday that a man carrying a loaded
> shotgun was arrested in January near the U.S. Capitol, and explosives
> left in his truck nearby went undetected for three weeks.
> According to an indictment filed in District of Columbia Superior
> Court, Michael Gorbey, 38, of Rapidan, Va., faces charges of planning
> to set off a bomb. He also is accused of making or transporting an
> explosive device with the intent of using it against people or
> property and multiple firearms charges.
> Gorbey allegedly tried to manufacture a "weapon of mass destruction,
> that is, an explosive device capable of causing multiple deaths or
> serious bodily injuries to multiple persons, or massive destruction of
> property," according to the indictment.
> He was arrested Jan. 18 for carrying the shotgun and a sword outside
> the Capitol. Gorbey told police he was headed to an appointment at the
> Supreme Court. No one was injured in the incident, which caused
> gridlock for hours on Capitol Hill.
> U.S. Capitol Police discovered the explosive device three weeks later
> when they returned with a search warrant to check the truck, which was
> in a government parking lot.
> Terrance Gainer, the Senate sergeant-at-arms, told The Washington Post
> the device in Gorbey's truck, which was parked about two blocks from
> the Capitol, "could have caused serious injuries," if detonated.
> Capitol Police: Bomb was overlooked
> Police initially searched Gorbey's truck in January and said there
> were propane tanks and wires but no immediate danger. They used a
> robotic camera to look inside the vehicle and a powerful water hose to
> destroy suspicious items inside.
> Now U.S. Capitol Police are investigating how their bomb squad missed
> the bomb.
> The device was made of a can of gunpowder taped to a box of shotgun
> shells and a bottle with buckshot or BB pellets, according to court
> documents.
> Gorbey has been jailed since his arrest. He has pleaded not guilty and
> has said he plans to defend himself at his trial, which is set to
> begin April 21.
> Court records show Gorbey is a convicted felon and has been in and out
> of prison since 1991 for convictions on larceny, domestic violence and
> illegal gun and drug charges.

The Gesta^H^H^H^H^H^Homeland Security sleeping at the wheel again?
Say it ain't so!!!!!!!

Rob Cypher
"bout time someone listened to Coulter, Hagee, O'Reilly et al and started using some
serious ammo on some serious threats to US democracy, but more importantly, the rest of
the worlds peace of mind (the "rest" being a group of whom I count myself among)
Geez, I think through those decades where the presidents were getting shot at every time
they stepped out of the goddamn limo-tank-mobile (doesn't that just say "Loved by my
people!" eh?). BUt now that there's actually a dickweed in office that definitely needs a
good whacking, nary a nutbar or fruitcake in sight! No.... They all have good paying jobs
at FOX! Why rock the boat now when they can wait a few years until there actually is
someone the wingnuts can point at as the purveyor of all that "liberal" media that now
contaminates the morals of our youth.

Absolutely ****ing amazing that these insane bastards could sit there and have Rush
Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs, Bill Kristol and every other pundit that values their
job sitting there telling the wingnuts that the airwaves are full of liberal influences
and "Thank goodness these few lone voices of reason" have all the prime spots on prime
networks making top money and influence and spin on every single matter that is broadcast
or written about, because otherwise it would be nothing but liberals EVERYWHERE! YOu let
that Alan Colmes alone with a mic for 5 seconds and the homosexuals will have taken over
the military, borders over-run by lesbo-lepers and drug-crazed terrorists who will be
asleep on the job 5 seconds tops if you don't keep an eye on the lazy little bastards!
Siesta seditionists!

Treason by force of reason....yes....... It's hard to picture how horrible things would be
if the government started regulating all drugs instead of just the ones that still have a
lot of life left in their patents. To actually regulate marijuana? The horrors! Obviously
kids will be smoking it by the bail like they do with Marinol right now. Better we keep
things the way they are....with stupidity being not only acceptable, but a reason to form Young Republican clubs on campus to show those liberal profs we just ain't
gonna take their liberal ideas on **** (and get this....) this bullshit about the
facts of a given situation somehow having a stronger relationship with the truth of that
same set of facts...when we know any given situation also has a conservative set of facts
known as "God's opinion", and that they have a right to be taught alongside any of your
facts as having equal least!
And besides, it's YOU who keep yammering about diversity right? Well, now you got it.
Everyone has a right to their own set of facts, and we think Abraham was the smartest man
to ever live. What more evidence does one need than to point out that hairy palms prove
creation, right? Right? It's obvious. And pepper-moths don't usually sit on trees so
that's just dumb! Laws are good, cops are saints, drugs kill, war is patriotic, and taxes
are clearly to blame for the economic mess Clinton left us all in! Get with it. Get Jose.
Get a life and be a dumb, loud, too-stupid to know how really profoundly stupid he really, fact fearing, lie-loving, hypocrite-whore like him! I much
worse can the right-wing be than the mess left to us all by the commies at Planned
Parenthood? Lets all find our own NG and shower them all with police force loooove!!

(Someone. Please. Shoot me dead. Now.)

On Wed, 26 Mar 2008 09:09:12 -0700 (PDT),
>On Mar 26, 10:22 am, "David E. Powell" <>
>> Man arrested near Capitol faces WMD charge
>> Explosives allegedly found in suspect's vehicle were undetected for
>> weeks
>>  Video: Security     More video
>> updated 1:32 a.m. ET, Wed., March. 26, 2008
>> WASHINGTON - Authorities revealed Tuesday that a man carrying a loaded
>> shotgun was arrested in January near the U.S. Capitol, and explosives
>> left in his truck nearby went undetected for three weeks.
>> According to an indictment filed in District of Columbia Superior
>> Court, Michael Gorbey, 38, of Rapidan, Va., faces charges of planning
>> to set off a bomb. He also is accused of making or transporting an
>> explosive device with the intent of using it against people or
>> property and multiple firearms charges.
>> Gorbey allegedly tried to manufacture a "weapon of mass destruction,
>> that is, an explosive device capable of causing multiple deaths or
>> serious bodily injuries to multiple persons, or massive destruction of
>> property," according to the indictment.
>> He was arrested Jan. 18 for carrying the shotgun and a sword outside
>> the Capitol. Gorbey told police he was headed to an appointment at the
>> Supreme Court. No one was injured in the incident, which caused
>> gridlock for hours on Capitol Hill.
>> U.S. Capitol Police discovered the explosive device three weeks later
>> when they returned with a search warrant to check the truck, which was
>> in a government parking lot.
>> Terrance Gainer, the Senate sergeant-at-arms, told The Washington Post
>> the device in Gorbey's truck, which was parked about two blocks from
>> the Capitol, "could have caused serious injuries," if detonated.
>> Capitol Police: Bomb was overlooked
>> Police initially searched Gorbey's truck in January and said there
>> were propane tanks and wires but no immediate danger. They used a
>> robotic camera to look inside the vehicle and a powerful water hose to
>> destroy suspicious items inside.
>> Now U.S. Capitol Police are investigating how their bomb squad missed
>> the bomb.
>> The device was made of a can of gunpowder taped to a box of shotgun
>> shells and a bottle with buckshot or BB pellets, according to court
>> documents.
>> Gorbey has been jailed since his arrest. He has pleaded not guilty and
>> has said he plans to defend himself at his trial, which is set to
>> begin April 21.
>> Court records show Gorbey is a convicted felon and has been in and out
>> of prison since 1991 for convictions on larceny, domestic violence and
>> illegal gun and drug charges.

>The Gesta^H^H^H^H^H^Homeland Security sleeping at the wheel again?
>Say it ain't so!!!!!!!
>Rob Cypher

They Call Me Homer "Cuz I like it when someones slams a "home run" up my asshole!