Re: Paris leaps to abelard's defence ... not a good idea from a



FACE wrote:
> fasgnadh wrote:
>> wrote:

As I predicted, it's the FArCE, the last of the Three Stooges
to join the tag team:

>> FArCE, abelard and Paris Hilltop seem to travel in a pack,
>> like jackals. Their primary occupation is mutual
>> tool-fondling, assuring each other they are brilliantly
>> witty, and devastatingly insightful... B^D

Am I psychic or what! B^D

I throw a stick.. they all fetch!!


Abelard denies that it exists (see teaching abelard about trees)

FArCE screams abuse at it for three days, then his eyes pop
and he has a conniption

and Paris Hiltop sits on it and moans.

>> > wrote:
>> >> On Jun 2, 11:21 am, abelard <> wrote:
>> >>> On Sun, 1 Jun 2008 18:16:35 -0700 (PDT), cmdr buzz corey
>> >>>
>> >>> <> wrote:
>> >>>> On Jun 1, 6:53 pm, FArCE <> wrote:
>> >>>> ~~~~
>> >>>>> Yesterday, Obama threw his whole church under the bus.
>> >>>>> ........that must have
>> >>>>> been a really crunchy ride to those nervously salivating
>> >>>>> souls still inside
>> >>>>> the bus......
>> >>>> It is all political showboating, Osama Obama still
>> >>>> subscribes to what
>> >>>> he was taught over twenty years in the Rev. J. Wrong's church.
>> >>>
>> >>> that now is also my settled view

Does abelard ever have any other kind of view?

Most bottom-feeders have a 'settled view'

>> >> "Osama Obama"?
>> >>
>> >> Are there any cheaper political showboating shots than that!?
>> >> B^p

> Dear idiot,

I have already rejected your sexual overtures,
you racist White Trash pervert!

It was that sort of persistent stalking that no doubt
caused your boyfriend, abelard, to be gelded.

> The phrase "Osama Obama" came from the leftist Ted Kennedy.

Well, no one expected dimwitted Republicans to create
anything original, and as you let www.americanstinker
do your thinking for you, no one is surprised that you
even borrow your cheap shots from others! B^D

If you were any more of a lightweight you would have
to tie your shoes to a stone.

>> >> With Hilary out of the race, and no Republican electable
>> >> after Bush, some of you backwoods tree-deniers are really going to
>> >> enjoy having a Black Democrat for President of the USSA! B^D
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>> web site news comment service, logic,
>> >>
>> >> Logic? You? BWAAAAHAAHAHAHAhahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa!
>> >>
>> >>> walk quietly and carry a big stick
>> >> .
>> >> Where would you get a big stick, you don't believe trees exist! B^D

>> Oh look, the Gelded chimps girlfriend, Paris Hilltop,
>> has come to defend him, (abelard, by definition, lacks the balls! ;-)
>>> "Someone who believes monarchs exist is a monarchist" - fasgnadh.

>> Well, I'm dealing with idiots who deny trees exist,
>> I have to speak S-L-O-W-L-Y and deliberately:
>> (If I throw a stick, will you fetch it? ;-)


They are my PUPPETS!

With them I make Political Theatre! ;-)

>>>> ---------

Teaching abelard about the existence of trees:

>>>> # "From: abelard <>
>>>> # Subject: Re: Early scratching - Abelard, failed to start! B^D
>>>> # Re: The Great Race - an open challenge to Racists
>>>> #Date: Mon, 09 Jun 2008 15:25:07 +0200
>>>> # Message-ID: <>
>>>> #
>>>> #
>>>> # On Mon, 09 Jun 2008 22:37:51 +1000, fasgnadh <>
>>>> # wrote:
>>>> #
>>>> # >abelard wrote:
>>>> #
>>>> # >> there is no such thing as a tree....
>>>> # >
>>>> # >Here is just ONE of many hundreds of trees contained in the
>>>> detailed
>>>> # >scientific taxonomy of plant species.
>>>> # ..
>>>> #
>>>> # >
>>>> # >
>>>> # >"Pine trees and their relatives
>>>> #
>>>> # >It's Containing group is: Conifer
>>>> # >
>>>> # >Here is the Subgenus: Pinus showing the distinct
>>>> # >characteristics which make it UNIQUELY DIFFERENT from
>>>> # >other trees!
>>>> # >
>>>> # >
>>>> # >
>>>> # >Would you like the Phylum?
>>>> # >
>>>> # >You would probably stick it up your arse, you sub-hominid imbecile!
>>>> #
>>>> # you will find references to pinus here
>>>> #
>>>> # dated'll even find a photo!
>>>> " there is no such thing as a tree." - the gelded chimp! B^D
>>>> Poke him with a stick and he remembers ..tree's DO EXIST!

>> > s******

>> Don't laugh, you will damage his already fragile self esteem,
>> and it makes you look like a cheap bitchy slut, Paris.
>> Loved the video, Paris, ..clearly this is not the first time
>> you have been ****ed in public, and you seem to like it! B^D
>> Must go, I have other fish to fry.. (you just smell like fish..)
>> Regards to Nicole.
>> xoxx()o()xxooxxx ;-)
>> Hugs, kisses and a photo of you! B^D



"Iraq War and the price of petrol" - ABC 23/5/2008

"Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said that not invading
Iraq would have helped keep petrol prices down
-- 'It's a factor in the global supply of oil.'"

Of course it is, Iraq has the second largest reserves of oil
in the world. Even if demand were not rising, which it is,
ANY disruption to supply will cause prices to go up.

As we have all seen at the petrol pump.

"There is no question that disruption in any important
country in the oil universe is going to have some
effect on prices, there is absolutely no doubt about that."
- Vijay Vaitheeswaran, Energy correspondent for
the Economist Magazine and author of
"Zoom: The Global Race to Fuel the Car of the Future"

"Iraq oil output hits a new high
- BBC 26/6/2006,

"Production has risen to 2.5 million barrels per day (bpd)
from a steady 2 million bpd during the US-led invasion,
Iraq's new oil minister said.

"Before the war, output was around 3 million bpd,
peaking at a record of 3.5 million bpd"

So, for four years following Howard and Bush's invasion
based on falsehoods about WMDs, Iraqi oil production was
reduced to FIFTY SEVEN PERCENT of it's pre-invasion peak! 8^o

And now it has only inched upward to 71% of it's pre-invasion peak

"Iraq is a mid-level producer, it's not Saudi Arabia,
for example, which is a king pin of oil, or Russia, those
countries produce 9-10 million barrels of oil a day,
the Iraqi output is maybe 20-30% of that, it's more on par
with a country like Venezuela, but undoubtedly a disruption
of the kind which comes from an invasion would of course,
send prices higher"

You can thank Howard and the Lieberals for those higher petrol
prices every time you fill up, and then don't forget the GST
they put ON TOP of the excise, ON TOP of the Iraq War Petrol
Price Surcharge!!!!!


All courtesy of the most DISASTROUS economic mis-managers
in post war Australian government.. the Lieberal party.

ABC: "So can our Prime Minister get away with saying that
if we didn't go into Iraq, petrol prices would be cheaper?"

"I think that without this kind of Iraq invasion, this
outcome would not have happened."

"In this case, it's not just Iraq, if there were to be hostile
actions by the US against Iran, something President Cheney has
hinted at, you can bet the prices would go even higher.

It's a question of the global supply balance, that's the reason
why an action like this became so problematic"


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