Re: Ragnar/JED88/ODEN's Sack is a filthy disease



On Thu, 15 Mar 2007 18:44:56 GMT, PorchMonkey4Life
<> wrote:

>DVH wrote:
>> "PorchMonkey4Life" <> wrote in message
>> news:UogKh.13822$rp4.11548@trnddc02...
>>> DVH wrote:
>>>> "PorchMonkey4Life" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:tegKh.13776$rp4.2075@trnddc02...
>>>>> DVH wrote:
>>>>>> "PorchMonkey4Life" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:T3gKh.16420$mh7.16116@trnddc04...
>>>>>>> DVH wrote:
>>>>>>>> "PorchMonkey4Life" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>> news:AYfKh.16416$mh7.4867@trnddc04...
>>>>>>>>> DVH wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> "PorchMonkey4Life" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>> news:mwfKh.16383$mh7.8223@trnddc04...
>>>>>>>>>>> Ragnar/JED88/ODEN's Sack is a filthy disease and needs to be
>>>>>>>>>>> exterminated.
>>>>>>>>>>> Ragnar/JED88/ODEN's Sack jacks off to national geographic videos
>>>>>>>>>>> and especially to the teletubbies.
>>>>>>>>>>> Ragnar/JED88/ODEN's Sack love the genitals of children under the
>>>>>>>>>>> age of five. That was the age that his daddy first broke his ana1
>>>>>>>>>>> cherry.
>>>>>>>>>>> Ragnar/JED88/ODEN's Sack is an piece of inbred child raping trash,
>>>>>>>>>>> just like his daddy and his daddy's daddy before him. His family
>>>>>>>>>>> is full of pedophiles, necrophiliacs and bestial ex-cons.
>>>>>>>>>> "Repressed Homosexuality Could Be Root of Homophobia
>>>>>>>>> Has your daddy been repressing yer homosexuality with his c0ck
>>>>>>>>> again. Now dats why you are sooo homophobic (or should I say
>>>>>>>>> homoblod1ck).
>>>>>>>>>> New research lends considerable credence to the psychoanalytic
>>>>>>>>>> theory that repressed homosexual urges may be at the root of
>>>>>>>>>> homophobic behavior by heterosexual men."
>>>>>>>>> Is that the research study that yoo and yer daddy participated in.
>>>>>>>>> ;-D
>>>>>>>> Are you one of the 80%, monkey?
>>>>>>> How did you c0ck trolling go in Brixton yesterday, ya deviant violent
>>>>>>> homosexual.
>>>>>>>> "Research by US psychologists suggests that 80 percent of men who are
>>>>>>>> homophobic have secret homosexual feelings. This finding lends
>>>>>>>> scientific support to the long-standing speculation that those who
>>>>>>>> shout the loudest against homosexuality have something to hide.
>>>>>>> Do I hurt your little feelings when I call you a deviant violent
>>>>>>> homosexual? It's true though. Why can'tyou accept that you're gay.
>>>>>>> That you rape animals. that you rape dead people. that you rape
>>>>>>> children. All this makes you a deviant violent homosexual. You'll
>>>>>>> see the light!
>>>>>>>> The research results were published in the prestigious Journal of
>>>>>>>> Abnormal Psychology, with the backing of the American Psychological
>>>>>>>> Association"
>>>>>>>> are buggers.htm
>>>>>> "Psychoanalytic theories suggest that homophobia is a result of
>>>>>> repressed homosexual urges. Anxiety about homosexuality typically does
>>>>>> not occur in individuals who are same-sex oriented. Instead, it usually
>>>>>> involves individuals who are ostensibly heterosexual but have
>>>>>> difficulty integrating their homosexual feelings or activity."
>>>>>> Poor monkey. Do you have difficulty integrating your homosexual
>>>>>> feelings?
>>>>> Nope. I have no homosexual feelings, but the fact that you suck c0ck
>>>>> every day and have a mountain of dried jizz on your face suggests
>>>>> otherwise for you.
>>>>> When you go to public restrooms are you hoping to bump into George
>>>>> Michael?
>>>> "Many heterosexuals repress homosexual tendencies, Sigmund Freud
>>>> believed, and some repress them more strongly than others. Homophobia is
>>>> the name for what Freud saw as heterosexuals' "vigorous
>>>> counter-attitudes" to homosexuality. For most of this century, many
>>>> writers on the topic, following Freud, have accepted this relationship
>>>> between repressed (or "latent") homosexuality and homophobia. But, Dr.
>>>> Henry Adams of the University of Georgia, was the first to attempt to
>>>> test the proposition empirically. The results? Individuals who score in
>>>> the homophobic range on the "Homophobia Scale" demonstrate signficant
>>>> sexual arousal to male homosexual erotic stimuli."
>>>> Poor monkey. It's obvious, isn't it?
>>> It's obvious that u r craving monkey c0ck/.. I thought I gave you a facial
>>> already today.

>> Why do you deny your repressed homosexuality?

>Because I'm not. But you obivously are. If you have dried jizz on your
>face, that can't mean that you're heterosexual. C'mon deviant violent
>homosexual, face the facts
>>As Odin's pointed out, nearly
>> everything you post relates to homosexual practices. Normal people just
>> aren't that interested in gays.

>But in this newgroup there aren't normal people, only deviant violent
>homosexuals and people like me that stomp them into submission. Nice
>try, tho fagboi

At least you acknowledge the fact that you "aren't normal people".

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