Re: Rob Cypher drops serious bombs Re: the whois of brian morasca...

  • Thread starter Anonymous Remailer
  • Start date
C Anonymous Remailer

In article <47b5c897$0$25018$>
"Eaton T. Fores" <> wrote:
> Not only that, but it REALLY says something that the biggest losers on the NG are
> falling all over themselves to kiss Ben "The Genius" Robo-drinker's ass.
> A 170 IQ? There are no 170 IQs, as anyone who understood what IQ purports to measure
> would understand. Cypher, with his 170, is too stupid to understand that, though.

You sho' do talk some ****. 170 IQ is definitely a valid
quotient. Not that you would know.
I imagine it's plain old jealousy on your part. Remember when
everyone posted their scores on here and yours
was 125. What a ****ing genius you are. waaaaaaa waaaaaaa

As for OUTLAW - retard level.
Gees you're a piece of ****. Most cops on the east have a copy
of all your threats by now.You can't fart without being
watched. Loser.

In article <> (The OUTLAW) wrote:
> Its only a matter of time cypher. Your attention craving behavior will
> be your downfall. Look at history...Does your momma have a black dress?
> Tell her I get the first dance for unburdening her of you---the poor
> woman. She'll finally be able to kick up her heals and not have to worry
> about getting home in case you set fire to it......OUTLAW
In article <> (The OUTLAW) wrote:
> Yeah anonymous. I bet they have "all my threats" directly from your
> mouth ya rat *******. Next time you're running your mouth to the "east
> coast cops" tell em if I find you first they never will...OUTLAW

Bullshit. I never ratted anyone. I'll leave thatup to you. Let's
just say you're a 'person of interest'. You did it yourself.
is a haven for rats.