Re: Socialist countries in Europe are getting better and better.America, on the other hand,



On Jan 29, 10:07 pm, "" <> wrote:
> is sinking.
> Compare the 2 lifestyles...
> EUROPEAN SOCIALISM: pix/Paris_cafe.jpg
> vs.

"We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is
to survive."

Jesus Was A Socialist and a liberal Jew.if that is worth a **** to you
hypocritical Christains out there



If Jesus of Nazareth was anything, he was an extraordinary friend of
the down-trodden, definitely a Liberal, whose advocacy on their behalf
so infuriated the ultra-Conservative religious and political leaders
of his day that they had him killed to prevent the public from hearing
the very liberal teaching that you will see quoted abundantly in
Jesus' own words on this web site !

Those who actually know what the Bible says about the life and
teaching of Jesus recognize that far from being like Jesus of
today's "Religious Right" are much more like the kind of clerics who
battled this revolutionary prophet from the day he opened his mouth
until the day they had him nailed to a cross. Although these people
claim to represent Jesus Christ, they rarely quote his teaching or
follow his example. What they do instead is use his name ("in vain")
to promote their ideas, ideas which Jesus himself did not teach, and
might well have opposed.

In the strictest sense of the word, Jesus was a socialist. He
advocated communal living, giving money to the poor and taking care of
others. and got nailed for it.

Why Socialism?
By Albert Einstein

Einstein's socialism was distinctly democratic.Most Americans don't
realize that they are surrounded by socialism and use it every day in
their own lives. Thank G-d for Socialism in America

Socialism is directed toward a social-ethical end. Science, however,
cannot create ends and, even less, instill them in human beings;
science, at most, can supply the means by which to attain certain
ends. But the ends themselves are conceived by personalities with
lofty ethical ideals and -- if these ends are not stillborn, but vital
and vigorous -- are adopted and carried forward by those many human
beings who, half-unconsciously, determine the slow evolution of

The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is, in
my opinion, the real source of the evil. We see before us a huge
community of producers the members of which are unceasingly striving
to deprive each other of the fruits of their collective labor -- not
by force, but on the whole in faithful compliance with legally
established rules. In this respect, it is important to realize that
the means of production -- that is to say, the entire productive
capacity that is needed for producing consumer goods as well as
additional capital goods -- may legally be, and for the most part are,
the private property of individuals.

Socialism is alive and well in America.....Socialism in America is
alive, well, and growing. Aided by such influential Congressmen as
John Conyers, Ranking Member of the House Judicial Committee, ...

America is a plutocracy and is not a benefit to the majority of the
human American community. But, that is not common knowledge to
Americans who are more interested in " The Days of Our Lives" and a
visit to Disneyland.

We must open more public libraries and schools close to the thousands
of trailer parks in America so the tenants can learn more about why
they need socialism. .... "The greatest ignorance is to reject
something you know nothing about"

America is a Plutocracy

"Greed is Good."
--- Gordon Gekko

The term "plutocracy" is formally defined as government by the
wealthy, and is also sometimes used to refer to a wealthy class that
controls a government, often from behind the scenes.

The Carlyle Group

More generally, a plutocracy is any form of government in which the
wealthy exercise the preponderance of political power, whether
directly or indirectly.

Let us prey along with the Republicans and their corporation stooge
candidate in the 2008 election charade.

Have a good day (maybe).