Re: Subpoena OK'd for Rove



On Mar 28, 5:10 pm, "Dan Kimmel" wrote:

> "America Hater" <> wrote in message
> news:aa9Hj.30450$
> > Subpoena OK'd for Karl Rove
> > Source: Associated Press

> > Subpoena OK'd for Rove
> > By LAURIE KELLMAN, Associated Press

> > Friday, March 28
> > WASHINGTON -- Senators joined the House on Thursday in approving subpoenas
> > to force President Bush's political adviser and other aides to testify

> about
> > the firings of federal prosecutors.
> > While Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., chairman of the Senate Judiciary

> Committee,
> > is not budging from his insistence that Rove be questioned publicly and
> > under oath, Pennsylvania Republican Arlen Specter offered President Bush a
> > compromise.

> > Specter, who took the first step toward brokering a deal a few hours after
> > the Senate Judiciary Committee approved but did not issue subpoenas for

> Rove
> > and others, suggested that select lawmakers question Karl Rove and other
> > administration officials in public, but not under oath.

> What is it with this administration not wanting to testify under oath? Are
> they afraid that lightning will strike them for their lies?
> Congress should insist, nay, DEMAND that they testify under oath, and that
> no other testimony is acceptable. Let the White House explain why that is a
> deal breaker.

"Executive Privilege"

Case closed.
