Re: Surging past the gates of hell by Adolf Bush and Heinrich Cheney



TY for posting this extremely provocative article.

Postlist modified to increase distribution

B.T.World wrote:
> June 29, 2007
> Surging past the gates of hell
> By Tom Engelhardt
> Sometimes, numbers can strip human beings of just about everything
> that makes us what we are. Numbers can silence pain, erase love,
> obliterate emotion, and blur individuality. But sometimes numbers can
> also tell a necessary story in ways nothing else can.
> This January, US President George W Bush announced his "surge" plan
> for Iraq, which he called his "new way forward". It was, when you
> think about it, all about numbers. Since then, 28,500 new US troops
> have surged into that country, mostly in and around Baghdad; and,
> according to the Washington Post, there has also been a hidden surge
> of private armed contractors - hired guns, if you will - who free up
> troops by taking over many mundane military positions from guarding
> convoys to guarding envoys. In the meantime, other telltale numbers in
> Iraq have surged as well.
> Now, Americans are theoretically waiting for the commander of US
> forces in Iraq, General David Petraeus, to "report" to Congress in
> September on the "progress" of Bush's surge strategy. But there really
> is no reason to wait for September. An interim report - "Iraq by the
> Numbers" - can be prepared now (as it could have been prepared last
> month, or last year). The trajectory of horror in Iraq has long been
> clear; the fact that the US military is a motor driving the Iraqi
> cataclysm has been no less clear for years now. So here is my own
> early version of the "September Report".
> A caveat about numbers: in the bloody chaos that is Iraq, as tens of
> thousands die or are wounded, as millions uproot themselves or are
> uprooted, and as the influence of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's
> national government remains largely confined to the 10-square-
> kilometer fortified Green Zone in the Iraqi capital, numbers, even as
> they pour out of that hemorrhaging land, are eternally up for grabs.
> There is no way most of them can be accurate. They are, at best, a set
> of approximate notations in a nightmare that is beyond measurement.
> Here, nonetheless, is an attempt to tell a little of the Iraqi story
> by those numbers.
> Iraq is now widely considered No 1 when it comes to being the ideal
> jihadist training ground on the planet. "If Afghanistan was a
> Pandora's box which when opened created problems in many countries,
> Iraq is a much bigger box, and what's inside much more dangerous,"
> commented Mohammed al-Masri, a researcher at Amman's Center for
> Strategic Studies.
> CIA analysts predicted just this in a May 2005 report leaked to the
> press. ("A new classified assessment by the Central Intelligence
> Agency says Iraq may prove to be an even more effective training
> ground for Islamic extremists than Afghanistan was in al-Qaeda's early
> days, because it is serving as a real-world laboratory for urban
> combat.")
> Iraq is also No 2: it now ranks as the world's second-most-unstable
> country, ahead of war-ravaged or poverty-stricken nations such as
> Somalia, Zimbabwe, the Democratic Republic of Congo and North Korea,
> according to the 2007 Failed States Index, issued recently by the Fund
> for Peace and Foreign Policy magazine. (Afghanistan, the site of
> America's other little war, ranked eighth.) Last year and the year
> before, Iraq held fourth place on the list. Next year, it could surge
> to No 1.
> Number of US troops in Iraq, June 2007: approximately 156,000.
> Number of US troops in Iraq, May 1, 2003, the day President Bush
> declared "major combat operations" in that country "ended":
> approximately 130,000.
> Number of Sunni insurgents in Iraq, May 2007: at least 100,000,
> according to Asia Times Online correspondent Pepe Escobar on his most
> recent visit to the country (see The man who might save Iraq, May 5).
> American military dead in the surge months, February 1-June 26, 2007:
> 481.
> American military dead, February-June 2006: 292.
> Number of contractors killed in the first three months of 2007: at
> least 146, a significant surge over previous years. (Contractor deaths
> sometimes go unreported and so these figures are likely to be
> incomplete.)
> Number of US troops then-deputy secretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz
> and other Pentagon civilian strategists were convinced would be
> stationed in Iraq in August 2003, four months after Baghdad fell:
> 30,000-40,000, according to Washington Post reporter Tom Ricks in his
> best-selling book Fiasco.
> Number of armed "private contractors" now in Iraq: at least
> 20,000-30,000, according to the Washington Post. (Jeremy Scahill,
> author of the best-seller Blackwater, puts the figure for all private
> contractors in Iraq at 126,000.)
> Number of attacks on US troops and allied Iraqi forces, April 2007:
> 4,900.
> Percentage of US deaths from roadside bombs (IEDs, for improvised
> explosive devices): 70.9% in May 2007; 35% in February 2007 as the
> "surge" was beginning.
> Percentage of registered US supply convoys (guarded by private
> contractors) attacked: 14.7% in 2007 (through May 10); 9.1% in 2006;
> 5.4% in 2005.
> Percentage of Baghdad not controlled by US (and Iraqi) security forces
> more than four months into the "surge": 60%, according to the US
> military.
> Number of attacks on the Green Zone, the fortified heart of Baghdad
> where the new US$600 million US Embassy is rising and the Iraqi
> government largely resides: more than 80 between March and the
> beginning of June 2007, according to a United Nations report. (These
> attacks, by mortar or rocket, from "pacified" Red Zone Baghdad, are on
> the rise and now occur nearly daily.)
> Size of US Embassy staff in Baghdad: more than 1,000 Americans and
> 4,000 third-country nationals.
> Staff US Ambassador Ryan Crocker considers appropriate to the
> "diplomatic" job: the ambassador recently sent "an urgent plea" to
> Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice for more personnel. "The people
> here are heroic," he wrote. "I need more people, and that's the thing,
> not that the people who are here shouldn't be here or couldn't do
> it."
> According to the Washington Post, the Baghdad embassy, previously
> assigned 15 political officers, now will get 11 more; the economic
> staff will go from nine to 21. This may involve "direct assignments"
> to Baghdad in which, against precedent, State Department officers,
> some reputedly against the war, will simply be ordered to take up
> "unaccompanied posts" (too dangerous for families to go along).
> Air strikes in Iraq during the "surge" months: US Air Force (USAF)
> planes are dropping bombs at more than twice the rate of a year ago,
> according to the Associated Press. "Close support missions" are up
> 30-40%. And this surge of air power seems, from recent news reports,
> still to be on the rise.
> In the early stages of the recent "surge" operation against the city
> of Baquba in Diyala province, for instance, Michael R Gordon of the
> New York Times reported that "American forces ... fired more than 20
> satellite-guided rockets into western Baquba", while Apache
> helicopters attacked "enemy fighters". ABC (American Broadcasting Co)
> News recently reported that the USAF has brought B-1 bombers in for
> missions on the outskirts of Baghdad.
> Number of years General David Petraeus, commander of the "surge"
> operation, predicts that the US will have to be engaged in
> counterinsurgency operations in Iraq to have hopes of achieving
> success: nine to 10 years. ("In fact, typically, I think historically,
> counterinsurgency operations have gone at least nine or 10 years.")
> Number of years Bush administration officials are now suggesting that
> 30,000-40,000 US troops might have to remain garrisoned at US bases in
> Iraq: 54, according to the "Korea model" now being considered. (US
> troops have garrisoned South Korea since the Korean War ended in
> 1953.)
> Number of Iraqi police, trained by Americans, who were not on duty as
> of January 2007, just before the "surge" plan was put into operation:
> about 32,000 out of a force of 188,000, according to the Associated
> Press. About one in six Iraqi policemen has been killed, has been
> wounded, has deserted, or has just disappeared. About 5,000 probably
> have deserted; and 7,000-8,000 are simply "unaccounted for". (Recall
> here Bush's old jingle of 2005: "As Iraqis stand up, we will stand
> down.")
> Number of years before the Iraqi security forces are capable of taking
> charge of their country's security: "a couple of years", according to
> US Army Brigadier-General Dana Pittard, commander of the Iraq
> Assistance Group.
> Amount of "reconstruction" money invested in the CIA's key asset in
> the new Iraq, the Iraqi National Intelligence Service: $3 billion,
> according to Escobar (see We build walls, not nations, April 24).
> Number of Iraqi "Kit Carson scouts" being trained in the just-captured
> western part of Baquba: more than 100. (There were thousands of "Kit
> Carsons" in the Vietnam War - former enemy fighters employed by US
> forces; the name derives from 19th-century American frontiersman
> Christopher Houston Carson.) In fact, Vietnam-era plans, ranging from
> Strategic Hamlets (dubbed, in the Iraqi urban context, "gated
> communities") to the "oil spot" counterinsurgency strategy, have been
> recycled for use in Iraq, as has a US penchant for applying names from
> America's Indian Wars to counterinsurgency situations abroad,
> including, for instance, dubbing an embattled supply depot near Abu
> Ghraib "Fort Apache".
> Number of Iraqis who have fled their country since 2003: estimated to
> be between 2 million and 2.2 million, or nearly one in 10 Iraqis.
> According to independent reporter Dahr Jamail, at least 50,000 more
> refugees are fleeing the country every month.
> Number of Iraqi refugees who have been accepted by the United States:
> Fewer than 500, according to Bob Woodruff of ABC News; 701, according
> to Agence France-Presse. (Under international and congressional
> pressure, the Bush administration has finally agreed to admit another
> 7,000 Iraqis by year's end.)
> Number of Iraqis who are now internal refugees in Iraq, largely
> because of sectarian violence since 2003: at least 1.9 million,
> according to the UN. (A recent Red Crescent Society report, based on a
> survey taken in Iraq, indicates that internal refugees have quadrupled
> since January 2007, and are up eightfold since June 2006.)
> Percentage of refugees, internal and external, under 12: 55%,
> according to the president of the Red Crescent Society.
> Percentage of Baghdadi children, 3 to 10, exposed to a major traumatic
> event in the past two years: 47%, according to a World Health
> Organization survey of 600 children. Fourteen percent of them showed
> symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. In another study of 1,090
> adolescents in Mosul, that figure reached 30%.
> Number of Iraqi doctors who have fled the country since 2003: an
> estimated 12,000 of the country's 34,000 registered doctors since
> 2003, according to the Iraqi Medical Association. The association
> reports that another 2,000 doctors have been slain in those years.
> Number of Iraqi refugees created since UN Secretary General Ban Ki-
> Moon declared a "humanitarian crisis" for Iraq in January 2007: an
> estimated 250,000.
> Percentage of Iraqis now living on less than $1 a day, according to
> the UN: 54%.
> Iraq's per capita annual income: $3,600 in 1980; $860 in 2001 (after a
> decade of UN sanctions); $530 at the end of 2003, according to
> Escobar, who estimates that the number may now have fallen below $400
> (see Baghdad up close and personal, May 2). Unemployment in Iraq is
> about 60%.
> Percentage of Iraqis who do not have regular access to clean water:
> 70%, according to the World Health Organization. (Eighty percent "lack
> effective sanitation".)
> Rate of chronic child malnutrition: 21%, according to the WHO. (Rates
> of child malnutrition had already nearly doubled by 2004, only 20
> months after the invasion.) According to the United Nations Children's
> Fund (UNICEF), "about one in 10 children under five in Iraq [is]
> underweight".
> Number of Iraqis held in US prisons in their own country: 17,000 by
> March 2007, almost 20,000 by May 2007 and surging.
> Number of Iraqis detained in Baquba alone in one week this month in
> Operation Phantom Thunder: more than 700.
> Average number of Iraqis who died violently each day in 2006: 100 -
> and this is undoubtedly an underestimate, since not all deaths are
> reported.
> Number of Iraqis who have died violently (based on the above average)
> since Secretary General Ban declared a "humanitarian crisis" for Iraq
> in January 2007: 15,000 - again certainly an undercount.
> Number of Iraqis who died (in what Juan Cole terms Iraq's "everyday
> apocalypse") during the week of June 17-23, 2007, according to the
> careful daily tally from media reports offered at the website
> 763, or an average of 109 media-reported deaths a day.
> (June 17: 74; June 18: 149; June 19: 169; June 20: 116; June 21: 58;
> June 22: 122; June 23: 75.)
> Percentage of seriously wounded who don't survive in emergency rooms
> and intensive-care units, because of lack of drugs, equipment, and
> staff: nearly 70%, according to the WHO.
> Number of university professors who have been killed since the
> invasion of 2003: more than 200, according to the Iraqi Ministry of
> Higher Education.
> The value of an Iraqi life: a maximum of $2,500 in "consolation" or
> "solatia" payments made by the US military to Iraqi civilians who died
> "as a result of US and coalition forces' actions during combat",
> according to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report. These
> payments imply no legal responsibility for the killings.
> For rare "extraordinary cases" (and let's not even imagine what these
> might be), payments of up to $10,000 were approved last year, with the
> authorization of a division commander. According to Walter Pincus of
> the Washington Post, "We are not talking big condolence payouts thus
> far. In 2005, the sums distributed in Iraq reached $21.5 million and -
> with violence on the upswing - dropped to $7.3 million last year, the
> GAO reported."
> The value of an Iraqi car, destroyed by US forces: $2,500 would not be
> unusual, and conceivably the full value of the car, according to the
> same GAO report. A former US Army judge advocate, who served in Iraq,
> has commented: "The full market value may be paid for a Toyota run
> over by a tank in the course of a non-combat related accident, but
> only $2,500 may be paid for the death of a child shot in the
> crossfire."
> Percentage of Americans who approve of Bush's actions in Iraq: 23%,
> according to the latest post-"surge" Newsweek poll. The president's
> overall approval rating stood at 26% in this poll, just 3 points above
> those of only one president, Richard Nixon at his Watergate worst, and
> Bush's polling figures are threatening to head into that territory. In
> the latest, now-two-week-old National Broadcasting Corp/Wall Street
> Journal poll, 10% of Americans think the "surge" has made things
> better in Iraq, 54% worse.
> The question is: What word best describes the situation these Iraqi
> numbers hint at? The answer would probably be: no such word exists.
> "Genocide" has been beaten into the ground and doesn't apply. "Civil
> war", which shifts all blame to the Iraqis (withdrawing Americans from
> a country its troops have not yet begun to leave), doesn't faintly
> cover the matter.
> If anything catches the carnage and mayhem that were once the nation
> of Iraq, it might be a comment by the head of the Arab League, Amr
> Mussa, in 2004. He warned: "The gates of hell are open in Iraq." At
> the very least, the "gates of hell" should now officially be
> considered miles behind us on the half-destroyed, well-mined highway
> of Iraqi life. Who knows what IEDs lie ahead? We are, after all, in
> the underworld.
> Tom Engelhardt is editor of Tomdispatch and the author of The End of
> Victory Culture. His novel, The Last Days of Publishing, has recently
> come out in paperback. Most recently, he is the author of Mission
> Unaccomplished: Tomdispatch Interviews with American Iconoclasts and
> Dissenters (Nation Books), the first collection of Tomdispatch
> interviews.
> (Copyright 2007 Tomdispatch. Used by permission.)
Bush stated that we must "ensure that anti-Semitism" - that is,
any writings that Jews don't like - "is excluded from school
text books, official statements, official television programming
and official publications...." Thanks, G.W. It's good to know
what your priorities are. Can you imagine Bush or Powell or
Giuliani, as much as they hate free speech, ever calling for laws
to suppress criticism of White people or even of America? It's
not going to happen. Forget it. Yet, in the hushed tones usually
reserved for sacred words spoken in church, they piously intone
that words critical of Jews be eliminated or made illegal. They
intone these words at international conferences, paid for by you
the taxpayers, called into session specifically for the purpose
of ending criticism of Jews. How much more obvious does it have
to be, dear listeners? Powell and Bush and Giuliani have given us
such a crystal clear example of Jewish power over our "leaders"
that even the most dense should be able to 'get it.'

Do you think that the OSCE delegates were mainly concerned with
stopping physical attacks on Jews and not on suppressing freedom
of speech? Think again. The Dutch delegate to the conference,
Daan Everts, specifically cited "[racist] music [and] racist
slogans"-slogans! -- as 'problems' to be addressed by new

And Israel's chief representative at the conference, Avraham
Toledo, specifically called on member governments to make
'anti-Semitism' a criminal offense. That's where they are going
with this. It can't possibly be any more obvious. A more chilling
nightmare scenario could not have been penned by a science
fiction author characterizing the Jews as a parasitic alien
species who have invaded us and taken over the ruling class in
our societies, and who are slowly programming us to kill or
imprison any 'rebels' who question the new ruling class, worship
of which is gradually being introduced in our schools and
churches as a pseudo-religion to cement their power over us.

[ <> ]

It's interesting that the Bush administration withdrew its
delegates from the UN-sponsored 'World Conference Against Racism'
held in South Africa in 2001 when it was discovered that Jews
would be criticized for their treatment of Palestinians there.
But they enthusiastically endorse-with the participation of
Powell, Giuliani, and even Bush himself-this conference in
Vienna in which the entire focus is criminalizing criticism of
Jews and Jews alone. Clearly, our captured rulers have no problem
with the concept of conferences on racism. But conferences that
criticize Jews, however mildly, are verboten. And conferences
that denounce critics of Jews and Israel are national and
international priorities. It's Jewish interests that are their
driving force at all places and at all times. Jewish interests.
Not American interests. Not White interests. Any people so
betrayed by its own alleged leaders will not long survive on

On June 18th, Giuliani stated that when people characterize Jews
"in inhumane ways, and make salacious statements in parliaments
or the press" about Jews, they are "attacking the defining values
of our societies and our international institutions."

Just as he did in the United States a few years ago, Giuliani
went on to call for special punishment for anyone in Europe found
to have violated his proposed 'hate crime' laws, punishment far
more severe than for similar offenses when the motivation was not
found to be dislike of Jews. He specifically justified this
unequal punishment of those who criticize Jews on the basis that
crimes against Jews are "particularly heinous." Crimes against
Englishmen, crimes against Italians, crimes against Frenchmen,
crimes against Americans-well, they're just crimes. Crimes
against Jews require special punishment. They're "particularly
heinous." Conferences must be held and new laws must be passed.

Giuliani ...continues
as he tells us what the real function of law should be in a
'good' society of obedient goyim: "Yes, some will argue that hate
crimes need not be punished more harshly than similar crimes
committed for different reasons. But the fact is that extra
penalties are used throughout civilized legal systems - in Europe
as well as America - as a way to distinguish acts that are
particularly heinous. One of the functions of the law is to
teach, to draw lines between what's permissible and what's

[ <> ]

More chills for your spine, ladies and gentlemen. "...what's
permissible and what's forbidden" as defined by Rudy Giuliani and
his Jewish masters. We don't need Alfred Hitchcock or Stephen
King anymore, now that we've got Rudy and the Jews. Yes,
"...what's permissible and what's forbidden"-truth about the
Jewish criminal conspiracy that is destroying our race and
nations is forbidden. Freedom is forbidden. A free press is
forbidden. Jewish ascendancy in a society often ends this way...

Giuliani continues his sermon, letting us know that there can
only be one point of view and one sacred victim group in World
War II history: "Making sure their citizens have an honest
understanding of the Holocaust is vital, as revisionist
viewpoints put us at risk of a repetition of race-based genocide.
Schools must look at how they educate children regarding
tolerance and fairness. Universities, public officials,
advertisers and the news media should publicize the tremendous
contributions that Jews have made to European societies through
the years."

Giuliani states that his purpose with regard to the rising
awareness of Jewish power and Jewish crimes in Europe is to see
that this increased consciousness is 'turned around.' I quote
from his June 13 address at the State department after accepting
the OSCE 'commission': "Coming from New York City and having had
the experience of being mayor of the world's most diverse city,
you learn... the value of having a focus on hate crimes and hate
incidents.... And then focusing your attention on those places in
which you have to educate people or you have to deal with people
who are wrongdoers. And the fact that this organization is giving
attention to this at this level, I think is a very positive sign
that we will be able to deal with it at this stage and start to
turn it in the right direction."

[ <> ]

It's clear that Rudy Giuliani's political ambitions are far from
over. His brown-nosing of the Jews has reached a fever pitch. We
can expect the same from ambitious politicians like Hilary
Clinton and many others as 2004 approaches. Elections in the
United States have become more and more contests between cynical
lying hacks who compete for favorable media coverage by trying to
be more subservient to the Jews and to Israel than the next
cynical lying hack. This guarantees them good coverage and more
votes from the unthinking victims of media manipulation. The
Semitically Sycophantic rhetoric will be more heated than ever in
future elections, as it takes extreme statements to compete for
the Jews' favor with George W., who was willing to slaughter
Arabs and Americans by the thousands for them.

But, as the ambitions and the actions of the Jews become more
extreme, the awareness they are trying to suppress will start to
bloom all over Europe, all over North America, and everywhere
where they have set up their criminal conspiracy to harness our
people for their evil ends and to eventually eradicate our race
from the face of the Earth. That's the historical pattern. Jews
gain power in a society, abuse that power through arrogance and
hate, and eventually the oppressed people expel their oppressors.
But this time, the process is not limited to one country like
20th century Germany or 15th century Spain. The process is now
global. And, as we and the other peoples of the Earth realize
that our mutual needs for self-determination and for freedom from
Jewish domination coincide, the days of the Jewish cryptocracy
will be numbered.

Instead of a government that serves Jewish interests above all,
and serves other minority interests as long as they don't
conflict with Jewish interests, we must have a government that
serves White interests. Under such a government, our labor and
our tax dollars and our blood would be expended only when they
served future generations of Whites, not squandered on the
megalomaniac dreams of the self-Chosen or on breeding the biomass
that threatens to engulf us. The conferences we will convene will
hold lying White politicians like Rudy Giuliani to account, and
will focus on such issues as the genocides against Whites
committed by Jews in Europe during the last century, and on
righting wrongs like the sexual slavery of young White women and
girls being practiced now by Jewish criminal gangs in Israel and

When we have a government which pursues White interests instead
of Jewish interests, we will be incomparably richer, incomparably
more secure, incomparably more technically advanced and powerful-and,
in terms of Nature's highest commandment, the protection
of our children and our posterity, incomparably more moral than
we are today