Re: Teh Money


The 2-Belo

UPI A 7N DA alt.2600, Sun, 25 May 2008 18:52:23 -0800 (UPI)... THREE SHOTS WERE
FIRED AT Onideus Mad Hatter'S MOTORCADE TODAY IN DOWNTOWN alt.2600... JT 1234

>Icons that is:
>I've been semi-working on an RPG game based partially in teh real
>world and the game system uses real currency. Those are some of the
>icons I made for the items.

So you scanned the entire contents of your wallet and resized to 10%. Big.
****ing. Deal.

The 2-Belo [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
alt.flame alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk

" of these days yer gonna ****up and yer gonna wind up with yer
real name, address and phone number plastered all over the grid...and
then what? You gonna go whine that it's not fair? You gonna whine that
you only meant the **** you said when you thought you could hide? Your
physical 'real life' means just as much online as it does in the 'real
world', so if you can't back yer **** up with physical superiority...
man you best keep yer mouth shut, cause I've known more than a few tards
who wound up gettin the **** beat out of them cause they went running at
the mouth online..."

-- Matthew "Onideus 'Jamos Ludbunski' Mad Hatter" Moulton,
showing me the severed heads of his rivals and watching me
in the eye of the tiger, in
Onideus Mad Hatter flung his poo at alt.flame in a fit of rage and the resulting
spatter looked uncannily like this:

>On Mon, 26 May 2008 11:25:52 +0900, The 2-Belo
><> wrote:
>>UPI A 7N DA alt.2600, Sun, 25 May 2008 18:52:23 -0800 (UPI)... THREE SHOTS WERE
>>FIRED AT Onideus Mad Hatter'S MOTORCADE TODAY IN DOWNTOWN alt.2600... JT 1234
>>>Icons that is:
>>>I've been semi-working on an RPG game based partially in teh real
>>>world and the game system uses real currency. Those are some of the
>>>icons I made for the items.

>>So you scanned the entire contents of your wallet and resized to 10%. Big.
>>****ing. Deal.

>I don't use physical money

Well, obviously not, Matthew. This has been the crux of the entire poofest
you've been waging with everyone all spring: how you can work at one of the most
laughable jobs in America and live in some broken-down hovel buried in
underbrush and speak like you learned English via correspondence course and
still claim that you've Got It Made.

>The only "money" I carry with me is my debit card.

With which you pop right out and pick up a couple of Trans-Ams during your lunch
hour, yes?

>Further, if it's so easy why don't you point out a few examples via
>Google that look as good as mine via the same size.

You should know I'm too busy making thrice your income at my "cubical [sic]
monkey" job to be bothered with fetching data for you, Ludbunski. I assume,
however, that this RPG you're sort of semi-thinking about working on is about a
magical horde of beings who live in Walla Walla and conduct commerce only in US

>PS - you really should stop obsessing over my posts you drooling
>little pathetic nothing.

I'm not the one posting 175 <**** SLAP> articles in one sitting, Matthew. I'm

The 2-Belo [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
alt.flame alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk

" of these days yer gonna ****up and yer gonna wind up with yer
real name, address and phone number plastered all over the grid...and
then what? You gonna go whine that it's not fair? You gonna whine that
you only meant the **** you said when you thought you could hide? Your
physical 'real life' means just as much online as it does in the 'real
world', so if you can't back yer **** up with physical superiority...
man you best keep yer mouth shut, cause I've known more than a few tards
who wound up gettin the **** beat out of them cause they went running at
the mouth online..."

-- Matthew "Onideus 'Jamos Ludbunski' Mad Hatter" Moulton,
showing me the severed heads of his rivals and watching me
in the eye of the tiger, in
On Mon, 26 May 2008 11:25:52 +0900, The 2-Belo
<> wrote:

>UPI A 7N DA alt.2600, Sun, 25 May 2008 18:52:23 -0800 (UPI)... THREE SHOTS WERE
>FIRED AT Onideus Mad Hatter'S MOTORCADE TODAY IN DOWNTOWN alt.2600... JT 1234
>>Icons that is:
>>I've been semi-working on an RPG game based partially in teh real
>>world and the game system uses real currency. Those are some of the
>>icons I made for the items.

>So you scanned the entire contents of your wallet and resized to 10%. Big.
>****ing. Deal.

I don't use physical money you poor little filthy urchin. The only
"money" I carry with me is my debit card.

Further, if it's so easy why don't you point out a few examples via
Google that look as good as mine via the same size. Uh oh, backpedal,
LOOK OUT! LOL, not to mention mine are alpha transparent (not really
needed on the bills, but nice on teh coinage).

PS - you really should stop obsessing over my posts you drooling
little pathetic nothing.


Onideus Mad Hatter
On Mon, 26 May 2008 12:16:25 +0900, The 2-Belo
<> wrote:

>Onideus Mad Hatter flung his poo at alt.flame in a fit of rage and the resulting
>spatter looked uncannily like this:
>>On Mon, 26 May 2008 11:25:52 +0900, The 2-Belo
>><> wrote:
>>>UPI A 7N DA alt.2600, Sun, 25 May 2008 18:52:23 -0800 (UPI)... THREE SHOTS WERE
>>>FIRED AT Onideus Mad Hatter'S MOTORCADE TODAY IN DOWNTOWN alt.2600... JT 1234
>>>>Icons that is:
>>>>I've been semi-working on an RPG game based partially in teh real
>>>>world and the game system uses real currency. Those are some of the
>>>>icons I made for the items.
>>>So you scanned the entire contents of your wallet and resized to 10%. Big.
>>>****ing. Deal.

>>I don't use physical money

>Well, obviously not, Matthew. This has been the crux of the entire poofest
>you've been waging with everyone all spring: how you can work at one of the most
>laughable jobs in America and live in some broken-down hovel buried in
>underbrush and speak like you learned English via correspondence course and
>still claim that you've Got It Made.

You should probably read the WHOLE post before'll look
less STUPID that way...just a lil FYI, Tripfag.

>>The only "money" I carry with me is my debit card.

>With which you pop right out and pick up a couple of Trans-Ams during your lunch
>hour, yes?

LOL, get this, dumbass here thinks having a debit card is the sign of
being incredibly rich. snicker You ****in moron, they give out
debit cards for free with free checking at most all major banks, where
the **** has yer stupid ass been? What are you still writing checks?
snicker Ya ****in retard.

>>Further, if it's so easy why don't you point out a few examples via
>>Google that look as good as mine via the same size.

>You should know I'm too busy making thrice your income at my "cubical [sic]
>monkey" job to be bothered with fetching data for you, Ludbunski.

Mmmm, just the way I like yer backpedals...sloppy and stupid. It's
cute how you claim it would take WAY more time than you have to run
a Google search that should take an idiot no more than 13 seconds and
yet here yer stupid ass is formulating a halfwitted backpedal that
probably took you more than 30 seconds to come up with. Hurr, hurr,
think slow now, Stupid...REAAAAAL slow. nods

I guess though, it's probably safe to ASSume that you DID try running
said Google search, but then when you couldn't find a similar example
in the first 10 or 20 pages of links you just gave up and **** out
that halfassed backpedal. What's the matter, Junior, can't admit
being wrong? Won't yer precious ego allow it? LOL Maybe if you
watched yer ****in mouth and learned not to pop off at the stupid you
wouldn't keep backing yourself into holes liak this.

>I assume,
>however, that this RPG you're sort of semi-thinking about working on is about a
>magical horde of beings who live in Walla Walla and conduct commerce only in US

Fortunately for me my imagination is not restricted to your fumbling
creativity and NEED to try and "get back" at dat mean 'ol Mad Hatter.

>>PS - you really should stop obsessing over my posts you drooling
>>little pathetic nothing.

>I'm not the one posting 175 <**** SLAP> articles in one sitting, Matthew. I'm

And whose the retard REPLYING to most of those **** slap
articles...most of which were bot generated. LOL Fail, fail again,
you stupid retard.


Onideus Mad Hatter
Onideus Mad Hatter flung his poo at alt.flame in a fit of rage and the resulting
spatter looked uncannily like this:


>>I'm not the one posting 175 <**** SLAP> articles in one sitting, Matthew. I'm

>And whose the retard REPLYING to most of those **** slap

Eh? Where did you dig that one up?

>...most of which were bot generated.

I know. It makes them easy to killfile.

The 2-Belo [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
alt.flame alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk

" of these days yer gonna ****up and yer gonna wind up with yer
real name, address and phone number plastered all over the grid...and
then what? You gonna go whine that it's not fair? You gonna whine that
you only meant the **** you said when you thought you could hide? Your
physical 'real life' means just as much online as it does in the 'real
world', so if you can't back yer **** up with physical superiority...
man you best keep yer mouth shut, cause I've known more than a few tards
who wound up gettin the **** beat out of them cause they went running at
the mouth online..."

-- Matthew "Onideus 'Jamos Ludbunski' Mad Hatter" Moulton,
showing me the severed heads of his rivals and watching me
in the eye of the tiger, in
Onideus Mad Hatter flung his poo at alt.flame in a fit of rage and the resulting
spatter looked uncannily like this:


>>>The only "money" I carry with me is my debit card.

>>With which you pop right out and pick up a couple of Trans-Ams during your lunch
>>hour, yes?

>LOL, get this, dumbass here thinks having a debit card is the sign of
>being incredibly rich. snicker

Autoflame energy, as expressed in newtons: 2.5 10^18, or 386 billion billion
megawatts (equal to the approximate energy output of the Sun in one second).
Remind me to wear my welder's mask the next time. Sheesh.

Besides, after all that, your sarcasm detector is still offline. $DEITY forbid I
ever think you have more than $15.75 in the bank (or your precious debit card)
at any one time. Don't worry. I don't think you're incredibly rich -- just
incredibly stupid.

>You ****in moron, they give out
>debit cards for free with free checking at most all major banks, where
>the **** has yer stupid ass been? What are you still writing checks?

Banks in Japan don't issue checks, actually. No one accepts worthless, easily
forged pieces of paper with Seattle Seahawks motifs that take a fortnight to
verify as actually representing a monetary value. I have cash, e-money cards,
and two credit cards I rarely use. It is silly to bleat in defiant anger at me
about this. Here, want one of the numbers?

Sumitomo Chuo Bank Visa
Exp: 9/2010

There, go pick yourself up a nice stereo.

>>>Further, if it's so easy why don't you point out a few examples via
>>>Google that look as good as mine via the same size.

>>You should know I'm too busy making thrice your income at my "cubical [sic]
>>monkey" job to be bothered with fetching data for you, Ludbunski.

>Mmmm, just the way I like yer backpedals

I think you've been hanging around gregvk too long, and have caught whatever
ailment he was suffering that caused him to make endless demands for proof proof
proof that making 20-pixel high icons for six dollars and change in fact does
not make you Michel****ingangelo.

>>I assume,
>>however, that this RPG you're sort of semi-thinking about working on is about a
>>magical horde of beings who live in Walla Walla and conduct commerce only in US

>Fortunately for me my imagination is not restricted to your fumbling
>creativity and NEED to try and "get back" at dat mean 'ol Mad Hatter.

A more incoherent sentence it is not possible you for to make.

The 2-Belo [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
alt.flame alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk

" of these days yer gonna ****up and yer gonna wind up with yer
real name, address and phone number plastered all over the grid...and
then what? You gonna go whine that it's not fair? You gonna whine that
you only meant the **** you said when you thought you could hide? Your
physical 'real life' means just as much online as it does in the 'real
world', so if you can't back yer **** up with physical superiority...
man you best keep yer mouth shut, cause I've known more than a few tards
who wound up gettin the **** beat out of them cause they went running at
the mouth online..."

-- Matthew "Onideus 'Jamos Ludbunski' Mad Hatter" Moulton,
showing me the severed heads of his rivals and watching me
in the eye of the tiger, in
On Wed, 28 May 2008 10:03:15 +0900, The 2-Belo
<> wrote:

>Onideus Mad Hatter flung his poo at alt.flame in a fit of rage and the resulting
>spatter looked uncannily like this:
>>>I'm not the one posting 175 <**** SLAP> articles in one sitting, Matthew. I'm

>>And whose the retard REPLYING to most of those **** slap

>E<**** SLAP>

Guess what? Yeah, look stupid. LOL


Onideus Mad Hatter
On Wed, 28 May 2008 10:44:30 +0900, The 2-Belo
<> wrote:

>>LOL, get this, dumbass here thinks having a debit card is the sign of
>>being incredibly rich. snicker

>Autoflame energy, as expressed in newtons: 2.5 10^18, or 386 billion billion
>megawatts (equal to the approximate energy output of the Sun in one second).
>Remind me to wear my welder's mask the next time. Sheesh.

Me pointing out your stupidity in thinking that a debit card is a sign
of wealth isn't so much an "auto" flame, ya ****in idiot.

>Besides, after all that, your sarcasm detector is still offline. $DEITY forbid I
>ever think you have more than $15.75 in the bank (or your precious debit card)
>at any one time. Don't worry. I don't think you're incredibly rich -- just
>incredibly stupid.

And you claim having a debit card is the sign of ultimate wealth.
Again, you backpedal...and very poorly. Honestly, can't you do any
better than just bleating, "SARCASM, JUS KIDDIN GOV!"

>>You ****in moron, they give out
>>debit cards for free with free checking at most all major banks, where
>>the **** has yer stupid ass been? What are you still writing checks?

>Banks in Japan don't issue checks, actually. No one accepts worthless, easily
>forged pieces of paper with Seattle Seahawks motifs that take a fortnight to
>verify as actually representing a monetary value.

So they don't take travelers checks in Japan, eh Stupid?

>I have cash, e-money cards,
>and two credit cards I rarely use. It is silly to bleat in defiant anger at me
>about this. Here, want one of the numbers?
>Sumitomo Chuo Bank Visa
>Exp: 9/2010
>There, go pick yourself up a nice stereo.

You really shouldn't go around posting your parents credit card
numbers, Dufus. Looks like yer gonna get grounded again. Tsch, tsch,

>>>>Further, if it's so easy why don't you point out a few examples via
>>>>Google that look as good as mine via the same size.

>>>You should know I'm too busy making thrice your income at my "cubical [sic]
>>>monkey" job to be bothered with fetching data for you, Ludbunski.

>>Mmmm, just the way I like yer backpedals

>I think you've been hanging around gregvk too long, and have caught whatever
>ailment he was suffering that caused him to make endless demands for proof proof
>proof that making 20-pixel high icons for six dollars and change in fact does
> not make you Michel****ingangelo.

I never said it did, you ****witted moron, I just said it was
something beyond your limited well as the
comprehension of pretty much all the rest of you out of work,
unemployable, slack-jawed retards who incessantly reply to my posts
like I'm gonna be handing out awards for banal stupidity at some
point. The fact is, there are many things that I can do that YOU
cannot do. But there is NOTHING that you can do, that I cannot do.
Do you see how that works? Ya see kiddo...yer INFERIOR to me...and
uh, ya see, that's why you get all butt hurt and spend so much time
trying to "get back" at me. It's a jealousy issue. You can't STAND
the fact that there's things I can do that you can't do and that I go
around gloating about them and acting like an arrogant bastage about
it. It just burns you up inside, don't it? He, he, he...I like to
mentally torture ****s like you...see what makes you work...then rip
it all apart. `, )

>>>I assume,
>>>however, that this RPG you're sort of semi-thinking about working on is about a
>>>magical horde of beings who live in Walla Walla and conduct commerce only in US

>>Fortunately for me my imagination is not restricted to your fumbling
>>creativity and NEED to try and "get back" at dat mean 'ol Mad Hatter.

>A more incoherent sentence it is not possible you for to make.

For your rather LIMITED range of comprehension I'm sure it seems quite
incoherent, but then, I used quite a few polysyllabic words, so I
guess that didn't help you much, huh cuppycake?


Onideus Mad Hatter
Onideus Mad Hatter flung his poo at alt.flame in a fit of rage and the resulting
spatter looked uncannily like this:

>On Wed, 28 May 2008 10:44:30 +0900, The 2-Belo
><> wrote:
>>>LOL, get this, dumbass here thinks having a debit card is the sign of
>>>being incredibly rich. snicker

>>Autoflame energy, as expressed in newtons: 2.5 10^18, or 386 billion billion
>>megawatts (equal to the approximate energy output of the Sun in one second).
>>Remind me to wear my welder's mask the next time. Sheesh.

>Me pointing out your stupidity in thinking that a debit card is a sign
>of wealth

I never said such a thing.

>>Besides, after all that, your sarcasm detector is still offline. $DEITY forbid I
>>ever think you have more than $15.75 in the bank (or your precious debit card)
>>at any one time. Don't worry. I don't think you're incredibly rich -- just
>>incredibly stupid.

>And you claim having a debit card is the sign of ultimate wealth.

I never said such a thing.

>>>You ****in moron, they give out
>>>debit cards for free with free checking at most all major banks, where
>>>the **** has yer stupid ass been? What are you still writing checks?

>>Banks in Japan don't issue checks, actually. No one accepts worthless, easily
>>forged pieces of paper with Seattle Seahawks motifs that take a fortnight to
>>verify as actually representing a monetary value.

>So they don't take travelers checks in Japan, eh Stupid?

Traveler's cheques not checks. They are purchased initially with cash by the
bearer. But why would I need traveler's cheques? I'm not a traveler.


>>>>>Further, if it's so easy why don't you point out a few examples via
>>>>>Google that look as good as mine via the same size.

>>>>You should know I'm too busy making thrice your income at my "cubical [sic]
>>>>monkey" job to be bothered with fetching data for you, Ludbunski.

>>>Mmmm, just the way I like yer backpedals

>>I think you've been hanging around gregvk too long, and have caught whatever
>>ailment he was suffering that caused him to make endless demands for proof proof
>>proof that making 20-pixel high icons for six dollars and change in fact does
>> not make you Michel****ingangelo.

>I never said it did, you ****witted moron, I just said it was
>something beyond your limited well as the
>comprehension of pretty much all the rest of you out of work,
>unemployable, slack-jawed retards who incessantly reply to my posts
>like I'm gonna be handing out awards for banal stupidity at some
>point. The fact is, there are many things that I can do that YOU
>cannot do. But there is NOTHING that you can do, that I cannot do.

Are you really sure about that, Matthew? We established that you can't speak
Spanish weeks ago, for one, and you wouldn't be able to hold a conversation in
Japanese with anything other than cartoon girls sportng eyes two feet in
diameter. You can't even speak ****ing English most of the time, and what does
come out is in some sort of chewed-up Walla Walla internet accent. There is
nothing that I can do that you cannot? How about composing a halfway decent
Usenet article?

The 2-Belo [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
alt.flame alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk

" of these days yer gonna ****up and yer gonna wind up with yer
real name, address and phone number plastered all over the grid...and
then what? You gonna go whine that it's not fair? You gonna whine that
you only meant the **** you said when you thought you could hide? Your
physical 'real life' means just as much online as it does in the 'real
world', so if you can't back yer **** up with physical superiority...
man you best keep yer mouth shut, cause I've known more than a few tards
who wound up gettin the **** beat out of them cause they went running at
the mouth online..."

-- Matthew "Onideus 'Jamos Ludbunski' Mad Hatter" Moulton,
showing me the severed heads of his rivals and watching me
in the eye of the tiger, in