Re: Text: Mearsheimer and Walt interview - new book The Israel Lobbyand US Foreign Policy.

  • Thread starter middle class warrior
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middle class warrior

Truthseeker wrote:
> Mearsheimer & Walt interview repeatedly aired on the BBC World Service
> this weekend (yet another example of why the US media is so lacking
> because of its Israel first bias)
> Listen to The Interview with John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt
> Updated weekly at 07:32 GMT on Saturday
> John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt are two American professors who
> joined forces to tackle a topic they knew would provoke a fierce
> backlash.
> Their subject -- the influence and power of the Israel lobby in the
> United States.
> Their claim -- that Israel lobbyists have managed to influence
> dramatically the course of US foreign policy decisions, even steering
> it against America's interests.
> This week on the Interview the professors outline their case to Owen
> Bennett-Jones and tell him how they've handled the backlash.

Mearsheimer and Walt have to be applauded for taking on AIPAC. If the US
had a neutral foreign policy in the Middle East, we would not be in Iraq
today. You can view the Arab view of the $3 billion in US foreign aid we
gave Israel here:

It seems we have created a smaller uglier versions of ourself in the
Middle East with Israel. Jimmy Carter has commented on inability of
Israel to negotiate with its Arab neighbors and so have Mearsheimer and
Walt. The US should cut foreign aid to Israel to get it back to the
peace tables.

I can understand why Iran would want to pursue nuclear weapons. It would
negate the Israeli nuclear threat, a reality US foreign policy ignores.