Re: The Conscience of a Liberal, Paul Krugman



"Sid9" <> wrote in message
> September 18, 2007, 11:45 pm
> Introducing This Blog
> "I was born in 1953. Like the rest of my generation, I took the America I
> grew up in for granted - in fact, like many in my generation I railed
> against the very real injustices of our society, marched against the
> bombing of Cambodia, went door to door for liberal candidates. It's only
> in retrospect that the political and economic environment of my youth
> stands revealed as a paradise lost, an exceptional episode in our nation's
> history."
> That's the opening paragraph of my new book, The Conscience of a Liberal.
> It's a book about what has happened to the America I grew up in and why, a
> story that I argue revolves around the politics and economics of
> inequality.
> I've given this New York Times blog the same name, because the politics
> and economics of inequality will, I expect, be central to many of the blog
> posts - although I also expect to be posting on a lot of other issues,
> from health care to high-speed Internet access, from productivity to poll
> analysis. Many of the posts will be supplements to my regular columns;
> I'll be using this space to present the kind of information I can't
> provide on the printed page - especially charts and tables, which are
> crucial to the way I think about most of the issues I write about.
> In fact, let me start this blog off with a chart that's central to how I
> think about the big picture, the underlying story of what's really going
> on in this country. The chart shows the share of the richest 10 percent of
> the American population in total income - an indicator that closely tracks
> many other measures of economic inequality - over the past 90 years, as
> estimated by the economists Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez. I've added
> labels indicating four key periods. These are:
> The Long Gilded Age: Historians generally say that the Gilded Age gave way
> to the Progressive Era around 1900. In many important ways, though, the
> Gilded Age continued right through to the New Deal. As far as we can tell,
> income remained about as unequally distributed as it had been the late
> 19th century - or as it is today. Public policy did little to limit
> extremes of wealth and poverty, mainly because the political dominance of
> the elite remained intact; the politics of the era, in which working
> Americans were divided by racial, religious, and cultural issues, have
> recognizable parallels with modern politics.
> The Great Compression: The middle-class society I grew up in didn't evolve
> gradually or automatically. It was created, in a remarkably short period
> of time, by FDR and the New Deal. As the chart shows, income inequality
> declined drastically from the late 1930s to the mid 1940s, with the rich
> losing ground while working Americans saw unprecedented gains. Economic
> historians call what happened the Great Compression, and it's a seminal
> episode in American history.
> Middle class America: That's the country I grew up in. It was a society
> without extremes of wealth or poverty, a society of broadly shared
> prosperity, partly because strong unions, a high minimum wage, and a
> progressive tax system helped limit inequality. It was also a society in
> which political bipartisanship meant something: in spite of all the
> turmoil of Vietnam and the civil rights movement, in spite of the sinister
> machinations of Nixon and his henchmen, it was an era in which Democrats
> and Republicans agreed on basic values and could cooperate across party
> lines.
> The great divergence: Since the late 1970s the America I knew has
> unraveled. We're no longer a middle-class society, in which the benefits
> of economic growth are widely shared: between 1979 and 2005 the real
> income of the median household rose only 13 percent, but the income of the
> richest 0.1% of Americans rose 296 percent.
> Most people assume that this rise in inequality was the result of
> impersonal forces, like technological change and globalization. But the
> great reduction of inequality that created middle-class America between
> 1935 and 1945 was driven by political change; I believe that politics has
> also played an important role in rising inequality since the 1970s. It's
> important to know that no other advanced economy has seen a comparable
> surge in inequality - even the rising inequality of Thatcherite Britain
> was a faint echo of trends here.
> On the political side, you might have expected rising inequality to
> produce a populist backlash. Instead, however, the era of rising
> inequality has also been the era of "movement conservatism," the term both
> supporters and opponents use for the highly cohesive set of interlocking
> institutions that brought Ronald Reagan and Newt Gingrich to power, and
> reached its culmination, taking control of all three branches of the
> federal government, under George W. Bush. (Yes, Virginia, there is a vast
> right-wing conspiracy.)
> Because of movement conservative political dominance, taxes on the rich
> have fallen, and the holes in the safety net have gotten bigger, even as
> inequality has soared. And the rise of movement conservatism is also at
> the heart of the bitter partisanship that characterizes politics today.
> Why did this happen? Well, that's a long story - in fact, I've written a
> whole book about it, and also about why I believe America is ready for a
> big change in direction.
> For now, though, the important thing is to realize that the story of
> modern America is, in large part, the story of the fall and rise of
> inequality.

I am old enough to remember when the Democrats held both houses of Congress,
and the Presidency, and did nothing to address this issue. And I am also
old enough to remember when the Republicans held both houses of Congress,
and the Presidency, and did nothing to address this issue.
"Billzz" <> wrote in message
> "Sid9" <> wrote in message
> news:E%iIi.74739$
>> September 18, 2007, 11:45 pm
>> Introducing This Blog
>> "I was born in 1953. Like the rest of my generation, I took the America I
>> grew up in for granted - in fact, like many in my generation I railed
>> against the very real injustices of our society, marched against the
>> bombing of Cambodia, went door to door for liberal candidates. It's only
>> in retrospect that the political and economic environment of my youth
>> stands revealed as a paradise lost, an exceptional episode in our
>> nation's history."
>> That's the opening paragraph of my new book, The Conscience of a Liberal.
>> It's a book about what has happened to the America I grew up in and why,
>> a story that I argue revolves around the politics and economics of
>> inequality.
>> I've given this New York Times blog the same name, because the politics
>> and economics of inequality will, I expect, be central to many of the
>> blog posts - although I also expect to be posting on a lot of other
>> issues, from health care to high-speed Internet access, from productivity
>> to poll analysis. Many of the posts will be supplements to my regular
>> columns; I'll be using this space to present the kind of information I
>> can't provide on the printed page - especially charts and tables, which
>> are crucial to the way I think about most of the issues I write about.
>> In fact, let me start this blog off with a chart that's central to how I
>> think about the big picture, the underlying story of what's really going
>> on in this country. The chart shows the share of the richest 10 percent
>> of the American population in total income - an indicator that closely
>> tracks many other measures of economic inequality - over the past 90
>> years, as estimated by the economists Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez.
>> I've added labels indicating four key periods. These are:
>> The Long Gilded Age: Historians generally say that the Gilded Age gave
>> way to the Progressive Era around 1900. In many important ways, though,
>> the Gilded Age continued right through to the New Deal. As far as we can
>> tell, income remained about as unequally distributed as it had been the
>> late 19th century - or as it is today. Public policy did little to limit
>> extremes of wealth and poverty, mainly because the political dominance of
>> the elite remained intact; the politics of the era, in which working
>> Americans were divided by racial, religious, and cultural issues, have
>> recognizable parallels with modern politics.
>> The Great Compression: The middle-class society I grew up in didn't
>> evolve gradually or automatically. It was created, in a remarkably short
>> period of time, by FDR and the New Deal. As the chart shows, income
>> inequality declined drastically from the late 1930s to the mid 1940s,
>> with the rich losing ground while working Americans saw unprecedented
>> gains. Economic historians call what happened the Great Compression, and
>> it's a seminal episode in American history.
>> Middle class America: That's the country I grew up in. It was a society
>> without extremes of wealth or poverty, a society of broadly shared
>> prosperity, partly because strong unions, a high minimum wage, and a
>> progressive tax system helped limit inequality. It was also a society in
>> which political bipartisanship meant something: in spite of all the
>> turmoil of Vietnam and the civil rights movement, in spite of the
>> sinister machinations of Nixon and his henchmen, it was an era in which
>> Democrats and Republicans agreed on basic values and could cooperate
>> across party lines.
>> The great divergence: Since the late 1970s the America I knew has
>> unraveled. We're no longer a middle-class society, in which the benefits
>> of economic growth are widely shared: between 1979 and 2005 the real
>> income of the median household rose only 13 percent, but the income of
>> the richest 0.1% of Americans rose 296 percent.

it started with that lying reagan imbecile,bought andpaid for
by the big money people, after the failures of carter who was elected to
clean up America
after the nixon criminal

>> Most people assume that this rise in inequality was the result of
>> impersonal forces, like technological change and globalization. But the
>> great reduction of inequality that created middle-class America between
>> 1935 and 1945 was driven by political change; I believe that politics has
>> also played an important role in rising inequality since the 1970s. It's
>> important to know that no other advanced economy has seen a comparable
>> surge in inequality - even the rising inequality of Thatcherite Britain
>> was a faint echo of trends here.
>> On the political side, you might have expected rising inequality to
>> produce a populist backlash. Instead, however, the era of rising
>> inequality has also been the era of "movement conservatism," the term
>> both supporters and opponents use for the highly cohesive set of
>> interlocking institutions that brought Ronald Reagan and Newt Gingrich to
>> power, and reached its culmination, taking control of all three branches
>> of the federal government, under George W. Bush. (Yes, Virginia, there is
>> a vast right-wing conspiracy.)
>> Because of movement conservative political dominance, taxes on the rich
>> have fallen, and the holes in the safety net have gotten bigger, even as
>> inequality has soared. And the rise of movement conservatism is also at
>> the heart of the bitter partisanship that characterizes politics today.
>> Why did this happen? Well, that's a long story - in fact, I've written a
>> whole book about it, and also about why I believe America is ready for a
>> big change in direction.
>> For now, though, the important thing is to realize that the story of
>> modern America is, in large part, the story of the fall and rise of
>> inequality.

> I am old enough to remember when the Democrats held both houses of
> Congress, and the Presidency, and did nothing to address this issue. And
> I am also old enough to remember when the Republicans held both houses of
> Congress, and the Presidency, and did nothing to address this issue.

you have a lousy memory gomer, but then hillbillies aren't very bright to
with, they usually can't find their way home without leaving a trail of
bread crumbs,

hell, your goobers like getting ****ed by the wealthy, how much nascar and
NFL crap
you got Festus
"Al E. Gator" <> wrote in message
> "Billzz" <> wrote in message
> news:8e146$46f1f20c$9440b19b$18621@STARBAND.NET...
>> "Sid9" <> wrote in message
>> news:E%iIi.74739$
>>> September 18, 2007, 11:45 pm
>>> Introducing This Blog
>>> "I was born in 1953. Like the rest of my generation, I took the America
>>> I grew up in for granted - in fact, like many in my generation I railed
>>> against the very real injustices of our society, marched against the
>>> bombing of Cambodia, went door to door for liberal candidates. It's only
>>> in retrospect that the political and economic environment of my youth
>>> stands revealed as a paradise lost, an exceptional episode in our
>>> nation's history."
>>> That's the opening paragraph of my new book, The Conscience of a
>>> Liberal. It's a book about what has happened to the America I grew up in
>>> and why, a story that I argue revolves around the politics and economics
>>> of inequality.
>>> I've given this New York Times blog the same name, because the politics
>>> and economics of inequality will, I expect, be central to many of the
>>> blog posts - although I also expect to be posting on a lot of other
>>> issues, from health care to high-speed Internet access, from
>>> productivity to poll analysis. Many of the posts will be supplements to
>>> my regular columns; I'll be using this space to present the kind of
>>> information I can't provide on the printed page - especially charts and
>>> tables, which are crucial to the way I think about most of the issues I
>>> write about.
>>> In fact, let me start this blog off with a chart that's central to how I
>>> think about the big picture, the underlying story of what's really going
>>> on in this country. The chart shows the share of the richest 10 percent
>>> of the American population in total income - an indicator that closely
>>> tracks many other measures of economic inequality - over the past 90
>>> years, as estimated by the economists Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez.
>>> I've added labels indicating four key periods. These are:
>>> The Long Gilded Age: Historians generally say that the Gilded Age gave
>>> way to the Progressive Era around 1900. In many important ways, though,
>>> the Gilded Age continued right through to the New Deal. As far as we can
>>> tell, income remained about as unequally distributed as it had been the
>>> late 19th century - or as it is today. Public policy did little to limit
>>> extremes of wealth and poverty, mainly because the political dominance
>>> of the elite remained intact; the politics of the era, in which working
>>> Americans were divided by racial, religious, and cultural issues, have
>>> recognizable parallels with modern politics.
>>> The Great Compression: The middle-class society I grew up in didn't
>>> evolve gradually or automatically. It was created, in a remarkably short
>>> period of time, by FDR and the New Deal. As the chart shows, income
>>> inequality declined drastically from the late 1930s to the mid 1940s,
>>> with the rich losing ground while working Americans saw unprecedented
>>> gains. Economic historians call what happened the Great Compression, and
>>> it's a seminal episode in American history.
>>> Middle class America: That's the country I grew up in. It was a society
>>> without extremes of wealth or poverty, a society of broadly shared
>>> prosperity, partly because strong unions, a high minimum wage, and a
>>> progressive tax system helped limit inequality. It was also a society in
>>> which political bipartisanship meant something: in spite of all the
>>> turmoil of Vietnam and the civil rights movement, in spite of the
>>> sinister machinations of Nixon and his henchmen, it was an era in which
>>> Democrats and Republicans agreed on basic values and could cooperate
>>> across party lines.
>>> The great divergence: Since the late 1970s the America I knew has
>>> unraveled. We're no longer a middle-class society, in which the benefits
>>> of economic growth are widely shared: between 1979 and 2005 the real
>>> income of the median household rose only 13 percent, but the income of
>>> the richest 0.1% of Americans rose 296 percent.

> it started with that lying reagan imbecile,bought andpaid for
> by the big money people, after the failures of carter who was elected to
> clean up America
> after the nixon criminal

Do you speak English?

>>> Most people assume that this rise in inequality was the result of
>>> impersonal forces, like technological change and globalization. But the
>>> great reduction of inequality that created middle-class America between
>>> 1935 and 1945 was driven by political change; I believe that politics
>>> has also played an important role in rising inequality since the 1970s.
>>> It's important to know that no other advanced economy has seen a
>>> comparable surge in inequality - even the rising inequality of
>>> Thatcherite Britain was a faint echo of trends here.
>>> On the political side, you might have expected rising inequality to
>>> produce a populist backlash. Instead, however, the era of rising
>>> inequality has also been the era of "movement conservatism," the term
>>> both supporters and opponents use for the highly cohesive set of
>>> interlocking institutions that brought Ronald Reagan and Newt Gingrich
>>> to power, and reached its culmination, taking control of all three
>>> branches of the federal government, under George W. Bush. (Yes,
>>> Virginia, there is a vast right-wing conspiracy.)
>>> Because of movement conservative political dominance, taxes on the rich
>>> have fallen, and the holes in the safety net have gotten bigger, even as
>>> inequality has soared. And the rise of movement conservatism is also at
>>> the heart of the bitter partisanship that characterizes politics today.
>>> Why did this happen? Well, that's a long story - in fact, I've written a
>>> whole book about it, and also about why I believe America is ready for a
>>> big change in direction.
>>> For now, though, the important thing is to realize that the story of
>>> modern America is, in large part, the story of the fall and rise of
>>> inequality.

>> I am old enough to remember when the Democrats held both houses of
>> Congress, and the Presidency, and did nothing to address this issue. And
>> I am also old enough to remember when the Republicans held both houses of
>> Congress, and the Presidency, and did nothing to address this issue.

> you have a lousy memory gomer, but then hillbillies aren't very bright to
> begin
> with, they usually can't find their way home without leaving a trail of
> bread crumbs,
> hell, your goobers like getting ****ed by the wealthy, how much nascar and
> NFL crap
> you got Festus
"Billzz" <> wrote in message
> "Al E. Gator" <> wrote in message
> news:xrnIi.3464$
>> "Billzz" <> wrote in message
>> news:8e146$46f1f20c$9440b19b$18621@STARBAND.NET...
>>> "Sid9" <> wrote in message
>>> news:E%iIi.74739$
>>>> September 18, 2007, 11:45 pm
>>>> Introducing This Blog
>>>> "I was born in 1953. Like the rest of my generation, I took the America
>>>> I grew up in for granted - in fact, like many in my generation I railed
>>>> against the very real injustices of our society, marched against the
>>>> bombing of Cambodia, went door to door for liberal candidates. It's
>>>> only in retrospect that the political and economic environment of my
>>>> youth stands revealed as a paradise lost, an exceptional episode in our
>>>> nation's history."
>>>> That's the opening paragraph of my new book, The Conscience of a
>>>> Liberal. It's a book about what has happened to the America I grew up
>>>> in and why, a story that I argue revolves around the politics and
>>>> economics of inequality.
>>>> I've given this New York Times blog the same name, because the politics
>>>> and economics of inequality will, I expect, be central to many of the
>>>> blog posts - although I also expect to be posting on a lot of other
>>>> issues, from health care to high-speed Internet access, from
>>>> productivity to poll analysis. Many of the posts will be supplements to
>>>> my regular columns; I'll be using this space to present the kind of
>>>> information I can't provide on the printed page - especially charts and
>>>> tables, which are crucial to the way I think about most of the issues I
>>>> write about.
>>>> In fact, let me start this blog off with a chart that's central to how
>>>> I think about the big picture, the underlying story of what's really
>>>> going on in this country. The chart shows the share of the richest 10
>>>> percent of the American population in total income - an indicator that
>>>> closely tracks many other measures of economic inequality - over the
>>>> past 90 years, as estimated by the economists Thomas Piketty and
>>>> Emmanuel Saez. I've added labels indicating four key periods. These
>>>> are:
>>>> The Long Gilded Age: Historians generally say that the Gilded Age gave
>>>> way to the Progressive Era around 1900. In many important ways, though,
>>>> the Gilded Age continued right through to the New Deal. As far as we
>>>> can tell, income remained about as unequally distributed as it had been
>>>> the late 19th century - or as it is today. Public policy did little to
>>>> limit extremes of wealth and poverty, mainly because the political
>>>> dominance of the elite remained intact; the politics of the era, in
>>>> which working Americans were divided by racial, religious, and cultural
>>>> issues, have recognizable parallels with modern politics.
>>>> The Great Compression: The middle-class society I grew up in didn't
>>>> evolve gradually or automatically. It was created, in a remarkably
>>>> short period of time, by FDR and the New Deal. As the chart shows,
>>>> income inequality declined drastically from the late 1930s to the mid
>>>> 1940s, with the rich losing ground while working Americans saw
>>>> unprecedented gains. Economic historians call what happened the Great
>>>> Compression, and it's a seminal episode in American history.
>>>> Middle class America: That's the country I grew up in. It was a society
>>>> without extremes of wealth or poverty, a society of broadly shared
>>>> prosperity, partly because strong unions, a high minimum wage, and a
>>>> progressive tax system helped limit inequality. It was also a society
>>>> in which political bipartisanship meant something: in spite of all the
>>>> turmoil of Vietnam and the civil rights movement, in spite of the
>>>> sinister machinations of Nixon and his henchmen, it was an era in which
>>>> Democrats and Republicans agreed on basic values and could cooperate
>>>> across party lines.
>>>> The great divergence: Since the late 1970s the America I knew has
>>>> unraveled. We're no longer a middle-class society, in which the
>>>> benefits of economic growth are widely shared: between 1979 and 2005
>>>> the real income of the median household rose only 13 percent, but the
>>>> income of the richest 0.1% of Americans rose 296 percent.

>> it started with that lying reagan imbecile,bought andpaid for
>> by the big money people, after the failures of carter who was elected to
>> clean up America
>> after the nixon criminal

> Do you speak English?

but of course, I don't speak hillbilly however, which explains your
to comprehend what I wrote

actually it explains your inability to comprehend period

give it up goober, just resign yourself to a life of obesity,intolerance,non
failure,cowardice,incompetence,and misery like all good hillbillies
On Sep 20, 12:07 am, "Billzz" <> wrote:
> "Sid9" <> wrote in message

> > between 1979 and 2005 the real
> > income of the median household rose only 13 percent, but the income of the
> > richest 0.1% of Americans rose 296 percent.

> I am old enough to remember when the Democrats held both houses of Congress,
> and the Presidency, and did nothing to address this issue. And I am also
> old enough to remember when the Republicans held both houses of Congress,
> and the Presidency, and did nothing to address this issue

Actually, if you look at when he (conveniently) chose his time
you'll note that the democrats only held both houses and the
presidency for 2 years over that time. The GOP on the other hand
held it at least 6.
"me" <> wrote in message
> On Sep 20, 12:07 am, "Billzz" <> wrote:
>> "Sid9" <> wrote in message

> [snip]
>> > between 1979 and 2005 the real
>> > income of the median household rose only 13 percent, but the income of
>> > the
>> > richest 0.1% of Americans rose 296 percent.

> [snip]
>> I am old enough to remember when the Democrats held both houses of
>> Congress,
>> and the Presidency, and did nothing to address this issue. And I am also
>> old enough to remember when the Republicans held both houses of Congress,
>> and the Presidency, and did nothing to address this issue

> Actually, if you look at when he (conveniently) chose his time
> frame,
> you'll note that the democrats only held both houses and the
> presidency for 2 years over that time. The GOP on the other hand
> held it at least 6.

he's a lying, uniformed, retarded hillbilly, he knows only what he's been
told by
some other retarded,cross eyed, bow legged, inbred nascar watching goober

hell, all hillbillies are like him,
just look around these news groups, they spew lies and nonsense, never an
iota of fact