Re: The deviant violent homosexual (dvh) and D1ckillisioned are hiding out..


The 2-Belo

PorchMonkey4Life and is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination:


>>>because I don't limit my flaming to alt.flame

>>In fact, you completely drop it. Again and again. Fancy that.

>You flame like a little bitch. Got anything else, tard?

I've got plenty "else", you moronic little cheesebag, but the question here I've
been asking myself since you got stuck in the treads of my shoes is: should I
even be wasting my valuable time and ammunition that would be better served on
humans with positive IQs and more than three working synapses?

And that answer is leaning more and more towards a flat "no".

It's not only that you can't throw together a repertoire that consists of
anything more than vivid, vulgar descriptions of hot steamy man-to-man action;
you can't even do that with any real aptitude. What's more, I offer to show
the whole thread to the good ol' a dot f -- a newsgroup created, if you must
know, for such activity -- and you run back into your little racist-music
shithole without even a polite "WAAH I'M TOO ASKEERED TO POST IN THAT THAR
NEWSGROUPERIN' THANG" to accompany your frantic, scrambling departure.

Look, posting endless rivers of moronic crud equating each and every opponent to
vile deranged naked dick-to-ass turd-splattered rugby teams is certainly easy,
and well suited to your kindergarten playground level of discourse. You've
proven that I shouldn't expect anything better from your diseased fingers any
more than I should expect the earth to turn ****ing backwards. But at least have
the god damned good sense, as the ambassador of your particular species of slug,
to stay in the newsgroup I have designated for your public humiliation.

You'll end right back in alt.flame, pissant, whether you like it or not.

It's the way of things. Get used to it.

The 2-Belo [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
All-Seeing All-Knowing Glorious Emperor for Life, Meow [Ret.]
The Webcenter Museum:
auk: Diamond Hammer of Thor 1999
aavf3: mhm21x20

"I found the 'Nose a newsgroup of bricks, and left it
a newsgroup of marble." -- Raoul Xemblinosky III (attributed)