Re: The difference between a linux error and a windows error



Limp Kevin wrote:<span style="color:blue">
> "at times Linux can throw a puzzling error message with a somewhat
> obscure fix -- it happens in other operating systems as well."
> The difference is that someone can always call (Dell, HP, Microsoft,
> Apple) for help with Windows or OS for that "somewhat obscure fix".</span>

LOL! That's funny!
<span style="color:blue">
> With
> Linux you have to spend a few days of your life on forums where someone
> will call you an idiot or "noob" because you don't know how to compile
> your kernel from source
> </span>

If you get a UNMOUNTABLE DISK error BSOD and can't get into Windows in
any mode, you need to reinstall Windows because you can't do a chkdsk /f
without at least getting into Windows COMMAND LINE.
