Re: The Ed and Elaine Brown Siege in New Hampshire: Why Americans should BOYCOTT, BOYCOTT, BOYCOTT



Thu, 14 Jun 2007 23:33:21 GMT, (Raymond
Karczewski) licked the point of a #2 Yellow Pencil, and wrote:

>Re: The Ed and Elaine Brown Siege in New Hampshire: Why Americans
>should BOYCOTT, BOYCOTT, BOYCOTT their Government!!
>Widdershins <> wrote:
>Raymond Karczewski ( wrote:
>Thu, 14 Jun 2007 09:24:23 -0700
>So not only are you a God hater but you're a felon as well?
>w: > Oh, yes! Seven counts of felony Simulation of a Legal Process,
>AKA Paper Terrorism.
>rk: All of which were and are null and void, as they were the product
>of an unconstitutional Corporate Administrative court which failed to
>prove they had JURISDICTION over this Living, Breathing,
>Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient, Natural man, who is not a 14th Amendment
>Citizen nor subject to the private Corporate Legislative Policies
>(masquerading as law) of the State of Oregon.
>w: > Ray tried to extort millions of dollars from the Law
>Enforcement Officers, and Officers of the Court of
>Josephine County.
>rk: Tried? Hell, it ain't over till it's over. Since I was thrown
>out of jail because I called their bluff, I'm sure you have noticed by
>my postings on the internet, that I, Raymond Ronald Karczewski© have
>continued to file papers on the Oregon Governor, Oregon Attorney
>General, Oregon Secretary of State, and all they do is hide behind a
>rk: Why are they not arresting me? Such actions, if indeed
>criminal, would be a clear violation of their phony probation
>conditions (which I refused to accept) AT LEAST, and are the very
>same actions which brought about the original charges and prosecution.
>If they were a Crime then, should they not be a Crime now?. I still
>travel in my private automobile without license plates and without a
>driver license and do the very things for which I was tried in the
>original prosecution. Yet THEY DARE NOT ARREST ME. Why? BECAUSE
>THE CORRUPT COURTS' ability to control public information.
>rk: I have tried them in the court of Public Opinion. There all men
>are equal. Yet you can see, they hide like cowards, unable to utter a
>single word about the crimes they have committed under color of office
>against Raymond Ronald Karczewski©, this living, breathing,
>flesh-and-blood, sentient, natural SOVEREIGN man.
>rk: The STATE OF OREGON AND COUNTY OF JOSEPHINE authorities' failure
>to come after me and arrest me even after I continually rub their
>noses in their corrupt excrement ought to be sufficient proof for any
>MORON to see that the original charges were fraudulent, and the
>judges, prosecutors, and some cops are the ones who belong in prison.
>rk: No they have no integrity.
>rk: They have no honor.
>rk: They have no credibility.
>rk: They must wait until Martial Law is declared and war is openly
>declared against the people of America before they will come after me.
>The American People are fools to be in fear of their public servants,
>for without their shield of Satanic authority, they are nothing more
>than quivering cowards.
>rk: It is this same cowardice that is now being displayed in the Ed
>and Elaine Brown Case in New Hampshire. They are being exposed in the
>court of public opinion, and they are the ones who are walking on
>eggs. Why won't the court answer their question? Why did not the
>court answer my questions? It is a mind-controlled docile public that
>is responsible for their own enslavement via the Pharisees in black
>robes of today.
>w: > He filed bogus liens against them, which he still claims were
>legal because (get this) he filed them using "official forms."
>Whadda marroon!
>w: > He was supposed to do 35 years, but he pulled a Hilton, and got
>sick through the stupid application of a hunger strike.
>rk: Effective, wasn't it? I wonder how many people in Josephine
>County, Oregon knew that I was already in my 23rd day of the Hunger
>Strike before the Grants Pass Courier, the main newspaper for the
>area, which was sitting on the story for the Sheriff's Department,
>HAD TO MAKE IT PUBLIC. How's that for Media cooperation with
>government in withholding news from the public they both profess to
>w: > The Sherriff took pity on him and gave hime an early out so he
>could get medical treatment. AFAIC, they should have tossed him right
>back inside after he got well.
>rk: The sheriff was an incompetent blowhard. You may have noticed
>that Presiding Judge Gerald Neufeld, Judge Alan Coon, District
>Attorney Clay Johnson, and Sheriff Dave Daniel, all of whom were
>instrumental in pushing forward and railroading the fraudulent
>prosecution of this Living, Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient
>Natural Man, have all retired at the peaks of their career as a result
>of their public exposure in their corrupt and fraudulent
>prosecution/criminal handling of my case.
>rk: No, widdershins, your disinformation is as weak as your
>pathetic/cowardly character.
>rk: It is my experience which has cause me to publicly back Ed and
>Elaine Brown in their travail, as I have. I wonder when the People of
>America are going to finally get the message that the real crooks are
>those who wear the robes and uniforms and live a good life funded and
>supported by the very people they prey on and prosecute.
> Raymond Ronald Karczewski©

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would
take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet, retired
spot and kill him."

Mark Twain