Re: The Jury's Out on if Windows 7 is Better

  • Thread starter Spanky de Monkey, ESQ
  • Start date

Spanky de Monkey, ESQ

"Alias" <> wrote in message
news:hbesog$abj$<span style="color:blue">
> But it's pretty clear to me that Microsoft has improved their advertising
> substantially:
> Alias</span>

The jury isn't out. Windows 7 IS better. So sorry you have to stick to
that INFERIOR Ubuntu piece of crap that doesn't run the popular software
programs out there.

Maybe you should have stayed in school instead of always getting stoned.
Spanky de Monkey, ESQ wrote:<span style="color:blue">
> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> news:hbesog$abj$<span style="color:green">
>> But it's pretty clear to me that Microsoft has improved their
>> advertising substantially:
>> Alias</span>
> The jury isn't out. Windows 7 IS better.</span>

Your opinion and you ain't the jury.
<span style="color:blue">
> So sorry you have to stick
> to that INFERIOR Ubuntu piece of crap that doesn't run the popular
> software programs out there.</span>

I'm so sorry you're so clueless that you don't know the advantages to
Ubuntu. Maybe if you install it for more than five minutes, you can make
a proper evaluation but you're probably afraid the experience will turn
most of your posts into LIES.
<span style="color:blue">
> Maybe you should have stayed in school instead of always getting stoned.</span>

I have three degrees and hardly ever get stoned. Course, you are a
pathological liar but what else is new?

Alias<span style="color:blue">
> </span>
In article <hbfaet$e19$>, says...<span style="color:blue">
> Spanky de Monkey, ESQ wrote:<span style="color:green">
> >
> >
> > "Alias" <> wrote in message
> > news:hbesog$abj$<span style="color:darkred">
> >> But it's pretty clear to me that Microsoft has improved their
> >> advertising substantially:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Alias</span>
> >
> > The jury isn't out. Windows 7 IS better.</span>
> Your opinion and you ain't the jury.
> </span>

If you're not running Windows 7 then how would you know - just like all
the complaints you stated about Vista, then admitted you had not even
installed it....

Been running Win 7 for a while, it IS better and faster than Vista on
every computer we've installed it on.

You can't trust your best friends, your five senses, only the little
voice inside you that most civilians don't even hear -- Listen to that.
Trust yourself. (remove 999 for proper email address)
Alias wrote:<span style="color:blue">
> Leythos wrote:<span style="color:green">
>> In article <hbfaet$e19$>,
>> says...<span style="color:darkred">
>>> Spanky de Monkey, ESQ wrote:
>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:hbesog$abj$
>>>>> But it's pretty clear to me that Microsoft has improved their
>>>>> advertising substantially:
>>>>> Alias
>>>> The jury isn't out. Windows 7 IS better.
>>> Your opinion and you ain't the jury.
>> If you're not running Windows 7 then how would you know - just like
>> all the complaints you stated about Vista, then admitted you had not
>> even installed it....</span>
> I said no such thing. Not only did I install it and evaluate it, I've
> worked on Vista machines. Perhaps you're referring to right after it was
> released.
> <span style="color:green">
>> Been running Win 7 for a while, it IS better and faster than Vista on
>> every computer we've installed it on.
> I'll be running it on a much faster machine than this one that's running
> Ubuntu and I'll compare. Being faster than the pig Vista is no large
> accomplishment, btw.
> </span>
LIAR ! You don't have Vista, you've never had Vista and you are just a
lying POS scumbag troll.
In article <hbfqde$n3r$>, says...<span style="color:blue">
> Leythos wrote:<span style="color:green">
> > In article <hbfaet$e19$>,
> > says...<span style="color:darkred">
> >> Spanky de Monkey, ESQ wrote:
> >>>
> >>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
> >>> news:hbesog$abj$
> >>>> But it's pretty clear to me that Microsoft has improved their
> >>>> advertising substantially:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Alias
> >>> The jury isn't out. Windows 7 IS better.
> >> Your opinion and you ain't the jury.
> >></span>
> >
> > If you're not running Windows 7 then how would you know - just like all
> > the complaints you stated about Vista, then admitted you had not even
> > installed it....</span>
> I said no such thing. Not only did I install it and evaluate it, I've
> worked on Vista machines. Perhaps you're referring to right after it was
> released.</span>

Wrong, you were posting negative things about Vista for months when YOU
posted that you didn't even have it installed on any computer - others
will remember your statement.
<span style="color:blue"><span style="color:green">
> > Been running Win 7 for a while, it IS better and faster than Vista
> > on every computer we've installed it on.
> > </span>
> I'll be running it on a much faster machine than this one that's running
> Ubuntu and I'll compare. Being faster than the pig Vista is no large
> accomplishment, btw.</span>

And that's the great thing about Win 7, it's faster than Ubuntu across
every machine I have worked with, like it or not, your limited scope of
experience as well as your constant lies do you no good.

You can't trust your best friends, your five senses, only the little
voice inside you that most civilians don't even hear -- Listen to that.
Trust yourself. (remove 999 for proper email address)
Alias wrote:<span style="color:blue">
> Leythos wrote:<span style="color:green">
>> In article <hbfqde$n3r$>,
>> says...<span style="color:darkred">
>>> Leythos wrote:
>>>> In article <hbfaet$e19$>,
>>>> says...
>>>>> Spanky de Monkey, ESQ wrote:
>>>>>> "Alias" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:hbesog$abj$
>>>>>>> But it's pretty clear to me that Microsoft has improved their
>>>>>>> advertising substantially:
>>>>>>> Alias
>>>>>> The jury isn't out. Windows 7 IS better.
>>>>> Your opinion and you ain't the jury.
>>>> If you're not running Windows 7 then how would you know - just like
>>>> all the complaints you stated about Vista, then admitted you had not
>>>> even installed it....
>>> I said no such thing. Not only did I install it and evaluate it, I've
>>> worked on Vista machines. Perhaps you're referring to right after it
>>> was released.</span>
>> Wrong, you were posting negative things about Vista for months when
>> YOU posted that you didn't even have it installed on any computer -
>> others will remember your statement.</span>
> I did install it, evaluate it and nuke it.</span>

You are a LIAR , liar!<span style="color:blue">
> <span style="color:green">
>><span style="color:darkred">
>>>> Been running Win 7 for a while, it IS better and faster than Vista
>>>> on every computer we've installed it on.
>>> I'll be running it on a much faster machine than this one that's
>>> running Ubuntu and I'll compare. Being faster than the pig Vista is
>>> no large accomplishment, btw.</span>
>> And that's the great thing about Win 7, it's faster than Ubuntu across
>> every machine I have worked with, like it or not, your limited scope
>> of experience as well as your constant lies do you no good.</span>
> Yawn.</span>

Open wider **** sucker...cause everyone's shoving your lies back down
your throat!...LOL!
Leythos wrote:<span style="color:blue">
> In article <hbfqde$n3r$>,
> says...</span>
<span style="color:blue"><span style="color:green">
>> I'll be running it on a much faster machine than this one that's running
>> Ubuntu and I'll compare. Being faster than the pig Vista is no large
>> accomplishment, btw.</span>
> And that's the great thing about Win 7, it's faster than Ubuntu across
> every machine I have worked with, like it or not, your limited scope of
> experience as well as your constant lies do you no good.</span>

Well having drive trays means I can compare on the same hardware easily
and 7 is considerably faster and slimmer than Vista was when it started
out. Vista has improved though I think.

I am not sure one can be comparing Ubuntu against 7 directly on the same
hardware because the software being run may be different, I'd put them
about equal on 64 bit installations using something like Open Office but
it would be pretty hopeless trying to compare with MS office I reckon -
it may be that the software is responsible. Obviously if one finds 7
runs your most used app faster then 7 would be the choice, no?

But for sure if discussing only MS products then 7 seems to me to be a
huge step in the right direction, perhaps because some of the "Installed
by default" stuff has gone to Live Essentials, simply because not every
app is "Essential" to every user.