Re: The Suicidal Belief That All Peoples Are Interchangeable



On Jul 7, 1:14 pm, Cerberus <> wrote:
> Demography Is Destiny
> Jared Taylor
> I have been asked to speak on the subject, "Demography is Destiny."
> The phrase is attributed to the 19th century French mathematician and
> philosopher, August Comte (1798-1857), who is known as the "father of
> sociology." By it he meant that as a rise or fall in birth rates works
> itself out over the decades, it affects everything in a society. He
> would therefore have understood immediately the significance of
> something now happening in many nations of the West: The average
> number of children each woman has is closer to one than to the 2.2
> necessary to maintain the population. When a society does reach a
> birth rate of one child per woman, each generation is half the size of
> the previous one, and that society is headed for extinction.
> It is, indeed, worrying that birth rates are so low in the most
> advanced, Western countries, as well as in certain successful Asian
> ones. No one has a definitive explanation of why the world's richest
> women have the fewest children, but the self-absorption that seems to
> accompany material wealth seems to be a big part of it. If Westerners
> really do think about their motives for refusing to reproduce-if the
> problem is not pure narcissism-the thinking probably runs like this:
> "The world is overpopulated anyway, so a shortfall in my country will
> be made up for by people in Africa or Latin America." In other words,
> millions more Guatemalans and Nigerians will make up for fewer
> Italians or Germans. The assumption, of course, is that all human
> populations are essentially interchangeable. We shall come back to
> this assumption later, for it is a crucial part of how demography
> becomes destiny.
> There is one aspect of the demography question August Comte did not
> anticipate, and that is immigration. Immigration of the kind we have
> today--millions of aliens moving into already-settled territory,
> taking
> up residence or even citizenship--is a recent thing. It is not that
> people did not move about in the past. But up until just a few decades
> ago, if your people wanted to move into someone else's territory, they
> would fight you. People did not willingly step aside and let large
> numbers of aliens settle on their land.
> The spread of Arabs across north Africa and into Europe, the peopling
> of whole continents by Europeans, the Japanese penetration of Asia-
> this was not immigration. It was conquest. The unopposed arrival of
> large numbers of unarmed aliens into already-occupied territory is
> something new.
> There is a clear pattern to this unprecedented movement of peoples. It
> is a mass migration from the Third World to the developed world. Put
> in racial terms, it is non-whites moving into lands that were
> previously all or overwhelmingly white.
> There are two reasons for this. One is that Westerners have created
> the most successful, agreeable societies in the history of mankind. In
> material terms, for an African to move to Europe or for a Honduran to
> move to the United States represents an instant, astonishing advance.
> It is hardly surprising that millions of people are desperate to leave
> their hard-scrabble lives for even the crumbs of the wealthiest
> societies ever known.
> The second reason for this pattern is that only Western-white-
> societies permit immigration. There are countless Indonesians and
> Filipinos who would love to live in Japan, and enjoy the wealth the
> Japanese people have created for themselves, but they cannot. The
> Japanese forbid it. The Japanese understand that demography is
> destiny, and they have the quaint preference that their destiny remain
> Japanese. The same is true for the people of South Korea, Taiwan,
> Singapore, and even Malaysia. They understand the importance of
> demography, and they want to keep their destinies in their own hands.
> In the West it is obligatory to believe--indeed, it is considered
> immoral not to believe--that all populations are essentially
> replaceable. If Caribbean blacks or Bangladeshi Muslims come to this
> country [Britain], they will turn into good little Welshmen, or
> Englishmen, or Scots. And to the extent that they do not, whatever
> differences remain will ginger up the poor, colorless local stock.
> This view--that it is desirable to supplement or even replace one's
> own people with aliens--is the greatest threat the West faces. We have
> faced great threats before--the Mongol invasions, the Arab advance,
> Turks at the gates of Vienna--but these were physical, armed threats
> that we met with physical force. Never before have we been
> psychologically unmanned, never before did we believe that welcoming
> the Arabs or opening our borders to the Turks would lead to
> "enrichment" or bring the benefits of "diversity." This delusion, if
> it persists, will be our death knell.
> Part of the idea that Europeans can be successfully and happily
> replaced by non-whites is the trendy view that race is not a
> biological category but a sociological or optical illusion. Never mind
> that people of different races differ greatly in appearance and
> behavior; or that they can be distinguished unerringly by DNA
> comparison at just 100 randomly-selected sites; or that they may react
> differently to medical treatment. Anyone who is incapable of detecting
> important differences between, say, an Australian Aborigine and a
> Dane, or an African Pygmy and a Korean is just plain - brilliant.
> Because only very intelligent people could possibly persuade
> themselves of something so obviously wrong and stupid.
> Craig Ventner of the Human Genome Project in America once famously
> claimed that all humans are essentially identical twins. Every
> institution in the West has fallen into line with this view that
> racial or ethnic differences are so trivial that only demons or morons
> could notice or care about them.
> In fact,when different peoples mix, for whatever reason, two things
> happen. The first-without fail--is conflict. When the Arabs of
> Northern Sudan and the blacks of Southern Sudan meet each other, they
> do not say to themselves, "Here is my biological equivalent, my
> identical twin," and then fall into each others' arms. Instead, they
> say to themselves, "These people are different from us, and I find
> these differences repulsive." They then go on to kill each other with
> no compunction.
> The same consciousness of differences is at the root of every
> wholesale conflict anywhere in the world. Whether it is Hutus hacking
> Tutsis to pieces in Rwanda, or Sinhalese and Tamils blowing each other
> up in Sri Lanka, whether it is ex-Yugoslavia or Palestine, it is
> always the same: Wherever people are most diligently killing each
> other it is because people who differ in some significant way are
> trying to share territory. The very diversity that we in the United
> States and you in Britain are constantly being exhorted to "celebrate"
> is the cause of the most intensely murderous conflicts anywhere.
> Today, it is not war of the conventional kind that creates mountains
> of corpses; it is the frictions of "diversity." The UN did a careful
> study of the period from 1989 to 1992, and found there were 82
> conflicts that created more than a thousand deaths. Of this number,
> 79--no fewer than 79 out of 82--were the result of religious or ethnic
> hatred within borders. These were fights inside countries, not between
> them. This is how the world celebrates "diversity;" with guns and
> knives and anything else people can lay their hands on.
> The United States has its share of conflict, of course. So far, we
> have not piled up corpses by the thousand, probably because the
> majority white population has submitted supinely to ridicule,
> demonization, and dispossession. However, the United States now has
> plenty of violence that does not even involve whites, and the seeds
> have been planted for much worse to come.
> Blacks and Hispanics each now make up about 13 percent of the US
> population. Hispanics are increasing much more rapidly than blacks,
> and are pushing them out of many poor parts of the western United
> States. It is between these two groups that friction is worst.
> California high schools have become a juvenile version of Sudan or Sri
> Lanka. Blacks and Hispanics somehow do not think of each other as
> interchangeable groups of identical twins. The constant threat of
> violence hangs over schools with large numbers of blacks and
> Hispanics, and newspapers duly report lunch-time riots and after-
> school brawls, in which a black and a Hispanic begin to fight and
> hundreds of students then square off along racial lines. It may take
> dozens of riot police, and helicopters hovering overhead to stop the
> mayhem. If it were not for uniformed police patrolling the halls, and
> metal detectors to keep out smuggled weapons, the body count in the
> high schools might put California on the UN's list.
> Just last May, a rumor ran through the schools of Los Angeles that the
> Hispanics had chosen May 5th=-the Mexican holiday of Cinco de Mayo--to
> launch an all-out attack on black students. As it turned out, there
> was no mass violence. Perhaps the increased police presence
> discouraged the Hispanics or maybe there never was a plan, but this
> was such a believable rumor that 51,000 students stayed home from
> school that day. This was about one in five middle and high school
> students or nearly twice the usual rates of absence.
> We find similar racial violence in prisons in the United States. Many
> are in a constant state of lockdown, which is to say that the men are
> cooped up in their cells and not allowed to mix. If they mingle in the
> chow line or in the exercise yards, blacks and Hispanics and sometimes
> whites--who are now the least aggressive prison group--will be at each
> others' throats. The conflict is so predictable, and the consequences
> so disagreeable that the one constant demand from prisoners is for
> segregated housing.
> Segregation would make life easier for guards, too, since levels of
> violence would drop sharply, and prison authorities would be spared
> the embarrassment of the dead and wounded. Segregation would make
> prisons safer, ...
> read more
On Jul 7, 4:29 pm, Ted <> wrote:

Well... societal populations are interchangeable....

But people don't seem to be ready to buy into that.. or do so only
Based on recent trends it seems that it is more politically correct to
destroy certain societies.. while leaving others intact or actually
supporting their expansion - to the detriment of the targetted
societies, of course.

I leave it to readers to decide which are the chosen scoieties - and
which are the victimized ones.
But there certainly is an agenda being conducted.
On Jul 7, 5:08 pm, wrote:
> On Jul 7, 4:29 pm, Ted <> wrote:
> Well... societal populations are interchangeable....

of course they are interchangeable, but NOT in context with the
viability of the status quo of all concerned...that is no doubt what
the author wished to point out.

So that if america wants to export its production and work to slavers
in china at the expense of the US economy and its middle class and
base of production, it is going to destroy that golden
china prospers (briefly) golden gooses die off, no one makes any

Henry Ford knew that. too bad we have forgotten it. He was not an
altruist either, he paid his workers 3 or 4x the prevailing wage in
order that they could afford to buy his cars...lacking that, he would
have cars, but not a large enough market to be viable.

same thing in macrocosm in the US. the mess these days though is
agravated by the absolutely fatal and cancerous growth of is
eating the nation alive, no culture can complete with a gorilla like
that on its back... we wont be changing though, the nation will bite
the dust first. (govt bloat is in the 70 to 80% or higher in most
sectors, thats fatal, there are books on how that works out
historically, its an end stage phenomena)

Phil Scott

> But people don't seem to be ready to buy into that.. or do so only
> partially.
> Based on recent trends it seems that it is more politically correct to
> destroy certain societies.. while leaving others intact or actually
> supporting their expansion - to the detriment of the targetted
> societies, of course.
> I leave it to readers to decide which are the chosen scoieties - and
> which are the victimized ones.
> But there certainly is an agenda being conducted.
phil scott wrote:

> On Jul 7, 5:08 pm, wrote:
>>On Jul 7, 4:29 pm, Ted <> wrote:
>>Well... societal populations are interchangeable....

> of course they are interchangeable, but NOT in context with the
> viability of the status quo of all concerned...that is no doubt what
> the author wished to point out.

> So that if america wants to export its production and work to slavers
> in china at the expense of the US economy and its middle class and
> base of production, it is going to destroy that golden
> china prospers (briefly) golden gooses die off, no one makes any
> money.

I think you'd be surprised at working conditions in China today.

> Henry Ford knew that. too bad we have forgotten it. He was not an
> altruist either, he paid his workers 3 or 4x the prevailing wage in
> order that they could afford to buy his cars...lacking that, he would
> have cars, but not a large enough market to be viable.

However, if an employee went to the bathroom on company
time too often he or she was fired. Henry was slavemaster
par excellence!

> same thing in macrocosm in the US. the mess these days though is
> agravated by the absolutely fatal and cancerous growth of is
> eating the nation alive, no culture can complete with a gorilla like
> that on its back... we wont be changing though, the nation will bite
> the dust first. (govt bloat is in the 70 to 80% or higher in most
> sectors, thats fatal, there are books on how that works out
> historically, its an end stage phenomena)