Re: The True Red White and Blue - American Patriot Answers the Call to Jihad - The Myth of American



On Oct 16, 1:14 pm, Free Worlder <>
> Last thursday or friday, Naomi was on with Randy Roades
> for an hour! Wow! Don't miss it!
> -
> News Strobe: Nazi Israel murders more as enemies to Jew and G-D.
> -
> Project For The New American Century
> "...advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific
> genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of
> terror to a politically useful tool."
> USEFUL! Tell me, wouldn't YOU have publicly tried, then
> executed neocon traitors for mass murder if you were
> dying as Johnny's America?
> AIDS as a weapon used by those of "Operation Paperclip",
> zionist neocons who war as enemies of humankind? What
> evidence does a bushite need, when it thoughtlessly murders
> America for demon bush as it's "G-D"?, the thing that does
> all it's opinioning for it?, on who is guilty of evil doing
> in complete blind faith puppeting LIES? If anything, bush
> would be Puppeteer, before "he's only a puppet, he's only a
> puppet, look away! look away!" of the Old World Order of
> illiterate nazi savages who murder innocent people to theive
> from as our enemies. To kill a bushite, is to be truly heroic.
> Ask anyone. What WE want is public accountability.
> I'm telling you America, George Norry is a blatant naked
> traitor talking the love of your innocent dying sons and
> daughters as too stupid and cowardly to defend our dying
> America from the actual 'escaping' neocon 911 perpetrators.
> Christ, The Son of Man, begs the godly men of Earth, to
> judicially bill on sight, any neocon soldier who supports the
> carnage waged in Afghanistan as cop killing dope pushers. CNN
> must, and WILL be tried for high treason for their demon lies
> broadcasting the northern alliance don't push dope, while the
> Taliban did, and do. CNN execs will be put to death for such
> demonic claims that stand no ground in the light of all evidence.
> Plus, the Taliban were honorable in defending America by demanding
> facts to form our conclusions on how bin Laden is in anyway
> connected to the crimes of 911. Example: how did bin Laden get
> the explosives into building seven dumfuks? I HATE bushite
> to death I DO. Death to the bushite, death to the enemies of
> Mankind.
> I, Johnny Wizard, in the city of Winnipeg, Province of Manitoba
> 1.
> Pakistani ISI Director General Ahmad orders an aide to wire
> transfer about $100,000 to hijacker Atta. Ahmad later resigns
> after the transfer is disclosed in India and confirmed by the
> FBI. [Dawn, 10/8/01, Times of India, 10/9/01, Wall Street
> Journal, 10/10/01, AFP, 10/10/01]
> 2.
> On March 3, 2002, MSNBC's Jim Miklaszewski reported that he
> had received anonymously, top secret presidential war strategy
> documents dated September 9th, 2001, originating from
> Condolezza's office, outlining a strategy to invade
> Afghanistan premised on blaming bin Laden a terrorist, but
> providing no evidence to back up the allegation, thereby,
> securing criminal invasion.
> then the demon enemies of America, closed outstanding criminal
> investigations..
> Investigating the Investigation
> "Did the vice president call you and urge you not to
> investigate the events of Sept. 11?" Daschle flatly
> contradicted Cheney: "Yes, he did, Tim,"
> 6.
> : FBI Called off Terror Investigations
> Two veteran FBI investigators say they were ordered to stop
> investigations into a suspected terror cell linked to Osama
> bin Laden's al Qaeda network and the Sept. 11 attacks...
> `You Will Not Open Criminal Investigations'
> / / The [BUSHITE ENEMY] US has said it would refuse any
> request by Italy to extradite the accused [satanic bushite
> torturers of completely INNOCENT PEOPLE]. \ \
> Protestor's sign: "killing innocent people is the problem
> not the solution."
> Christ, The Son of Man, begs the godly men of Earth, to
> judicially bill on sight, any neocon soldier who supports the
> carnage waged in Afghanistan as cop killing dope pushers.
> They shoot innocent women and children dead in the streets for
> humor, and bushite pirates at CBC and CNN, state bushite in
> Afghanistan are doing a good thing helping the bushmob escape
> the crimes of 911 by warring for Muslim fundamentalism,
> persecuting INNOCENT women and Christians, while for
> entertainment, bomb innocent families running for their lives
> from a Holy Church. Soulless child killing soldiers who CBC
> execs would tell are our DEMONIC heroes. Lawless dope pushing
> cop killers have got to go down dead screaming, instead of the
> innocent - YOU and me they target for MURDER. Death to the
> dishonorable bushite THIEVES, death to the enemy neocon LIARS
> of GOD and man.
> We can really be something greater, while a murderous bushite
> thief, a LIAR, can hardly read or write Liberty without
> flinching from self contempt.
> Kill a bushite LIAR, why don't you my brothers and sisters of
> the faith in something greater than bushite godless tyranny?
> Soldiers of fortune: kill the lawless bushite nazi savages to
> defend MY dying America.
> -
> Sir Ken, head of the Crown Prosecution Service
> "The fight against terrorism on the streets of [..] is not a
> war. It is the prevention of crime, the enforcement of our
> laws and the winning of justice for those damaged by their
> infringement."
> You got that right. So, join US in demanding the quick
> trials, and public executions of known bushite enemies who
> murdered Americans on 911 with general Ahmad, and who with
> Peter Power, murdered the innocent in Britain for more stolen
> goods against God. And anyone in the air force as bushite
> bombers should be a great joy for US all to hunt for
> prosecuting too. The bushite dumfuk is an enemy to our lives,
> with it's blatant naked contempt for the innocent, who like
> the demon liar THEIVES at CJOB, George Norry, or Hannity, will
> forbid ANY human defenses of the lawless dictate of the
> IRRATIONAL tyrannical demon antichrist, all so to victimize
> more of You as the censored forsaken.
> -
> / / It is strange that the 'Secret Organization of Al
> Qaeda in Europe,' the group that is allegedly
> responsible, would have escaped notice (to say nothing
> of their odd, 'double secret probation' type of name). \ \
> Bushite are EVIL to all, as enemies to Human kind.
> During Katrina, the bushites responsible for protecting
> America, slaughtered everyone's confiscated pets for joy
> and happiness. Three schools filled with hundreds of
> dogs, cats, snakes and bats. There was no need to kill
> everyone's beloved pet, but as the bushite will FREELY
> tell YOU, it was fun to serve demonically as the
> antichrist enemies of God and love. demand Justice for
> God, demand Justice for Johnny.
> / / The mere fact that one can deduce a motive for a
> person or a group does not mean that they perpetrated
> the act...and it hardly suffices as proof of anything.\ \
> Just try telling that to 'why work to make life better'
> CBC, CNN, or FOXNEWS censors. Look at me!! They refuse
> to acknowledge my documented info as REALLY important
> to your continued ACTUAL survival.
> Who fuking cares right? Certainly not the enemies
> of America at the Coast to Coast radio network, who would
> kill Americans for the rich neocons without question. It's
> JUST American kids getting conned to die as bad guys.
> God is Great
> Again, George W. bush did 911 with General Ahmad, but CBC
> zionists, actual treasonous LIARS, actually smile to dying
> Canadian soldiers with only true contempt. CBC kills Canadian
> kids, with their intentional demon lies, trying to subvert
> Justice for God and Johnny. In fact, yesterday, they did a
> special, all on how "God is NOT Great", giving that bush bitch
> demon LIAR, all the space to pontificate it's hatred for
> Wisdom, Science, and GOD, with only nods and smiles from the
> 'illiterate' hord. Remember: A zionist KNOWS it's an enemy of
> Humanity when it supports dropping seven million land minds to
> murder indiscriminately OUR CHILDREN for decades, or stealing
> a Christians Home because they say God says Jews would do such
> ungodly acts. Blame innocent Jews the holocaust denying
> zionist shout, of which not one, is a Jew. Like me.
> -
> So Remember: Bushite grunts told the world they wouldn't let
> anyone out of the city, because [enemy Sattler LIED]
> pro-bushite Zarqawi was there present, so the innocent
> families who believed they had nothing to fear from the liar
> disciples of the ungodly enemy of ALL HUMAN LIVES, remained in
> the tiny city to be indiscriminately 'protected' with more
> than nine two thousand pound bombs, or made dead instead by
> heinous pro-bush escaping war criminals who used white
> phosphorous on civilization. All to die our Humanity for the
> thieved loss of evidence to demand ourselves of some official
> freedom time to deal with our terrorized as suffering reality.
> / / The Bush administration has expressed concern that the vote
> could lead to Turkey cutting off crucial supply lines to Iraq. \ \
> EVIL Zionists in Israel starve Israeli Jews in hopes to attract more
> free humanitarian aid they can use elsewhere.
> -
> CCTV proves police lied: de Menezes behaved normally before being
> murdered
> -
> Support my cause, which is your cause.
> Senior Military analyst, Rob Riggle "In the field John, the
> soldiers are out there, every day, risking their lives, for a
> common Ideal: that none of the President's decisions be
> questioned."
> This is more true than a bushite would admit before murdering
> a honorable father to rape his young child, like Lcpl
> Boudreaux freely confesses. Boudreaux will tell you, openly,
> you have to murder the Arab father of the Arab child your
> planning to rape, because if you don't, that Father will spend
> the rest of this life, hunting you down in the streets to rip
> you limb from limb for it.
> Let US, me and the few, proud, and the brave, bring that
> Father's intent to bare on lancing Boudreaux, and any other
> who would sing in it's ungodly defense.
> Zionist american media news celebs do tell, everyday, soldiers
> for the neocon are all Heroes.
> Please, my brothers, join me in hunting each and every bushite
> present in this video down for death. For a Love of God that
> will never end, until we have seen each and every responsible
> child killing bushite present brought to true Justice extreme.
> / / Bushite Soldiers beat Defenseless Barefoot Children to Death for
> Satanic Fun
> watch?v=l2zZkbhc77M>
> .
> Even after they plead them to stop they continue and
> the cameraman seems to be having an orgasm.
> news_of_the_world_uk_iraqi_beating_video.wmv \ \
> One in Ten Thousand
> -
> OH GOD! - to not believe as real Patriots - OH GOD!
> It's our Goldsmith!
> "It's says here in the literature we were given, it tells us
> we'll have success recruiting soldiers to [the neocon's evil
> version of] Christ. Because soldiers in stressful situations
> are more, quote, "vulnerable"." [to not believe as real
> Patriots] [..] "I would direct you to the letters of Paul, in
> which he says, blessed our those who spread the Word of God,
> by ruthlessly wiping out anyone who stands in our way [to rob
> further from a undefended America left silenced to speak in
> outrage against the evil antichrist of all life ourselves]."
> Goldsmith... yes, Goldsmith
> Goldsmith has revealed the bushmob, specifically Cheney,
> consults with neocon authority in Egypt, and anti-Jew Saudi
> Arabia, on how to best torture innocent people to death as
> TRUE enemies of Man. Has anyone read the fiction 1984? 'Why
> is it so crazy'?, you might ask an un-responsive big sky of
> Love? Well, the Bush administration committed 911 with
> General Ahmad that's why.. and threatening Humanity with
> torture, is how the neocons plan to fear YOU into speaking
> nothing for the defense of innocent others.. As a
> consequence, more than half the monies spent each month on
> this war against civilized Life, isn't accounted for by
> anyone. Except those at the Pentagon STEALING from a deafened
> America. In fact, Moyers at PBS reported none! of the
> billions flowing out of American pocket books EVERY MONTH for
> the bushmob war monger shysters is actually audited for the
> taxing payers.
> Mr. Bush, the terrorist, doesn't care to war for your stolen
> billions, instead wants to kill even more innocent others as
> neoconner traitor. In your name as "American."
> Support my rise against Living's enemy George Norry, by making
> an effort to demand real Justice for dying American values.
> Or don't.
> People of Earth, please bill a mute bushite nazi savage, that
> drops bombs on our families robbed our better selves the right
> to voice objections against naked evil tyranny of plundering
> neoconned dying Amerika, attempting to enslave our entire race
> for the bounties of totalitarian riches.
> .I guess a soldier's word doesn't count for much in bushville.
> The bushmob did 911 as traitors to God and Country, don't you
> know anything worth living for? my dying unjustly brothers
> and sisters? My friends, please fear not wisdom communicated
> by a REAL Man, for, we explain ourselves to the best of YOUR
> ability to listen simply. G. W. Bush used no evidence to
> form America's "conclusion" on who did US wrong on 911. So,
> Please, stop forsaking yourself, for, we're going nowhere.
> Support Johnny's call to demand open debate without censorship
> from the magic radio and TV execs, who hide in darkness,
> pretending to be our friends, while refusing intelligent
> dialog to answer any of our big troubles easily. Why?
> because largely, they're powerless without beating us down as
> giving 'Christ like' VICTIM so much - with their irrational
> ignorance for our survivals by the fittest. The fittest Ideas
> that rule this Universe, are the simplest, most easy to
> understand, but I digress about GOD'S greatness, for we know,.
> the corporate media elites as our voice, "Couldn't Care Less".
> CBC just did a report about all the great heroin coming in
> from Afghanistan, that will still cause crime, and be illegal,
> (and maybe give you life in prison as an American,) but
> brought in with the help of the demonically evil bushite
> thieving murderous military, by the likely ton full to attack
> our direct family left un-protected, BY YOU PERSONALLY. And
> guess what? THEY, our media masters, couldn't care less if
> they actually tried to be our good guys. Reminder: the god
> guys is good, the demon liar antichrist evil enemies who
> thieve from Life with censorship is bad. If they hide
> ourselves too far, they loose all around, up and down. So get
> to it. Or don't. Your choice. Life lived Now, or damnable
> death by cowardly design brought forthwith under your own
> power to do nothing under such terrible costs against our
> suffering natures.
> Typical tyranny for media control over all of Life for the
> beginners is this treasonous betrayal against our Nature, by
> refusing to be honest about our potential to be far greater
> than first considered. If they'd only allow US to have open
> communications, all our worlds would be better living for it.
> Demand Coast to Coast hosts allow America to defend America.
> I want air time with the one and only real man in these here
> parts, Mr. Johnny America, our glorious make believe creator
> of all we perceive religiously, self realized. He's a genius!
> No evidence against an accused is US being truly abused
> Help me gain access to speak freely for open challenge against
> Hannity, and of America's Coast to Coast Radio network hosts,
> who deliberately deny you to contend, we're really, one hell
> of a great bunch of People persons with rights God damn them.
> -
> God Damn America
> You f-cks, because Bush told congressmen secretly about truly
> torturing innocent people to death in YOUR name, doesn't make
> the crime any less satanic. True Christians will execute
> bushite torturers with glee. America will pay millions a head
> for each bush bitch nazi traitor to children as family. The
> neocons will all be tried to death for treasons like 911, and
> for supporting a slaughter against Iran. For Petraeus has
> giving US no evidence to form our conclusions on the validity
> of his therefore, TREASONOUS statements. Bushite are
> murderous thieves of Iraq and deserve by the measurements of
> any civilized man, a action worthy of death as demonic, before
> allowed to further steal from our Humanity. SAUDI Bush bitch
> Buford Blount gave out 170 tons of explosives to KILL marines
> with, and Petraeus doesn't call for his rightful death, nor
> for death to be brought to bushite soldiers who kidnapped bare
> footed children to be beaten to death on video tape. {KILL
> of thousand of guns were 'lost' in Iraq through bushite
> management skills, and liar Petraeus speaks no outrage.
> Private death squad goons are committing crimes against GOD,
> and Petraeus blames no one. MORE than half the monthly bill
> for these bushite bleeding atrocities to Humanity, are not
> even accounted for by ANYONE, but for the thieves at the
> Pentagon who are ROBBING america with Petraeus' silence on the
> life and death issue of America. Again, Petraeus knows the
> bushmob did 911, and would rather kill your stupid american
> teen, than stand for freedom in America by holding evidence a
> pre-requisite in determining OUR capital allegations. Death
> to the false accusing bushite, death to the enemies of
> America,
> Jon Stewart, the twisted nazi clucker, claims now to be a "Big
> Jew". The demon zionist, who claims he can commit no crime
> against GOD with silence on the issue of innocent Humans being
> robbed and murdered by zionist 'buddy' Kristol, and as such,
> spews nothing on 911's demon witch Condi dropping seven
> million land mines on Lebanon, to murder Jewish children
> indiscriminately for decades, no, he just laughs at G-D'S true
> suffering like traitor enemy happy happy George Norry. Laughs
> at torture being actually allowed, while laughing in contempt
> at politicians who wisely will to re-distribute the nation's
> wealth to it's worthy Citizens. Instead of some nationless
> nazi "jew" like Jon Stewart, a free loading foreigner who came
> to religion to take away life from hard working American
> sufferers who want truly in Justice as Freedom. al-Qaida =
> General Mahmoud Ahmad. Torture IS against the law, and
> deserves the death sentence. Bushite Cofer Black MUST be put
> to death for being a Satanic demon enemy of Human life, who
> freely admits he tortures innocent people to help escape the
> neocons for 911. Bill a bushite for America, bill a bushite
> for God. What do Texans own guns for, if not to bill a
> bushite child killer like those in the evil enemy pro-bush air
> force. Bushite repeatedly have been found killing innocent
> people without apology, in fact, it was only months ago where
> amerikan soldiers in Afghanistan shot people indiscriminately
> for more than six miles in residential districts,
> / / 'Why are you taking pictures? You don't have
> permission."' [...] the [bush whore] American, speaking
> through a translator, warned him that he did not want to see
> any AP photos published anywhere.\ \ALL REAL MEN - kill the
> bushite why don't you save some innocent lives for God in
> America? Kill it man, for, bushite bombers aren't even human.
> and now, as reported, the narco-gov has put to death at least
> twenty Afghans, who were claimed, without trialed evidence, to
> be guilty of such actions. The narco-gov refuses to call for
> the execution of known bushite who torture INNOCENT PEOPLE, or
> rape them, or thieve the 80% of charitable aid given from
> Canadians. Despite CBC refusing to report on the facts to let
> US decide for ourselves. Fight back for Christ, fight back
> for love, fight back for freedom, fight back for God.
> I AM THE TRULY FAILING SON OF MAN, born at the inception of
> creation, timelessly to promote the wisdom of love through
> mutual understanding.. I was once well respected by all as
> worth listening to, and loved by a great many, can you imagine
> that godless amerikan zionist nazi pigs? I suppose not.
> MY World is actually dying.. Dying. Don't let the love for
> GOD be destroyed by bushite amerka who couldn't care less for
> my crying, or their very own children poisoned to die for liar
> neocon, neocons like Giuliani that they simply refuse to hunt
> down for defense. The demon publicly supports the 'rise' of
> neocons, considering all they've done so far; and the TV
> doesn't teach to raise your American votes for extreme anger
> against the wicked zionist enemy. No, Giuliani is vying for
> Presidential favorite, of private for cash profit TV snoozer
> hurlers! America is actually dying, and Americans aren't
> screaming for real Justice..
> Please, I beg you again, help me speak freely on coast to
> coast to accept all challenges.. Please help US. George
> Norry is a blatant naked traitor to freedom for America.
> Again, George told Alex Jones he would not allow Americans
> hear the calls for liberty, unless Alex agreed to not inform
> the public on who personally was responsible for 911. Jones
> agreed. I often fear, Jones wants to be loved as Hero, over
> the wiser words of ourselves on who is who here. CFR, NWO,
> whatever, Bush closed investigations immediately after the 911
> terrorist event of no questions!, no question!
> Investigating the Investigation
> / / After playing a tape of Cheney's statement, Russert asked
> Daschle, "Did the vice president call you and urge you not to
> investigate the events of Sept. 11?" \ \
> George Walker Bush, "The Puppet" is GUILTY of TREASON a
> thousand and one times over already. We all love Alex Jones,
> but this nwo bullshit doesn't apply to the lawless demon
> enemies who inflict harm on our humanity because they
> confusingly tell US, they enjoy it. Murder, rape and pillage
> for the sake of murdering, raping, and pillaging. Look, I'm
> sure we'd be able to easily work out our differences, if
> George Norry's amerka would take our calls for clarity, on
> Justice ruling our ways to a fool's paradise where those
> accused of a crime without any evidence would be US, as the
> INNOCENT forsaken in God's good name.
> Our Mr. Bush Jnr. "Torture is not a part of our soul."
> Signed,
> Johnny America
> P.S. Get on the radio to speak our lives as worth something!
> Or, what? you're worthless to the neocon's commanding
> pronouncements on what you conceive? There really IS a GOD,
> committed to dealing death to torturers and murderers, and a
> place reserved as "Hell", where such Satanic behaviors are
> nothing to get up and roar over. Please support my rise for
> acknowledgement, and in turn, speaking for freedom where it
> counts, with You and Yours. Love God as ourselves dying for
> nothing but a hatred for Liberty's bounty of freedom for every
> soul as worth defending. HELP ME
> Neocons Converge Around Giuliani Campaign
> -
> The Son of Man Begs America
> / / Seventy percent of the people are without adequate water
> supplies and 80 percent lack adequate sanitation. \ \
> Who IS running this bushite nazi liar show, where they, our
> elite corporate media masters, kill our stupid kids with their
> flagrant naked monster lies, while refusing all calls for
> clarity, Johnny America really wants to know. Like
> immediately. Help us out here some man, don't be evil.
> ttp://
> -
> / / [...] the [New York Times] piece details the torture of
> [Innocent People] Sunni prisoners at one of the new
> American-Iraqi "security stations" \ \
> Torture is a crime against God and Humanity. So, likewise,
> joyously, with pride, destroy the neocon traitors of Justice -
> for the true Love you have as Freedom willed - is as granted.
> Don't buy their demon lies by blind blanket false assertions,
> against YOUR Humanity's Innocence in tyrannical bondage, all
> done in to fool you believing, we have no rights to be heard
> in our presence - here existing freely. Therefore, to survive
> US all for something better, halt the 'escaping' murderous
> bushite thieves for God and America. SOLDIERS: Instead of
> dying for nothing, my wannabe Patriot Brothers, try joining
> Liberty's cause, which is our cause truly. Is it because
> corporate TV zionist money whores, are cowardly and ignorant,
> as evil hypno muggers, in MY dying for real America, that YOU
> refuse to speak Now in your Humanity's begging further
> defense?, on evidence being the only requirement to establish
> a person's guilt or innocence? for ungodly terrorist
> activities committed in our name by bushite bombers from the
> neo-conned AIR FORCE, who, as rotted juveniles, cheeringly
> bomb us People indiscriminately leaving a Church as something
> TRULY SATANIC? To dare, in our presence, continue threatening
> harm against an innocent child of wonder, not yet even born to
> God's suffering world? Bushites war LIFE itself. So then
> pleads I again the Son to God, as Man to Men: war to kill the
> enemy bushite nazi savage thieves, for real Freedom is waged
> truly by Just causes. The mute, pro-censorship/tyranny
> THIEVING bushite savaged nation, has NO EXCUSE for the crimes
> they have committed in our dying names. I demand our voices
> heard internationally for Justice as Freedom is Godly.
> -
> Blood Radio Archive/2007/Octob...
> Dan Marvin, an actual CIA assassin, talks about how those in
> the secret CRIMINAL command structure of defense for America,
> side to order the murder of Patriotic American Soldiers who
> threaten real Justice succeeding against the neocon God
> betrayers, neocons, who just simply lie to con vincible
> American dumfukked teens, through our whored to die YOU as the
> next innocent for stolen freedom values: the corporate
> 'zionist equals Jews' no we don't take your pleading calls,
> international Bush rules news broadcasters.
> See? bushites are cowardly, or ignorantly evil - as thieving
> dumfuk grunts for the enemy liar neocons. Look, they refuse
> to kill on sight, soldiers who kidnapped Iraqi children to be
> beaten to death on video tape, or any Aegis employees for
> actually murdering INNOCENT Iraqi men, women, or children for
> stolen cash profit, over the loss of LIFE the bushite TRULY
> pays in collateral. DIES! And, as such, the cowardly
> American enemies, refuse by willful silence to speak bravely
> for the up coming war crime trials of every neocon traitor -
> all for the sinister evil actions of mass murder in America on
> 9/11. Death to the bushite, death to the enemies of Man.
> -
> The Lawless thieves of Blackwater hire known war criminals
> from the most brutal of tyrannical regimes to carry out the
> neocon agenda of 'freedom' for 'Iraqis'. American tax payers
> pay $1,222.00 per death squad goon, per day, while billing
> their sacrificing kids, tens of thousands for up and coming
> medical costs not covered. Did you know they, the incompetent
> bush regime, still haven't fixed Walter Reed? Who really
> cares right?
> -
> Look, a bushite would kill an American child too. When or
> will Americans become American? Death to the bushite, death
> to the enemies of Man. Again, national bushite broadcaster,
> George Norry stated he'd go ballistic against any American
> soldier who refused to murder for the neocon as traitors, and
> "America" STILL refuses to speak in their own defense for
> dying. Death to the bushite, death to the enemies of Freedom
> for America.
> / / "as the bullets began to fly, the blood sprayed from
> between her eyes, and then I laughed maniacally." [, then were
> heard the cheers of godless bushite dumfuk traitors obscening
> to God and Man as the unholy enemy.] \ \
> Look, listen to soldiers who sing about the joys of murdering
> innocent young girls, see their faces in the videos
> celebrating the murder of girls LOVED by GOD and ME, and
> question: Why won't you as an American assist Christ in the
> glorious hunt. Nothing better in this world than to kill a
> murderous bushite who claims it's lawless to this suffering
> Universe, ruled criminally by the demon antichrist enemy of
> ALL HUMAN LIVES. All religions want US to defend GOD - please
> help me take on all challengers.
> -
> : FBI Called off Terror Investigations
> A question Johnny Wizard has for America: Tell me, is this
> not a treasonous act - for Bush to close criminal
> investigations, immediately after the terrorist crimes of 911?
> Shouldn't the demon enemy be put to arrest for that godless
> act alone in this forsaken dying world? A world left instead
> suffering further the tyrannies of the war criminal ENEMY of
> all Human Life?
> A refresher: the neocon will tell you openly, they live to
> lie to the Public for cheating and stealing by murder of US as
> proxied, innocent peoples purposefully enslaved by a made
> ignorantly entranced TV audience that is repeatedly reminded,
> we have no power worth respecting.
> CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS aren't taking are calls presently, but
> just lie and tell US they do. Look to see, almost all
> political internet traffic condemns Bush straight to hell well
> he rightly belongs, but the polls still say no - WE, seeking
> for Just cause, are the minority.. just roll over and die for
> the neocon betrayers to god and country, life and loving.
> -
> Lying Enemy Traitor to America, Glenn Beck
> "Media Matters didn't have a word to say when congressman John
> Murtha accused American Marines of being guilty of murdering
> innocent Iraqi civilians, service men who actually turned out
> to be innocent heroes."
> I propose we try CNN's Glenn Beck for nazi treason, and upon
> easily successful conviction, we put the demon liar to death
> along with bushite Tatum who confesses freely to slaughtering
> innocent Iraqi civilians for satanic pleasures all to serve
> the neocon agenda of swindling America TO DEATH for cash
> profit through neocon censorship. Mattis, the woman hating
> documented child killer, was made into a 'Judge' for the
> bushite's version of a war crimes 'trial', that hasn't even
> yet truly transpired, for the evidence was not brought to
> light through the proceeding, such as Tatum's full confession.
> But, of course, Glenn Beck, the treasonous liar, doesn't want
> America, the dying by contempt, to truly know that. For, he'd
> be likely dead as sworn enemy.
> -
> / / An [BUSHITE ENEMY] American soldier boasts of having
> tortured [INNOCENT] Iraqis and making a 15 years old Iraqi
> girl commit suicide after she had been raped. \ \
> Tell US, who wouldn't take great pride in warring this
> boastful enemy of Humanity? Or, are you like CNN, CBC, and
> FOXNEWS would suggest, it is heroic - for all are heroic who
> DIE for the neocon?
> / / A suspected insurgent in Iraq by Staff Sgt. Shane Werst,
> who said the man appeared to be reaching for a weapon. Werst
> was acquitted of murder despite acknowledging he had fired and
> then planted a chrome Iraqi pistol on the suspect to make his
> claim of self defense more believable. \ \
> / / For daring to report illegal arms sales, Navy veteran
> Donald Vance says he was imprisoned by the American military
> in a security compound outside Baghdad and subjected to harsh
> interrogation methods. \ \
> -
> How is a Zionist Jewish?, I, the King of the Jews Messiah ask
> my fellow brothers and sisters everywhere. How? FOUR million
> land mines in Lebanon a godly act is it? Jew only roads not
> Aparthied, nor stealing a Christian's Home I suppose..? How?
> An Oath Every Soldier Swears To God With
> / / she told The Nation. "If I contribute to the Army's
> prosecution of Lieutenant Watada on speech-related charges, I
> will have colluded in suppression of speech. What could be
> more hostile to the ideas of a free press than that?" \ \
> Again a Patriot Soldier whose only crime is that he refuses to
> commit a crime in Your name. Do something about it. You
> defend this Patriot American Citizen as if Your America
> depends upon it. The "Judge" who publicly forbids to hear
> Watada's freedom defense, an Oath every Soldier swears to God
> with, is a "Judge" who needs to be privately arrested for
> treason against YOURSELF. Support my call to demand our
> voices heard for Just causes, or go die silently to the grave
> prisonized in a zionist neocon military dictatorship
> True Enemy of Liberty
> I am one serious genius by no accident in words you have as
> much right to contend for yourself being, if you'd only
> believe we have some good ideas here to really set ourselves
> free with..
> "Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad"
> A neocon bushite soldier is a true enemy of Liberty for
> America. They as DEMONIC LIARS, are dishonorable THIEVING
> nazi savages that bomb our innocent families with criminal
> intent to MURDER. Enemies of Life and Love, a dead bushite is
> an enemy of GOD halted from victimizing further our loved
> brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers. Death to the
> neoconner bushite dumfuk grunting liars who bomb our families,
> death to the enemies of Christ who war for the escape of the
> true culprits responsible for 911. TRAITORS.
> See my friends, this is why I, as the Son of Man beg and plead
> for all able bodied men, to kill treasonous bushite on sight,
> for every time you love God by defending the innocent from
> murder, (the innocent whom any pro-bush corporate professional
> hold in total self contempt,) you save REAL peoples lives, and
> you defend God's good name to love God as ourselves committed
> to true Liberty. Bushites are enemies of freedom, enemies of
> God, and worthy of death, before allowed to further bomb
> people indiscriminately like the commanders of NATO order day
> after day without risking instant frag because, bushites are
> blind cowardly thieving nazi fascist savages, brain damaged,
> who believe as satanic demon whores of Molech, they can con
> all of US including me forever, just like dare dubya. Dumfuks
> to their bitter end.
> To Kill a Bushite, is to be Heroic
> American soldier: Your enemy is TRULY LIAR happy George
> Norry. The demon knows of Ahmad, and forbids any guest from
> uttering such understandings in defense of the DYING dumfuk
> grunt nazi - Good riddance? Do you care that your country men
> are dying for the criminal zionist neocon as traitors?
> Support my demand for US to be heard GOD DAMN YOU. ...or die
> by the hands of Humanity.
> All fighters, listen up. ANY bush bitch neocon biter who
> pretends as a cowardly child killing traitor, it can't ever
> hear my manly voice from here, YOU kill to defend ourselves
> over, in the cage or otherwise. Kill any or all thieving
> bushite ENEMIES of America responsible for 'escaping' the 911
> perpetrators, why don't you help US out some my loves...?
> Thanks
> -
> Name One - A Journey into Self Discovery
> -
> > Taken from the superb Johnny rant "Is it Just"

> > / / (Can you
> > believe, the war monger thief and liar, Our Mr. bush
> > Jr. actually banks for Christian fundamentalism,
> > thinking he's gonna ride them bible belting for all he's
> > worth?)
> > \ \

> > Bible belting... God, I was really something!!!

> That's fighting words to a corporated "generation" of left
> iliterate non-speaking, hypocrite nazi savages, dying
> sacrificed, who auto figure by remote control, we can not be
> allotted the public defense for freedom's cause, Justice for
> all by International News Challenges. ! Justice for All is
> given through the power of the indivisible truths of our
> living existence, as concluding: evidence must be used to
> convince ourselves on who is good or evil. period. Bushites
> are as dumb as they are cowardly lifeless nazi trash, good for
> only to play the mute ungodly bad guys in evil wars for the
> demon antichrist enemy of all human lives - 911's George
> Walker Bush, The Traitor. See? A bushite faiths that America
> can be no greater with freedom ruling justly supreme, for as
> bushite, it would be back as being truly talentless, as a
> likely criminal enemy of your home town of loved families.
> broke.
> Hey?, can you spare change to help a brother out some? We
> sure could use it.. I want to challenge all coast to coast
> news hosts regarding their contempt for the value of our
> continuing struggles against a demon evil war mongering
> tyranny of liars that fall easily by the truer words of CAN
> and DO. Get up stand up, stand up for your rights. Get up,
> stand up, don't give up the fight. Free words from Johnny
> Wizard to liberate our feared world, within as of, Christ, as
> this light is Born as you to be true too..
> er, or... don't
> Remember, we'll be here only momentarily if you should ever
> decide to stand up as a fellow brother or sistah of the faiths
> - injustice to any, is injustice to all. And God, Johnny
> really is something...
> > Don't just show 'em the door - let's get the booty back!
> >

> I'm with YOU!
> -
> New admissions of widespread prisoner abuse
> / / The Bush administration is finalizing new guidelines for
> Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) interrogation methods that
> will give broad latitude for torture techniques \ \
> These are crimes against Christ, and any 'Christian' who
> lawlessly participates in this pro-bush torture of US Humans,
> MUST be hunted down by the Patriot, to have the STANDING LAW
> in America enforced to institute the Death Sentence to those
> bushite responsible for such ungodly enemy actions.
> -
> 'Wiped off the Map' - The Rumor of the Century
> Ahmadinejad: Zionists are NOT Jews
> Dehumanizing the Palestinians
> / / The Israeli cabinet has voted to declare the occupied Gaza
> Strip a "hostile entity," [...] The decision was quickly given
> backing by US Secretary of State [demon 911 witch] Condoleezza
> Rice. \ \
> This is of course recognized by all people to be a crime
> against human life. But CNN refuses to acknowledge the
> zionist action, for WE would ALL scream in outrage that
> American tax payers fund such nazi atrocities against G-D.
> -
> Psy-Ops of Stupidity - Who's in Charge Here?
> I again, beg Humanity to speak in opposition to Amerika in the
> defense of our innocent forsaken dying lives. CBC producers
> know the bushmob did 911 but lie with propaganda to kill our
> families for the ungodly as thieving neocon enemies. They
> refuse to inform ourselves that Al-Qaida is General Mahmoud
> Ahmad, as according to the FBI. Or that video of iron flowing
> like water from the WTC towers exists indicating without
> doubt, the bushmob enemies did 911 as TRAITORS.
> Today, there is nothing more i wish, than to hear bushite nazi
> savage thieves for the neocon die rightly, before the innocent
> they target for murder. All in an attempt to 'escape' those
> truly responsible for the crimes of 911 a bushite whore
> practices, as an enemy to Christ and America.
> Evidence is required to convince ourselves on who is good or
> evil. Period. Don't like it? Too bad. We are on charged!!
> Who cares about yourself if you won't listen as reason to?
> What can you lose when you have granted to be blindly stolen
> from?
> Zionist nazi Israelis, do tell as LIARS, that Israel, the
> nation that openly thieves, tortures, and murders daily thoses
> THEY ADMIT are commpletely innocent, are enemies of every
> religious person denied access to honestly speak the facts as
> firmly established since the dawn of Man.
> Fight Back for Christ Sake God Damn You
> "Another Wizard's World Wide Work of Wonder audio spectacular!!!"
> -
> "The Central Myth of Our Time"
> The Shock Doctrine: Naomi Klein on the Rise of Disaster Capitalism
> Wow! This is Powerful! An hour with Naomi!!
> This demands some neocon enemies of Justice be brought to true
> account for US, The Peoples, no? You decide.
> -
> Bush "Iran has openly declared that it seeks nuclear weapons."
> Look, CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS, who know the bushmob did 911, is
> saying nothing further! The demon enemy will LIE America into
> another war against GOD, and they'll only give you a happy
> wave off to see Your child die for the zionist neocon.
> -
> Happy Ramadan - [the ungodly enemy] israeli style.
> / / [enemy of the Jew] israelis kicked off their day this
> morning by shooting an unarmed 16yr old boy for throwing rocks
> at them and letting him bleed to death. \ \
> Again, not reported on CNN for freedom of nazi aggressions
> against life as Christ.
> -
> -
> $4.50 for Every Pop Can?
> Did you hear? A DOJ manager charges American tax payers $4.50
> for every can drink he, and the rest of his cadre can swallow.
> Buying bulk, the pop cans likely truly cost 35 or so cents.
> So... who's pocketing the stolen loot? Cause, you know that
> would be FRAUD. CNN reported that your 'meatball' story would
> cause no demands for the returns of stolen funs, no bushite
> would lose it's high costing position, as no one would be
> tried for treason and gloriously put to death publicly for the
> defense of God and country. ..They were actually laughing..
> This seems as good a reason as any to take back our TV world
> from the bushite neocon enemies of freedom through openly
> communicating. wadyahsay??!!? I want to address America, on
> how to return a reason for believing.
> Make it so.
> / / Soldiers: try calling the pro-bush radio station, CJOB,
> and ask them to stop thieving from our community, and
> demand they allow open, honest, intelligent discussions
> on their contempt for the Canadian flag. Thanks. P.S. You
> may have to wade through 45 minutes of their for profit
> commercials. Fuk, on weekends, when People are home from
> work, they run continuous commi crap to take even further
> more silenced. \ \
> -
> / / Why are the U.S. media untroubled that there has been no
> independent investigation of 9-11? \ \
> -
> / / Read and endorse the Nuremberg Declaration calling for the
> United States to accede to the International Criminal Court
> and bring U.S. war criminals to justice. \ \
> -
> Exit strategy: Outlaw lawlessness. Murder, rape, and the
> thieving of billions from America as STILL wrong.
> Johnny America "Death to the bushite, death to our enemies."
> New Music Video : "bin Laden didn't blow up the projects"
> What do we gotta do to get MTV, CNN, and CBC to play
> this?
> EXCLUSIVE: God Talks about Creating the Universe
> / / "as the bullets began to fly, the blood sprayed from
> between her eyes, and then I laughed maniacally." [, then were
> heard the cheers of godless bushite dumfuk traitors obscening
> to God and Man as the unholy enemy.] \ \
> Instead, we as humanity suffer with yet to be hunted demons
> who sing in joy while laughing and cheering over the murder
> of our innocent children. God, I beg you to only listen to these
> naked demons on video, then join me in calling for Justice as
> Life Wills. The company Aegis has been found killing innocent
> people for money from America, and Americans speak near nothing
> for our defenses as their very own sons and daughters die in total
> contempt.
> So never lose sight that TV news personalities hold an unwavering
> Public commitment to answer our calls for liberty with murder,
> as the enslavement of Your dying rights, through willfully
> committing criminal acts in our demonized innocent name is
> real. Johnny Wizard needs his own international live radio
> program to take open line communications.
> Nationless bushites who blindly war Life as the neocon
> enemies, war for the 911 perpetrators to escape American
> Justice. that is why I, as of GOD, cheer to hear the deaths
> of these pro torture, pro theft, pro Satanic enemies of Man.
> They confess freely to targeting INNOCENT People for murder.
> -
> / / The fact is that it shoots at figures it considers
> suspicious, with full knowledge - according to its own
> contention - that they are liable to be children. \ \
> -
> -
> Sattler ordered the murder of more than 200,000 innocent
> people in Fallujah, and they speak nothing but lies on how
> such demonic behaviors are godly as just ignored. Our Lives
> forsaken, as they hold their very own to die sacrificed for
> the unelected traitor neocon. I AM AMERICA.
> America MUST demand war crime trials for the propaganda CNN
> broadcast "Anvil of God" regarding the demonic actions of
> Bravo company. They forgot to tell America importantly, nazi
> forces forbade the population from leaving, gunning originally
> for everyone between 15 to 55, but sided instead to murder
> infants and the elderly too, when beginning the Zarqawi
> campaign by bombing hospitals as first strike targets. As
> such, the bushite murdered many good doctors and nurses - so
> all to send bushite snipers on hospital near rooftops gunning
> for every seriously injured woman and child who tried to get
> help from the Humans. While driving down residential streets,
> grenading every home of humans being. Remember that when you
> hear these dishonorable bushite thieves die rightly for god
> and country.
> [Sideline: It's been thought the reason why rescue efforts in
> New Orleans were provably sabotaged by Rove, was an attempt to
> make the blue state red.]
> See?.. women and children, who the enemy bushite forbade to
> leave the city with their innocent families, who, as were all
> living in the entire city of mosques conveniently found labeled
> therefore by bushite, "Insurgents" (or did leave earlier, and
> had our innocent families reportedly indiscriminately murdered
> two miles or so down the road by the most evil war crime act
> of recorded history.)
> Importantly, there was no evidence made awared of, that
> legitimately offered PUBLICLY, from the UN or the U.S. to
> indicate a refugee camp anywhere, but for maybe a small group
> photographed - then some belligerent bushite bogus pocus - all
> headed up by a blatant traitor to America named Sattler.
> Reminder: after the indiscriminate carnage, they couldn't
> find near anyone for weeks who would take money offered to any
> citizen freely who survived for their satanic benefactor. So
> insanely disturbing as ungodly evil doing, war criminal
> Sattler called a halt to giving out charitable considerations
> from Americans to the unseen surviving victims - all in an
> 'escape' attempt to make it look better for US, the paying
> audience. So, where did our stolen values go to then eh?
> (Sattler's pocket no doubt.)
> / / "With no medical supplies, people died from their wounds.
> Everyone in the street was a target for the Americans.
> The US also deployed incendiary weapons, including white
> phosphorous. "Usually we keep the gloves on," Captain Erik
> Krivda said, but "for this operation, we took the gloves off".
> By the end of operations, the city lay in ruins. Falluja's
> compensation commissioner has reported that 36,000 of the
> city's 50,000 homes were destroyed, along with 60 schools and
> 65 mosques and shrines. \ \
> True Tyranny - to continue as an American refusing to publicly
> demand torture, theft, and murder as unexceptable when
> battlin' evil for your dying freedoms.. Evidence we must
> pursue on 911 to know really what the heavens Johnny 'The Law
> Man' is talking about still. Justice to the bushwhacker neocon
> soldier, a foreigner who apparently speaks no defense for
> innocent Americans dying sacrificed as conned for the ill
> stolen gains of the 911 trifecta. Justice to the lying
> enemies of freedom for America in Christ. Justice for YOU.
> -
> Ron Paul nets 1st place in all straw polls since Iowa
> As I say, CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS KNOWS the bushmob kills America
> for Your stolen values.
> / / Two Years After Katrina, Billions in Relief Funds Are
> Missing \ \
> And yet, no TV network in dying America is demanding account.
> Costs too much, and hey, way too difficult. Allow me to speak
> in challenge of everyone at FOXNEWS, why don't YOU? Help me
> -
> 911 General Strike Gains Momentum
> Here's to praying to God in hopes America will STAND. Get me
> on our radios why don't you? Buddy..? help me
> -
> Announcement Of 9/11 War Crimes Tribunal
> / / a Judge on the Kuala Lumpur International War Crimes Tribunal,
> will make a public call for an International Citizen's 9/11
> War Crimes Tribunal. \ \
> Here's to praying to God in hopes America will STAND. Get
> US on our radios why don't you? Buddy..? help US
> -
> Israeli High Court permits torture of Innocent Humans
> / / Israel has illustrated contempt for law and the value of
> human life, or even possessing an ethical standard of moral
> behavior with respect to civil and human rights \ \
> Of what religion to any GOD, is this ZIONIST nazi
> behavior condoned? Demonic thieving bushite enemies of
> Man lie about such behaviors bring about 'freedom', but
> who of US wouldn't kill such contempt to save the lives
> of Our innocent beloved families? A bushite kidnaps
> Iraqis routinely, (or orders the murder of those between
> 15-55,) and what of any real man present, doesn't
> immediately arrest or kill such CONTEMPTIBLE bushite
> loyalists to the ungodly enemy antichrist?
> Christ in America - Death to Our Enemies
> "The most powerful audio performance of GOD since never!"
> I, as the Son of Man, DEMAND, America order millions of
> gallons of clean drinking water to be shipped immediately to
> Iraq to save the lives of US, the Human species. Please, help
> US make this a reality. Today. Please.
> / / The Bush administration's lack of interest in recovering
> stolen funds is one of the great scandals of the war. \ \
> Scandal? Come on, we have to hunt down bushite to defend our
> DYING innocent lives. Bill a bushite for God, bill a bushite
> for America.
> [BUSHITE LIAR] US preparing 'massive' military attack against
> [innocent] Iran
> -
> Tatum, who freely confesses he's a proud child killer without
> apology, is being made a free man in evil bushite amerika.
> The TRAITOR prosecutor has ridiculously stated to our world -
> / / Lt. Col. Paul J. Ware wrote in a 29-page report that
> there is insufficient evidence to show that Lance Cpl.
> Stephen B. Tatum did anything other than follow Marine Corps
> rules when he killed [for no reason, innocent] women and children \ \
> TATUM ADMITS he enjoyed slaughtering the defenseless families
> deliberately!! In fact, he wrote a card to a dead marine's
> family, testifying that he murdered the innocent young girls
> for the tyrannies of the antichrist. Evidence that TRAITOR
> Paul Ware and Mattis hides from the Christian American Family.
> Will YOU, as an American man, allow these two bush bitch nazi
> punks to survive as furthering the commitment of more war
> crimes against the INNOCENT? as a zionist neocon's "Hero"?
> Will You defend our girls? Peoples of Earth! Help Me save our
> children.. please.. please..please
> TRAITOR Paul Ware "Tatum shot and killed people in houses 1
> and 2, but the reason he did so was because of his training
> and the circumstances he was placed in, not to exact revenge
> and commit murder."
> See?, Tatum is a zionist, but not Jewish!!! While neocons
> suggest our reality impossible without corporate challenge
> for exploitation of our 'unrepresented' lives.
> / / Ware has recommended to [demonic nazi enemy of Life
> 'judge'] Lt. Gen. James N. Mattis, that charges be
> dismissed, \ \
> "Mad Dog Mattis,"
> MATTIS!! The guy who murdered countless women and children at
> a wedding party, while after getting caught PROPAGANDIZING to
> forsaken America the innocent victims as al-Qaida!! CAUGHT!
> Mattis called innocent six year old girls "al-Qaida"! CAUGHT!
> has been made into a "JUDGE"!! THE WOMEN HATING NAZI FUK! A
> JUDGE of Men by 'law' in bushville!!!
> the [anyone's] CHILD KILLER Lt. Gen. James N. Mattis QUOTE:
> "It's fun to shoot some people" - defenseless innocent WOMEN
> Prosecutor Lt. Col. Paul Atterbury "Lance Corporal Tatum
> entered a home and participated in the killing of Iraqis who
> were not legitimate targets, then entered a second home and
> participated in the murder of [more innocent] women and children,"
> / / One of the Marines charged with murdering civilians in Haditha,
> Iraq, in 2005 knew that only women and children were huddled in
> a back bedroom in a house there, but he [TATUM] opened the door
> and shot them anyway, a squadmate testified Tuesday. \ \
> TRAITOR Mattis "The Marines have landed, and we now [as ENRON]
> own a piece of Afghanistan." [thieving from all for 911's neocon,
> especially undefended American pensioners... hail satan - 666.]
> / / Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates announced Sept. 11 that the
> President has nominated Lt. Gen. James N. Mattis for appointment
> to the rank of general. \ \
> / / They [THE CIA'S IG REPORT] have conceded the 911
> commission report is not the last word. Let's rally on that. \ \
> ! ! ! D I R E C T L Y ! ! !
> Murder for stolen money in America's America!, and CBC, CNN,
> FOXNEWS report no cause to care! Treasonous George Norry CONS
> Americans to murder for the evil neocons with threat of his
> going "ballistic" against any or all Americans who try to
> stand up as a Just peoples for what is righT, for Life and/or
> God by SPEAKING FREELY. Will You try?, or go silent to die as
> unworthy? Your call bud...
> -
> / / Nano particles of iron were found throughout the dust of
> the WTC collapses -- This phenomenon can only be produced when
> iron is brought to its BOILING point. Pull your head out of
> your ass and start looking at some scientific facts \ \
> -
> What Freedom do bushite war the innocent for to rape, pillage,
> and murder as blind neocon followers of the 'lawless' demon
> antichrist? Eh?
> "Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad"
> CBC, CNN, FOXNEWS, the Zionists, purposefully work to LIE to
> the dying American Marine, that the ungodly bushite wars to
> escape the 911 perpetrators hold some hidden benefit, as the
> TREASONOUS neocon thieves freely rob from both undefended
> American and Iraqi citizens, The neoconner, Mr. Bush closed
> criminal investigations on 911 immediately after the event
> occurring, while Billions are stolen through 'ear marks' and
> TVed Americans have no care known to speak of.
> Done with American tax paid for rapists, torturers, and
> terrorists like Aegis who dress up as al-Qaida to murder godly
> lovers of Justice. CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS would rather kill
> the Marine, than teach them where to aim their weaponry of
> liberation.
> CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS speaks NOTHING to demand the execution
> of hiding as 'British' soldiers who on prized video tape, beat
> to death young barefoot children for erotic fun, nor on
> mercury vaccines not banned minus "The President" in name.
> BANNED if God were Loved by America, or that the man or woman
> on the street would financially support my rise by popular
> command. Would you leave me to know, I will be left without a
> home to rest, or food to feed my hunger? Would an American?,
> I ask all Peoples of Earth to witness the American's contempt
> for Our worthy lives. Sattler ordered the murder of more than
> 200,000 innocent people in Fallujah, and they speak nothing
> but lies on how such demonic behaviors are godly as just
> ignored. Our Lives forsaken, as they hold their very own to
> die sacrificed for the unelected neocon. I AM AMERICA.
> Johnny America Speaks Out
> "what's this freedom war against Life for again"?
> Hannity is a perfect example of what a neocon is. It's a one
> way communications system. He tells us what we think, and
> he'll never takes our calls, they won't read our emails, and
> they'll continue to pretend WE don't exist. AND... when WE
> die, they'll be richer for it. AND you'll be dead, your
> innocent brother will be dead, your innocent child will be
> dead. No evidence against an accused is US being truly
> abused. George Walker Bush is Guilty for 911, while every
> irrational bushite is a traitor to the American Family.
> : FBI Called off Terror Investigations
> THERE ARE certain principles that we would all agree to
> publicly speaking. There are criminals who don't like these
> ideas, but they ain't going to speak out against us. Example
> 'I don't want to be held accountable to the American public,
> cause I want to steal that 16 billion dollars for myself.
> That's my public opinion.' What are we going to do but defend
> ourselves of deathly lawless tyranny, eventually. Or, you
> won't by DECIDING not to decide. Support our rise as the top
> cop of Humanity, coming down for diplomatic talks to engage
> the flagrant wanton stupidity of the bushite grunters. All on
> hopes you'll consider also, these Kingly texts worth a couple
> hedge funder salaries, a sixty cent barrel of oil marked up to
> 74 dollars, or a thousandth of the money America would save in
> a year, if you adopted Canadian Health care systems overnight
> for yourself to immediately provide all People the respect for
> life we deserve. Or don't, and needlessly continue to pay
> twice as much, while dying broke as self made losers without a
> cause worth preserving. A free market open to waste for profit
> Quiz Yourself on 'Israeli Democracy'
> Federal No-Bid Contracts On Rise
> Mike Huckabee Publicly Questioned on 911's ISI General!!!
> / / ISI Lieutenant General, who ordered the wire transfer of $100,000
> (an estimated 1/5 of the operation's funding) to lead hijacker
> Mohamed Atta, was in Washington meeting with United States
> officials before and after 9/11. \ \
> -
> UN's Admission: Lebanon Was Right All Along
> / / Last month its cartographers quietly admitted that Lebanon
> is right in claiming sovereignty over a small fertile area
> known as the Shebaa Farms, still occupied by Israel. Israel
> argues that the territory is Syrian and will be returned in
> future peace talks with Damascus, even though Syria backs
> Lebanon's position. The UN's admission has been mostly
> ignored by the international media. \ \
> Nazi zionists gave US Jews a bad rap again I see. They're
> despicable criminal savages the neocon.. who steal the rights
> and privileges of US peopled folks, all to fall victimized
> with their self confessed contempt for love and justice.
> Condi's crew dropped seven million land mines to murder
> ourselves for generations, and, shouldn't she and the neocons
> responsible be put to death for such conducts?? If not then,
> when? discuss.. They openly target innocent human beings
> indiscriminately without apology, but excuses that don't hold
> water. Not that corporate news professionals are even
> pouring! It's most definitely the re-occurring true story of
> a censored mankind with You as it's innocent victim. For,
> what human would support victimizing others for the tyranny of
> blind terror? Only bushite amerika would fall silent under
> such self contempt for our constitutions.
> / / [.. ]Israeli "Defense" Force (IDF) has announced that it
> will discontinue its practice of "capturing" populated
> Palestinian villages during military training exercises. The
> IDF states it will "reexamine their policy" of conducting
> such raids on uninformed, panic-stricken Palestinian villages. \ \
> Tell me, is this the godly people the neocon boast of for
> defense in? Or, just again examples of standing terrorism
> against life ourselves - committed by the censored as will
> giving, sacrificing American payer? Justice is Freedom.
> Do you care to buy the bushite lies, when they commit openly
> the very same terrorist acts they say we should all be
> outraged against? Somalia is a case to point. They murder
> helpless people as bushite, then say they'll remain dying to
> thieve further as enemies to Humans being. It doesn't fool
> me, but perhaps it does you. A neocon soldier murders
> innocent Iraqis, while selling you they are all there risking
> their lives to bring freedom. So, they die. For lies. Die.
> Again, KNOWN Aegis goons openly commit crimes against Iraq
> done officially to get killed! the supposed to be Patriot
> Marine. P2OG. Soldiers under bushite command would rather
> die cowardly, than to honorably demand the bushmob's arrest
> for public trials as defeating ungodly fascist war criminals.
> Why suffer otherwise this way under the tyrannies of naked
> neocon plunder to deny our lives for measured justice I ask
> YOU again, please believe: truth will set us free.
> Al-Qaida = General Mahmoud Ahmad = ungodly bushite liars
> I can't understand why you can't help get this party up as
> starting by supporting our rise to highest acclaim with my
> authority free willed to anyone. Let's face it, we're great
> because Your great. However, for greed, corporate america
> aren't taking our concerns nightly. We want Justice, and WE
> will get it if we reflect together with impeccable credentials
> as standing with measured reason for proper assessment on
> rights making might. Who is who here, a freeing peoples I
> tell you, arriving to bring a true patriotism to Life for US.
> Are you with yourself as respected an equal under the law
> devised fairly for all concerned parties?.. well then...
> let's g o ! ! !
> be Great!,
> for here comes the mighty,
> Johnny America - make way! make way!
> -
> Footage of Israeli Soldiers Beating Palestinian Children
> -
> Where is the Evidence?
> How so can all of Iranian Military Officers be
> "terrorists", while lawless bushite bomb defenseless
> innocent peoples indiscriminately routinely, with
> praises from the actual demon antichrist responsible
> personally for 911 I want to know. NOW. Kill a bushite
> THIEF for American Freedom why don't You victimized
> Peoples of Earth? A bushite kills bushite for stolen
> nickels. Examples: Aegis, Condi's land-mines, fixed
> elections, torturing. driving over children, blahblahblah..
> Al-Qaida = General Mahmoud Ahmad = ungodly bushite liars
> / / Or, instead, maybe you'll idly watch some innocent person
> willfully be sent to prison by liars in your demonized name,
> to defend the ungodly evils of war criminal traitor, our Mr.
> Bush Jr. in foolish disguises. Your call Bud. \ \
> Gaffney "It is not George Bush, it is not the Neocons,"
> "," = swinging pocket watch
> -
> bushite talk about random killing of godly persons
> "You can basically kill anyone you want"
> / / Just a "few bad apples"? I don't think so, this is much
> more widespread from what those soldiers were saying, and
> -
> I'm a Good Man
> "Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad"
> Why will you not as a member of Humanity, make the call
> to the Coast to Coast radio network of demon evil nazi
> savages who deny your legitimate concern be addressed freely?
> Hate God and Love do you? Couldn't care less could you
> for the giving lives of ignorant Americans as an American?
> George Norry isn't as stupid as he wishes you believe him
> to be, when he supports lawless carnage against the
> innocent, to help escape those truly responsible for 911.
> 26,000 total Tickets sold - 14,302 votes tabulated;article=112801;show_p...
> / / An Investigation is needed here. \ \
> I said that years ago, but the bushmob isn't listening, because,
> hey, happy George Norry don't care, and CBC, CNN, and FOXNEWS
> isn't taking our calls either man.
> -
> Pro-mass murderer war criminal Kristol once again, speaking
> freely to Jon Stewart unchallenged internationally on Our TVs
> as "Two Jews" stated..
> "We don't believe in original sin."
> Colbert half an hour later, "Are you calling Jesus a liar?"
> Now, that's funny..
> See? Jon Stewart isn't Jewish, for he's not black, and he
> speaks no words in defense of the innocent robbed and murdered
> in his "Jewish" name. A Zionist! He wants to sound our
> public voice silent where a Hitler or Kristol marches innocent
> others into gas chambers by calling ourselves terrorists
> without a thread of evidence to thieve from as unworthy. Few
> know, Hitler was a staunch Zionist too. The excuse would be,
> but G-D is worse.. because, as the "Two [atheist] Jews", they
> can commit no sin against Christ by trumpeting demon evil lies
> as if, we have no stronger indivisible arguments present in
> OUR defense ever for Just causes. AND, he's near the best our
> American national TV media has to offer!
> I believe, Jon Stewart suffers from
> the ignorance of Celebrity more so, than a genuine hatred for
> Humanity.. as that is the fault of most TVed Americans.
> Nothing more greater than getting on the boob tube, to really
> make your mark on this fleeting world as they sell their life
> away for nothing but the privilege to be recognized at a gala
> swarray.. fed on the victimized innocent of Humanity left
> robbed as worthless their grand stage. His show is often
> quite bright however, and leastly, reminds people, that CNN,
> CBC, and FOXNEWS isn't the be all and end all of respect for
> US caring viewers.
> but looksee.. EVIL is real though -
> THINK of how Truly evil a person would be to lie for CNN
> on this issue.. a "Jew"? would do this?..
> A "Jew"?
> / / The inflammatory words MEMRI blasted the US media with
> were when the young caller "Sanable" was supposed to have said
> "we will annihilate the Jews" were not even mentioned by the
> caller or by anyone else in that clip. \ \
> SEE! A ZIONIST SAID, "we will annihilate the Jews"
> / / When hundreds of millions are calling for the
> extermination of the Jews of Israel this is more than a lie;
> it is a blood libel. \ \ This is like satanic neo-nazi EVIL no?
> -
> The "Shock and Awe" Gallery
> Demon evil enemy neocon George Norry is a naked traitor to History:
> "..Show me proof that there are real demons"
> You, George Norry are a demon because you purposefully
> broadcast to my America the need for neoconned soldiers to die
> for the lawless demon antichrist, knowing full well, you work
> 'happy' to escape the 911 perpetrators of American
> Wrath, like General Ahmad, with your truly evil demonism about
> Life, and betrayal to freedom for US humans.. George Norry is
> 'the evil spirits' he says you can never find. Evidence.
> What?
> There is no found honor in a thiefs paradise of neocon plunder
> my friends, no honor.
> -
> Elected Governments All Over The World
> British MP Galloway and Richard Perle on TV together!!
> Galloway "These are the people who have overthrown elected
> governments all over the world. and he [Richard Perle] comes
> on your program to prattle about democracy. These people
> don't want democracy, they want slave governments. If it's a
> slave dictatorship - that's fine. If it's a slave elected
> government - that's also fine. The only thing that matters is
> that the government is a slave government. That is why they
> will never invade Egypt. They will never invade Saudi Arabia.
> They only invade countries, or threaten to invade countries,
> who stand against them and who refuse to be slaves to them.
> That is why they hated Iraq, that's why they hate Iran. That
> is why they hate Syria. Of all the faults of all the three
> regimes in these three countries - they were never slaves to
> the United States, and that's why they were attacked. [...^]
> In Iran, 17 million people voted for the president,
> Ahmadinejad, and 10 million voted for his opponent Rafsanjani.
> Those 27 million are determined to exercise their right to
> nuclear power. The response of Bush and Perle is to threaten
> them with invasion. These are the people who murdered
> Salvador Allende, the elected president of Chile. These are
> the people who have overthrown elected governments all over
> the world."
> Perl of wisdum 'yeah so? Peenackers steal the rights of
> freedom from people for stolen profits - we rob Americans of
> their freedom, as is their pocket books, and their wasted
> effort, all easily conned to be sacrificed for death by false
> conclusions trumped up by a naked false accuser who will
> accuse yous lost blindly as the innocent sucker - er.. I mean
> suckers, Your Mr. Bush Jr., is a demon evil whos attack is
> not televised for defending yourselves over. Truth and
> Justice, we own. See?, peenackers are filthy rich from
> conning your, given life away, right before your eyes. What
> are we going to do about what is given, bust the bad guys for
> blatant treason against Cops and the Universe? I mean really.'
> The Iraq War Exposed
> Neocons are frankly, just dumb don't you know. Don't forget
> though, their unwavering Public commitment to answer with
> murder as enslavement of Your rights, through committing
> criminal acts in our demonized innocent name is real. Johnny
> Wizard needs his own international live radio program. Any
> others of all knowing sentience as wisdom being smarter than
> whoever, even willing to start too a conversation over these
> matters of justice for freedom ad-infinitum!?
> What?
> -
> 911 Leaders Saying They Are Jesus
> Jason Bermas "I just want to let people know, that if this is
> a hit piece that involves, you know, saying that we're all
> blaming the Jews, or the Zionists, or something ridiculous,
> where we go after an ethnic group, [Jason Bermas suggests
> "Jews" = "Zionists"?] 'we' can not be associated with
> ANTI-SEMITISM, space beams, utter kookery.
> Alex Jones "Or Jesus! they have 911 leaders saying they are
> Jesus now. They have people saying it's space beams from
> Pluto. And folks, I've tracked these people, they all were
> formally in intelligence, or connected to the Bushes, the
> space beam thing came from a almost cabinet member level Bush
> member, and folks this is a setup to poison our movement."
> Now??
> I've given my phone number several times to Alex Jones, of
> which he's not as of yet, invited me on as official guest, for
> fears he can find no arguments against US I presume. 911
> financier Ahmad = al Qaida, and we have molten iron on video
> flowing like water. Demon Bush Jr. gave US zero, while
> closing criminal investigations immediately after the
> terrorist offense of no questions!, no questions! Case
> closed. But no, the American media rarely if never mention
> these facts, while insisting Bush's deathly war criminalling
> is as only a puppet, look away! look away!, leaving without
> challenge on the, teen like naivety of's
> consistence that "we", who demand justice for 911, who might
> also hold the opinion that zionist behavior does not blindly
> equal being Jewish, should not be allowed to speak Justly for
> our public challenge, because bushite Amerika has no defense
> for censorship against ANY of our judicial wanting, as
> documented positions on behalf of the suffering to death
> victimized public. Why? Because we are Just. Well, I try to
> be anyway. (I've spoken as written for YEARS, with NO ONE
> WORLD WIDE countering in the public realm, but for the
> strangely odd insult. Bushite do exist, don't get god wrong,
> but dumb evil bushite brood in darkness with censorship like
> all zionists do, selling to be 'godly' honorable men, when in
> truth, they'd murder anyone of US for a stolen nickel given to
> a neocon. I, as open line talk radio producer, win every
> time, always, forever, never fail. [er.. yet..] Why?
> Because I treat YOU fairly. America should do the same. We
> are all in this together. Zionists like robbing then killing
> defenseless innocent Christians, and Jews, while just lying
> that they don't without scened factual TV perception. Demon
> 911 WITCH, zionist Condi 'okayed' the dropping of more than
> SEVEN MILLION land-mines on Lebanon, purposefully done to
> indiscriminately murder ourselves for generations. Jason
> might foolishly call you an "anti-Semite" in fear for speaking
> such not understood truths. And importantly, not because they
> can publicly disagree so in open debate, so sides to not allow
> US to rise in acknowledgement to bring about Justice as
> demanded, for ALL as ANY. (Gee, who's the neocon now eh?
> (we're all sinners.))
> If Americans really want 911 Justice:
> Help US out by putting the video of molten iron flowing like
> water out there in the minds of any who have doubts, tell them
> hypno mugger Bush, gave US zero to substantiate his public
> falsehoods, and tell US about Ahmad as more than a passing
> fact that means little of nothing, then, WE, The People, will
> believe this has more to do with Justice for Humanity, than
> the American suffering movie goer ego being, "leading the free
> world", by voicing no public concerns on the criminality of
> the bushmob shysters. Left happying in the George Norry, as a
> TRAITOR to a dying America not hearing. An enemy of Liberty
> to the, tried to be free soldier, who is led TO DIE still
> un-wittingly by lie for the misfortuned neocon bounty of
> global tyranny through coast to coast story lining. Look, the
> peenackers will tell you freakishly, that they work to lie to
> us all, to take advantage of a plain to view weakness. I
> swear. The neocon wants to con your kid to die for a war lied
> into with as our stolen goods. We lose as crime victims,
> while they win free accountability because, (well... I'll
> just let you finish that one liner sucker punch..)
> Jason Bermas "I just want to point out that we're going to
> encourage the people to look at the evidence for themselves."
> -
> Do Republicans mean to bring health care suffering out of
> control with no market values, because truly they have little
> of no skills when it comes to fixing their own buffoonery?
> Hmm... unless they count to hide the bean all together,
> fixing the game intentionally to have US lose by remote
> controlling stupidity! 300 channels, and nobody's taking our
> call from the space cased file of, "what's this freedom war
> against Life for again"? Look, is mercury as a medicine good
> or bad do you think?, let's ask someone for Christ's sake. Or
> for Deb, Henry, Bill, Beth, Mark, Carol or Tony. Johnny
> Wizard, our everyday normal magic man of folklore, opens up
> the stage to ask all the people together, "Are we Man or
> machine to take this all lying down quietly"? We need to talk
> about what a King like me, is doing in a place like this,
> under appreciated, and left alone without my home, dying for a
> break in radio programming, as President of the company that
> started the sands running, Shareware Earth Co., a god-like
> production of miracle and wonder!! You just participate, and
> you won't even believe how good we could have it, Rejoice, for
> Johnny Jesus has come down for diplomatic talks. Give away!
> Give away!
> Again, CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS, (who advertise their listening)
> suggest G.W. Bush and Co. have publicly acted nothing
> warranting immediate arrest, or have openly supported the
> great Kucinich's plan for Impeachment, and consequently, are
> leveraging America into this mess 'because' we were portrayed
> as sold to the U.N. for freedom as Iraqi's Grand Strategy.
> BOGUS! Nothing about the PLANNING of killing people
> indiscriminately for financial criminal gains as bonafide
> terrorists, for we had unrestricted access prior to dropping
> bombs for mangy LIAR neocons. ORHA. I have yet heard FOXNEWS
> complain in pains of liar BUSH personally being the al-Qaida
> cause responsible, (like Alex Jones sells foolishly falsely
> also) More than a million INNOCENT people have been murdered
> directly by the criminal action of the broken Bush Rule,
> UN-CONSTITUTIONAL! Don't they know of what You speak? Now???
> Make it so,
> President and CEO of Shareware Earth Co.
> King Johnny Wizard
> Christ is Person ! ! !
> Justice to the bushite, Justice to the enemies of America, so
> called out the Son to God as King of men:
> Like, so in walks this, out of work time Lord who thinks to
> converse to the masses about the most basic of reasons to save
> the lives of innocent others, leaving him convinced, he really
> needed an audience for this fable to rise as profitable
> venture. So, it was followed to make it out there in this
> real world, is to care for Justice measured. All done so to
> bring greater hope for a better future as all would follow,
> boy, were they surprised!
> Johnny Wizard has arrived..
> Spare me some money won't you please for this art of wonderous
> tragedy?, Jeeze..
> P.S. I'm still hoping that Coast to Coast will bill me godman
> co-host, all to openly address these freedom for all
> operations, with Justice ruling our way over the irrational
> tyrannies practiced by others happily blinded. Evidence is
> required to convince ourselves on who is good or evil.
> Period. Don't like it? Too bad. We are on charged!!
> = alqaida videos you can get nowhere else!
> It is important to also realize, this intecenter terror
> bringer does nothing to sell the arrest of the actual
> perpetrators of 911 by supporting our Policed requirement to
> form actual evidenced conclusions in our the land of the make
> believe. Now, who personally are these pro-bushite
> anti-American terror scripters, and what is it going to take
> to find an informed citizenry out in these here parts, to make
> the proper conclusions by phone calling for furthering our
> infos around to channels of command of the big ringers in the
> sky. I'm sure we's a be furious over these facts of high
> treason in America if we were allowed to freely say as much on
> our radios and TV networks. Al-Qaida = General Mahmoud Ahmad
> That's what I'm talking about.
> over and out
> -
> / / A group of wounded civilians were also brought to a
> hospital in neighboring Kandahar. Journalists were barred
> from filming or talking to them inside the wards. \ \
> Freedom from what do bushite murder indiscriminately?
> / / Iowa GOP is STILL planning to use the easily rigged
> Diebold computers to "count" the vote at the Straw poll! \ \
> THIS IS TREASON. But, look, teen soldiers are commanded to be
> bushite nazi savages, who cowardly refuse to defend America
> from Mr. al-Qaida, General Ahmad, all to thieve further from
> the undefended American public.
> -
> / / eight million Iraqis require immediate emergency aid \ \
> I, as the Son of Man, DEMAND, America order millions of
> gallons of clean drinking water to be shipped immediately to
> Iraq to save the lives of US, the Human species. Please, help
> US make this a reality. Today. Please.
> -
> - but -
> Again, evil bushite THIEVES claim they are justified when
> indiscriminately bombing populated cities to MURDER US People.
> General Johnny would teach MY soldiers to immediately arrest
> to kill for such criminality. In fact, I'd likely even throw
> in some bonus cash, an a Freedom medal from all lovers of
> Liberty. Did you know, many bushite sing a song about killing
> innocent young girls for pleasure? Did you know that also, an
> "American" radio host likes playing that same song as recorded
> on "American" airwaves? Fight back for God, or die from self
> contempt my friends, fight back for life and love.
> Again, evil bushite THIEVES claim they are justified when
> indiscriminately bombing populated cities to MURDER US People.
> All to help 'escape' the neocon ENEMIES of America - they also
> support "officially" destroying Our public infrastructure,
> thieving humanitarian aid, while incarcerating innocent people
> to collectively be punished by the TRULY Satanic enemies of
> GOD. Ten "CIA" bushite enemies have been found to have
> kidnapped near one thousand innocent Americans to be tortured
> to death, in tyrannical nations friendly under American funding
> by Bush unquestioningly. Fight back for your neighbor, fight
> back for America, fight back for YOURSELF. Or, don't.
> See the bushite, you bill it for Christ, You bill it for
> America, You bill it for them, you bill it for US.
> Murdering bushite gang rapists try escaping true accountability
> / / Why did the Army, within three hours, return to tell
> neighbors that this was the work of insurgents apparently
> without any investigation? \ \
> See? in Johnny's world, that "the Army" person would have
> been the FIRST questioned, then likely arrested. But look, it
> hasn't even been acknowledged as evil doing in progress.
> (Every time you read, "The Army says..", become aware.)
> It should be noted, ungodly bushite enemy commanders call
> every car bomb in Iraq, al-Qaida, without even pretending to
> do freedom operations for YOUR protections, as just another
> dead body in the rubble. (Likely caused by Aegis for cash
> profit.) So then, look my friends, Amerka refuses to demand
> justice to save the lives of their very own sons and
> daughters. And when, WE, Humanity, beg them to answer our
> calls for accountability, they refuse but for to LIE, stating
> publicly, "God" would grant robbing from innocent others, to
> enrich their great unholy tyrannical demon liar. They know
> easily that the bushmob did 911, and they like it. No, they
> crave it. The chance of murdering their own "loves" to
> enslave the human race for the antichrist, sounds great, just
> as long as they can get themselves in on the take.
> / / Idiot General Says Dead U.S. Troops Best Reason To Keep
> War Going And Kill More U.S. Troops
> [Option B: More Dead U.S. Generals And Fewer Dead U.S.
> Troops ?] \ \
> If the sacrifice of soldiers lives is going to mean anything,
> it going to mean how long it took, Americans to care for
> themselves as really worth something. When, or if that day
> should come, it will be the day where Iraqis victims are seen,
> as just you or me. Today, there is nothing more i wish, than
> to hear bushite nazi savage thieves for the neocon die
> rightly, before the innocent they target for murder. All in
> an attempt to 'escape' those truly responsible for the crimes
> of 911 a bushite whore practices, as an enemy to Christ and
> America.
> Just look at that my friends of Earth just look at that.
> Americans speak only contempt for the value of human life.
> Every day, INNOCENT Iraqis die by the criminal actions of the
> demonic neocon enemy forces of EVIL, and our deaths as the god
> loving mean nothing. A small few die in a bridge ACCIDENT,
> and every corporate channel devotes the entire day's news as
> it. Allawi confesses to killing children for "CIA" money, and
> there, as with the soldiers who braggingly, beat innocent
> children to death for sexual pleasure, bomb people
> indiscriminately, or steal all the humanitarian aid, don't
> command your slightest concern as impartial paying for it TV
> viewers. They say, US people who aren't "Americans", do not
> deserve due process, the freedoms they claim to own
> exclusively, of which WE, are granted nothing of. See?, by
> not using evidence to from your guilty verdicts, how can it be
> therefore possible, to know, you've arrested, tried, then
> executed a mass murdering NEOCON war criminal? I don't think
> Americans could possibly be more disrespectful to God and
> country, Johnny and Justice right now, do You?
> / / We know that a crime was committed on 911. George W.
> Bush, of course, quashed all investigations before they could
> begin. Since when are crimes not investigated? [...] It is
> not too late, however, to begin such an investigation. There
> is no statute of limitations on mass murder. \ \
> We, as Humanity, have to rise against the neocon LIAR enemies
> who forsake the value of Human life. Death to the bushite,
> death to the enemies of America's America.
> / / Army Secretary Pete Geren asked a military review panel to
> decide whether Lt. Gen. Philip Kensinger, who led Army
> special forces operations in Afghanistan after the Sept. 11
> attacks, should also have his rank reduced. \ \
> A bushite demon CAUGHT aiding and abetting the crime of FIRST
> DEGREE MURDER of a trying to be Patriot Soldier, is made to
> fear in bushite amerka, he might face a reduction in rank!
> / / Congressman Dennis Kucinich, a member of the House
> oversight and government reform committee, which has been
> investigating war contractors. "There s no democratic control
> and there s no intention to have democratic control here." \ \
> Right. The demonic lawless actions of Aegis posing as
> al-Qaida killing police officers undermine freedom for Iraqis
> and Americans, alone with ALL the rest of US. All criminally
> gotten assets of lawless mercenaries will be hunted by every
> police service; those that complain as traitors to Freedom as
> Justice, WE, the real Patriot warriors, committed to defensive
> measures, will be rewarded to bill for. IF! Johnny is
> recognized a Mythical King with money to spend better than a
> neocon saboteur. Your call... Reminder: The neocons in YOUR
> power, were never elected, nor, was Bush the demon enemy of
> all Human Life. A demon that says if you disagree with his
> blind blanket statements against innocent Life, YOUR a
> terrorist. At least with GOD, we'd be only killing criminals
> we couldn't otherwise defend ourselves from with evidenced
> conclusion through practiced Law judged fairly.
> / / regularly breaks news on the
> clandestine world of private contractors and US
> intelligence, recently established that Washington
> spends $42bn (#21bn) annually on private intelligence
> contractors \ \
> do the math - do the math - do the math - do the math
> 42 billion. 42 thousand million. Or, hiring maybe twenty
> or thirty bushite LIAR enemies, who blindly giving Americans
> pay not only billion dollar saleries, but also with their
> forsaken lives as unworthy of real protections. CNN, CBC,
> and FOXNEWS knows the bushmob did 911.
> So, million dollar saleries? I doubt. Likely a neocon enemy
> or two robbing from an undefended America. Remember, Peter
> Power wants US to believe ALL of Scotland Yard would murder
> Brits for stolen bucks. Frankly chaps, I just refuse to
> believe such bullocks.
> Be me man,
> King Johnny Wizard
> -
> The Ground Truth
> The part where pro-bush "American" soldiers drive over
> children to kill them for fun, all because they say our
> Humanity let's those responsible escape retribution for being
> Satanically evil as enemies to Christ, left me angered beyond
> words. While CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS couldn't care less for
> those children, but will tell us, these 9 accident victims
> must rule, so far, two full days of wall to wall coverage.
> "Pro-Western" Allawi blowing up school buses for "CIA"
> money? Who cares? Really who cares in TV America for
> defending OUR children's lives I'm saying? Get me in the
> news my brothers and sisters, and I'll make the best of it.
> Just do it. Fear not for my life loves, fear for your
> life left to silently die in contempt for Humans being.
> Thanx much.
> -
> "He never would have called me 'sniveling,"
> / / The chaplain's name is blacked out in the documents. \ \
> -
> Jeeze, nobody tell Chris what CNN is reporting
> " So, the longer we stay there.. do the number of people
> in al-Qaida grow or become lesser? Aren't there more
> al-Qaida every year?... Because if we stay there four
> more years.."
> Jeeze, nobody tell Chris what CNN is reporting, where
> the murder of innocent people outside of Baghdad makes
> the neocon soldiers appear as Heroes, all because they
> can blindly blame the CRIME on al-Qaida without even
> the slightest inquiry. Catch this Revelation, among
> many others, in one of many miraculous Mr. America,
> Johnny Wizard Podcasts. Get your copy before they're
> all gone!!
> -
> "I just brought TERROR to someone else, under the "American"
> flag, and that is just not what I joined the "American" Army
> to do." - dying needlessly for the enemy of GOD antichrist
> responsible personally for the treasons of 911 with his
> zionist neocon partners of EVIL.
> -
> / / President Shimon Peres has called on the world to unite
> against Iran and to force it to abandon its nuclear weapons
> program. \ \
> Let Jews of the World rise to demand Peres "The Devil", be
> put to death for alleging a FALSEHOOD to murder Humanity
> for our stolen religious values. Peres is the actual Devil.
> No, seriously. I am as surprised as anyone.. No, seriously.
> Signed,
> Poor Jew Johnny, the richly Magnificent!
> / / DCI said the children confessed to the charges
> brought against them after extended periods of
> interrogation, which occurred before their court
> appearance. The report includes personal testimonies
> from children that expose physical and sexual abuse
> at the hands of the Israeli army and brutal treatment
> during lengthy periods of interrogation. At the end
> of the interrogation process the children were told
> to sign papers, despite not knowing what they were
> signing. \ \
> Realize: American tax payers fund this unquestioningly.
> -
> -
> The King of America - Citizens Face Full Asset Seizure
> / / "(ii) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided
> financial, material, logistical, or technical support for, or
> goods or services in support of, such an act or acts of
> violence or any person whose property and interests in
> property are blocked pursuant to this order; \ \
> So, those who don't support the return of all stolen monies
> from Iraq, who continue to undermine Humanity's chances for
> Justice in Iraq, (like every ...
> read more