Re: Time for an Australia Republic is never!


Louis Epstein

In Donald4564 <> wrote:
: On Nov 28, 3:00 am, wrote:
:> The ouster of Howard is a good sign. Now that there are two party
:> leaders who champion the cause of a Republic, it should be incumbent
:> to further this cause: More than 60% of Australians, and more than 90%
:> of young Australian citizens, back the removal of this "peculiar
:> institution" that has no place in a modern, egalitarian society, and
:> switch back into a Republican mode. (By Republican I do NOT mean a
:> George-Bush-Republican by any way!).
:> Howard botched the majority's will by deviously undermining the
:> Republican campaign. It should be noted that it should be learned from
:> the mistakes made and either:
:> 1. Kevin Rudd go two stages - first "Yes" or "No" to the Republic
:> concept.
:> OR
:> 2. Primary ballot question in that regard, followed by sub-questions
:> in order to determine:
:> a. Do you want a symbolic head of state elected by Parliament.
:> b. Do you want to switch to a Republican executive mode as in the USA.
:> c. Do you want to popularly elect a figurehead president like in
:> Ireland?
:> OR
:> d. Do you want Parliament to elect an executive president (as in
:> Italy)?
:> This time, with an avowed Republican at the helm, do not repeat past
:> mistakes.
:> David Huang
:> P.S. With Turnbull possibly winning the Liberal Party's ensuing
:> primaries, maybe it's going to turn out for the best. Two Republican
:> party leaders.
: Hopefully Prime Minister-elect, Mr. Rudd will have more important
: matters on his mind rather than bring up this old warhorse again.
: Mr. Huang, I don't know where you get this figure of 60% in favour of
: a republic when the question was overwhelmingly voted "No" in a
: majority of the states in 1999.
: I presume also that you and your republican cohorts are to fund the
: cost of putting the vote again? Last time it cost over $5 million. Why
: waste the taxpayers money putting this question over and over until
: you may think you will get the result you want?

That's the republican on it as many times as
necessary to get a "Yes" and then treat that "Yes" as
settling the matter for all eternity with no possibility
of reversal.

: In Australia we have a healthy disrepect of politicians and the "No"
: vote in the 1999 referendum clearly indicated that Australians were
: not prepared to vote in more politicising in the highest office in the
: land. Whilst some Australians might not be too keen on the monarchy,
: they certainly would prefer something that they know works rather than
: try something they are not too sure about.
: In closing I think there is something unique about Australia, Canada
: and New Zealand in the way our systems work and we should be proud of
: it rather than wanting to abolish it.

Ideally,the various "modernizations" of recent decades should
be rolled back as well.

A GG should preferably come from anywhere in the Commonwealth
BUT the Dominion over which he presides,in order to be truly

: Regards
: Donald Binks

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