Re: Trials, Tribulations and Such

  • Thread starter J. Raoul Xemblinosky
  • Start date

J. Raoul Xemblinosky

I honestly believe this was Manny's greatest story ever.

On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 21:57:20 -0500, "Ferd Berfle" <>

>From: Manny
>Subject: Trials, Tribulations and Such
>Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999
>Life is now becoming a completely boring experience. I am being denied the
>priviledge of spreading confusion, hate and discontent among the masses.
>This morning I was sitting playing with this damned computer. I just moved
>into a downstairs, actually backyard view apartment. The front parking lot
>of this building is facing the parking lot. As a result the bottom floor
>has no front view except for a flower bed full of plants, none of them
>edible or smokable. The bedroom window has a fantastic view of the river
>and the garden plots in the back of the building as well as a nice view of
>the gazebo and such. Problem is, people walking by the window can see
>inside if they shade their eyes and put they faces right up against the
>On occassion some idiot will do just that. When I notice, I usually reply
>with an expletive I learned while living on Treasure Island, Florida.
>"What the **** you looking at?" Normal reply for the situation, I would
>think. This morning, I am sitting here in my skivvies trying to think of
>some way to antagonize somebody and I get this crawly feeling I was being
>watched. I looked up and here was this old ugly, and I mean Redd Foxx type
>ugly Portagee woman with her hands shielding her eyes staring at my old,
>fat neglected body. I didn't even have a hard on to impress her with. I
>looked at her, I am talking a distance of about two feet, and yelled,
>"what the **** you looking at?" She responded with a "**** you you no good
>sonofabitch, don't you talk like that around my granddaughter." Well In
>case they was actually a granddaughter there I know not because the window
>sill is much higher than her grand daughter is tall and I didn't see
>anybody else."Look, you ugly, sleazy old Portagee peeping Thomaset, says
>I, I am gonna file a complaint against you with the ****en building
>Fifteen minutes later I went upstairs to check my mailbox, hoping maybe
>Uncle Gus had sent a new shipment of chocolate chip cookies or something
>and the old bitch walked by and elbowed me in the ribs and shoulder
>blocked me into the wall of mailboxes. I just went to the doctor yesterday
>because I am in the middle of a congestive heart failure problem brought
>on by them ****en trolls and ****. My lungs are filling with water and I
>am slowly drowning is the only way to explain the situation. The doctor
>gave me some really good meds and I pissed out about a gallon of water
>yesterday afternoon and last night. He also gave me a bunch of percodan,
>which had my nerves pretty calm and such, but had thrown me into a
>horrible state of constipation. To correct this he gave me a bottle of
>asorbate solution which I drank before reading the directions. It was a
>twelve ounce bottle and that is the same size beer comes in so I just
>drank the bottle this morning figuring that would take care of the
>Lasix is the med he gave me to get rid of the water on my lungs. It is
>called Lasix because it lasts six hours. Get it? LAst SIX hours. Well the
>elbow to the ribs and the shoulder block into the mailbox wall just about
>knocked me out. I could not breath at all. This built up a tremendous
>amount of pressure. I had taken two of the 40 mg Lasix tablets and drunk
>the whole damned bottle of Absorbate about two hours previously. I managed
>to sit down on a little bench trying to catch my breath. Was having
>absolutely no luck doing that. But that was just about the time the lasix
>and the absorbate kicked in. The old bitch called the police and filed a
>complaint against me for using profanity in front of her grandchild. About
>the time the police got out of their car, the lasix and absorbate
>liberated my kidneys and bowels in one big heave. This resulted in a giant
>expulsion of feces which resembled golf balls and a stream of piss that
>would have done a Missouri Mule proud. I had taken off my skivvies and was
>only wearing a pair of short pajama bottoms, so there was not much
>resistance to the expulsion. ****, piss and other weird body fluids
>started squirting all over the bench and the golf ball sized turds started
>rolling across the floor in front of the bench. I still couldn't breathe
>but had begun to cough profusly which made the golf ball shaped turds come
>out in rapid profusion. The first policeman who got out of the car didn't
>know what the hell was going on and ran up to me to see if he could offer
>some assistance or maybe call an ambulance. Naturally he stepped on
>several of the golf balls and even though they were hard and rolling
>around they squished when he stepped on the first one and the rest of them
>squished some more when he fell on his ass in the middle of the whole
>This would not have been so bad, but he had a warrant for my arrest for
>disorderly conduct due to the complaint the old Portagee lady had filed
>against me for using profanity in front of her grand daughter. The second
>cop came up and asked me if I was Manny and unfortunately I admitted to
>the fact and he handcuffed me and started walking me to the police car.
>The first cop was yelling at him, " No no no, don't put him in the car."
>Meanwhile Stumpy had called my doctor and told him what was happening and
>my Doctor called the police dispatcher and told them to rush me to the
>nearest hospital. He also instructed them not to wait for an ambulance
>that it was an emergency situation.
>Well, I just got back from the hospital. The police decided they didn't
>want to **** with the paper work involved in writing up the old lady's
>complaint and were still in the hospital parking lot arguing about who was
>going to have to drive that stinking police car back to the station, when
>my son picked me up to bring me home.
>And this was all the fault of them ****en trolls that overtook the
>alt.clubs.just-for-fun newsgroup. It's not real life, its just usenet?
>Bullshit! Are you listening Andrew?
>"oneson" <> wrote in message
>> LOL
>> Manny sounds like he was a real card.
>> DAB wrote:
>>> Ms. Pruitt never really claimed to run a whorehouse. She had the only
>>> hot running water in town and at the time owned the only brick building
>>> in town. She lived upstairs with some of her 'nieces' who helped out in
>>> the washateria. Was a need for the washateria cause very few folks had
>>> running water in they houses at the time and nobody that I know of had a
>>> hot water heater and sure as hell did not own a washing machine. Home
>>> washing was done in a boiling black pot over a wood fire and scrubbed on
>>> a washboard. Even Ms. Pruitt didn't have dryers, the ladies just washed
>>> they clothes and used the wringers that was on top of the machines to
>>> squeeze most of the water out and took the wet laundry home and hung it
>>> on a close line like you supposed to. Was a large farming community so
>>> it was a pretty successful business. Of course the women all had to get
>>> home in time to cook supper and hang up the clothes so there was no
>>> business at night.
>>> Ms. Pruitt added another service to her business. That actually was
>>> providing hot showers to all the sweaty hardworking men folks at the end
>>> of the day. She only charged a dime for the showers and furnished clean
>>> towels and plenty of lye soap which was what they used in the washateria
>>> also. The women folks appreciated this cause it relieved them of the
>>> chore of heating up a tub of water for the menfolks and when they came
>>> home for supper they were all nice and clean and smelled pretty good.
>>> Ms. Pruitt's nieces added a extra service for the menfolks. For an extra
>>> dollar, they would wash they backs and if the menfolks so desired, the
>>> nieces would take them upstairs and offer them some 'relief'. I never
>>> really knew what they meant by that.
>>> I went to school and played basketball, but I was ten years old and a
>>> little mature for my age and was embarrassed to get naked in front of the
>>> other six guys on the basketball team, so I would go to Ms. Pruitt's and
>>> take a shower. Ms. Pruitt always liked me and never charged me cause I
>>> didn't have no dime anyhow. She would often step into the shower with me
>>> and wash my back and finally one day, offered to take me upstairs and
>>> give me some 'relief' cause ever time she washed my back, I got this
>>> enormous erection which I tried to hide but usually she would just slap
>>> the hell out of it and laugh about it. This fateful day, she took me
>>> upstairs and gave me some 'relief'. I found out later that she had
>>> actually taken my virginity from me, but I was so nervous about the whole
>>> thing, I can't to this day remember what actually happened except she
>>> got all hot and sweaty and squealed and moaned a lot and I had to go take
>>> another shower.
>>> I told my older brother about this and he really didn't believe me. He
>>> had some money, not much, but he often had the dime to go there and take
>>> a hot shower. They was no hot water at the school showers. Ms. Pruitt
>>> nor her nieces had ever offered to take him upstairs and offer him any
>>> 'relief'. I told him about the menfolks I had seen go upstairs and get
>>> 'relief' and explained to him that they always charged an extra dollar
>>> for that.
>>> The very next day he did some work for a neighbor and made thirty five
>>> cents so he hooked it over to the washateria and paid the dime for the
>>> shower and asked one of the nieces if he could go upstairs and get some
>>> 'relief'. When they got upstairs, she asked him for the dollar and he
>>> explained that he only had twenty five cents. She beat the living ****
>>> out of him. He came home with a busted lip and two black eyes and some
>>> really sore balls where she had kicked him and threw him down the stairs.
>>> Only thing he said before he snuck off and went to bed was "Damn! I
>>> don't think I could have took a dollars worth of that."
>>> Believe this story or not, makes no nevermind to me.
>>> Manny
>>> 21 Aug 2002


This is the .sig file of His AssHoliness, Raoul Xemblinosky mhm 15x12
Yes I agree....brings tears to my eyes everytime I read it........oh Hi


J. Raoul Xemblinosky wrote:
> I honestly believe this was Manny's greatest story ever.
> ---------------------------
> On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 21:57:20 -0500, "Ferd Berfle" <>
> wrote:
>> Indeed!
>> From: Manny
>> Subject: Trials, Tribulations and Such
>> Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999
>> Life is now becoming a completely boring experience. I am being
>> denied the priviledge of spreading confusion, hate and discontent
>> among the masses.
>> This morning I was sitting playing with this damned computer. I just
>> moved into a downstairs, actually backyard view apartment. The front
>> parking lot of this building is facing the parking lot. As a result
>> the bottom floor has no front view except for a flower bed full of
>> plants, none of them edible or smokable. The bedroom window has a
>> fantastic view of the river and the garden plots in the back of the
>> building as well as a nice view of the gazebo and such. Problem is,
>> people walking by the window can see inside if they shade their eyes
>> and put they faces right up against the jalousies.
>> On occassion some idiot will do just that. When I notice, I usually
>> reply with an expletive I learned while living on Treasure Island,
>> Florida. "What the **** you looking at?" Normal reply for the
>> situation, I would think. This morning, I am sitting here in my
>> skivvies trying to think of some way to antagonize somebody and I
>> get this crawly feeling I was being watched. I looked up and here
>> was this old ugly, and I mean Redd Foxx type ugly Portagee woman
>> with her hands shielding her eyes staring at my old, fat neglected
>> body. I didn't even have a hard on to impress her with. I looked at
>> her, I am talking a distance of about two feet, and yelled, "what
>> the **** you looking at?" She responded with a "**** you you no good
>> sonofabitch, don't you talk like that around my granddaughter." Well
>> In case they was actually a granddaughter there I know not because
>> the window sill is much higher than her grand daughter is tall and I
>> didn't see anybody else."Look, you ugly, sleazy old Portagee peeping
>> Thomaset, says I, I am gonna file a complaint against you with the
>> ****en building manager."
>> Fifteen minutes later I went upstairs to check my mailbox, hoping
>> maybe Uncle Gus had sent a new shipment of chocolate chip cookies or
>> something and the old bitch walked by and elbowed me in the ribs and
>> shoulder blocked me into the wall of mailboxes. I just went to the
>> doctor yesterday because I am in the middle of a congestive heart
>> failure problem brought on by them ****en trolls and ****. My lungs
>> are filling with water and I am slowly drowning is the only way to
>> explain the situation. The doctor gave me some really good meds and
>> I pissed out about a gallon of water yesterday afternoon and last
>> night. He also gave me a bunch of percodan, which had my nerves
>> pretty calm and such, but had thrown me into a horrible state of
>> constipation. To correct this he gave me a bottle of asorbate
>> solution which I drank before reading the directions. It was a
>> twelve ounce bottle and that is the same size beer comes in so I
>> just drank the bottle this morning figuring that would take care of
>> the problem.
>> Lasix is the med he gave me to get rid of the water on my lungs. It
>> is called Lasix because it lasts six hours. Get it? LAst SIX hours.
>> Well the elbow to the ribs and the shoulder block into the mailbox
>> wall just about knocked me out. I could not breath at all. This
>> built up a tremendous amount of pressure. I had taken two of the 40
>> mg Lasix tablets and drunk the whole damned bottle of Absorbate
>> about two hours previously. I managed to sit down on a little bench
>> trying to catch my breath. Was having absolutely no luck doing that.
>> But that was just about the time the lasix and the absorbate kicked
>> in. The old bitch called the police and filed a complaint against me
>> for using profanity in front of her grandchild. About the time the
>> police got out of their car, the lasix and absorbate liberated my
>> kidneys and bowels in one big heave. This resulted in a giant
>> expulsion of feces which resembled golf balls and a stream of piss
>> that would have done a Missouri Mule proud. I had taken off my
>> skivvies and was only wearing a pair of short pajama bottoms, so
>> there was not much resistance to the expulsion. ****, piss and other
>> weird body fluids started squirting all over the bench and the golf
>> ball sized turds started rolling across the floor in front of the
>> bench. I still couldn't breathe but had begun to cough profusly
>> which made the golf ball shaped turds come out in rapid profusion.
>> The first policeman who got out of the car didn't know what the hell
>> was going on and ran up to me to see if he could offer some
>> assistance or maybe call an ambulance. Naturally he stepped on
>> several of the golf balls and even though they were hard and rolling
>> around they squished when he stepped on the first one and the rest
>> of them squished some more when he fell on his ass in the middle of
>> the whole mess.
>> This would not have been so bad, but he had a warrant for my arrest
>> for disorderly conduct due to the complaint the old Portagee lady
>> had filed against me for using profanity in front of her grand
>> daughter. The second cop came up and asked me if I was Manny and
>> unfortunately I admitted to the fact and he handcuffed me and
>> started walking me to the police car. The first cop was yelling at
>> him, " No no no, don't put him in the car." Meanwhile Stumpy had
>> called my doctor and told him what was happening and my Doctor
>> called the police dispatcher and told them to rush me to the nearest
>> hospital. He also instructed them not to wait for an ambulance that
>> it was an emergency situation.
>> Well, I just got back from the hospital. The police decided they
>> didn't want to **** with the paper work involved in writing up the
>> old lady's complaint and were still in the hospital parking lot
>> arguing about who was going to have to drive that stinking police
>> car back to the station, when my son picked me up to bring me home.
>> And this was all the fault of them ****en trolls that overtook the
>> alt.clubs.just-for-fun newsgroup. It's not real life, its just
>> usenet? Bullshit! Are you listening Andrew?
>> manny
>> "oneson" <> wrote in message
>> news:sppuj.91656$
>>> LOL
>>> Manny sounds like he was a real card.
>>> DAB wrote:
>>>> Ms. Pruitt never really claimed to run a whorehouse. She had the
>>>> only hot running water in town and at the time owned the only
>>>> brick building in town. She lived upstairs with some of her
>>>> 'nieces' who helped out in the washateria. Was a need for the
>>>> washateria cause very few folks had running water in they houses
>>>> at the time and nobody that I know of had a hot water heater and
>>>> sure as hell did not own a washing machine. Home washing was
>>>> done in a boiling black pot over a wood fire and scrubbed on a
>>>> washboard. Even Ms. Pruitt didn't have dryers, the ladies just
>>>> washed they clothes and used the wringers that was on top of the
>>>> machines to squeeze most of the water out and took the wet laundry
>>>> home and hung it on a close line like you supposed to. Was a
>>>> large farming community so it was a pretty successful business.
>>>> Of course the women all had to get home in time to cook supper and
>>>> hang up the clothes so there was no business at night.
>>>> Ms. Pruitt added another service to her business. That actually
>>>> was providing hot showers to all the sweaty hardworking men folks
>>>> at the end of the day. She only charged a dime for the showers
>>>> and furnished clean towels and plenty of lye soap which was what
>>>> they used in the washateria also. The women folks appreciated
>>>> this cause it relieved them of the chore of heating up a tub of
>>>> water for the menfolks and when they came home for supper they
>>>> were all nice and clean and smelled pretty good.
>>>> Ms. Pruitt's nieces added a extra service for the menfolks. For
>>>> an extra dollar, they would wash they backs and if the menfolks so
>>>> desired, the nieces would take them upstairs and offer them some
>>>> 'relief'. I never really knew what they meant by that.
>>>> I went to school and played basketball, but I was ten years old
>>>> and a little mature for my age and was embarrassed to get naked in
>>>> front of the other six guys on the basketball team, so I would go
>>>> to Ms. Pruitt's and take a shower. Ms. Pruitt always liked me and
>>>> never charged me cause I didn't have no dime anyhow. She would
>>>> often step into the shower with me and wash my back and finally
>>>> one day, offered to take me upstairs and give me some 'relief'
>>>> cause ever time she washed my back, I got this enormous erection
>>>> which I tried to hide but usually she would just slap the hell out
>>>> of it and laugh about it. This fateful day, she took me upstairs
>>>> and gave me some 'relief'. I found out later that she had
>>>> actually taken my virginity from me, but I was so nervous about
>>>> the whole thing, I can't to this day remember what actually
>>>> happened except she got all hot and sweaty and squealed and moaned
>>>> a lot and I had to go take another shower.
>>>> I told my older brother about this and he really didn't believe
>>>> me. He had some money, not much, but he often had the dime to go
>>>> there and take a hot shower. They was no hot water at the school
>>>> showers. Ms. Pruitt nor her nieces had ever offered to take him
>>>> upstairs and offer him any 'relief'. I told him about the
>>>> menfolks I had seen go upstairs and get 'relief' and explained to
>>>> him that they always charged an extra dollar for that.
>>>> The very next day he did some work for a neighbor and made thirty
>>>> five cents so he hooked it over to the washateria and paid the
>>>> dime for the shower and asked one of the nieces if he could go
>>>> upstairs and get some 'relief'. When they got upstairs, she asked
>>>> him for the dollar and he explained that he only had twenty five
>>>> cents. She beat the living **** out of him. He came home with
>>>> a busted lip and two black eyes and some really sore balls where
>>>> she had kicked him and threw him down the stairs. Only thing he
>>>> said before he snuck off and went to bed was "Damn! I don't think
>>>> I could have took a dollars worth of that."
>>>> Believe this story or not, makes no nevermind to me.
>>>> Manny
>>>> 21 Aug 2002


> ---
> This is the .sig file of His AssHoliness, Raoul Xemblinosky mhm 15x12
Didn't he get a Usenet award for this one?

J. Raoul Xemblinosky wrote:
> I honestly believe this was Manny's greatest story ever.
> ---------------------------
> On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 21:57:20 -0500, "Ferd Berfle" <>
> wrote:
>> Indeed!
>> From: Manny
>> Subject: Trials, Tribulations and Such
>> Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999
>> Life is now becoming a completely boring experience. I am being
>> denied the priviledge of spreading confusion, hate and discontent
>> among the masses.
>> This morning I was sitting playing with this damned computer. I just
>> moved into a downstairs, actually backyard view apartment. The front
>> parking lot of this building is facing the parking lot. As a result
>> the bottom floor has no front view except for a flower bed full of
>> plants, none of them edible or smokable. The bedroom window has a
>> fantastic view of the river and the garden plots in the back of the
>> building as well as a nice view of the gazebo and such. Problem is,
>> people walking by the window can see inside if they shade their eyes
>> and put they faces right up against the jalousies.
>> On occassion some idiot will do just that. When I notice, I usually
>> reply with an expletive I learned while living on Treasure Island,
>> Florida. "What the **** you looking at?" Normal reply for the
>> situation, I would think. This morning, I am sitting here in my
>> skivvies trying to think of some way to antagonize somebody and I
>> get this crawly feeling I was being watched. I looked up and here
>> was this old ugly, and I mean Redd Foxx type ugly Portagee woman
>> with her hands shielding her eyes staring at my old, fat neglected
>> body. I didn't even have a hard on to impress her with. I looked at
>> her, I am talking a distance of about two feet, and yelled, "what
>> the **** you looking at?" She responded with a "**** you you no good
>> sonofabitch, don't you talk like that around my granddaughter." Well
>> In case they was actually a granddaughter there I know not because
>> the window sill is much higher than her grand daughter is tall and I
>> didn't see anybody else."Look, you ugly, sleazy old Portagee peeping
>> Thomaset, says I, I am gonna file a complaint against you with the
>> ****en building manager."
>> Fifteen minutes later I went upstairs to check my mailbox, hoping
>> maybe Uncle Gus had sent a new shipment of chocolate chip cookies or
>> something and the old bitch walked by and elbowed me in the ribs and
>> shoulder blocked me into the wall of mailboxes. I just went to the
>> doctor yesterday because I am in the middle of a congestive heart
>> failure problem brought on by them ****en trolls and ****. My lungs
>> are filling with water and I am slowly drowning is the only way to
>> explain the situation. The doctor gave me some really good meds and
>> I pissed out about a gallon of water yesterday afternoon and last
>> night. He also gave me a bunch of percodan, which had my nerves
>> pretty calm and such, but had thrown me into a horrible state of
>> constipation. To correct this he gave me a bottle of asorbate
>> solution which I drank before reading the directions. It was a
>> twelve ounce bottle and that is the same size beer comes in so I
>> just drank the bottle this morning figuring that would take care of
>> the problem.
>> Lasix is the med he gave me to get rid of the water on my lungs. It
>> is called Lasix because it lasts six hours. Get it? LAst SIX hours.
>> Well the elbow to the ribs and the shoulder block into the mailbox
>> wall just about knocked me out. I could not breath at all. This
>> built up a tremendous amount of pressure. I had taken two of the 40
>> mg Lasix tablets and drunk the whole damned bottle of Absorbate
>> about two hours previously. I managed to sit down on a little bench
>> trying to catch my breath. Was having absolutely no luck doing that.
>> But that was just about the time the lasix and the absorbate kicked
>> in. The old bitch called the police and filed a complaint against me
>> for using profanity in front of her grandchild. About the time the
>> police got out of their car, the lasix and absorbate liberated my
>> kidneys and bowels in one big heave. This resulted in a giant
>> expulsion of feces which resembled golf balls and a stream of piss
>> that would have done a Missouri Mule proud. I had taken off my
>> skivvies and was only wearing a pair of short pajama bottoms, so
>> there was not much resistance to the expulsion. ****, piss and other
>> weird body fluids started squirting all over the bench and the golf
>> ball sized turds started rolling across the floor in front of the
>> bench. I still couldn't breathe but had begun to cough profusly
>> which made the golf ball shaped turds come out in rapid profusion.
>> The first policeman who got out of the car didn't know what the hell
>> was going on and ran up to me to see if he could offer some
>> assistance or maybe call an ambulance. Naturally he stepped on
>> several of the golf balls and even though they were hard and rolling
>> around they squished when he stepped on the first one and the rest
>> of them squished some more when he fell on his ass in the middle of
>> the whole mess.
>> This would not have been so bad, but he had a warrant for my arrest
>> for disorderly conduct due to the complaint the old Portagee lady
>> had filed against me for using profanity in front of her grand
>> daughter. The second cop came up and asked me if I was Manny and
>> unfortunately I admitted to the fact and he handcuffed me and
>> started walking me to the police car. The first cop was yelling at
>> him, " No no no, don't put him in the car." Meanwhile Stumpy had
>> called my doctor and told him what was happening and my Doctor
>> called the police dispatcher and told them to rush me to the nearest
>> hospital. He also instructed them not to wait for an ambulance that
>> it was an emergency situation.
>> Well, I just got back from the hospital. The police decided they
>> didn't want to **** with the paper work involved in writing up the
>> old lady's complaint and were still in the hospital parking lot
>> arguing about who was going to have to drive that stinking police
>> car back to the station, when my son picked me up to bring me home.
>> And this was all the fault of them ****en trolls that overtook the
>> alt.clubs.just-for-fun newsgroup. It's not real life, its just
>> usenet? Bullshit! Are you listening Andrew?
>> manny
>> "oneson" <> wrote in message
>> news:sppuj.91656$
>>> LOL
>>> Manny sounds like he was a real card.
>>> DAB wrote:
>>>> Ms. Pruitt never really claimed to run a whorehouse. She had the
>>>> only hot running water in town and at the time owned the only
>>>> brick building in town. She lived upstairs with some of her
>>>> 'nieces' who helped out in the washateria. Was a need for the
>>>> washateria cause very few folks had running water in they houses
>>>> at the time and nobody that I know of had a hot water heater and
>>>> sure as hell did not own a washing machine. Home washing was
>>>> done in a boiling black pot over a wood fire and scrubbed on a
>>>> washboard. Even Ms. Pruitt didn't have dryers, the ladies just
>>>> washed they clothes and used the wringers that was on top of the
>>>> machines to squeeze most of the water out and took the wet laundry
>>>> home and hung it on a close line like you supposed to. Was a
>>>> large farming community so it was a pretty successful business.
>>>> Of course the women all had to get home in time to cook supper and
>>>> hang up the clothes so there was no business at night.
>>>> Ms. Pruitt added another service to her business. That actually
>>>> was providing hot showers to all the sweaty hardworking men folks
>>>> at the end of the day. She only charged a dime for the showers
>>>> and furnished clean towels and plenty of lye soap which was what
>>>> they used in the washateria also. The women folks appreciated
>>>> this cause it relieved them of the chore of heating up a tub of
>>>> water for the menfolks and when they came home for supper they
>>>> were all nice and clean and smelled pretty good.
>>>> Ms. Pruitt's nieces added a extra service for the menfolks. For
>>>> an extra dollar, they would wash they backs and if the menfolks so
>>>> desired, the nieces would take them upstairs and offer them some
>>>> 'relief'. I never really knew what they meant by that.
>>>> I went to school and played basketball, but I was ten years old
>>>> and a little mature for my age and was embarrassed to get naked in
>>>> front of the other six guys on the basketball team, so I would go
>>>> to Ms. Pruitt's and take a shower. Ms. Pruitt always liked me and
>>>> never charged me cause I didn't have no dime anyhow. She would
>>>> often step into the shower with me and wash my back and finally
>>>> one day, offered to take me upstairs and give me some 'relief'
>>>> cause ever time she washed my back, I got this enormous erection
>>>> which I tried to hide but usually she would just slap the hell out
>>>> of it and laugh about it. This fateful day, she took me upstairs
>>>> and gave me some 'relief'. I found out later that she had
>>>> actually taken my virginity from me, but I was so nervous about
>>>> the whole thing, I can't to this day remember what actually
>>>> happened except she got all hot and sweaty and squealed and moaned
>>>> a lot and I had to go take another shower.
>>>> I told my older brother about this and he really didn't believe
>>>> me. He had some money, not much, but he often had the dime to go
>>>> there and take a hot shower. They was no hot water at the school
>>>> showers. Ms. Pruitt nor her nieces had ever offered to take him
>>>> upstairs and offer him any 'relief'. I told him about the
>>>> menfolks I had seen go upstairs and get 'relief' and explained to
>>>> him that they always charged an extra dollar for that.
>>>> The very next day he did some work for a neighbor and made thirty
>>>> five cents so he hooked it over to the washateria and paid the
>>>> dime for the shower and asked one of the nieces if he could go
>>>> upstairs and get some 'relief'. When they got upstairs, she asked
>>>> him for the dollar and he explained that he only had twenty five
>>>> cents. She beat the living **** out of him. He came home with
>>>> a busted lip and two black eyes and some really sore balls where
>>>> she had kicked him and threw him down the stairs. Only thing he
>>>> said before he snuck off and went to bed was "Damn! I don't think
>>>> I could have took a dollars worth of that."
>>>> Believe this story or not, makes no nevermind to me.
>>>> Manny
>>>> 21 Aug 2002


> ---
> This is the .sig file of His AssHoliness, Raoul Xemblinosky mhm 15x12
On Wed, 20 Feb 2008 10:49:58 -0500, "Stell" <>

>Didn't he get a Usenet award for this one?

If he didn't, he should have.

>J. Raoul Xemblinosky wrote:
>> I honestly believe this was Manny's greatest story ever.
>> ---------------------------
>> On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 21:57:20 -0500, "Ferd Berfle" <>
>> wrote:
>>> Indeed!
>>> From: Manny
>>> Subject: Trials, Tribulations and Such
>>> Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999
>>> Life is now becoming a completely boring experience. I am being
>>> denied the priviledge of spreading confusion, hate and discontent
>>> among the masses.
>>> This morning I was sitting playing with this damned computer. I just
>>> moved into a downstairs, actually backyard view apartment. The front
>>> parking lot of this building is facing the parking lot. As a result
>>> the bottom floor has no front view except for a flower bed full of
>>> plants, none of them edible or smokable. The bedroom window has a
>>> fantastic view of the river and the garden plots in the back of the
>>> building as well as a nice view of the gazebo and such. Problem is,
>>> people walking by the window can see inside if they shade their eyes
>>> and put they faces right up against the jalousies.
>>> On occassion some idiot will do just that. When I notice, I usually
>>> reply with an expletive I learned while living on Treasure Island,
>>> Florida. "What the **** you looking at?" Normal reply for the
>>> situation, I would think. This morning, I am sitting here in my
>>> skivvies trying to think of some way to antagonize somebody and I
>>> get this crawly feeling I was being watched. I looked up and here
>>> was this old ugly, and I mean Redd Foxx type ugly Portagee woman
>>> with her hands shielding her eyes staring at my old, fat neglected
>>> body. I didn't even have a hard on to impress her with. I looked at
>>> her, I am talking a distance of about two feet, and yelled, "what
>>> the **** you looking at?" She responded with a "**** you you no good
>>> sonofabitch, don't you talk like that around my granddaughter." Well
>>> In case they was actually a granddaughter there I know not because
>>> the window sill is much higher than her grand daughter is tall and I
>>> didn't see anybody else."Look, you ugly, sleazy old Portagee peeping
>>> Thomaset, says I, I am gonna file a complaint against you with the
>>> ****en building manager."
>>> Fifteen minutes later I went upstairs to check my mailbox, hoping
>>> maybe Uncle Gus had sent a new shipment of chocolate chip cookies or
>>> something and the old bitch walked by and elbowed me in the ribs and
>>> shoulder blocked me into the wall of mailboxes. I just went to the
>>> doctor yesterday because I am in the middle of a congestive heart
>>> failure problem brought on by them ****en trolls and ****. My lungs
>>> are filling with water and I am slowly drowning is the only way to
>>> explain the situation. The doctor gave me some really good meds and
>>> I pissed out about a gallon of water yesterday afternoon and last
>>> night. He also gave me a bunch of percodan, which had my nerves
>>> pretty calm and such, but had thrown me into a horrible state of
>>> constipation. To correct this he gave me a bottle of asorbate
>>> solution which I drank before reading the directions. It was a
>>> twelve ounce bottle and that is the same size beer comes in so I
>>> just drank the bottle this morning figuring that would take care of
>>> the problem.
>>> Lasix is the med he gave me to get rid of the water on my lungs. It
>>> is called Lasix because it lasts six hours. Get it? LAst SIX hours.
>>> Well the elbow to the ribs and the shoulder block into the mailbox
>>> wall just about knocked me out. I could not breath at all. This
>>> built up a tremendous amount of pressure. I had taken two of the 40
>>> mg Lasix tablets and drunk the whole damned bottle of Absorbate
>>> about two hours previously. I managed to sit down on a little bench
>>> trying to catch my breath. Was having absolutely no luck doing that.
>>> But that was just about the time the lasix and the absorbate kicked
>>> in. The old bitch called the police and filed a complaint against me
>>> for using profanity in front of her grandchild. About the time the
>>> police got out of their car, the lasix and absorbate liberated my
>>> kidneys and bowels in one big heave. This resulted in a giant
>>> expulsion of feces which resembled golf balls and a stream of piss
>>> that would have done a Missouri Mule proud. I had taken off my
>>> skivvies and was only wearing a pair of short pajama bottoms, so
>>> there was not much resistance to the expulsion. ****, piss and other
>>> weird body fluids started squirting all over the bench and the golf
>>> ball sized turds started rolling across the floor in front of the
>>> bench. I still couldn't breathe but had begun to cough profusly
>>> which made the golf ball shaped turds come out in rapid profusion.
>>> The first policeman who got out of the car didn't know what the hell
>>> was going on and ran up to me to see if he could offer some
>>> assistance or maybe call an ambulance. Naturally he stepped on
>>> several of the golf balls and even though they were hard and rolling
>>> around they squished when he stepped on the first one and the rest
>>> of them squished some more when he fell on his ass in the middle of
>>> the whole mess.
>>> This would not have been so bad, but he had a warrant for my arrest
>>> for disorderly conduct due to the complaint the old Portagee lady
>>> had filed against me for using profanity in front of her grand
>>> daughter. The second cop came up and asked me if I was Manny and
>>> unfortunately I admitted to the fact and he handcuffed me and
>>> started walking me to the police car. The first cop was yelling at
>>> him, " No no no, don't put him in the car." Meanwhile Stumpy had
>>> called my doctor and told him what was happening and my Doctor
>>> called the police dispatcher and told them to rush me to the nearest
>>> hospital. He also instructed them not to wait for an ambulance that
>>> it was an emergency situation.
>>> Well, I just got back from the hospital. The police decided they
>>> didn't want to **** with the paper work involved in writing up the
>>> old lady's complaint and were still in the hospital parking lot
>>> arguing about who was going to have to drive that stinking police
>>> car back to the station, when my son picked me up to bring me home.
>>> And this was all the fault of them ****en trolls that overtook the
>>> alt.clubs.just-for-fun newsgroup. It's not real life, its just
>>> usenet? Bullshit! Are you listening Andrew?
>>> manny
>>> "oneson" <> wrote in message
>>> news:sppuj.91656$
>>>> LOL
>>>> Manny sounds like he was a real card.
>>>> DAB wrote:
>>>>> Ms. Pruitt never really claimed to run a whorehouse. She had the
>>>>> only hot running water in town and at the time owned the only
>>>>> brick building in town. She lived upstairs with some of her
>>>>> 'nieces' who helped out in the washateria. Was a need for the
>>>>> washateria cause very few folks had running water in they houses
>>>>> at the time and nobody that I know of had a hot water heater and
>>>>> sure as hell did not own a washing machine. Home washing was
>>>>> done in a boiling black pot over a wood fire and scrubbed on a
>>>>> washboard. Even Ms. Pruitt didn't have dryers, the ladies just
>>>>> washed they clothes and used the wringers that was on top of the
>>>>> machines to squeeze most of the water out and took the wet laundry
>>>>> home and hung it on a close line like you supposed to. Was a
>>>>> large farming community so it was a pretty successful business.
>>>>> Of course the women all had to get home in time to cook supper and
>>>>> hang up the clothes so there was no business at night.
>>>>> Ms. Pruitt added another service to her business. That actually
>>>>> was providing hot showers to all the sweaty hardworking men folks
>>>>> at the end of the day. She only charged a dime for the showers
>>>>> and furnished clean towels and plenty of lye soap which was what
>>>>> they used in the washateria also. The women folks appreciated
>>>>> this cause it relieved them of the chore of heating up a tub of
>>>>> water for the menfolks and when they came home for supper they
>>>>> were all nice and clean and smelled pretty good.
>>>>> Ms. Pruitt's nieces added a extra service for the menfolks. For
>>>>> an extra dollar, they would wash they backs and if the menfolks so
>>>>> desired, the nieces would take them upstairs and offer them some
>>>>> 'relief'. I never really knew what they meant by that.
>>>>> I went to school and played basketball, but I was ten years old
>>>>> and a little mature for my age and was embarrassed to get naked in
>>>>> front of the other six guys on the basketball team, so I would go
>>>>> to Ms. Pruitt's and take a shower. Ms. Pruitt always liked me and
>>>>> never charged me cause I didn't have no dime anyhow. She would
>>>>> often step into the shower with me and wash my back and finally
>>>>> one day, offered to take me upstairs and give me some 'relief'
>>>>> cause ever time she washed my back, I got this enormous erection
>>>>> which I tried to hide but usually she would just slap the hell out
>>>>> of it and laugh about it. This fateful day, she took me upstairs
>>>>> and gave me some 'relief'. I found out later that she had
>>>>> actually taken my virginity from me, but I was so nervous about
>>>>> the whole thing, I can't to this day remember what actually
>>>>> happened except she got all hot and sweaty and squealed and moaned
>>>>> a lot and I had to go take another shower.
>>>>> I told my older brother about this and he really didn't believe
>>>>> me. He had some money, not much, but he often had the dime to go
>>>>> there and take a hot shower. They was no hot water at the school
>>>>> showers. Ms. Pruitt nor her nieces had ever offered to take him
>>>>> upstairs and offer him any 'relief'. I told him about the
>>>>> menfolks I had seen go upstairs and get 'relief' and explained to
>>>>> him that they always charged an extra dollar for that.
>>>>> The very next day he did some work for a neighbor and made thirty
>>>>> five cents so he hooked it over to the washateria and paid the
>>>>> dime for the shower and asked one of the nieces if he could go
>>>>> upstairs and get some 'relief'. When they got upstairs, she asked
>>>>> him for the dollar and he explained that he only had twenty five
>>>>> cents. She beat the living **** out of him. He came home with
>>>>> a busted lip and two black eyes and some really sore balls where
>>>>> she had kicked him and threw him down the stairs. Only thing he
>>>>> said before he snuck off and went to bed was "Damn! I don't think
>>>>> I could have took a dollars worth of that."
>>>>> Believe this story or not, makes no nevermind to me.
>>>>> Manny
>>>>> 21 Aug 2002

>> ---
>> This is the .sig file of His AssHoliness, Raoul Xemblinosky mhm 15x12


This is the .sig file of His AssHoliness, Raoul Xemblinosky mhm 15x12
He got the award for that post to Sergi....I have it somewhere and will post
it when I find it or if Ferd has it handy maybe he can post it. as I recall
Manny got several usenet performace art awards and the Troll Balls could
have been included.


Stell wrote:
> Didn't he get a Usenet award for this one?
> J. Raoul Xemblinosky wrote:
>> I honestly believe this was Manny's greatest story ever.
>> ---------------------------
>> On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 21:57:20 -0500, "Ferd Berfle" <>
>> wrote:
>>> Indeed!
>>> From: Manny
>>> Subject: Trials, Tribulations and Such
>>> Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999
>>> Life is now becoming a completely boring experience. I am being
>>> denied the priviledge of spreading confusion, hate and discontent
>>> among the masses.
>>> This morning I was sitting playing with this damned computer. I just
>>> moved into a downstairs, actually backyard view apartment. The front
>>> parking lot of this building is facing the parking lot. As a result
>>> the bottom floor has no front view except for a flower bed full of
>>> plants, none of them edible or smokable. The bedroom window has a
>>> fantastic view of the river and the garden plots in the back of the
>>> building as well as a nice view of the gazebo and such. Problem is,
>>> people walking by the window can see inside if they shade their eyes
>>> and put they faces right up against the jalousies.
>>> On occassion some idiot will do just that. When I notice, I usually
>>> reply with an expletive I learned while living on Treasure Island,
>>> Florida. "What the **** you looking at?" Normal reply for the
>>> situation, I would think. This morning, I am sitting here in my
>>> skivvies trying to think of some way to antagonize somebody and I
>>> get this crawly feeling I was being watched. I looked up and here
>>> was this old ugly, and I mean Redd Foxx type ugly Portagee woman
>>> with her hands shielding her eyes staring at my old, fat neglected
>>> body. I didn't even have a hard on to impress her with. I looked at
>>> her, I am talking a distance of about two feet, and yelled, "what
>>> the **** you looking at?" She responded with a "**** you you no good
>>> sonofabitch, don't you talk like that around my granddaughter." Well
>>> In case they was actually a granddaughter there I know not because
>>> the window sill is much higher than her grand daughter is tall and I
>>> didn't see anybody else."Look, you ugly, sleazy old Portagee peeping
>>> Thomaset, says I, I am gonna file a complaint against you with the
>>> ****en building manager."
>>> Fifteen minutes later I went upstairs to check my mailbox, hoping
>>> maybe Uncle Gus had sent a new shipment of chocolate chip cookies or
>>> something and the old bitch walked by and elbowed me in the ribs and
>>> shoulder blocked me into the wall of mailboxes. I just went to the
>>> doctor yesterday because I am in the middle of a congestive heart
>>> failure problem brought on by them ****en trolls and ****. My lungs
>>> are filling with water and I am slowly drowning is the only way to
>>> explain the situation. The doctor gave me some really good meds and
>>> I pissed out about a gallon of water yesterday afternoon and last
>>> night. He also gave me a bunch of percodan, which had my nerves
>>> pretty calm and such, but had thrown me into a horrible state of
>>> constipation. To correct this he gave me a bottle of asorbate
>>> solution which I drank before reading the directions. It was a
>>> twelve ounce bottle and that is the same size beer comes in so I
>>> just drank the bottle this morning figuring that would take care of
>>> the problem.
>>> Lasix is the med he gave me to get rid of the water on my lungs. It
>>> is called Lasix because it lasts six hours. Get it? LAst SIX hours.
>>> Well the elbow to the ribs and the shoulder block into the mailbox
>>> wall just about knocked me out. I could not breath at all. This
>>> built up a tremendous amount of pressure. I had taken two of the 40
>>> mg Lasix tablets and drunk the whole damned bottle of Absorbate
>>> about two hours previously. I managed to sit down on a little bench
>>> trying to catch my breath. Was having absolutely no luck doing that.
>>> But that was just about the time the lasix and the absorbate kicked
>>> in. The old bitch called the police and filed a complaint against me
>>> for using profanity in front of her grandchild. About the time the
>>> police got out of their car, the lasix and absorbate liberated my
>>> kidneys and bowels in one big heave. This resulted in a giant
>>> expulsion of feces which resembled golf balls and a stream of piss
>>> that would have done a Missouri Mule proud. I had taken off my
>>> skivvies and was only wearing a pair of short pajama bottoms, so
>>> there was not much resistance to the expulsion. ****, piss and other
>>> weird body fluids started squirting all over the bench and the golf
>>> ball sized turds started rolling across the floor in front of the
>>> bench. I still couldn't breathe but had begun to cough profusly
>>> which made the golf ball shaped turds come out in rapid profusion.
>>> The first policeman who got out of the car didn't know what the hell
>>> was going on and ran up to me to see if he could offer some
>>> assistance or maybe call an ambulance. Naturally he stepped on
>>> several of the golf balls and even though they were hard and rolling
>>> around they squished when he stepped on the first one and the rest
>>> of them squished some more when he fell on his ass in the middle of
>>> the whole mess.
>>> This would not have been so bad, but he had a warrant for my arrest
>>> for disorderly conduct due to the complaint the old Portagee lady
>>> had filed against me for using profanity in front of her grand
>>> daughter. The second cop came up and asked me if I was Manny and
>>> unfortunately I admitted to the fact and he handcuffed me and
>>> started walking me to the police car. The first cop was yelling at
>>> him, " No no no, don't put him in the car." Meanwhile Stumpy had
>>> called my doctor and told him what was happening and my Doctor
>>> called the police dispatcher and told them to rush me to the nearest
>>> hospital. He also instructed them not to wait for an ambulance that
>>> it was an emergency situation.
>>> Well, I just got back from the hospital. The police decided they
>>> didn't want to **** with the paper work involved in writing up the
>>> old lady's complaint and were still in the hospital parking lot
>>> arguing about who was going to have to drive that stinking police
>>> car back to the station, when my son picked me up to bring me home.
>>> And this was all the fault of them ****en trolls that overtook the
>>> alt.clubs.just-for-fun newsgroup. It's not real life, its just
>>> usenet? Bullshit! Are you listening Andrew?
>>> manny
>>> "oneson" <> wrote in message
>>> news:sppuj.91656$
>>>> LOL
>>>> Manny sounds like he was a real card.
>>>> DAB wrote:
>>>>> Ms. Pruitt never really claimed to run a whorehouse. She had the
>>>>> only hot running water in town and at the time owned the only
>>>>> brick building in town. She lived upstairs with some of her
>>>>> 'nieces' who helped out in the washateria. Was a need for the
>>>>> washateria cause very few folks had running water in they houses
>>>>> at the time and nobody that I know of had a hot water heater and
>>>>> sure as hell did not own a washing machine. Home washing was
>>>>> done in a boiling black pot over a wood fire and scrubbed on a
>>>>> washboard. Even Ms. Pruitt didn't have dryers, the ladies just
>>>>> washed they clothes and used the wringers that was on top of the
>>>>> machines to squeeze most of the water out and took the wet laundry
>>>>> home and hung it on a close line like you supposed to. Was a
>>>>> large farming community so it was a pretty successful business.
>>>>> Of course the women all had to get home in time to cook supper and
>>>>> hang up the clothes so there was no business at night.
>>>>> Ms. Pruitt added another service to her business. That actually
>>>>> was providing hot showers to all the sweaty hardworking men folks
>>>>> at the end of the day. She only charged a dime for the showers
>>>>> and furnished clean towels and plenty of lye soap which was what
>>>>> they used in the washateria also. The women folks appreciated
>>>>> this cause it relieved them of the chore of heating up a tub of
>>>>> water for the menfolks and when they came home for supper they
>>>>> were all nice and clean and smelled pretty good.
>>>>> Ms. Pruitt's nieces added a extra service for the menfolks. For
>>>>> an extra dollar, they would wash they backs and if the menfolks so
>>>>> desired, the nieces would take them upstairs and offer them some
>>>>> 'relief'. I never really knew what they meant by that.
>>>>> I went to school and played basketball, but I was ten years old
>>>>> and a little mature for my age and was embarrassed to get naked in
>>>>> front of the other six guys on the basketball team, so I would go
>>>>> to Ms. Pruitt's and take a shower. Ms. Pruitt always liked me and
>>>>> never charged me cause I didn't have no dime anyhow. She would
>>>>> often step into the shower with me and wash my back and finally
>>>>> one day, offered to take me upstairs and give me some 'relief'
>>>>> cause ever time she washed my back, I got this enormous erection
>>>>> which I tried to hide but usually she would just slap the hell out
>>>>> of it and laugh about it. This fateful day, she took me upstairs
>>>>> and gave me some 'relief'. I found out later that she had
>>>>> actually taken my virginity from me, but I was so nervous about
>>>>> the whole thing, I can't to this day remember what actually
>>>>> happened except she got all hot and sweaty and squealed and moaned
>>>>> a lot and I had to go take another shower.
>>>>> I told my older brother about this and he really didn't believe
>>>>> me. He had some money, not much, but he often had the dime to go
>>>>> there and take a hot shower. They was no hot water at the school
>>>>> showers. Ms. Pruitt nor her nieces had ever offered to take him
>>>>> upstairs and offer him any 'relief'. I told him about the
>>>>> menfolks I had seen go upstairs and get 'relief' and explained to
>>>>> him that they always charged an extra dollar for that.
>>>>> The very next day he did some work for a neighbor and made thirty
>>>>> five cents so he hooked it over to the washateria and paid the
>>>>> dime for the shower and asked one of the nieces if he could go
>>>>> upstairs and get some 'relief'. When they got upstairs, she asked
>>>>> him for the dollar and he explained that he only had twenty five
>>>>> cents. She beat the living **** out of him. He came home with
>>>>> a busted lip and two black eyes and some really sore balls where
>>>>> she had kicked him and threw him down the stairs. Only thing he
>>>>> said before he snuck off and went to bed was "Damn! I don't think
>>>>> I could have took a dollars worth of that."
>>>>> Believe this story or not, makes no nevermind to me.
>>>>> Manny
>>>>> 21 Aug 2002

>> ---
>> This is the .sig file of His AssHoliness, Raoul Xemblinosky mhm 15x12
Dear, "DAB": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:

>He got the award for that post to Sergi....I have it somewhere and will post
>it when I find it or if Ferd has it handy maybe he can post it. as I recall
>Manny got several usenet performace art awards and the Troll Balls could
>have been included.

I'm sorry. I missed the memo. When did we all start top-posting, here?
Help a "brother" out.

>Stell wrote:
>> Didn't he get a Usenet award for this one?
>> J. Raoul Xemblinosky wrote:
>>> I honestly believe this was Manny's greatest story ever.
>>> ---------------------------
>>> On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 21:57:20 -0500, "Ferd Berfle" <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Indeed!
>>>> From: Manny
>>>> Subject: Trials, Tribulations and Such
>>>> Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999
>>>> Life is now becoming a completely boring experience. I am being
>>>> denied the priviledge of spreading confusion, hate and discontent
>>>> among the masses.
>>>> This morning I was sitting playing with this damned computer. I just
>>>> moved into a downstairs, actually backyard view apartment. The front
>>>> parking lot of this building is facing the parking lot. As a result
>>>> the bottom floor has no front view except for a flower bed full of
>>>> plants, none of them edible or smokable. The bedroom window has a
>>>> fantastic view of the river and the garden plots in the back of the
>>>> building as well as a nice view of the gazebo and such. Problem is,
>>>> people walking by the window can see inside if they shade their eyes
>>>> and put they faces right up against the jalousies.
>>>> On occassion some idiot will do just that. When I notice, I usually
>>>> reply with an expletive I learned while living on Treasure Island,
>>>> Florida. "What the **** you looking at?" Normal reply for the
>>>> situation, I would think. This morning, I am sitting here in my
>>>> skivvies trying to think of some way to antagonize somebody and I
>>>> get this crawly feeling I was being watched. I looked up and here
>>>> was this old ugly, and I mean Redd Foxx type ugly Portagee woman
>>>> with her hands shielding her eyes staring at my old, fat neglected
>>>> body. I didn't even have a hard on to impress her with. I looked at
>>>> her, I am talking a distance of about two feet, and yelled, "what
>>>> the **** you looking at?" She responded with a "**** you you no good
>>>> sonofabitch, don't you talk like that around my granddaughter." Well
>>>> In case they was actually a granddaughter there I know not because
>>>> the window sill is much higher than her grand daughter is tall and I
>>>> didn't see anybody else."Look, you ugly, sleazy old Portagee peeping
>>>> Thomaset, says I, I am gonna file a complaint against you with the
>>>> ****en building manager."
>>>> Fifteen minutes later I went upstairs to check my mailbox, hoping
>>>> maybe Uncle Gus had sent a new shipment of chocolate chip cookies or
>>>> something and the old bitch walked by and elbowed me in the ribs and
>>>> shoulder blocked me into the wall of mailboxes. I just went to the
>>>> doctor yesterday because I am in the middle of a congestive heart
>>>> failure problem brought on by them ****en trolls and ****. My lungs
>>>> are filling with water and I am slowly drowning is the only way to
>>>> explain the situation. The doctor gave me some really good meds and
>>>> I pissed out about a gallon of water yesterday afternoon and last
>>>> night. He also gave me a bunch of percodan, which had my nerves
>>>> pretty calm and such, but had thrown me into a horrible state of
>>>> constipation. To correct this he gave me a bottle of asorbate
>>>> solution which I drank before reading the directions. It was a
>>>> twelve ounce bottle and that is the same size beer comes in so I
>>>> just drank the bottle this morning figuring that would take care of
>>>> the problem.
>>>> Lasix is the med he gave me to get rid of the water on my lungs. It
>>>> is called Lasix because it lasts six hours. Get it? LAst SIX hours.
>>>> Well the elbow to the ribs and the shoulder block into the mailbox
>>>> wall just about knocked me out. I could not breath at all. This
>>>> built up a tremendous amount of pressure. I had taken two of the 40
>>>> mg Lasix tablets and drunk the whole damned bottle of Absorbate
>>>> about two hours previously. I managed to sit down on a little bench
>>>> trying to catch my breath. Was having absolutely no luck doing that.
>>>> But that was just about the time the lasix and the absorbate kicked
>>>> in. The old bitch called the police and filed a complaint against me
>>>> for using profanity in front of her grandchild. About the time the
>>>> police got out of their car, the lasix and absorbate liberated my
>>>> kidneys and bowels in one big heave. This resulted in a giant
>>>> expulsion of feces which resembled golf balls and a stream of piss
>>>> that would have done a Missouri Mule proud. I had taken off my
>>>> skivvies and was only wearing a pair of short pajama bottoms, so
>>>> there was not much resistance to the expulsion. ****, piss and other
>>>> weird body fluids started squirting all over the bench and the golf
>>>> ball sized turds started rolling across the floor in front of the
>>>> bench. I still couldn't breathe but had begun to cough profusly
>>>> which made the golf ball shaped turds come out in rapid profusion.
>>>> The first policeman who got out of the car didn't know what the hell
>>>> was going on and ran up to me to see if he could offer some
>>>> assistance or maybe call an ambulance. Naturally he stepped on
>>>> several of the golf balls and even though they were hard and rolling
>>>> around they squished when he stepped on the first one and the rest
>>>> of them squished some more when he fell on his ass in the middle of
>>>> the whole mess.
>>>> This would not have been so bad, but he had a warrant for my arrest
>>>> for disorderly conduct due to the complaint the old Portagee lady
>>>> had filed against me for using profanity in front of her grand
>>>> daughter. The second cop came up and asked me if I was Manny and
>>>> unfortunately I admitted to the fact and he handcuffed me and
>>>> started walking me to the police car. The first cop was yelling at
>>>> him, " No no no, don't put him in the car." Meanwhile Stumpy had
>>>> called my doctor and told him what was happening and my Doctor
>>>> called the police dispatcher and told them to rush me to the nearest
>>>> hospital. He also instructed them not to wait for an ambulance that
>>>> it was an emergency situation.
>>>> Well, I just got back from the hospital. The police decided they
>>>> didn't want to **** with the paper work involved in writing up the
>>>> old lady's complaint and were still in the hospital parking lot
>>>> arguing about who was going to have to drive that stinking police
>>>> car back to the station, when my son picked me up to bring me home.
>>>> And this was all the fault of them ****en trolls that overtook the
>>>> alt.clubs.just-for-fun newsgroup. It's not real life, its just
>>>> usenet? Bullshit! Are you listening Andrew?
>>>> manny
>>>> "oneson" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:sppuj.91656$
>>>>> LOL
>>>>> Manny sounds like he was a real card.
>>>>> DAB wrote:
>>>>>> Ms. Pruitt never really claimed to run a whorehouse. She had the
>>>>>> only hot running water in town and at the time owned the only
>>>>>> brick building in town. She lived upstairs with some of her
>>>>>> 'nieces' who helped out in the washateria. Was a need for the
>>>>>> washateria cause very few folks had running water in they houses
>>>>>> at the time and nobody that I know of had a hot water heater and
>>>>>> sure as hell did not own a washing machine. Home washing was
>>>>>> done in a boiling black pot over a wood fire and scrubbed on a
>>>>>> washboard. Even Ms. Pruitt didn't have dryers, the ladies just
>>>>>> washed they clothes and used the wringers that was on top of the
>>>>>> machines to squeeze most of the water out and took the wet laundry
>>>>>> home and hung it on a close line like you supposed to. Was a
>>>>>> large farming community so it was a pretty successful business.
>>>>>> Of course the women all had to get home in time to cook supper and
>>>>>> hang up the clothes so there was no business at night.
>>>>>> Ms. Pruitt added another service to her business. That actually
>>>>>> was providing hot showers to all the sweaty hardworking men folks
>>>>>> at the end of the day. She only charged a dime for the showers
>>>>>> and furnished clean towels and plenty of lye soap which was what
>>>>>> they used in the washateria also. The women folks appreciated
>>>>>> this cause it relieved them of the chore of heating up a tub of
>>>>>> water for the menfolks and when they came home for supper they
>>>>>> were all nice and clean and smelled pretty good.
>>>>>> Ms. Pruitt's nieces added a extra service for the menfolks. For
>>>>>> an extra dollar, they would wash they backs and if the menfolks so
>>>>>> desired, the nieces would take them upstairs and offer them some
>>>>>> 'relief'. I never really knew what they meant by that.
>>>>>> I went to school and played basketball, but I was ten years old
>>>>>> and a little mature for my age and was embarrassed to get naked in
>>>>>> front of the other six guys on the basketball team, so I would go
>>>>>> to Ms. Pruitt's and take a shower. Ms. Pruitt always liked me and
>>>>>> never charged me cause I didn't have no dime anyhow. She would
>>>>>> often step into the shower with me and wash my back and finally
>>>>>> one day, offered to take me upstairs and give me some 'relief'
>>>>>> cause ever time she washed my back, I got this enormous erection
>>>>>> which I tried to hide but usually she would just slap the hell out
>>>>>> of it and laugh about it. This fateful day, she took me upstairs
>>>>>> and gave me some 'relief'. I found out later that she had
>>>>>> actually taken my virginity from me, but I was so nervous about
>>>>>> the whole thing, I can't to this day remember what actually
>>>>>> happened except she got all hot and sweaty and squealed and moaned
>>>>>> a lot and I had to go take another shower.
>>>>>> I told my older brother about this and he really didn't believe
>>>>>> me. He had some money, not much, but he often had the dime to go
>>>>>> there and take a hot shower. They was no hot water at the school
>>>>>> showers. Ms. Pruitt nor her nieces had ever offered to take him
>>>>>> upstairs and offer him any 'relief'. I told him about the
>>>>>> menfolks I had seen go upstairs and get 'relief' and explained to
>>>>>> him that they always charged an extra dollar for that.
>>>>>> The very next day he did some work for a neighbor and made thirty
>>>>>> five cents so he hooked it over to the washateria and paid the
>>>>>> dime for the shower and asked one of the nieces if he could go
>>>>>> upstairs and get some 'relief'. When they got upstairs, she asked
>>>>>> him for the dollar and he explained that he only had twenty five
>>>>>> cents. She beat the living **** out of him. He came home with
>>>>>> a busted lip and two black eyes and some really sore balls where
>>>>>> she had kicked him and threw him down the stairs. Only thing he
>>>>>> said before he snuck off and went to bed was "Damn! I don't think
>>>>>> I could have took a dollars worth of that."
>>>>>> Believe this story or not, makes no nevermind to me.
>>>>>> Manny
>>>>>> 21 Aug 2002
>>> ---
>>> This is the .sig file of His AssHoliness, Raoul Xemblinosky mhm 15x12


Mimus hasn't written anything funny about me lately.

Wavy G
mail me at:
We're top-posting in honor of the late UseNet Performance Artist,
Manny Hall.

On Thu, 21 Feb 2008 03:27:32 -0500, Wavy G <>

>Dear, "DAB": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:
>>He got the award for that post to Sergi....I have it somewhere and will post
>>it when I find it or if Ferd has it handy maybe he can post it. as I recall
>>Manny got several usenet performace art awards and the Troll Balls could
>>have been included.

>I'm sorry. I missed the memo. When did we all start top-posting, here?
>Help a "brother" out.
>>Stell wrote:
>>> Didn't he get a Usenet award for this one?
>>> J. Raoul Xemblinosky wrote:
>>>> I honestly believe this was Manny's greatest story ever.
>>>> ---------------------------
>>>> On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 21:57:20 -0500, "Ferd Berfle" <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Indeed!
>>>>> From: Manny
>>>>> Subject: Trials, Tribulations and Such
>>>>> Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999
>>>>> Life is now becoming a completely boring experience. I am being
>>>>> denied the priviledge of spreading confusion, hate and discontent
>>>>> among the masses.
>>>>> This morning I was sitting playing with this damned computer. I just
>>>>> moved into a downstairs, actually backyard view apartment. The front
>>>>> parking lot of this building is facing the parking lot. As a result
>>>>> the bottom floor has no front view except for a flower bed full of
>>>>> plants, none of them edible or smokable. The bedroom window has a
>>>>> fantastic view of the river and the garden plots in the back of the
>>>>> building as well as a nice view of the gazebo and such. Problem is,
>>>>> people walking by the window can see inside if they shade their eyes
>>>>> and put they faces right up against the jalousies.
>>>>> On occassion some idiot will do just that. When I notice, I usually
>>>>> reply with an expletive I learned while living on Treasure Island,
>>>>> Florida. "What the **** you looking at?" Normal reply for the
>>>>> situation, I would think. This morning, I am sitting here in my
>>>>> skivvies trying to think of some way to antagonize somebody and I
>>>>> get this crawly feeling I was being watched. I looked up and here
>>>>> was this old ugly, and I mean Redd Foxx type ugly Portagee woman
>>>>> with her hands shielding her eyes staring at my old, fat neglected
>>>>> body. I didn't even have a hard on to impress her with. I looked at
>>>>> her, I am talking a distance of about two feet, and yelled, "what
>>>>> the **** you looking at?" She responded with a "**** you you no good
>>>>> sonofabitch, don't you talk like that around my granddaughter." Well
>>>>> In case they was actually a granddaughter there I know not because
>>>>> the window sill is much higher than her grand daughter is tall and I
>>>>> didn't see anybody else."Look, you ugly, sleazy old Portagee peeping
>>>>> Thomaset, says I, I am gonna file a complaint against you with the
>>>>> ****en building manager."
>>>>> Fifteen minutes later I went upstairs to check my mailbox, hoping
>>>>> maybe Uncle Gus had sent a new shipment of chocolate chip cookies or
>>>>> something and the old bitch walked by and elbowed me in the ribs and
>>>>> shoulder blocked me into the wall of mailboxes. I just went to the
>>>>> doctor yesterday because I am in the middle of a congestive heart
>>>>> failure problem brought on by them ****en trolls and ****. My lungs
>>>>> are filling with water and I am slowly drowning is the only way to
>>>>> explain the situation. The doctor gave me some really good meds and
>>>>> I pissed out about a gallon of water yesterday afternoon and last
>>>>> night. He also gave me a bunch of percodan, which had my nerves
>>>>> pretty calm and such, but had thrown me into a horrible state of
>>>>> constipation. To correct this he gave me a bottle of asorbate
>>>>> solution which I drank before reading the directions. It was a
>>>>> twelve ounce bottle and that is the same size beer comes in so I
>>>>> just drank the bottle this morning figuring that would take care of
>>>>> the problem.
>>>>> Lasix is the med he gave me to get rid of the water on my lungs. It
>>>>> is called Lasix because it lasts six hours. Get it? LAst SIX hours.
>>>>> Well the elbow to the ribs and the shoulder block into the mailbox
>>>>> wall just about knocked me out. I could not breath at all. This
>>>>> built up a tremendous amount of pressure. I had taken two of the 40
>>>>> mg Lasix tablets and drunk the whole damned bottle of Absorbate
>>>>> about two hours previously. I managed to sit down on a little bench
>>>>> trying to catch my breath. Was having absolutely no luck doing that.
>>>>> But that was just about the time the lasix and the absorbate kicked
>>>>> in. The old bitch called the police and filed a complaint against me
>>>>> for using profanity in front of her grandchild. About the time the
>>>>> police got out of their car, the lasix and absorbate liberated my
>>>>> kidneys and bowels in one big heave. This resulted in a giant
>>>>> expulsion of feces which resembled golf balls and a stream of piss
>>>>> that would have done a Missouri Mule proud. I had taken off my
>>>>> skivvies and was only wearing a pair of short pajama bottoms, so
>>>>> there was not much resistance to the expulsion. ****, piss and other
>>>>> weird body fluids started squirting all over the bench and the golf
>>>>> ball sized turds started rolling across the floor in front of the
>>>>> bench. I still couldn't breathe but had begun to cough profusly
>>>>> which made the golf ball shaped turds come out in rapid profusion.
>>>>> The first policeman who got out of the car didn't know what the hell
>>>>> was going on and ran up to me to see if he could offer some
>>>>> assistance or maybe call an ambulance. Naturally he stepped on
>>>>> several of the golf balls and even though they were hard and rolling
>>>>> around they squished when he stepped on the first one and the rest
>>>>> of them squished some more when he fell on his ass in the middle of
>>>>> the whole mess.
>>>>> This would not have been so bad, but he had a warrant for my arrest
>>>>> for disorderly conduct due to the complaint the old Portagee lady
>>>>> had filed against me for using profanity in front of her grand
>>>>> daughter. The second cop came up and asked me if I was Manny and
>>>>> unfortunately I admitted to the fact and he handcuffed me and
>>>>> started walking me to the police car. The first cop was yelling at
>>>>> him, " No no no, don't put him in the car." Meanwhile Stumpy had
>>>>> called my doctor and told him what was happening and my Doctor
>>>>> called the police dispatcher and told them to rush me to the nearest
>>>>> hospital. He also instructed them not to wait for an ambulance that
>>>>> it was an emergency situation.
>>>>> Well, I just got back from the hospital. The police decided they
>>>>> didn't want to **** with the paper work involved in writing up the
>>>>> old lady's complaint and were still in the hospital parking lot
>>>>> arguing about who was going to have to drive that stinking police
>>>>> car back to the station, when my son picked me up to bring me home.
>>>>> And this was all the fault of them ****en trolls that overtook the
>>>>> alt.clubs.just-for-fun newsgroup. It's not real life, its just
>>>>> usenet? Bullshit! Are you listening Andrew?
>>>>> manny
>>>>> "oneson" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:sppuj.91656$
>>>>>> LOL
>>>>>> Manny sounds like he was a real card.
>>>>>> DAB wrote:
>>>>>>> Ms. Pruitt never really claimed to run a whorehouse. She had the
>>>>>>> only hot running water in town and at the time owned the only
>>>>>>> brick building in town. She lived upstairs with some of her
>>>>>>> 'nieces' who helped out in the washateria. Was a need for the
>>>>>>> washateria cause very few folks had running water in they houses
>>>>>>> at the time and nobody that I know of had a hot water heater and
>>>>>>> sure as hell did not own a washing machine. Home washing was
>>>>>>> done in a boiling black pot over a wood fire and scrubbed on a
>>>>>>> washboard. Even Ms. Pruitt didn't have dryers, the ladies just
>>>>>>> washed they clothes and used the wringers that was on top of the
>>>>>>> machines to squeeze most of the water out and took the wet laundry
>>>>>>> home and hung it on a close line like you supposed to. Was a
>>>>>>> large farming community so it was a pretty successful business.
>>>>>>> Of course the women all had to get home in time to cook supper and
>>>>>>> hang up the clothes so there was no business at night.
>>>>>>> Ms. Pruitt added another service to her business. That actually
>>>>>>> was providing hot showers to all the sweaty hardworking men folks
>>>>>>> at the end of the day. She only charged a dime for the showers
>>>>>>> and furnished clean towels and plenty of lye soap which was what
>>>>>>> they used in the washateria also. The women folks appreciated
>>>>>>> this cause it relieved them of the chore of heating up a tub of
>>>>>>> water for the menfolks and when they came home for supper they
>>>>>>> were all nice and clean and smelled pretty good.
>>>>>>> Ms. Pruitt's nieces added a extra service for the menfolks. For
>>>>>>> an extra dollar, they would wash they backs and if the menfolks so
>>>>>>> desired, the nieces would take them upstairs and offer them some
>>>>>>> 'relief'. I never really knew what they meant by that.
>>>>>>> I went to school and played basketball, but I was ten years old
>>>>>>> and a little mature for my age and was embarrassed to get naked in
>>>>>>> front of the other six guys on the basketball team, so I would go
>>>>>>> to Ms. Pruitt's and take a shower. Ms. Pruitt always liked me and
>>>>>>> never charged me cause I didn't have no dime anyhow. She would
>>>>>>> often step into the shower with me and wash my back and finally
>>>>>>> one day, offered to take me upstairs and give me some 'relief'
>>>>>>> cause ever time she washed my back, I got this enormous erection
>>>>>>> which I tried to hide but usually she would just slap the hell out
>>>>>>> of it and laugh about it. This fateful day, she took me upstairs
>>>>>>> and gave me some 'relief'. I found out later that she had
>>>>>>> actually taken my virginity from me, but I was so nervous about
>>>>>>> the whole thing, I can't to this day remember what actually
>>>>>>> happened except she got all hot and sweaty and squealed and moaned
>>>>>>> a lot and I had to go take another shower.
>>>>>>> I told my older brother about this and he really didn't believe
>>>>>>> me. He had some money, not much, but he often had the dime to go
>>>>>>> there and take a hot shower. They was no hot water at the school
>>>>>>> showers. Ms. Pruitt nor her nieces had ever offered to take him
>>>>>>> upstairs and offer him any 'relief'. I told him about the
>>>>>>> menfolks I had seen go upstairs and get 'relief' and explained to
>>>>>>> him that they always charged an extra dollar for that.
>>>>>>> The very next day he did some work for a neighbor and made thirty
>>>>>>> five cents so he hooked it over to the washateria and paid the
>>>>>>> dime for the shower and asked one of the nieces if he could go
>>>>>>> upstairs and get some 'relief'. When they got upstairs, she asked
>>>>>>> him for the dollar and he explained that he only had twenty five
>>>>>>> cents. She beat the living **** out of him. He came home with
>>>>>>> a busted lip and two black eyes and some really sore balls where
>>>>>>> she had kicked him and threw him down the stairs. Only thing he
>>>>>>> said before he snuck off and went to bed was "Damn! I don't think
>>>>>>> I could have took a dollars worth of that."
>>>>>>> Believe this story or not, makes no nevermind to me.
>>>>>>> Manny
>>>>>>> 21 Aug 2002
>>>> ---
>>>> This is the .sig file of His AssHoliness, Raoul Xemblinosky mhm 15x12


This is the .sig file of His AssHoliness, Raoul Xemblinosky mhm 15x12
Indeed. It is Jiffy Club policy to top post...or bottom post, whichever we
feel is most appropriate at the time.

Manny would be proud.

"J. Raoul Xemblinosky" <> wrote in message
> We're top-posting in honor of the late UseNet Performance Artist,
> Manny Hall.
> On Thu, 21 Feb 2008 03:27:32 -0500, Wavy G <>
> wrote:
>>Dear, "DAB": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:
>>>He got the award for that post to Sergi....I have it somewhere and will
>>>it when I find it or if Ferd has it handy maybe he can post it. as I
>>>Manny got several usenet performace art awards and the Troll Balls could
>>>have been included.

>>I'm sorry. I missed the memo. When did we all start top-posting, here?
>>Help a "brother" out.
>>>Stell wrote:
>>>> Didn't he get a Usenet award for this one?
>>>> J. Raoul Xemblinosky wrote:
>>>>> I honestly believe this was Manny's greatest story ever.
>>>>> ---------------------------
>>>>> On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 21:57:20 -0500, "Ferd Berfle" <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Indeed!
>>>>>> From: Manny
>>>>>> Subject: Trials, Tribulations and Such
>>>>>> Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999
>>>>>> Life is now becoming a completely boring experience. I am being
>>>>>> denied the priviledge of spreading confusion, hate and discontent
>>>>>> among the masses.
>>>>>> This morning I was sitting playing with this damned computer. I just
>>>>>> moved into a downstairs, actually backyard view apartment. The front
>>>>>> parking lot of this building is facing the parking lot. As a result
>>>>>> the bottom floor has no front view except for a flower bed full of
>>>>>> plants, none of them edible or smokable. The bedroom window has a
>>>>>> fantastic view of the river and the garden plots in the back of the
>>>>>> building as well as a nice view of the gazebo and such. Problem is,
>>>>>> people walking by the window can see inside if they shade their eyes
>>>>>> and put they faces right up against the jalousies.
>>>>>> On occassion some idiot will do just that. When I notice, I usually
>>>>>> reply with an expletive I learned while living on Treasure Island,
>>>>>> Florida. "What the **** you looking at?" Normal reply for the
>>>>>> situation, I would think. This morning, I am sitting here in my
>>>>>> skivvies trying to think of some way to antagonize somebody and I
>>>>>> get this crawly feeling I was being watched. I looked up and here
>>>>>> was this old ugly, and I mean Redd Foxx type ugly Portagee woman
>>>>>> with her hands shielding her eyes staring at my old, fat neglected
>>>>>> body. I didn't even have a hard on to impress her with. I looked at
>>>>>> her, I am talking a distance of about two feet, and yelled, "what
>>>>>> the **** you looking at?" She responded with a "**** you you no good
>>>>>> sonofabitch, don't you talk like that around my granddaughter." Well
>>>>>> In case they was actually a granddaughter there I know not because
>>>>>> the window sill is much higher than her grand daughter is tall and I
>>>>>> didn't see anybody else."Look, you ugly, sleazy old Portagee peeping
>>>>>> Thomaset, says I, I am gonna file a complaint against you with the
>>>>>> ****en building manager."
>>>>>> Fifteen minutes later I went upstairs to check my mailbox, hoping
>>>>>> maybe Uncle Gus had sent a new shipment of chocolate chip cookies or
>>>>>> something and the old bitch walked by and elbowed me in the ribs and
>>>>>> shoulder blocked me into the wall of mailboxes. I just went to the
>>>>>> doctor yesterday because I am in the middle of a congestive heart
>>>>>> failure problem brought on by them ****en trolls and ****. My lungs
>>>>>> are filling with water and I am slowly drowning is the only way to
>>>>>> explain the situation. The doctor gave me some really good meds and
>>>>>> I pissed out about a gallon of water yesterday afternoon and last
>>>>>> night. He also gave me a bunch of percodan, which had my nerves
>>>>>> pretty calm and such, but had thrown me into a horrible state of
>>>>>> constipation. To correct this he gave me a bottle of asorbate
>>>>>> solution which I drank before reading the directions. It was a
>>>>>> twelve ounce bottle and that is the same size beer comes in so I
>>>>>> just drank the bottle this morning figuring that would take care of
>>>>>> the problem.
>>>>>> Lasix is the med he gave me to get rid of the water on my lungs. It
>>>>>> is called Lasix because it lasts six hours. Get it? LAst SIX hours.
>>>>>> Well the elbow to the ribs and the shoulder block into the mailbox
>>>>>> wall just about knocked me out. I could not breath at all. This
>>>>>> built up a tremendous amount of pressure. I had taken two of the 40
>>>>>> mg Lasix tablets and drunk the whole damned bottle of Absorbate
>>>>>> about two hours previously. I managed to sit down on a little bench
>>>>>> trying to catch my breath. Was having absolutely no luck doing that.
>>>>>> But that was just about the time the lasix and the absorbate kicked
>>>>>> in. The old bitch called the police and filed a complaint against me
>>>>>> for using profanity in front of her grandchild. About the time the
>>>>>> police got out of their car, the lasix and absorbate liberated my
>>>>>> kidneys and bowels in one big heave. This resulted in a giant
>>>>>> expulsion of feces which resembled golf balls and a stream of piss
>>>>>> that would have done a Missouri Mule proud. I had taken off my
>>>>>> skivvies and was only wearing a pair of short pajama bottoms, so
>>>>>> there was not much resistance to the expulsion. ****, piss and other
>>>>>> weird body fluids started squirting all over the bench and the golf
>>>>>> ball sized turds started rolling across the floor in front of the
>>>>>> bench. I still couldn't breathe but had begun to cough profusly
>>>>>> which made the golf ball shaped turds come out in rapid profusion.
>>>>>> The first policeman who got out of the car didn't know what the hell
>>>>>> was going on and ran up to me to see if he could offer some
>>>>>> assistance or maybe call an ambulance. Naturally he stepped on
>>>>>> several of the golf balls and even though they were hard and rolling
>>>>>> around they squished when he stepped on the first one and the rest
>>>>>> of them squished some more when he fell on his ass in the middle of
>>>>>> the whole mess.
>>>>>> This would not have been so bad, but he had a warrant for my arrest
>>>>>> for disorderly conduct due to the complaint the old Portagee lady
>>>>>> had filed against me for using profanity in front of her grand
>>>>>> daughter. The second cop came up and asked me if I was Manny and
>>>>>> unfortunately I admitted to the fact and he handcuffed me and
>>>>>> started walking me to the police car. The first cop was yelling at
>>>>>> him, " No no no, don't put him in the car." Meanwhile Stumpy had
>>>>>> called my doctor and told him what was happening and my Doctor
>>>>>> called the police dispatcher and told them to rush me to the nearest
>>>>>> hospital. He also instructed them not to wait for an ambulance that
>>>>>> it was an emergency situation.
>>>>>> Well, I just got back from the hospital. The police decided they
>>>>>> didn't want to **** with the paper work involved in writing up the
>>>>>> old lady's complaint and were still in the hospital parking lot
>>>>>> arguing about who was going to have to drive that stinking police
>>>>>> car back to the station, when my son picked me up to bring me home.
>>>>>> And this was all the fault of them ****en trolls that overtook the
>>>>>> alt.clubs.just-for-fun newsgroup. It's not real life, its just
>>>>>> usenet? Bullshit! Are you listening Andrew?
>>>>>> manny
>>>>>> "oneson" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:sppuj.91656$
>>>>>>> LOL
>>>>>>> Manny sounds like he was a real card.
>>>>>>> DAB wrote:
>>>>>>>> Ms. Pruitt never really claimed to run a whorehouse. She had the
>>>>>>>> only hot running water in town and at the time owned the only
>>>>>>>> brick building in town. She lived upstairs with some of her
>>>>>>>> 'nieces' who helped out in the washateria. Was a need for the
>>>>>>>> washateria cause very few folks had running water in they houses
>>>>>>>> at the time and nobody that I know of had a hot water heater and
>>>>>>>> sure as hell did not own a washing machine. Home washing was
>>>>>>>> done in a boiling black pot over a wood fire and scrubbed on a
>>>>>>>> washboard. Even Ms. Pruitt didn't have dryers, the ladies just
>>>>>>>> washed they clothes and used the wringers that was on top of the
>>>>>>>> machines to squeeze most of the water out and took the wet laundry
>>>>>>>> home and hung it on a close line like you supposed to. Was a
>>>>>>>> large farming community so it was a pretty successful business.
>>>>>>>> Of course the women all had to get home in time to cook supper and
>>>>>>>> hang up the clothes so there was no business at night.
>>>>>>>> Ms. Pruitt added another service to her business. That actually
>>>>>>>> was providing hot showers to all the sweaty hardworking men folks
>>>>>>>> at the end of the day. She only charged a dime for the showers
>>>>>>>> and furnished clean towels and plenty of lye soap which was what
>>>>>>>> they used in the washateria also. The women folks appreciated
>>>>>>>> this cause it relieved them of the chore of heating up a tub of
>>>>>>>> water for the menfolks and when they came home for supper they
>>>>>>>> were all nice and clean and smelled pretty good.
>>>>>>>> Ms. Pruitt's nieces added a extra service for the menfolks. For
>>>>>>>> an extra dollar, they would wash they backs and if the menfolks so
>>>>>>>> desired, the nieces would take them upstairs and offer them some
>>>>>>>> 'relief'. I never really knew what they meant by that.
>>>>>>>> I went to school and played basketball, but I was ten years old
>>>>>>>> and a little mature for my age and was embarrassed to get naked in
>>>>>>>> front of the other six guys on the basketball team, so I would go
>>>>>>>> to Ms. Pruitt's and take a shower. Ms. Pruitt always liked me and
>>>>>>>> never charged me cause I didn't have no dime anyhow. She would
>>>>>>>> often step into the shower with me and wash my back and finally
>>>>>>>> one day, offered to take me upstairs and give me some 'relief'
>>>>>>>> cause ever time she washed my back, I got this enormous erection
>>>>>>>> which I tried to hide but usually she would just slap the hell out
>>>>>>>> of it and laugh about it. This fateful day, she took me upstairs
>>>>>>>> and gave me some 'relief'. I found out later that she had
>>>>>>>> actually taken my virginity from me, but I was so nervous about
>>>>>>>> the whole thing, I can't to this day remember what actually
>>>>>>>> happened except she got all hot and sweaty and squealed and moaned
>>>>>>>> a lot and I had to go take another shower.
>>>>>>>> I told my older brother about this and he really didn't believe
>>>>>>>> me. He had some money, not much, but he often had the dime to go
>>>>>>>> there and take a hot shower. They was no hot water at the school
>>>>>>>> showers. Ms. Pruitt nor her nieces had ever offered to take him
>>>>>>>> upstairs and offer him any 'relief'. I told him about the
>>>>>>>> menfolks I had seen go upstairs and get 'relief' and explained to
>>>>>>>> him that they always charged an extra dollar for that.
>>>>>>>> The very next day he did some work for a neighbor and made thirty
>>>>>>>> five cents so he hooked it over to the washateria and paid the
>>>>>>>> dime for the shower and asked one of the nieces if he could go
>>>>>>>> upstairs and get some 'relief'. When they got upstairs, she asked
>>>>>>>> him for the dollar and he explained that he only had twenty five
>>>>>>>> cents. She beat the living **** out of him. He came home with
>>>>>>>> a busted lip and two black eyes and some really sore balls where
>>>>>>>> she had kicked him and threw him down the stairs. Only thing he
>>>>>>>> said before he snuck off and went to bed was "Damn! I don't think
>>>>>>>> I could have took a dollars worth of that."
>>>>>>>> Believe this story or not, makes no nevermind to me.
>>>>>>>> Manny
>>>>>>>> 21 Aug 2002
>>>>> ---
>>>>> This is the .sig file of His AssHoliness, Raoul Xemblinosky mhm 15x12

> ---
> This is the .sig file of His AssHoliness, Raoul Xemblinosky mhm 15x12
Wavy G wrote:
> Dear, "DAB": Do you like me? Please check a box (x ) YES ( ) NO:
>> He got the award for that post to Sergi....I have it somewhere and
>> will post it when I find it or if Ferd has it handy maybe he can
>> post it. as I recall Manny got several usenet performace art awards
>> and the Troll Balls could have been included.

> I'm sorry. I missed the memo. When did we all start top-posting,
> here? Help a "brother" out.

LOL we do it both ways....I call it creative posting.

Oh that is a better answer<G>

J. Raoul Xemblinosky wrote:
> We're top-posting in honor of the late UseNet Performance Artist,
> Manny Hall.
> On Thu, 21 Feb 2008 03:27:32 -0500, Wavy G <>
> wrote:
>> Dear, "DAB": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:
>>> He got the award for that post to Sergi....I have it somewhere and
>>> will post it when I find it or if Ferd has it handy maybe he can
>>> post it. as I recall Manny got several usenet performace art
>>> awards and the Troll Balls could have been included.

>> I'm sorry. I missed the memo. When did we all start top-posting,
>> here? Help a "brother" out.
>>> Donna
>>> Stell wrote:
>>>> Didn't he get a Usenet award for this one?
>>>> J. Raoul Xemblinosky wrote:
>>>>> I honestly believe this was Manny's greatest story ever.
>>>>> ---------------------------
>>>>> On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 21:57:20 -0500, "Ferd Berfle"
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> Indeed!
>>>>>> From: Manny
>>>>>> Subject: Trials, Tribulations and Such
>>>>>> Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999
>>>>>> Life is now becoming a completely boring experience. I am being
>>>>>> denied the priviledge of spreading confusion, hate and discontent
>>>>>> among the masses.
>>>>>> This morning I was sitting playing with this damned computer. I
>>>>>> just moved into a downstairs, actually backyard view apartment.
>>>>>> The front parking lot of this building is facing the parking
>>>>>> lot. As a result the bottom floor has no front view except for a
>>>>>> flower bed full of plants, none of them edible or smokable. The
>>>>>> bedroom window has a fantastic view of the river and the garden
>>>>>> plots in the back of the building as well as a nice view of the
>>>>>> gazebo and such. Problem is, people walking by the window can
>>>>>> see inside if they shade their eyes and put they faces right up
>>>>>> against the jalousies.
>>>>>> On occassion some idiot will do just that. When I notice, I
>>>>>> usually reply with an expletive I learned while living on
>>>>>> Treasure Island, Florida. "What the **** you looking at?" Normal
>>>>>> reply for the situation, I would think. This morning, I am
>>>>>> sitting here in my skivvies trying to think of some way to
>>>>>> antagonize somebody and I get this crawly feeling I was being
>>>>>> watched. I looked up and here was this old ugly, and I mean Redd
>>>>>> Foxx type ugly Portagee woman with her hands shielding her eyes
>>>>>> staring at my old, fat neglected body. I didn't even have a hard
>>>>>> on to impress her with. I looked at her, I am talking a distance
>>>>>> of about two feet, and yelled, "what the **** you looking at?"
>>>>>> She responded with a "**** you you no good sonofabitch, don't
>>>>>> you talk like that around my granddaughter." Well In case they
>>>>>> was actually a granddaughter there I know not because the window
>>>>>> sill is much higher than her grand daughter is tall and I didn't
>>>>>> see anybody else."Look, you ugly, sleazy old Portagee peeping
>>>>>> Thomaset, says I, I am gonna file a complaint against you with
>>>>>> the ****en building manager."
>>>>>> Fifteen minutes later I went upstairs to check my mailbox, hoping
>>>>>> maybe Uncle Gus had sent a new shipment of chocolate chip
>>>>>> cookies or something and the old bitch walked by and elbowed me
>>>>>> in the ribs and shoulder blocked me into the wall of mailboxes.
>>>>>> I just went to the doctor yesterday because I am in the middle
>>>>>> of a congestive heart failure problem brought on by them ****en
>>>>>> trolls and ****. My lungs are filling with water and I am slowly
>>>>>> drowning is the only way to explain the situation. The doctor
>>>>>> gave me some really good meds and I pissed out about a gallon of
>>>>>> water yesterday afternoon and last night. He also gave me a
>>>>>> bunch of percodan, which had my nerves pretty calm and such, but
>>>>>> had thrown me into a horrible state of constipation. To correct
>>>>>> this he gave me a bottle of asorbate solution which I drank
>>>>>> before reading the directions. It was a twelve ounce bottle and
>>>>>> that is the same size beer comes in so I just drank the bottle
>>>>>> this morning figuring that would take care of the problem.
>>>>>> Lasix is the med he gave me to get rid of the water on my lungs.
>>>>>> It is called Lasix because it lasts six hours. Get it? LAst SIX
>>>>>> hours. Well the elbow to the ribs and the shoulder block into
>>>>>> the mailbox wall just about knocked me out. I could not breath
>>>>>> at all. This built up a tremendous amount of pressure. I had
>>>>>> taken two of the 40 mg Lasix tablets and drunk the whole damned
>>>>>> bottle of Absorbate about two hours previously. I managed to sit
>>>>>> down on a little bench trying to catch my breath. Was having
>>>>>> absolutely no luck doing that. But that was just about the time
>>>>>> the lasix and the absorbate kicked in. The old bitch called the
>>>>>> police and filed a complaint against me for using profanity in
>>>>>> front of her grandchild. About the time the police got out of
>>>>>> their car, the lasix and absorbate liberated my kidneys and
>>>>>> bowels in one big heave. This resulted in a giant expulsion of
>>>>>> feces which resembled golf balls and a stream of piss that would
>>>>>> have done a Missouri Mule proud. I had taken off my skivvies and
>>>>>> was only wearing a pair of short pajama bottoms, so there was
>>>>>> not much resistance to the expulsion. ****, piss and other weird
>>>>>> body fluids started squirting all over the bench and the golf
>>>>>> ball sized turds started rolling across the floor in front of
>>>>>> the bench. I still couldn't breathe but had begun to cough
>>>>>> profusly which made the golf ball shaped turds come out in rapid
>>>>>> profusion. The first policeman who got out of the car didn't
>>>>>> know what the hell was going on and ran up to me to see if he
>>>>>> could offer some assistance or maybe call an ambulance.
>>>>>> Naturally he stepped on several of the golf balls and even
>>>>>> though they were hard and rolling around they squished when he
>>>>>> stepped on the first one and the rest of them squished some more
>>>>>> when he fell on his ass in the middle of the whole mess.
>>>>>> This would not have been so bad, but he had a warrant for my
>>>>>> arrest for disorderly conduct due to the complaint the old
>>>>>> Portagee lady had filed against me for using profanity in front
>>>>>> of her grand daughter. The second cop came up and asked me if I
>>>>>> was Manny and unfortunately I admitted to the fact and he
>>>>>> handcuffed me and started walking me to the police car. The
>>>>>> first cop was yelling at him, " No no no, don't put him in the
>>>>>> car." Meanwhile Stumpy had called my doctor and told him what
>>>>>> was happening and my Doctor called the police dispatcher and
>>>>>> told them to rush me to the nearest hospital. He also instructed
>>>>>> them not to wait for an ambulance that it was an emergency
>>>>>> situation.
>>>>>> Well, I just got back from the hospital. The police decided they
>>>>>> didn't want to **** with the paper work involved in writing up
>>>>>> the old lady's complaint and were still in the hospital parking
>>>>>> lot arguing about who was going to have to drive that stinking
>>>>>> police car back to the station, when my son picked me up to
>>>>>> bring me home.
>>>>>> And this was all the fault of them ****en trolls that overtook
>>>>>> the alt.clubs.just-for-fun newsgroup. It's not real life, its
>>>>>> just usenet? Bullshit! Are you listening Andrew?
>>>>>> manny
>>>>>> "oneson" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:sppuj.91656$
>>>>>>> LOL
>>>>>>> Manny sounds like he was a real card.
>>>>>>> DAB wrote:
>>>>>>>> Ms. Pruitt never really claimed to run a whorehouse. She had
>>>>>>>> the only hot running water in town and at the time owned the
>>>>>>>> only brick building in town. She lived upstairs with some of
>>>>>>>> her 'nieces' who helped out in the washateria. Was a need
>>>>>>>> for the washateria cause very few folks had running water in
>>>>>>>> they houses at the time and nobody that I know of had a hot
>>>>>>>> water heater and sure as hell did not own a washing machine.
>>>>>>>> Home washing was done in a boiling black pot over a wood fire
>>>>>>>> and scrubbed on a washboard. Even Ms. Pruitt didn't have
>>>>>>>> dryers, the ladies just washed they clothes and used the
>>>>>>>> wringers that was on top of the machines to squeeze most of
>>>>>>>> the water out and took the wet laundry home and hung it on a
>>>>>>>> close line like you supposed to. Was a large farming
>>>>>>>> community so it was a pretty successful business. Of course
>>>>>>>> the women all had to get home in time to cook supper and hang
>>>>>>>> up the clothes so there was no business at night.
>>>>>>>> Ms. Pruitt added another service to her business. That
>>>>>>>> actually was providing hot showers to all the sweaty
>>>>>>>> hardworking men folks at the end of the day. She only
>>>>>>>> charged a dime for the showers and furnished clean towels and
>>>>>>>> plenty of lye soap which was what they used in the washateria
>>>>>>>> also. The women folks appreciated this cause it relieved them
>>>>>>>> of the chore of heating up a tub of water for the menfolks and
>>>>>>>> when they came home for supper they were all nice and clean
>>>>>>>> and smelled pretty good.
>>>>>>>> Ms. Pruitt's nieces added a extra service for the menfolks.
>>>>>>>> For an extra dollar, they would wash they backs and if the
>>>>>>>> menfolks so desired, the nieces would take them upstairs and
>>>>>>>> offer them some 'relief'. I never really knew what they meant
>>>>>>>> by that.
>>>>>>>> I went to school and played basketball, but I was ten years old
>>>>>>>> and a little mature for my age and was embarrassed to get
>>>>>>>> naked in front of the other six guys on the basketball team,
>>>>>>>> so I would go to Ms. Pruitt's and take a shower. Ms. Pruitt
>>>>>>>> always liked me and never charged me cause I didn't have no
>>>>>>>> dime anyhow. She would often step into the shower with me and
>>>>>>>> wash my back and finally one day, offered to take me upstairs
>>>>>>>> and give me some 'relief' cause ever time she washed my back,
>>>>>>>> I got this enormous erection which I tried to hide but usually
>>>>>>>> she would just slap the hell out of it and laugh about it.
>>>>>>>> This fateful day, she took me upstairs and gave me some
>>>>>>>> 'relief'. I found out later that she had actually taken my
>>>>>>>> virginity from me, but I was so nervous about the whole thing,
>>>>>>>> I can't to this day remember what actually happened except she
>>>>>>>> got all hot and sweaty and squealed and moaned a lot and I had
>>>>>>>> to go take another shower.
>>>>>>>> I told my older brother about this and he really didn't believe
>>>>>>>> me. He had some money, not much, but he often had the dime
>>>>>>>> to go there and take a hot shower. They was no hot water at
>>>>>>>> the school showers. Ms. Pruitt nor her nieces had ever
>>>>>>>> offered to take him upstairs and offer him any 'relief'. I
>>>>>>>> told him about the menfolks I had seen go upstairs and get
>>>>>>>> 'relief' and explained to him that they always charged an
>>>>>>>> extra dollar for that.
>>>>>>>> The very next day he did some work for a neighbor and made
>>>>>>>> thirty five cents so he hooked it over to the washateria and
>>>>>>>> paid the dime for the shower and asked one of the nieces if he
>>>>>>>> could go upstairs and get some 'relief'. When they got
>>>>>>>> upstairs, she asked him for the dollar and he explained that
>>>>>>>> he only had twenty five cents. She beat the living **** out
>>>>>>>> of him. He came home with a busted lip and two black eyes
>>>>>>>> and some really sore balls where she had kicked him and threw
>>>>>>>> him down the stairs. Only thing he said before he snuck off
>>>>>>>> and went to bed was "Damn! I don't think I could have took a
>>>>>>>> dollars worth of that."
>>>>>>>> Believe this story or not, makes no nevermind to me.
>>>>>>>> Manny
>>>>>>>> 21 Aug 2002
>>>>> ---
>>>>> This is the .sig file of His AssHoliness, Raoul Xemblinosky mhm
>>>>> 15x12

> ---
> This is the .sig file of His AssHoliness, Raoul Xemblinosky mhm 15x12
Wavy G wrote:
> Dear, "DAB": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:
>> He got the award for that post to Sergi....I have it somewhere and
>> will post it when I find it or if Ferd has it handy maybe he can
>> post it. as I recall Manny got several usenet performace art awards
>> and the Troll Balls could have been included.

> I'm sorry. I missed the memo. When did we all start top-posting,
> here? Help a "brother" out.

If someone top posts we top post in reply as that is their preference. If
they bottom post, we reply in kind as that is their preference or the way
their newsreader works. It's called inclusion. <s>

>> Donna
>> Stell wrote:
>>> Didn't he get a Usenet award for this one?
>>> J. Raoul Xemblinosky wrote:
>>>> I honestly believe this was Manny's greatest story ever.
>>>> ---------------------------
>>>> On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 21:57:20 -0500, "Ferd Berfle"
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> Indeed!
>>>>> From: Manny
>>>>> Subject: Trials, Tribulations and Such
>>>>> Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999
>>>>> Life is now becoming a completely boring experience. I am being
>>>>> denied the priviledge of spreading confusion, hate and discontent
>>>>> among the masses.
>>>>> This morning I was sitting playing with this damned computer. I
>>>>> just moved into a downstairs, actually backyard view apartment.
>>>>> The front parking lot of this building is facing the parking lot.
>>>>> As a result the bottom floor has no front view except for a
>>>>> flower bed full of plants, none of them edible or smokable. The
>>>>> bedroom window has a fantastic view of the river and the garden
>>>>> plots in the back of the building as well as a nice view of the
>>>>> gazebo and such. Problem is, people walking by the window can see
>>>>> inside if they shade their eyes and put they faces right up
>>>>> against the jalousies.
>>>>> On occassion some idiot will do just that. When I notice, I
>>>>> usually reply with an expletive I learned while living on
>>>>> Treasure Island, Florida. "What the **** you looking at?" Normal
>>>>> reply for the situation, I would think. This morning, I am
>>>>> sitting here in my skivvies trying to think of some way to
>>>>> antagonize somebody and I get this crawly feeling I was being
>>>>> watched. I looked up and here was this old ugly, and I mean Redd
>>>>> Foxx type ugly Portagee woman with her hands shielding her eyes
>>>>> staring at my old, fat neglected body. I didn't even have a hard
>>>>> on to impress her with. I looked at her, I am talking a distance
>>>>> of about two feet, and yelled, "what the **** you looking at?"
>>>>> She responded with a "**** you you no good sonofabitch, don't you
>>>>> talk like that around my granddaughter." Well In case they was
>>>>> actually a granddaughter there I know not because the window sill
>>>>> is much higher than her grand daughter is tall and I didn't see
>>>>> anybody else."Look, you ugly, sleazy old Portagee peeping
>>>>> Thomaset, says I, I am gonna file a complaint against you with
>>>>> the ****en building manager."
>>>>> Fifteen minutes later I went upstairs to check my mailbox, hoping
>>>>> maybe Uncle Gus had sent a new shipment of chocolate chip cookies
>>>>> or something and the old bitch walked by and elbowed me in the
>>>>> ribs and shoulder blocked me into the wall of mailboxes. I just
>>>>> went to the doctor yesterday because I am in the middle of a
>>>>> congestive heart failure problem brought on by them ****en trolls
>>>>> and ****. My lungs are filling with water and I am slowly
>>>>> drowning is the only way to explain the situation. The doctor
>>>>> gave me some really good meds and I pissed out about a gallon of
>>>>> water yesterday afternoon and last night. He also gave me a bunch
>>>>> of percodan, which had my nerves pretty calm and such, but had
>>>>> thrown me into a horrible state of constipation. To correct this
>>>>> he gave me a bottle of asorbate solution which I drank before
>>>>> reading the directions. It was a twelve ounce bottle and that is
>>>>> the same size beer comes in so I just drank the bottle this
>>>>> morning figuring that would take care of the problem.
>>>>> Lasix is the med he gave me to get rid of the water on my lungs.
>>>>> It is called Lasix because it lasts six hours. Get it? LAst SIX
>>>>> hours. Well the elbow to the ribs and the shoulder block into the
>>>>> mailbox wall just about knocked me out. I could not breath at
>>>>> all. This built up a tremendous amount of pressure. I had taken
>>>>> two of the 40 mg Lasix tablets and drunk the whole damned bottle
>>>>> of Absorbate about two hours previously. I managed to sit down on
>>>>> a little bench trying to catch my breath. Was having absolutely
>>>>> no luck doing that. But that was just about the time the lasix
>>>>> and the absorbate kicked in. The old bitch called the police and
>>>>> filed a complaint against me for using profanity in front of her
>>>>> grandchild. About the time the police got out of their car, the
>>>>> lasix and absorbate liberated my kidneys and bowels in one big
>>>>> heave. This resulted in a giant expulsion of feces which
>>>>> resembled golf balls and a stream of piss that would have done a
>>>>> Missouri Mule proud. I had taken off my skivvies and was only
>>>>> wearing a pair of short pajama bottoms, so there was not much
>>>>> resistance to the expulsion. ****, piss and other weird body
>>>>> fluids started squirting all over the bench and the golf ball
>>>>> sized turds started rolling across the floor in front of the
>>>>> bench. I still couldn't breathe but had begun to cough profusly
>>>>> which made the golf ball shaped turds come out in rapid
>>>>> profusion. The first policeman who got out of the car didn't know
>>>>> what the hell was going on and ran up to me to see if he could
>>>>> offer some assistance or maybe call an ambulance. Naturally he
>>>>> stepped on several of the golf balls and even though they were
>>>>> hard and rolling around they squished when he stepped on the
>>>>> first one and the rest of them squished some more when he fell on
>>>>> his ass in the middle of the whole mess.
>>>>> This would not have been so bad, but he had a warrant for my
>>>>> arrest for disorderly conduct due to the complaint the old
>>>>> Portagee lady had filed against me for using profanity in front
>>>>> of her grand daughter. The second cop came up and asked me if I
>>>>> was Manny and unfortunately I admitted to the fact and he
>>>>> handcuffed me and started walking me to the police car. The first
>>>>> cop was yelling at him, " No no no, don't put him in the car."
>>>>> Meanwhile Stumpy had called my doctor and told him what was
>>>>> happening and my Doctor called the police dispatcher and told
>>>>> them to rush me to the nearest hospital. He also instructed them
>>>>> not to wait for an ambulance that it was an emergency situation.
>>>>> Well, I just got back from the hospital. The police decided they
>>>>> didn't want to **** with the paper work involved in writing up the
>>>>> old lady's complaint and were still in the hospital parking lot
>>>>> arguing about who was going to have to drive that stinking police
>>>>> car back to the station, when my son picked me up to bring me
>>>>> home.
>>>>> And this was all the fault of them ****en trolls that overtook the
>>>>> alt.clubs.just-for-fun newsgroup. It's not real life, its just
>>>>> usenet? Bullshit! Are you listening Andrew?
>>>>> manny
>>>>> "oneson" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:sppuj.91656$
>>>>>> LOL
>>>>>> Manny sounds like he was a real card.
>>>>>> DAB wrote:
>>>>>>> Ms. Pruitt never really claimed to run a whorehouse. She had
>>>>>>> the only hot running water in town and at the time owned the
>>>>>>> only brick building in town. She lived upstairs with some of her
>>>>>>> 'nieces' who helped out in the washateria. Was a need for the
>>>>>>> washateria cause very few folks had running water in they houses
>>>>>>> at the time and nobody that I know of had a hot water heater and
>>>>>>> sure as hell did not own a washing machine. Home washing was
>>>>>>> done in a boiling black pot over a wood fire and scrubbed on a
>>>>>>> washboard. Even Ms. Pruitt didn't have dryers, the ladies just
>>>>>>> washed they clothes and used the wringers that was on top of the
>>>>>>> machines to squeeze most of the water out and took the wet
>>>>>>> laundry home and hung it on a close line like you supposed to.
>>>>>>> Was a large farming community so it was a pretty successful
>>>>>>> business. Of course the women all had to get home in time to
>>>>>>> cook supper and hang up the clothes so there was no business at
>>>>>>> night.
>>>>>>> Ms. Pruitt added another service to her business. That
>>>>>>> actually was providing hot showers to all the sweaty
>>>>>>> hardworking men folks at the end of the day. She only charged
>>>>>>> a dime for the showers and furnished clean towels and plenty of
>>>>>>> lye soap which was what they used in the washateria also. The
>>>>>>> women folks appreciated this cause it relieved them of the
>>>>>>> chore of heating up a tub of water for the menfolks and when
>>>>>>> they came home for supper they were all nice and clean and
>>>>>>> smelled pretty good.
>>>>>>> Ms. Pruitt's nieces added a extra service for the menfolks. For
>>>>>>> an extra dollar, they would wash they backs and if the menfolks
>>>>>>> so desired, the nieces would take them upstairs and offer them
>>>>>>> some 'relief'. I never really knew what they meant by that.
>>>>>>> I went to school and played basketball, but I was ten years old
>>>>>>> and a little mature for my age and was embarrassed to get naked
>>>>>>> in front of the other six guys on the basketball team, so I
>>>>>>> would go to Ms. Pruitt's and take a shower. Ms. Pruitt always
>>>>>>> liked me and never charged me cause I didn't have no dime
>>>>>>> anyhow. She would often step into the shower with me and wash
>>>>>>> my back and finally one day, offered to take me upstairs and
>>>>>>> give me some 'relief' cause ever time she washed my back, I
>>>>>>> got this enormous erection which I tried to hide but usually
>>>>>>> she would just slap the hell out of it and laugh about it.
>>>>>>> This fateful day, she took me upstairs and gave me some
>>>>>>> 'relief'. I found out later that she had actually taken my
>>>>>>> virginity from me, but I was so nervous about the whole thing,
>>>>>>> I can't to this day remember what actually happened except she
>>>>>>> got all hot and sweaty and squealed and moaned a lot and I had
>>>>>>> to go take another shower.
>>>>>>> I told my older brother about this and he really didn't believe
>>>>>>> me. He had some money, not much, but he often had the dime to
>>>>>>> go there and take a hot shower. They was no hot water at the
>>>>>>> school showers. Ms. Pruitt nor her nieces had ever offered to
>>>>>>> take him upstairs and offer him any 'relief'. I told him
>>>>>>> about the menfolks I had seen go upstairs and get 'relief' and
>>>>>>> explained to him that they always charged an extra dollar for
>>>>>>> that.
>>>>>>> The very next day he did some work for a neighbor and made
>>>>>>> thirty five cents so he hooked it over to the washateria and
>>>>>>> paid the dime for the shower and asked one of the nieces if he
>>>>>>> could go upstairs and get some 'relief'. When they got
>>>>>>> upstairs, she asked him for the dollar and he explained that he
>>>>>>> only had twenty five cents. She beat the living **** out of
>>>>>>> him. He came home with a busted lip and two black eyes and
>>>>>>> some really sore balls where she had kicked him and threw him
>>>>>>> down the stairs. Only thing he said before he snuck off and
>>>>>>> went to bed was "Damn! I don't think I could have took a
>>>>>>> dollars worth of that."
>>>>>>> Believe this story or not, makes no nevermind to me.
>>>>>>> Manny
>>>>>>> 21 Aug 2002
>>>> ---
>>>> This is the .sig file of His AssHoliness, Raoul Xemblinosky mhm
>>>> 15x12


> Wavy G
> mail me at:
Dear, "Stell": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:

>Wavy G wrote:
>> Dear, "DAB": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:
>>> He got the award for that post to Sergi....I have it somewhere and
>>> will post it when I find it or if Ferd has it handy maybe he can
>>> post it. as I recall Manny got several usenet performace art awards
>>> and the Troll Balls could have been included.

>> I'm sorry. I missed the memo. When did we all start top-posting,
>> here? Help a "brother" out.

>If someone top posts we top post in reply as that is their preference. If
>they bottom post, we reply in kind as that is their preference or the way
>their newsreader works. It's called inclusion. <s>

That's the dumbest foreign policy I've ever heard.

>>> Donna
>>> Stell wrote:
>>>> Didn't he get a Usenet award for this one?
>>>> J. Raoul Xemblinosky wrote:
>>>>> I honestly believe this was Manny's greatest story ever.
>>>>> ---------------------------
>>>>> On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 21:57:20 -0500, "Ferd Berfle"
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> Indeed!
>>>>>> From: Manny
>>>>>> Subject: Trials, Tribulations and Such
>>>>>> Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999
>>>>>> Life is now becoming a completely boring experience. I am being
>>>>>> denied the priviledge of spreading confusion, hate and discontent
>>>>>> among the masses.
>>>>>> This morning I was sitting playing with this damned computer. I
>>>>>> just moved into a downstairs, actually backyard view apartment.
>>>>>> The front parking lot of this building is facing the parking lot.
>>>>>> As a result the bottom floor has no front view except for a
>>>>>> flower bed full of plants, none of them edible or smokable. The
>>>>>> bedroom window has a fantastic view of the river and the garden
>>>>>> plots in the back of the building as well as a nice view of the
>>>>>> gazebo and such. Problem is, people walking by the window can see
>>>>>> inside if they shade their eyes and put they faces right up
>>>>>> against the jalousies.
>>>>>> On occassion some idiot will do just that. When I notice, I
>>>>>> usually reply with an expletive I learned while living on
>>>>>> Treasure Island, Florida. "What the **** you looking at?" Normal
>>>>>> reply for the situation, I would think. This morning, I am
>>>>>> sitting here in my skivvies trying to think of some way to
>>>>>> antagonize somebody and I get this crawly feeling I was being
>>>>>> watched. I looked up and here was this old ugly, and I mean Redd
>>>>>> Foxx type ugly Portagee woman with her hands shielding her eyes
>>>>>> staring at my old, fat neglected body. I didn't even have a hard
>>>>>> on to impress her with. I looked at her, I am talking a distance
>>>>>> of about two feet, and yelled, "what the **** you looking at?"
>>>>>> She responded with a "**** you you no good sonofabitch, don't you
>>>>>> talk like that around my granddaughter." Well In case they was
>>>>>> actually a granddaughter there I know not because the window sill
>>>>>> is much higher than her grand daughter is tall and I didn't see
>>>>>> anybody else."Look, you ugly, sleazy old Portagee peeping
>>>>>> Thomaset, says I, I am gonna file a complaint against you with
>>>>>> the ****en building manager."
>>>>>> Fifteen minutes later I went upstairs to check my mailbox, hoping
>>>>>> maybe Uncle Gus had sent a new shipment of chocolate chip cookies
>>>>>> or something and the old bitch walked by and elbowed me in the
>>>>>> ribs and shoulder blocked me into the wall of mailboxes. I just
>>>>>> went to the doctor yesterday because I am in the middle of a
>>>>>> congestive heart failure problem brought on by them ****en trolls
>>>>>> and ****. My lungs are filling with water and I am slowly
>>>>>> drowning is the only way to explain the situation. The doctor
>>>>>> gave me some really good meds and I pissed out about a gallon of
>>>>>> water yesterday afternoon and last night. He also gave me a bunch
>>>>>> of percodan, which had my nerves pretty calm and such, but had
>>>>>> thrown me into a horrible state of constipation. To correct this
>>>>>> he gave me a bottle of asorbate solution which I drank before
>>>>>> reading the directions. It was a twelve ounce bottle and that is
>>>>>> the same size beer comes in so I just drank the bottle this
>>>>>> morning figuring that would take care of the problem.
>>>>>> Lasix is the med he gave me to get rid of the water on my lungs.
>>>>>> It is called Lasix because it lasts six hours. Get it? LAst SIX
>>>>>> hours. Well the elbow to the ribs and the shoulder block into the
>>>>>> mailbox wall just about knocked me out. I could not breath at
>>>>>> all. This built up a tremendous amount of pressure. I had taken
>>>>>> two of the 40 mg Lasix tablets and drunk the whole damned bottle
>>>>>> of Absorbate about two hours previously. I managed to sit down on
>>>>>> a little bench trying to catch my breath. Was having absolutely
>>>>>> no luck doing that. But that was just about the time the lasix
>>>>>> and the absorbate kicked in. The old bitch called the police and
>>>>>> filed a complaint against me for using profanity in front of her
>>>>>> grandchild. About the time the police got out of their car, the
>>>>>> lasix and absorbate liberated my kidneys and bowels in one big
>>>>>> heave. This resulted in a giant expulsion of feces which
>>>>>> resembled golf balls and a stream of piss that would have done a
>>>>>> Missouri Mule proud. I had taken off my skivvies and was only
>>>>>> wearing a pair of short pajama bottoms, so there was not much
>>>>>> resistance to the expulsion. ****, piss and other weird body
>>>>>> fluids started squirting all over the bench and the golf ball
>>>>>> sized turds started rolling across the floor in front of the
>>>>>> bench. I still couldn't breathe but had begun to cough profusly
>>>>>> which made the golf ball shaped turds come out in rapid
>>>>>> profusion. The first policeman who got out of the car didn't know
>>>>>> what the hell was going on and ran up to me to see if he could
>>>>>> offer some assistance or maybe call an ambulance. Naturally he
>>>>>> stepped on several of the golf balls and even though they were
>>>>>> hard and rolling around they squished when he stepped on the
>>>>>> first one and the rest of them squished some more when he fell on
>>>>>> his ass in the middle of the whole mess.
>>>>>> This would not have been so bad, but he had a warrant for my
>>>>>> arrest for disorderly conduct due to the complaint the old
>>>>>> Portagee lady had filed against me for using profanity in front
>>>>>> of her grand daughter. The second cop came up and asked me if I
>>>>>> was Manny and unfortunately I admitted to the fact and he
>>>>>> handcuffed me and started walking me to the police car. The first
>>>>>> cop was yelling at him, " No no no, don't put him in the car."
>>>>>> Meanwhile Stumpy had called my doctor and told him what was
>>>>>> happening and my Doctor called the police dispatcher and told
>>>>>> them to rush me to the nearest hospital. He also instructed them
>>>>>> not to wait for an ambulance that it was an emergency situation.
>>>>>> Well, I just got back from the hospital. The police decided they
>>>>>> didn't want to **** with the paper work involved in writing up the
>>>>>> old lady's complaint and were still in the hospital parking lot
>>>>>> arguing about who was going to have to drive that stinking police
>>>>>> car back to the station, when my son picked me up to bring me
>>>>>> home.
>>>>>> And this was all the fault of them ****en trolls that overtook the
>>>>>> alt.clubs.just-for-fun newsgroup. It's not real life, its just
>>>>>> usenet? Bullshit! Are you listening Andrew?
>>>>>> manny
>>>>>> "oneson" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:sppuj.91656$
>>>>>>> LOL
>>>>>>> Manny sounds like he was a real card.
>>>>>>> DAB wrote:
>>>>>>>> Ms. Pruitt never really claimed to run a whorehouse. She had
>>>>>>>> the only hot running water in town and at the time owned the
>>>>>>>> only brick building in town. She lived upstairs with some of her
>>>>>>>> 'nieces' who helped out in the washateria. Was a need for the
>>>>>>>> washateria cause very few folks had running water in they houses
>>>>>>>> at the time and nobody that I know of had a hot water heater and
>>>>>>>> sure as hell did not own a washing machine. Home washing was
>>>>>>>> done in a boiling black pot over a wood fire and scrubbed on a
>>>>>>>> washboard. Even Ms. Pruitt didn't have dryers, the ladies just
>>>>>>>> washed they clothes and used the wringers that was on top of the
>>>>>>>> machines to squeeze most of the water out and took the wet
>>>>>>>> laundry home and hung it on a close line like you supposed to.
>>>>>>>> Was a large farming community so it was a pretty successful
>>>>>>>> business. Of course the women all had to get home in time to
>>>>>>>> cook supper and hang up the clothes so there was no business at
>>>>>>>> night.
>>>>>>>> Ms. Pruitt added another service to her business. That
>>>>>>>> actually was providing hot showers to all the sweaty
>>>>>>>> hardworking men folks at the end of the day. She only charged
>>>>>>>> a dime for the showers and furnished clean towels and plenty of
>>>>>>>> lye soap which was what they used in the washateria also. The
>>>>>>>> women folks appreciated this cause it relieved them of the
>>>>>>>> chore of heating up a tub of water for the menfolks and when
>>>>>>>> they came home for supper they were all nice and clean and
>>>>>>>> smelled pretty good.
>>>>>>>> Ms. Pruitt's nieces added a extra service for the menfolks. For
>>>>>>>> an extra dollar, they would wash they backs and if the menfolks
>>>>>>>> so desired, the nieces would take them upstairs and offer them
>>>>>>>> some 'relief'. I never really knew what they meant by that.
>>>>>>>> I went to school and played basketball, but I was ten years old
>>>>>>>> and a little mature for my age and was embarrassed to get naked
>>>>>>>> in front of the other six guys on the basketball team, so I
>>>>>>>> would go to Ms. Pruitt's and take a shower. Ms. Pruitt always
>>>>>>>> liked me and never charged me cause I didn't have no dime
>>>>>>>> anyhow. She would often step into the shower with me and wash
>>>>>>>> my back and finally one day, offered to take me upstairs and
>>>>>>>> give me some 'relief' cause ever time she washed my back, I
>>>>>>>> got this enormous erection which I tried to hide but usually
>>>>>>>> she would just slap the hell out of it and laugh about it.
>>>>>>>> This fateful day, she took me upstairs and gave me some
>>>>>>>> 'relief'. I found out later that she had actually taken my
>>>>>>>> virginity from me, but I was so nervous about the whole thing,
>>>>>>>> I can't to this day remember what actually happened except she
>>>>>>>> got all hot and sweaty and squealed and moaned a lot and I had
>>>>>>>> to go take another shower.
>>>>>>>> I told my older brother about this and he really didn't believe
>>>>>>>> me. He had some money, not much, but he often had the dime to
>>>>>>>> go there and take a hot shower. They was no hot water at the
>>>>>>>> school showers. Ms. Pruitt nor her nieces had ever offered to
>>>>>>>> take him upstairs and offer him any 'relief'. I told him
>>>>>>>> about the menfolks I had seen go upstairs and get 'relief' and
>>>>>>>> explained to him that they always charged an extra dollar for
>>>>>>>> that.
>>>>>>>> The very next day he did some work for a neighbor and made
>>>>>>>> thirty five cents so he hooked it over to the washateria and
>>>>>>>> paid the dime for the shower and asked one of the nieces if he
>>>>>>>> could go upstairs and get some 'relief'. When they got
>>>>>>>> upstairs, she asked him for the dollar and he explained that he
>>>>>>>> only had twenty five cents. She beat the living **** out of
>>>>>>>> him. He came home with a busted lip and two black eyes and
>>>>>>>> some really sore balls where she had kicked him and threw him
>>>>>>>> down the stairs. Only thing he said before he snuck off and
>>>>>>>> went to bed was "Damn! I don't think I could have took a
>>>>>>>> dollars worth of that."
>>>>>>>> Believe this story or not, makes no nevermind to me.
>>>>>>>> Manny
>>>>>>>> 21 Aug 2002
>>>>> ---
>>>>> This is the .sig file of His AssHoliness, Raoul Xemblinosky mhm
>>>>> 15x12

>> Wavy G
>> mail me at:


Mimus hasn't written anything funny about me lately.

Wavy G
mail me at:
Wavy G wrote:
> Dear, "Stell": Do you like me? Please check a box (X ) YES ( ) NO:
>> Wavy G wrote:
>>> Dear, "DAB": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:
>>>> He got the award for that post to Sergi....I have it somewhere and
>>>> will post it when I find it or if Ferd has it handy maybe he can
>>>> post it. as I recall Manny got several usenet performace art
>>>> awards and the Troll Balls could have been included.
>>> I'm sorry. I missed the memo. When did we all start top-posting,
>>> here? Help a "brother" out.

>> If someone top posts we top post in reply as that is their
>> preference. If they bottom post, we reply in kind as that is their
>> preference or the way their newsreader works. It's called inclusion.
>> <s>

> That's the dumbest foreign policy I've ever heard.

Whoever said Jiffy has anything to do with foreign policy? <shut up, Rice>
>>>> Donna
>>>> Stell wrote:
>>>>> Didn't he get a Usenet award for this one?
>>>>> J. Raoul Xemblinosky wrote:
>>>>>> I honestly believe this was Manny's greatest story ever.
>>>>>> ---------------------------
>>>>>> On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 21:57:20 -0500, "Ferd Berfle"
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Indeed!
>>>>>>> From: Manny
>>>>>>> Subject: Trials, Tribulations and Such
>>>>>>> Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999
>>>>>>> Life is now becoming a completely boring experience. I am being
>>>>>>> denied the priviledge of spreading confusion, hate and
>>>>>>> discontent among the masses.
>>>>>>> This morning I was sitting playing with this damned computer. I
>>>>>>> just moved into a downstairs, actually backyard view apartment.
>>>>>>> The front parking lot of this building is facing the parking
>>>>>>> lot. As a result the bottom floor has no front view except for a
>>>>>>> flower bed full of plants, none of them edible or smokable. The
>>>>>>> bedroom window has a fantastic view of the river and the garden
>>>>>>> plots in the back of the building as well as a nice view of the
>>>>>>> gazebo and such. Problem is, people walking by the window can
>>>>>>> see inside if they shade their eyes and put they faces right up
>>>>>>> against the jalousies.
>>>>>>> On occassion some idiot will do just that. When I notice, I
>>>>>>> usually reply with an expletive I learned while living on
>>>>>>> Treasure Island, Florida. "What the **** you looking at?" Normal
>>>>>>> reply for the situation, I would think. This morning, I am
>>>>>>> sitting here in my skivvies trying to think of some way to
>>>>>>> antagonize somebody and I get this crawly feeling I was being
>>>>>>> watched. I looked up and here was this old ugly, and I mean Redd
>>>>>>> Foxx type ugly Portagee woman with her hands shielding her eyes
>>>>>>> staring at my old, fat neglected body. I didn't even have a hard
>>>>>>> on to impress her with. I looked at her, I am talking a distance
>>>>>>> of about two feet, and yelled, "what the **** you looking at?"
>>>>>>> She responded with a "**** you you no good sonofabitch, don't
>>>>>>> you talk like that around my granddaughter." Well In case they
>>>>>>> was actually a granddaughter there I know not because the
>>>>>>> window sill is much higher than her grand daughter is tall and
>>>>>>> I didn't see anybody else."Look, you ugly, sleazy old Portagee
>>>>>>> peeping Thomaset, says I, I am gonna file a complaint against
>>>>>>> you with the ****en building manager."
>>>>>>> Fifteen minutes later I went upstairs to check my mailbox,
>>>>>>> hoping maybe Uncle Gus had sent a new shipment of chocolate
>>>>>>> chip cookies or something and the old bitch walked by and
>>>>>>> elbowed me in the ribs and shoulder blocked me into the wall of
>>>>>>> mailboxes. I just went to the doctor yesterday because I am in
>>>>>>> the middle of a congestive heart failure problem brought on by
>>>>>>> them ****en trolls and ****. My lungs are filling with water
>>>>>>> and I am slowly drowning is the only way to explain the
>>>>>>> situation. The doctor gave me some really good meds and I
>>>>>>> pissed out about a gallon of water yesterday afternoon and last
>>>>>>> night. He also gave me a bunch of percodan, which had my nerves
>>>>>>> pretty calm and such, but had thrown me into a horrible state
>>>>>>> of constipation. To correct this he gave me a bottle of
>>>>>>> asorbate solution which I drank before reading the directions.
>>>>>>> It was a twelve ounce bottle and that is the same size beer
>>>>>>> comes in so I just drank the bottle this morning figuring that
>>>>>>> would take care of the problem.
>>>>>>> Lasix is the med he gave me to get rid of the water on my lungs.
>>>>>>> It is called Lasix because it lasts six hours. Get it? LAst SIX
>>>>>>> hours. Well the elbow to the ribs and the shoulder block into
>>>>>>> the mailbox wall just about knocked me out. I could not breath
>>>>>>> at all. This built up a tremendous amount of pressure. I had
>>>>>>> taken two of the 40 mg Lasix tablets and drunk the whole damned
>>>>>>> bottle of Absorbate about two hours previously. I managed to
>>>>>>> sit down on a little bench trying to catch my breath. Was
>>>>>>> having absolutely no luck doing that. But that was just about
>>>>>>> the time the lasix and the absorbate kicked in. The old bitch
>>>>>>> called the police and filed a complaint against me for using
>>>>>>> profanity in front of her grandchild. About the time the police
>>>>>>> got out of their car, the lasix and absorbate liberated my
>>>>>>> kidneys and bowels in one big heave. This resulted in a giant
>>>>>>> expulsion of feces which resembled golf balls and a stream of
>>>>>>> piss that would have done a Missouri Mule proud. I had taken
>>>>>>> off my skivvies and was only wearing a pair of short pajama
>>>>>>> bottoms, so there was not much resistance to the expulsion.
>>>>>>> ****, piss and other weird body fluids started squirting all
>>>>>>> over the bench and the golf ball sized turds started rolling
>>>>>>> across the floor in front of the bench. I still couldn't
>>>>>>> breathe but had begun to cough profusly which made the golf
>>>>>>> ball shaped turds come out in rapid profusion. The first
>>>>>>> policeman who got out of the car didn't know what the hell was
>>>>>>> going on and ran up to me to see if he could offer some
>>>>>>> assistance or maybe call an ambulance. Naturally he stepped on
>>>>>>> several of the golf balls and even though they were hard and
>>>>>>> rolling around they squished when he stepped on the first one
>>>>>>> and the rest of them squished some more when he fell on his ass
>>>>>>> in the middle of the whole mess.
>>>>>>> This would not have been so bad, but he had a warrant for my
>>>>>>> arrest for disorderly conduct due to the complaint the old
>>>>>>> Portagee lady had filed against me for using profanity in front
>>>>>>> of her grand daughter. The second cop came up and asked me if I
>>>>>>> was Manny and unfortunately I admitted to the fact and he
>>>>>>> handcuffed me and started walking me to the police car. The
>>>>>>> first cop was yelling at him, " No no no, don't put him in the
>>>>>>> car." Meanwhile Stumpy had called my doctor and told him what
>>>>>>> was happening and my Doctor called the police dispatcher and
>>>>>>> told them to rush me to the nearest hospital. He also
>>>>>>> instructed them not to wait for an ambulance that it was an
>>>>>>> emergency situation.
>>>>>>> Well, I just got back from the hospital. The police decided they
>>>>>>> didn't want to **** with the paper work involved in writing up
>>>>>>> the old lady's complaint and were still in the hospital parking
>>>>>>> lot arguing about who was going to have to drive that stinking
>>>>>>> police car back to the station, when my son picked me up to
>>>>>>> bring me home.
>>>>>>> And this was all the fault of them ****en trolls that overtook
>>>>>>> the alt.clubs.just-for-fun newsgroup. It's not real life, its
>>>>>>> just usenet? Bullshit! Are you listening Andrew?
>>>>>>> manny
>>>>>>> "oneson" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:sppuj.91656$
>>>>>>>> LOL
>>>>>>>> Manny sounds like he was a real card.
>>>>>>>> DAB wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Ms. Pruitt never really claimed to run a whorehouse. She had
>>>>>>>>> the only hot running water in town and at the time owned the
>>>>>>>>> only brick building in town. She lived upstairs with some of
>>>>>>>>> her 'nieces' who helped out in the washateria. Was a need
>>>>>>>>> for the washateria cause very few folks had running water in
>>>>>>>>> they houses at the time and nobody that I know of had a hot
>>>>>>>>> water heater and sure as hell did not own a washing machine.
>>>>>>>>> Home washing was done in a boiling black pot over a wood fire
>>>>>>>>> and scrubbed on a washboard. Even Ms. Pruitt didn't have
>>>>>>>>> dryers, the ladies just washed they clothes and used the
>>>>>>>>> wringers that was on top of the machines to squeeze most of
>>>>>>>>> the water out and took the wet laundry home and hung it on a
>>>>>>>>> close line like you supposed to. Was a large farming
>>>>>>>>> community so it was a pretty successful business. Of course
>>>>>>>>> the women all had to get home in time to cook supper and hang
>>>>>>>>> up the clothes so there was no business at night.
>>>>>>>>> Ms. Pruitt added another service to her business. That
>>>>>>>>> actually was providing hot showers to all the sweaty
>>>>>>>>> hardworking men folks at the end of the day. She only
>>>>>>>>> charged a dime for the showers and furnished clean towels and
>>>>>>>>> plenty of lye soap which was what they used in the washateria
>>>>>>>>> also. The women folks appreciated this cause it relieved
>>>>>>>>> them of the chore of heating up a tub of water for the
>>>>>>>>> menfolks and when they came home for supper they were all
>>>>>>>>> nice and clean and smelled pretty good.
>>>>>>>>> Ms. Pruitt's nieces added a extra service for the menfolks.
>>>>>>>>> For an extra dollar, they would wash they backs and if the
>>>>>>>>> menfolks so desired, the nieces would take them upstairs and
>>>>>>>>> offer them some 'relief'. I never really knew what they
>>>>>>>>> meant by that.
>>>>>>>>> I went to school and played basketball, but I was ten years
>>>>>>>>> old and a little mature for my age and was embarrassed to get
>>>>>>>>> naked in front of the other six guys on the basketball team,
>>>>>>>>> so I would go to Ms. Pruitt's and take a shower. Ms. Pruitt
>>>>>>>>> always liked me and never charged me cause I didn't have no
>>>>>>>>> dime anyhow. She would often step into the shower with me
>>>>>>>>> and wash my back and finally one day, offered to take me
>>>>>>>>> upstairs and give me some 'relief' cause ever time she washed
>>>>>>>>> my back, I got this enormous erection which I tried to hide
>>>>>>>>> but usually she would just slap the hell out of it and laugh
>>>>>>>>> about it. This fateful day, she took me upstairs and gave me
>>>>>>>>> some 'relief'. I found out later that she had actually
>>>>>>>>> taken my virginity from me, but I was so nervous about the
>>>>>>>>> whole thing, I can't to this day remember what actually
>>>>>>>>> happened except she got all hot and sweaty and squealed and
>>>>>>>>> moaned a lot and I had to go take another shower.
>>>>>>>>> I told my older brother about this and he really didn't
>>>>>>>>> believe me. He had some money, not much, but he often had
>>>>>>>>> the dime to go there and take a hot shower. They was no hot
>>>>>>>>> water at the school showers. Ms. Pruitt nor her nieces had
>>>>>>>>> ever offered to take him upstairs and offer him any 'relief'.
>>>>>>>>> I told him about the menfolks I had seen go upstairs and get
>>>>>>>>> 'relief' and explained to him that they always charged an
>>>>>>>>> extra dollar for that.
>>>>>>>>> The very next day he did some work for a neighbor and made
>>>>>>>>> thirty five cents so he hooked it over to the washateria and
>>>>>>>>> paid the dime for the shower and asked one of the nieces if he
>>>>>>>>> could go upstairs and get some 'relief'. When they got
>>>>>>>>> upstairs, she asked him for the dollar and he explained that
>>>>>>>>> he only had twenty five cents. She beat the living **** out
>>>>>>>>> of him. He came home with a busted lip and two black eyes
>>>>>>>>> and some really sore balls where she had kicked him and threw
>>>>>>>>> him down the stairs. Only thing he said before he snuck off
>>>>>>>>> and went to bed was "Damn! I don't think I could have took a
>>>>>>>>> dollars worth of that."
>>>>>>>>> Believe this story or not, makes no nevermind to me.
>>>>>>>>> Manny
>>>>>>>>> 21 Aug 2002
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>> This is the .sig file of His AssHoliness, Raoul Xemblinosky mhm
>>>>>> 15x12
>>> Wavy G
>>> mail me at:


> Wavy G
> mail me at:
"Stell" <> wrote in message
> Wavy G wrote:
>> Dear, "Stell": Do you like me? Please check a box (X ) YES ( ) NO:
>>> Wavy G wrote:
>>>> Dear, "DAB": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:
>>>>> He got the award for that post to Sergi....I have it somewhere and
>>>>> will post it when I find it or if Ferd has it handy maybe he can
>>>>> post it. as I recall Manny got several usenet performace art
>>>>> awards and the Troll Balls could have been included.
>>>> I'm sorry. I missed the memo. When did we all start top-posting,
>>>> here? Help a "brother" out.
>>> If someone top posts we top post in reply as that is their
>>> preference. If they bottom post, we reply in kind as that is their
>>> preference or the way their newsreader works. It's called inclusion.
>>> <s>

>> That's the dumbest foreign policy I've ever heard.

> Whoever said Jiffy has anything to do with foreign policy? <shut up, Rice>

You do realize that Condi lurks here, don't chew?

>>>>> Donna
>>>>> Stell wrote:
>>>>>> Didn't he get a Usenet award for this one?
>>>>>> J. Raoul Xemblinosky wrote:
>>>>>>> I honestly believe this was Manny's greatest story ever.
>>>>>>> ---------------------------
>>>>>>> On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 21:57:20 -0500, "Ferd Berfle"
>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Indeed!
>>>>>>>> From: Manny
>>>>>>>> Subject: Trials, Tribulations and Such
>>>>>>>> Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999
>>>>>>>> Life is now becoming a completely boring experience. I am being
>>>>>>>> denied the priviledge of spreading confusion, hate and
>>>>>>>> discontent among the masses.
>>>>>>>> This morning I was sitting playing with this damned computer. I
>>>>>>>> just moved into a downstairs, actually backyard view apartment.
>>>>>>>> The front parking lot of this building is facing the parking
>>>>>>>> lot. As a result the bottom floor has no front view except for a
>>>>>>>> flower bed full of plants, none of them edible or smokable. The
>>>>>>>> bedroom window has a fantastic view of the river and the garden
>>>>>>>> plots in the back of the building as well as a nice view of the
>>>>>>>> gazebo and such. Problem is, people walking by the window can
>>>>>>>> see inside if they shade their eyes and put they faces right up
>>>>>>>> against the jalousies.
>>>>>>>> On occassion some idiot will do just that. When I notice, I
>>>>>>>> usually reply with an expletive I learned while living on
>>>>>>>> Treasure Island, Florida. "What the **** you looking at?" Normal
>>>>>>>> reply for the situation, I would think. This morning, I am
>>>>>>>> sitting here in my skivvies trying to think of some way to
>>>>>>>> antagonize somebody and I get this crawly feeling I was being
>>>>>>>> watched. I looked up and here was this old ugly, and I mean Redd
>>>>>>>> Foxx type ugly Portagee woman with her hands shielding her eyes
>>>>>>>> staring at my old, fat neglected body. I didn't even have a hard
>>>>>>>> on to impress her with. I looked at her, I am talking a distance
>>>>>>>> of about two feet, and yelled, "what the **** you looking at?"
>>>>>>>> She responded with a "**** you you no good sonofabitch, don't
>>>>>>>> you talk like that around my granddaughter." Well In case they
>>>>>>>> was actually a granddaughter there I know not because the
>>>>>>>> window sill is much higher than her grand daughter is tall and
>>>>>>>> I didn't see anybody else."Look, you ugly, sleazy old Portagee
>>>>>>>> peeping Thomaset, says I, I am gonna file a complaint against
>>>>>>>> you with the ****en building manager."
>>>>>>>> Fifteen minutes later I went upstairs to check my mailbox,
>>>>>>>> hoping maybe Uncle Gus had sent a new shipment of chocolate
>>>>>>>> chip cookies or something and the old bitch walked by and
>>>>>>>> elbowed me in the ribs and shoulder blocked me into the wall of
>>>>>>>> mailboxes. I just went to the doctor yesterday because I am in
>>>>>>>> the middle of a congestive heart failure problem brought on by
>>>>>>>> them ****en trolls and ****. My lungs are filling with water
>>>>>>>> and I am slowly drowning is the only way to explain the
>>>>>>>> situation. The doctor gave me some really good meds and I
>>>>>>>> pissed out about a gallon of water yesterday afternoon and last
>>>>>>>> night. He also gave me a bunch of percodan, which had my nerves
>>>>>>>> pretty calm and such, but had thrown me into a horrible state
>>>>>>>> of constipation. To correct this he gave me a bottle of
>>>>>>>> asorbate solution which I drank before reading the directions.
>>>>>>>> It was a twelve ounce bottle and that is the same size beer
>>>>>>>> comes in so I just drank the bottle this morning figuring that
>>>>>>>> would take care of the problem.
>>>>>>>> Lasix is the med he gave me to get rid of the water on my lungs.
>>>>>>>> It is called Lasix because it lasts six hours. Get it? LAst SIX
>>>>>>>> hours. Well the elbow to the ribs and the shoulder block into
>>>>>>>> the mailbox wall just about knocked me out. I could not breath
>>>>>>>> at all. This built up a tremendous amount of pressure. I had
>>>>>>>> taken two of the 40 mg Lasix tablets and drunk the whole damned
>>>>>>>> bottle of Absorbate about two hours previously. I managed to
>>>>>>>> sit down on a little bench trying to catch my breath. Was
>>>>>>>> having absolutely no luck doing that. But that was just about
>>>>>>>> the time the lasix and the absorbate kicked in. The old bitch
>>>>>>>> called the police and filed a complaint against me for using
>>>>>>>> profanity in front of her grandchild. About the time the police
>>>>>>>> got out of their car, the lasix and absorbate liberated my
>>>>>>>> kidneys and bowels in one big heave. This resulted in a giant
>>>>>>>> expulsion of feces which resembled golf balls and a stream of
>>>>>>>> piss that would have done a Missouri Mule proud. I had taken
>>>>>>>> off my skivvies and was only wearing a pair of short pajama
>>>>>>>> bottoms, so there was not much resistance to the expulsion.
>>>>>>>> ****, piss and other weird body fluids started squirting all
>>>>>>>> over the bench and the golf ball sized turds started rolling
>>>>>>>> across the floor in front of the bench. I still couldn't
>>>>>>>> breathe but had begun to cough profusly which made the golf
>>>>>>>> ball shaped turds come out in rapid profusion. The first
>>>>>>>> policeman who got out of the car didn't know what the hell was
>>>>>>>> going on and ran up to me to see if he could offer some
>>>>>>>> assistance or maybe call an ambulance. Naturally he stepped on
>>>>>>>> several of the golf balls and even though they were hard and
>>>>>>>> rolling around they squished when he stepped on the first one
>>>>>>>> and the rest of them squished some more when he fell on his ass
>>>>>>>> in the middle of the whole mess.
>>>>>>>> This would not have been so bad, but he had a warrant for my
>>>>>>>> arrest for disorderly conduct due to the complaint the old
>>>>>>>> Portagee lady had filed against me for using profanity in front
>>>>>>>> of her grand daughter. The second cop came up and asked me if I
>>>>>>>> was Manny and unfortunately I admitted to the fact and he
>>>>>>>> handcuffed me and started walking me to the police car. The
>>>>>>>> first cop was yelling at him, " No no no, don't put him in the
>>>>>>>> car." Meanwhile Stumpy had called my doctor and told him what
>>>>>>>> was happening and my Doctor called the police dispatcher and
>>>>>>>> told them to rush me to the nearest hospital. He also
>>>>>>>> instructed them not to wait for an ambulance that it was an
>>>>>>>> emergency situation.
>>>>>>>> Well, I just got back from the hospital. The police decided they
>>>>>>>> didn't want to **** with the paper work involved in writing up
>>>>>>>> the old lady's complaint and were still in the hospital parking
>>>>>>>> lot arguing about who was going to have to drive that stinking
>>>>>>>> police car back to the station, when my son picked me up to
>>>>>>>> bring me home.
>>>>>>>> And this was all the fault of them ****en trolls that overtook
>>>>>>>> the alt.clubs.just-for-fun newsgroup. It's not real life, its
>>>>>>>> just usenet? Bullshit! Are you listening Andrew?
>>>>>>>> manny
>>>>>>>> "oneson" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>> news:sppuj.91656$
>>>>>>>>> LOL
>>>>>>>>> Manny sounds like he was a real card.
>>>>>>>>> DAB wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Ms. Pruitt never really claimed to run a whorehouse. She had
>>>>>>>>>> the only hot running water in town and at the time owned the
>>>>>>>>>> only brick building in town. She lived upstairs with some of
>>>>>>>>>> her 'nieces' who helped out in the washateria. Was a need
>>>>>>>>>> for the washateria cause very few folks had running water in
>>>>>>>>>> they houses at the time and nobody that I know of had a hot
>>>>>>>>>> water heater and sure as hell did not own a washing machine.
>>>>>>>>>> Home washing was done in a boiling black pot over a wood fire
>>>>>>>>>> and scrubbed on a washboard. Even Ms. Pruitt didn't have
>>>>>>>>>> dryers, the ladies just washed they clothes and used the
>>>>>>>>>> wringers that was on top of the machines to squeeze most of
>>>>>>>>>> the water out and took the wet laundry home and hung it on a
>>>>>>>>>> close line like you supposed to. Was a large farming
>>>>>>>>>> community so it was a pretty successful business. Of course
>>>>>>>>>> the women all had to get home in time to cook supper and hang
>>>>>>>>>> up the clothes so there was no business at night.
>>>>>>>>>> Ms. Pruitt added another service to her business. That
>>>>>>>>>> actually was providing hot showers to all the sweaty
>>>>>>>>>> hardworking men folks at the end of the day. She only
>>>>>>>>>> charged a dime for the showers and furnished clean towels and
>>>>>>>>>> plenty of lye soap which was what they used in the washateria
>>>>>>>>>> also. The women folks appreciated this cause it relieved
>>>>>>>>>> them of the chore of heating up a tub of water for the
>>>>>>>>>> menfolks and when they came home for supper they were all
>>>>>>>>>> nice and clean and smelled pretty good.
>>>>>>>>>> Ms. Pruitt's nieces added a extra service for the menfolks.
>>>>>>>>>> For an extra dollar, they would wash they backs and if the
>>>>>>>>>> menfolks so desired, the nieces would take them upstairs and
>>>>>>>>>> offer them some 'relief'. I never really knew what they
>>>>>>>>>> meant by that.
>>>>>>>>>> I went to school and played basketball, but I was ten years
>>>>>>>>>> old and a little mature for my age and was embarrassed to get
>>>>>>>>>> naked in front of the other six guys on the basketball team,
>>>>>>>>>> so I would go to Ms. Pruitt's and take a shower. Ms. Pruitt
>>>>>>>>>> always liked me and never charged me cause I didn't have no
>>>>>>>>>> dime anyhow. She would often step into the shower with me
>>>>>>>>>> and wash my back and finally one day, offered to take me
>>>>>>>>>> upstairs and give me some 'relief' cause ever time she washed
>>>>>>>>>> my back, I got this enormous erection which I tried to hide
>>>>>>>>>> but usually she would just slap the hell out of it and laugh
>>>>>>>>>> about it. This fateful day, she took me upstairs and gave me
>>>>>>>>>> some 'relief'. I found out later that she had actually
>>>>>>>>>> taken my virginity from me, but I was so nervous about the
>>>>>>>>>> whole thing, I can't to this day remember what actually
>>>>>>>>>> happened except she got all hot and sweaty and squealed and
>>>>>>>>>> moaned a lot and I had to go take another shower.
>>>>>>>>>> I told my older brother about this and he really didn't
>>>>>>>>>> believe me. He had some money, not much, but he often had
>>>>>>>>>> the dime to go there and take a hot shower. They was no hot
>>>>>>>>>> water at the school showers. Ms. Pruitt nor her nieces had
>>>>>>>>>> ever offered to take him upstairs and offer him any 'relief'.
>>>>>>>>>> I told him about the menfolks I had seen go upstairs and get
>>>>>>>>>> 'relief' and explained to him that they always charged an
>>>>>>>>>> extra dollar for that.
>>>>>>>>>> The very next day he did some work for a neighbor and made
>>>>>>>>>> thirty five cents so he hooked it over to the washateria and
>>>>>>>>>> paid the dime for the shower and asked one of the nieces if he
>>>>>>>>>> could go upstairs and get some 'relief'. When they got
>>>>>>>>>> upstairs, she asked him for the dollar and he explained that
>>>>>>>>>> he only had twenty five cents. She beat the living **** out
>>>>>>>>>> of him. He came home with a busted lip and two black eyes
>>>>>>>>>> and some really sore balls where she had kicked him and threw
>>>>>>>>>> him down the stairs. Only thing he said before he snuck off
>>>>>>>>>> and went to bed was "Damn! I don't think I could have took a
>>>>>>>>>> dollars worth of that."
>>>>>>>>>> Believe this story or not, makes no nevermind to me.
>>>>>>>>>> Manny
>>>>>>>>>> 21 Aug 2002
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> This is the .sig file of His AssHoliness, Raoul Xemblinosky mhm
>>>>>>> 15x12
>>>> Wavy G
>>>> mail me at:

>> Wavy G
>> mail me at:

Ferd Berfle wrote:
> "Stell" <> wrote in message
>> Wavy G wrote:
>>> Dear, "Stell": Do you like me? Please check a box (X ) YES ( ) NO:
>>>> Wavy G wrote:
>>>>> Dear, "DAB": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:
>>>>>> He got the award for that post to Sergi....I have it somewhere
>>>>>> and will post it when I find it or if Ferd has it handy maybe he
>>>>>> can post it. as I recall Manny got several usenet performace art
>>>>>> awards and the Troll Balls could have been included.
>>>>> I'm sorry. I missed the memo. When did we all start top-posting,
>>>>> here? Help a "brother" out.
>>>> If someone top posts we top post in reply as that is their
>>>> preference. If they bottom post, we reply in kind as that is their
>>>> preference or the way their newsreader works. It's called
>>>> inclusion. <s>
>>> That's the dumbest foreign policy I've ever heard.

>> Whoever said Jiffy has anything to do with foreign policy? <shut up,
>> Rice>

> You do realize that Condi lurks here, don't chew?

She could be my neighbor stealing my bandwidth.
"Stell" <> wrote in message
> Ferd Berfle wrote:
>> "Stell" <> wrote in message
>>> Wavy G wrote:
>>>> Dear, "Stell": Do you like me? Please check a box (X ) YES ( ) NO:
>>>>> Wavy G wrote:
>>>>>> Dear, "DAB": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:
>>>>>>> He got the award for that post to Sergi....I have it somewhere
>>>>>>> and will post it when I find it or if Ferd has it handy maybe he
>>>>>>> can post it. as I recall Manny got several usenet performace art
>>>>>>> awards and the Troll Balls could have been included.
>>>>>> I'm sorry. I missed the memo. When did we all start top-posting,
>>>>>> here? Help a "brother" out.
>>>>> If someone top posts we top post in reply as that is their
>>>>> preference. If they bottom post, we reply in kind as that is their
>>>>> preference or the way their newsreader works. It's called
>>>>> inclusion. <s>
>>>> That's the dumbest foreign policy I've ever heard.
>>> Whoever said Jiffy has anything to do with foreign policy? <shut up,
>>> Rice>

>> You do realize that Condi lurks here, don't chew?

> She could be my neighbor stealing my bandwidth.

Is Cheney there too?
Any of your neighbors been shot with a bird gun?
That's a good indication.
Ferd Berfle wrote:
> "Stell" <> wrote in message
>> Ferd Berfle wrote:
>>> "Stell" <> wrote in message
>>>> Wavy G wrote:
>>>>> Dear, "Stell": Do you like me? Please check a box (X ) YES ( )
>>>>> NO:
>>>>>> Wavy G wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear, "DAB": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( )
>>>>>>> NO:
>>>>>>>> He got the award for that post to Sergi....I have it somewhere
>>>>>>>> and will post it when I find it or if Ferd has it handy maybe
>>>>>>>> he can post it. as I recall Manny got several usenet
>>>>>>>> performace art awards and the Troll Balls could have been
>>>>>>>> included.
>>>>>>> I'm sorry. I missed the memo. When did we all start top-
>>>>>>> posting, here? Help a "brother" out.
>>>>>> If someone top posts we top post in reply as that is their
>>>>>> preference. If they bottom post, we reply in kind as that is
>>>>>> their preference or the way their newsreader works. It's called
>>>>>> inclusion. <s>
>>>>> That's the dumbest foreign policy I've ever heard.
>>>> Whoever said Jiffy has anything to do with foreign policy? <shut
>>>> up, Rice>
>>> You do realize that Condi lurks here, don't chew?

>> She could be my neighbor stealing my bandwidth.

> Is Cheney there too?
> Any of your neighbors been shot with a bird gun?
> That's a good indication.

Hmmm...lots of car windows been shot out lately. Could be bird shot that