Re: trying to get rid of virus, not succeeding


Jay Tee

Hi Pete,

On Apr 6, 12:48 am, 1PW <barcrnahgjuvf...@nby.pbz> wrote:<span style="color:blue">
> On 04/05/2009 12:14 PM, Jay Tee sent:
><span style="color:green">
> > Hi</span>
><span style="color:green">
> > Sorry, forgot to answer your question about the OS version.  It is</span>
><span style="color:green">
> >   Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.080814-1233: Service Pack 2</span>
><span style="color:green">
> >               JT</span>
> Hello JT:
> 1) VundoFix 7.0.6 is available at:
>         <>
> Run "Scan for Vundo" in the "Safe Mode".  If anything is found in the
> scan phase, immediately follow with "Fix Vundo".  Please report what was
> found and removed in a reply to this thread.</span>

Ran, found nothing. Note the version on that page was, not
<span style="color:blue">
> 2) What, if any, is the latest version of Java (JRE) on the infected
> system?  If Java is equal to or less than version 6 update 12, update it
> to version 6 update 13.</span>

It was still running the old Microsoft VM. I removed it (using the
removal tool on the previously-mentioned "optimize XP" page) and
installed update 13 of version 6 of Sun java.
<span style="color:blue">
> 3) What antimalware has been regularly updated and run before the infection?</span>

I am not sure. The computer belongs to my daughter, I suspect that no
antimalware was regularly run.
<span style="color:blue">
> 4) Do you have the OEM or Retail CD for the infected XP system?  Is the
> infected system XP Home, Pro or what?</span>

I have a very old Windows XP Home CD. Pre-SP2. I did not update to
Sp3 (yet) because as I said, it's my daughter's computer ... when I
gave it to her, SP2 was not out yet. Somehow updates were turned off
on this computer.
<span style="color:blue">
> 5) What was the reason for not installing XP SP3?</span>

Oh I just answered that :)

I am going to rerun the SAS scan now, and if nothing is fine I will
turn on Windows update and start updating. Thanks a lot for your help

<span style="color:blue">
> Thank you kindly,
> Pete
> --
> 1PW  @?6A62?FEH9:DE=6o2@=]4@> [r4o7t]</span>