Re: Vietnam Veterans of America sponsoring seminar on PTSD Monday



On Apr 17, 10:34�pm, Otis Willie PIO The American War Library
<> wrote:
> Vietnam Veterans of America sponsoring seminar on PTSD Monday
> {EXCERPT}, MO Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 952 in
> Springfield will hold a seminar on post traumatic stress disorder on Monday at
> Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 963,...
> PTSD Discussion/News/Info Exchange Forum
> Vietnam Vets of Ameria News/Discussion/Info Exchange Forum
> Vietnam Cross of Gallantry
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Herbert Hoover, later to become President of the United States did a
study that showed that one of the world's largest oil fields ran along
the coast of the South China Sea right off French Indo-China, now
known as Vietnam.
- Denny, Ludwell, We Fight of Oil, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1928.

Defend The Flag
by Raymond

The wall is full with names of sons
That lost their lives to foreign guns.
Who's to blame? "We're not the ones."
And with these words each leader runs.

Who are these men we pick to lead
That waste our youth and make them bleed?
These must be men of awful need
That can commit this dreadful deed.

These wretched men who live to lie
Are not the ones that fight and die.
They cause this woe and merely sigh
While mother's hearts are made to cry.

"Defend the flag. This is the way."
We never question what they say.
But pain and death will end the day
And in the earth our children lay.

We ask our youth their lives to lend
While our leaders strut and spend.
It's off to Hell these leaders send
Then this madness just might end.

Take the tour with music:

The men of B Company were in a dangerous state of mind. They had lost
five men in a firefight the day before. The morning of Feb. 8, 1968,
brought unwelcome orders to resume their sweep of the countryside, a
green patchwork of rice paddies along Vietnam's central coast.

They met no resistance as they entered a nondescript settlement in
Quang Nam province. So Jamie Henry, a 20-year-old medic, set his rifle
down in a hut, unfastened his bandoliers and lighted a cigarette.

Just then, the voice of a lieutenant crackled across the radio. He
reported that he had rounded up 19 civilians, and wanted to know what
to do with them. Henry later recalled the company commander's

Kill anything that moves.

Henry stepped outside the hut and saw a small crowd of women and
children. Then the shooting began.

Moments later, the 19 villagers lay dead or dying.

Man is the only animal that deals in that atrocity of atrocities,
War. He is the only one that gathers his brethren about him and goes
forth in cold blood and calm pulse to exterminate his kind. He is the
only animal that for sordid wages will march out... and help to
slaughter strangers of his own species who have done him no harm and
with whom he has no quarrel.... And in the intervals between campaigns
he washes the blood off his hands and works for "the universal
brotherhood of man" - with his mouth.
~Mark Twain

Americans love war.
War is the health of the state

" With the shock of war the State comes into its own again".
--- Randolph Bourne

Onward Christian soldiers marching off to war.....