Re: Was George Bush right to blow up the World Trade Centre?


Nigel Kerr

"Nolan" <> wrote in message
> "Nigel Kerr" <> wrote in message
> > Many people I now talk to do belive that he was right to blow up the WTC

> to
> > give us the excuse to kill muslims.
> > I am not really saying he was rwong or right it is hard to say in the

> > run.
> >
> > But to say it wasn't an inside job now is just being rediculous!
> > You have been fed a few lines by the US government with no facts to back

> it
> > up and you blindly belive it man that is gullibility to the power of

> 10000.
> >
> >
> >
> > The biggest conspiracy theory on the face of this planet is the one

> started
> > by George Bush saying that 911 was solely committed by terrorists and to
> > believe that you have to be a loon.
> > You also have to believe that the US defence department is the most

> > grop on the face of the planet, and the government thinks that is fine
> > because no people lost their jobs after they ****ed up on 911.
> > Man you have a forgiving government don't you!

> Dang, Nigel, when I would say that as 9/11 happened and even months that
> followed, I was considered a total wacko. No one would listen to me, but
> when in the history of the United States have we seen an administration so
> full of resignations at such high levels?
> As you pointed out, it would be absolutely ridiculous, considering all the
> evidence that was right there before our eyes and still is, to EVER

> that 9/11 was not an inside job. Not only that, considering all that
> transpired as President Bush was being informed of these events, things

> could and should have been done that in your right mind as President of

> United States would normally be done were not done.
> The countless warnings via telephone calls, letters, wires, and however

> it was communicated prior to it happening, Bush did not act. Instead,
> America and the world treated him as a world hero. The disgust I taste is
> like the blood I taste when I think of all the pomp and ceremony that
> transpired when in fact, Bush should have been placed before a world
> tribunal for his part in the tragedy. Why do you think he had to get into
> office the way he did and all the strings that he was able to pull were
> mostly relatives like Borther Jeb.
> Being the second year of his second term in office, it surprises me - with
> all that we know of this president and his terrorism in Iraq and the world
> over and even here in the United States - that he has not been

> yet. Because of the Patriot Act, I HAVE TO note that I have absolutely no
> intentions of acting upon that due to the fact that I was interrogated
> shortly after 9/11 because I am not a Christian. First the freedom of
> religion disappeared unless it was compliant with the White Male Dominated
> Protestant Christian denomination, and now we have to be ever vigilant

> regard to what we say in fear of the Bush regime coming after us.
> I do not feel safe in America with Bush in office. In fact, I requested

> Canada refugee status until Bush was out of office, but they regarded him

> such a World Hero as the result of 9/11 that they denied it. Fortunately,

> have kept low key to avoid another inquisition for being Muslim.

Thanks for your support on this group Nolan!

However as much as I believe 911 and possibly 7/7 are government
conspiracies I also believe there are probably muslims mixed up in it as
Don't get me wrong here just because I don't like the fact that Bush has
murdered all these people in the WTC and now Iraq, this does not mean that I
like muslims.
As far as I am concerned it is a cult compared to Christianity and a number
of other religions. On many levels it is a very nasty cult, which sells
women into marriages they don't wish to be in.
As I am writing this posting I am watching the BBC news and there is a
British/ Indian woman on talking about how at the age of 16 she had to run
away from home to stop being sold into marriage with a man she did not know/
A number of muslim women have been murderd by their Farthers and Brothers in
the UK because they have refused to marry men they do not love, or have had
sex outside of marriage.
Any religion that condones such activities is at the least barbaric,
stoneage, against Christian Law and should be banned out right in Britain,
USA and most of Europe!

There is a new law coming in here in the UK to make it illegal to force a
woman into marriage I am amazed that this has not existed for hundreds of
years in the UK anyway or is it just that British people would/ don't do
things like this naturally so had no need for such a law.
Laws in the UK and the USA are based upon Christian beliefs, and many
muslims are not prepared as such to abide by them.
There is no way islam is going to win in the UK and make public stoneings
and the chopping off of limbs legal. So if these muslims who want this are
in this country they should get out of Britain and now before they are
forced to, or get found dead in the street one morning maybe.

There are people on here that think because I condone Christianity above
many other religions that I am some sort of God Squad Christian fanatic. I
am not in terms of if there is a God or not is not important to me at least
while I am alive and well. However I do believe in Christian values and the
laws which have stemmed from them.
There was a TV program on here in the UK over Christmas unfortunately I
missed it but in that program it stated that Jesus had an older Brother
called James so this fly's in the faith of Catholics and the virgin birth.

An other thing I don't like about muslims and Jews is the way they kill
their animals which in this day and age should not be allowed in Europe or
the USA it should be illegal and as such all muslims would have to become
vegetarians, start eating our meat or sod off out of Europe back to their
sand pit.

In Britain it is illegal to kill a swan, they are the property of the crown
and as such protected. The majority of British people know this and abide by
this law. Last year a muslin man that has lived here in the UK for about 20
years killed a swan in broad daylight. He did this in front of a group of
school children at one of our sea side holiday resorts, and the way he chose
to kill it was with a knife and also by biting it in the neck.
When the man was arrested he still had white feathers in his beard, in my
opinion this guy should not be in the UK now. I am sad to say due to our
stupid bend over backwards to islamic moron laws which have been introduced
by this labour party lead by the dick head Tony Blair, this vile insult to
humanity is still walking our streets. When this muslim creature was taken
to court he said " I do not believe in your laws and **** the Queen and ****

What nice people muslims are then there is also France were over a 14 month
period over 100,000 cars have been burnt out, mainly by islamics complaining
at how they are being treated over there.
Ask your self this are they not treated a particular way because they are
not wanted!
The sooner muslims have that 10 W bulb in their skulls light up and realise
they are not wanted the better.

There is not one thing I have heard about muslims that is good, do you know
how they show their dis-like of our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, they
crap in their own hands and throw it at the soldiers.

Then we have muslims working in our hospitals who refuse to clean their
hands because the hand cleaner has alcohol in it.


