Re: what a POS lying spamming trolling asshole COWARD alias is!



Alias is a POS lying spamming trolling asshole COWARD!<span style="color:blue">
> Frank wrote:<span style="color:green">
>> Alias wrote:<span style="color:darkred">
>>> On Aug 4, 5:08 pm, Frank <f...@ber.csa> wrote:
>>>> Alias wrote:
>>>>> On Aug 4, 4:53 pm, FB <f...@iku.csa> wrote:
>>>>>> alias, the sheep-****ing **** sucking son of a cheap whore wrote:
>>>>>> <--deleted the lying bullshit as a public service--->
>>>>>> Go **** yourself asshole!
>>>>> Make me.
>>>> Give me your real nym & addy **** sucker.
>>> Make me.
>>>> Oops!...forgot that you're a ****ing COWARD!!!
>>> This from the coward who was a no show three times.
>> Keep telling yourself that lie and maybe you might begin to believe
>> it, but no one else in here believes it.
>> You're sick in your empty head sheep-****er!
> This from the sorry assed excuse for a human being coward that was a no
> show three times.</span>

Wanna meet me in person?...Hahahahah...Oops!!!...Hahahaha...COWARD!!!