On Thu, 01 Jan 2009 16:42:43 GMT, "Leon" <wordswordsNOSPAM@att.net>
>"metro-golden-meower" wrote..
>> "Leon" <wordswordsNOSPAM@att.net> wrote:
>>>One of the advantages of old age (and there aren't many, believe me) is
>>>ability to get away with talking to strangers without risk of physical
>>>assault. When someone with a full cart is in front of me in the "Express
>>>Lane -- 10 Items or Less", I feel free to say to the person behind me,
>>>"Either (s)he can't read or (s)she can't count" in a loud enough voice for
>>>the transgressor to hear. It doesn't do much good, but it gives me
>>>satisfaction to watch their backs stiffen. Wouldn't pop an old geezer in
>>>snoot, woodja?
>> ****! noone told me you had to be old to do that. i do that anyway,
>> but then again, i'm 6' tall and from all accounts scary lookin'.
>My company had a security guard who was 6'10" tall and weighed about 350
>pounds. He wore dreadlocks and a scowl when on duty. Someone asked me if he
>was as tough as he looked, and I truthfully replied that I never saw him
>acting tough. People did what he told them to, without arguing. His "Move
>along, please," was extremely effective at clearing a corridor.
by the sound of him, it sounds like he'd have to clear it just to get
down it.