Re: When in doubt "immigrants"can buy fake Green cards within six hours, acceded to by the Bush admi

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On Oct 9, 7:53 am, Ted <> wrote:
> On Oct 8, 3:57 pm, gringogirl <> wrote:
> > Hispanic Couple accused of making fake green cards
> > By Milt Gun / New England News Service
> > Sunday, September 18, 2005

> > BOSTON -- Federal authorities this week filed criminal complaints
> > against a Framingham couple accused of running a "same-day service"
> > producing fake resident alien "green cards."

> > Jaime Costa and Marie Antonia, whose last name was unknown at the time
> > the criminal complaints were filed, both of 37 Freeman St.,
> > Framingham, are accused of making and selling counterfeit green cards,
> > which are work permits, at their 37 Freeman St., Framingham,
> > residence.

> > The criminal complaints filed in U.S. District Court by federal agents
> > allege the couple sold seven phony green cards, each bearing submitted
> > photos, fictitious names and false Social Security numbers, to
> > undercover government witnesses.

> > According to a federal agent's affidavit attached to the complaint, a
> > confidential informant advised agents that Costa was running a
> > business producing bogus green cards within hours after accepting
> > orders. Costa's phone number was provided, and the agents arranged for
> > an informant to contact Costa and arrange for the production of a
> > counterfeit green card and Social Security card.

> > The phone conversation was recorded and the informant was outfitted
> > with a concealed tape recorder he wore to an April 20 meeting at
> > Costa's residence. During the meeting, Costa obtained the name, date
> > of birth and signature of the purported client and took a photograph
> > of him with an instant camera. The finished cards were provided six
> > hours later to the informant by a woman at the residence who explained
> > that Costa was unavailable.

> > The woman, who identified herself as Marie Antonia, collected the
> > agreed-upon $120 payment and walked the client to the door. A similar
> > second controlled purchase, this time for three sets of cards with
> > photos provided by the government informant, occurred on May 4 when
> > Maria provided the finished cards seven hours later and collected
> > $360, federal authorities said. A third purchase for three more fake
> > cards occurred July 25 by Costa in the presence of Maria Antonia.

> > Both suspects are expected to appear before a federal magistrate later
> > this month, accused of knowingly transferring illegally manufactured
> > government identification documents.

> >

> > following article was translated from Spanish so this is why there are
> > question marks through out the article

> > Fake papers, a serious crime
> > Articles
> > by Mario Guevara, The Atlanta Latino, MArch 24, 2005
> > An increased use of fake documents by undocumented immigrants [illegal
> > aliens] has placed police departments throughout the state on high
> > alert.
> > Most people obtain fake green cards and Social Security cards in order
> > to get jobs, and some hiring companies as well as agencies that cash
> > worker paychecks are well aware of this fact.
> > However, since the use of these documents is a crime, being caught
> > with them can cause big problems with the law.
> > And not everybody who gets ?los chuecos? uses them simply to get
> > honest work. Various cases have come to light where criminals have
> > used them for identification.
> > Such is the case with Javier Cisneros, who killed two brothers in East
> > Point in 2003. Authorities aren?t ruling out the possibility that
> > Cisneros, who is using a fake green card and Social Security number,
> > may be using an alias as well, since people who apply for these
> > documents can request that their name appear on them as well.
> > For Antonio Gomez, it only took three hours after negotiating the
> > price of the papers to become a ?legal resident?.
> > It all started at a strip mall on Buford Highway, one of the state?s
> > major thoroughfares with the highest concentration of Hispanics and
> > Asians.
> > A group of four Spanish-speaking individuals who were loitering
> > outside one of the locations in the mall approached Gomez and asked
> > him if he wanted something in particular.
> > ?Looking for something, buddy? I can get you the ?mica? (green card)
> > at a good price and fast, too,? was the offer given to Gomez, who then
> > asked how much it was and was told, to his surprise, that it would
> > cost $150.
> > After some haggling between the buyer and the seller, they agreed on
> > $120 for the documents, which included photography and lamination
> > fees....
> > To Gomez?s understanding, the leader of the group, which was made up
> > of six individuals, rarely has direct contact with his ?clients,? and
> > hires others to serve as intermediaries.
> > According to the DeKalb County Police Department records, this type of
> > transaction occurs every day in various parts of the county, but what
> > many of those applying for fake papers don?t know is that if you are
> > caught using these documents by undercover agents, you can serve a 2
> > to 10 year prison term without a bond.
> > Officer Frank Figueroa, liaison of Latin American Affairs for the
> > DeKalb County Police, has dealt with various document rings that have
> > been busted, but since this business is so profitable, they regroup
> > frequently.
> > ?This is a very lucrative business for these con artists, so they don?
> > t stop breaking the law,? says Figueroa. ?They really don?t want to
> > help people, they want to make money off of exploiting their
> > needs.?...
> > According to Figueroa, undocumented individuals are better off looking
> > for work without buying false papers.
> > ?Using false documents is a federal crime,? says Figueroa. ?If you
> > have a fake green card, you have to appear before an immigration
> > court, and if you have a fake Social Security card you have to appear
> > before a federal court. The issuing agency is the one that prosecutes
> > you.?
> > Figueroa says that in some cases the number on a fake Social Security
> > card coincides with the number on an original Social Security card
> > somewhere else, which carries more serious charges since in these
> > cases identity theft is involved.
> > Read the complete article.

> And the swine in Washington DC dared to tell us they can run a "Guest
> Worker" program!
> ted

As with a lot of the things that have gone bad in this country since
GW Bush has taken office, voila! Blame Bush! Without him there would
not have been 9/11/01, the $550+B (and climbing) for the Iraq and
Afghanistan "occupations", the neglect of helping the Gulf Coast areas
recuperate from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita,.... The list goes on and
on and on.

Bush is a very staunch advocate of keeping as many illegals here in
the states as he can. Just so his big, fat, ugly, rich Repuglinut
friends and get even bigger, fatter, uglier, richer and Repulsive!