Re: Where's my babygirl, Kali?


dave hillstrom

On Fri, 20 Apr 2007 16:20:20 -0400, Undercover Brother
<> wrote:

>dave hillstrom wrote:
>> On Fri, 20 Apr 2007 08:21:35 -0400, Daedalus <>
>> wrote:
>>>On Thu, 19 Apr 2007 16:46:13 -0400, The NYC Kid
>>><> wrote:
>>>>Daedalus wrote:
>>>>>On Thu, 19 Apr 2007 15:13:50 -0400, The NYC Kid
>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>Daedalus wrote:
>>>>>>>On 18 Apr 2007 19:29:43 GMT, ThePsyko <>
>>>>>>>>On 18 Apr 2007 I stormed the castle called sci.psychology.psychotherapy
>>>>>>>>and heard Daedalus cry out in
>>>>>>>>>On 18 Apr 2007 19:22:46 GMT, ThePsyko <>
>>>>>>>>>>On 18 Apr 2007 I stormed the castle called
>>>>>>>>>>sci.psychology.psychotherapy and heard Kali cry out in
>>>>>>>>>>>In <>, NYC Kid
>>>>>>>>>>> said:
>>>>>>>>>>>: C'mon out girl. IT's all clear. Big NYC Kid gots yo back. No
>>>>>>>>>>>: punkass is gonna mess with you now. I'm packin too so **** them
>>>>>>>>>>>: niggas.
>>>>>>>>>>>Funny, I thought you were the one I needed protection from .
>>>>>>>>>>>: Yous looking hot in that pic. Smokin hot. Girl I wanna lick you
>>>>>>>>>>>: up and down like lollipop. treat you right so I can tap that ass.
>>>>>>>>>>>: Know what I'm sayin.
>>>>>>>>>>>Yes, I believe I do, but you're not my type. ThePsyko is way
>>>>>>>>>>>more my type than you are. Sorry, but that's the way it is.
>>>>>>>>>>>May I suggest Hoofprints as a possible object of your
>>>>>>>>>>>affections? She just broke up with someone.
>>>>>>>>>Yeah, but on who?
>>>>>>>>Who cares.. as long as I don't have to see em naked! (teh lovely Kali
>>>>>>>>and yourself excepted of course!!)
>>>>>>>Teh flattery will get you everywhere.
>>>>>>**** that player, Jade. He ain't ****. When you wanna be satisified,
>>>>>>call THE NYC KID. 100% satisifcation guarantteed.
>>>>>>My **** is like THAT.
>>>>>>Lemme ask you something. You ever had a man go down on you for an hour
>>>>>>or two? Make you gush like a fire hydrant? I'm like that.
>>>>>Of course!
>>>>>Lemme ask you something. Have you ever had a phone call in the middle
>>>>>of the afternoon and somebody is asking for "Joe" and you tell them
>>>>>they got the wrong number and then they call back like a minute later
>>>>>and you say "Hey Joe just showed up here after you called me last
>>>>>time." and you try to make your voice sound all deep and gruff, even
>>>>>though you're a woman, and you say "hey, this is Joe, how you doin?"
>>>>>and the person on the other end says "Whatever" real disgusted like
>>>>>and hangs up?
>>>>>I'm like that.
>>>>What you tryin to say girl? You wanna be on top? It's all good. Get
>>>>on the night train!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
>>>I gotta get to know you.
>>>What are your hopes and dreams?


>Don't be movin in on my bitch, yo. I'll **** you up.

from hundreds of miles away? HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAAAAAAA

hell, ~you~ dont even own a car!!! you dont even have BUS FARE!!!!


dave hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj

this signature is NOT for mimus. so there.

but it is for hatchetmama and shirley and smee.